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Receta (recipe) resipi

Season chicken with salt and pepper (sison chiken wit solt and peiper)

Sprinkle (rociar) esprencol

Cup (Cortar) cap

Chopped (cortar en pedazos grandes) chap

Diced (cortar en pedazos medianos) dais

Tomatoes (tomates) tumeios

Minced (cortar en pedacitos) mens

Add (añadir) ad

Slice (cortar en tajadas) eslais

Half an onion (media cebolla)

Grated (rayar) greid

Ground (molido) graund

One and a half tablespoons (una cucharada y media) tibuspoons

One teaspoon (una cucharadita) (uan tispum)

Salt (sal) sool

One pinch of salt (una pisca de sal) uan pench of sool

Mix well (mezcla bien) mex well

Stir well

Heat oil on a pan (calentar aceite en una sarten) girol on a pen


4 chicken breasts, cooked and cut into small pieces

3 tablespoons oil

1 red pepper chopped

1 clove garlic crushed

1 white onion chopped

3 rice cups

6 water cups

2 diced vegetables cups (carrots, peas, beans)

1 cube of chicken stock

Seasoning and salt to taste


Place oil in a large


Over low


Fry the chopped pepper, garlic and white onion and stir until they turn golden color

Add 6 cups of water, chopped vegetables, chicken breasts, the chicken bouillon cube, seasoning
salt to taste

Add 3 cups of rice, stir well is important

Stir and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes or until rice is dry

Once the rice has absorbed all the water cover the pan and cook over low heat for 40 – 60
minutes until rice is tender

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