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Saint John’s College Junior College Lesson Plan

Subject: Social Studies Date: February 8, 2020 Duration: 45 minutes Grade: Standard 6

Unit Topic: People and Events that shaped Belize Lesson Topic: Early Maya Civilizations

Learning Outcome Number(s): 48.1 Develop a timeline showing the main time periods of early Maya Civilization.

Connections/Linkages: Drama(Create a script based on an original story idea)

Students' Previous Knowledge & Experience:

Students know who the Mayans are from a previous class discussion.
Lesson Objective:

Using a script, the entire standard 6 class will be able to accurately develop a timeline showing the main time
periods of early Maya Civilization.
Materials and Texts: Sources of Information:

-Timeline on Maya Civilization Maya Civilization Timeline

- Youtube video
Timeline of Maya Cultural Events in Northern Belize
The Mayas of Belize- Belize Culture

Lesson Content:

Skills: Engaging in class discussions, acting out a part from a script, working in large groups
Attitudes: Interest in the lives of the Mayan civilization, willingness to participate in dramatization

Suggested Activities/Procedures:
Introductory Activities (10 mins.):

-Students will watch “The Mayas of Belize- Belize Culture”.

-Students will then engage in a class discussion on the video.

Developmental Activities/Procedures (25 mins.): Students will:

-Students will reviewhave available the timeline of Maya cultural/historical events in Northern Belize.

- Engage in discussion and answer questions using the ____________________ method.

-The students will then work with the teacher to create a script to show the timeline.

Culmination & Closure (10 mins.):

-The students will then dramatize the timeline from the script in class.

Homework (if applicable)


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