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NAME: Dereck Webb       DATE: 2/9/2021-2/12/201   SCHOOL: IOE

FACILITIES: Zoom   CLASS SIZE: 15-25            
GRADE: K-5         
EQUIPMENT: Personal Space
FOCUS OF LESSON: Reaction time/fitness
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(C): SWBAT Identify 2 fitness activities that can help them stay healthy outside of class when asked during the
closure of class (SHAPE S3.E1.K/1/2)

(P): SWBAT Demonstrate fitness skills by doing exercises for 15 seconds in the first activity. (SHAPE

(A): SWBAT Apply class rules and expectations during class by following directions without being talked to by
the teacher more than once. (SHAPE S4.E1.K)

Check each objective:  Is it specific? Is it achievable?  Is it developmentally appropriate?

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson, the teacher will:

1. Use 3 various class management techniques to keep the student engaged: pinpoints, positive feedback,
and asking the student to demonstrate throughout the lesson
2. Demonstrate effective teaching behaviors by establishing and reinforcing rules throughout the lesson

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns?  What is unique about the students in
this class?

Protocols: 3, 2, 1 Freeze. students should respond by staying still and quiet and Ready, Go! It’s
important for students to know about self-space because it will help students stay safe and away from anything
in their room. Students will pay attention and not talk while I am talking. All students are unique in their own
way with different skill sets and abilities. Focusing on how students act out and quickly fixing their actions can
help them focus and improve their skills.

The class will start with a quick check-in to see how students are doing today. They can hold their
thumbs up, to the side, or down. Students can raise their hands to share with the class and then they will have to
go back on mute. After a few students share we will then start our first Ninja activity.
Activity 1- Ninja
Students will stand up and away from their computer and show that they have personal space by
swinging their arms around. I will then explain that the students have to follow along to this ninja activity so we
can defeat the virus. After the video starts and explains the first round I will reiterate that students will want to
collect the fruit to gain power and to kick the virus. After each round is completed I will give positive feedback
to the class. For the second round I will explain to students that they will have to eat the healthy food, avoid the
candy and kick the virus. In the third round they will have to eat the healthy food and kick the orange virus and
avoid the candy and slice the blue virus. In the final round we will have to jump on the virus and use our super
power to kill the virus.

When transitioning to the next activity I will lead a breathing exercise so we are able to calm down.
Students will know that taking deep breaths is a way to slow down our heart rate so we won’t be out of breath.

Activity 2- Musical Zoom

In this activity, students will follow along with the teacher to do an exercise with the music and when the
music stops they will have to turn and leave their camera quickly. We will have a few practice rounds so
students can get up and get moving. We will change the exercise each round. After a few rounds we will go to a
breakout room to play a competition where students will have to turn off their camera when the music is off.
The last person will be eliminated and sent back to the main class. We will pay until we have one winner.

When transitioning to the next activity I will lead a breathing exercise so we are able to calm down.
Students will know that taking deep breaths is a way to slow down our heart rate so we won’t be out of breath.

Water Break
Students will have 1-2 minutes to get water before continuing class. There will be a timer on the screen
so the students know how much time is left in the break.

The teacher will ask questions to see if any students had strategies to win the competition and if they can
tell why they need to know these physical fitness outside of class. (to play sports, with friends, to stay healthy)

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