Critical Journal English Curriculum and Material Development-Jonni Hendika Harianja

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Nur Hidayat, “Developing E-Reading Materials for Students of Grade Seven”. Journal of
English Educators Society, 2017; Nurul Afidah, “Designing E-Reading Material for the First
Grade of senior High School.” Eduscope,2020, Reviewed by Jonni Hendika Harianja.

Those articles was a study about the e-reading material development for the
stduents of grade seven. This is an ananlysis about the students reading skill
comprehension which based on the deman of the curriculum 2013 especially the use of
technology as meda of learning. The use of technology gives benefits to the students and
teachers by using this methods because students and teachers will be able to use
technology as the platform to study and on top of that, the use of electronic media, such as
computer can create an interesting learning-methods. In this paper, article summary, critical
reflections as well as the comments about the article and suggestions to the issue being raised
are precisely presented.


Both of the articles entitled “Developing E-Reading Materials for Students of Grade
Seven” and “Designing E-Reading Material for the First Grade of senior High School” mainly
discuss about the e-reading material development to ensure the students comprehension
especially in reading skill through electoronic media. In this article presented that there are
some ways to construct the material such as: developing the electronic material,
constructing from many resources and put the reading texts, vocabularry list, video,
dictionary, animations, games and task according the syllabus. The process of the making
of e-reading material. In developing the material, the researcher used some programs to
design the material, test items, and the animation. The findings and discussion of this
research are also presented and showed that 81% students like the english, 87,8% of
students are familiar with computer and 87,8% of the students like to learn through
electronic media. There are also presented some evaluation from experts that presented in
table to make sure that the media can be revised better.


These articles are the study on how to develop the teaching material in classroom
but not in conventional way, in this article readers will wee the e-reading material
development to achieve the demand of the study and as one of the implementation of the
curriculum 2013. In this case, the teacher will learn the methods, strategy or ways to build
the material and the classroom needs. The reviewer tried to analyse and compare two
articles with the same contents especially in e-reading material development. The writers
chose this article to be reviewed because the writer as a teacher candidate, thinks that this
is such a core and basic competency to master in order to be a professional teacher in the
future. Both of the article mainly discuss the same stress which is about how to develop a
good e-reading material in class and what should the material consists of.

The method used in both articles are R and D, descriptive qualitative study with
interview technique by choosing the appropriate informants. The researher ask some
students of junior high schol, it is very effective method since the researcher will get the
real result from the students and having tests, the students would show their
comprehension. Both of the articles have the same stress which utilizing the technology as
the media or reading material. The instrument used in the both reseacrh are same, and
even the stages of the research are same. The difference between the explanation of the
text is, the first article shows the table of aspect that should be revised and the students
opinion about the product.

After analysing both of the articles, the reviewers found some strengths and
weakness from both of the book. To begin with, the reviewers will explain some
weaknesses of the first article. After reading the article, the researcher did not explain
clearly the real sample of the product so that the readers will be able to analyze the product
of e-reading that being researched while the second article has presented a clear
information, stages and the result yet still using the materials that were developed from
KTSP. On top of that, both of the articles have a good content, the first article provides a
clear information about how to develop the material by explaining the concept and the how
it is correlated to the syllabus and the deman of the curriculum. The article also provides
about some essential aspects in material development and how it is revised in to be a
better media. It also shows the goal of this kind of media which is to not only help the
students improving their reading skills, but also the students ability in utilizing the
technology. It is very important to know that the material must provide the children the
needs, the demand and the concept that can help the students to not only academically
well-prepared but also good at soft skills. So the process and the content of the teaching
material must be set in to a good plan.

The reviewers believe that both of the book have a good content and explanation in
helping the teachers develop the teaching material and it is very recommended for teacher
candidates. As the reviewers recommendations, the reviewer The writers suggests that this
study to be carried out to wider field so that teachers candidate would understand and
trying the teaching development.


The reviewer thinks that this knowledge is very helpful for teacher candidates to set
the effective and efficient material in language teaching. Not only this knowledge will ease
the teacher but also will help the students to learn effectively. The reviewer does Agree
with the authors of the books and suggests that this study to be carried out to wider field so
that the teacher candidates will understand and showing a better implementation in the
real educational environment.


Bloomsbury ,Freda Mishan and Ivor Timmis have presented clear information
related to the english language teaching development to help the teacher candidates in
setting an effective way in language-teaching process. The language is a basic knowledge of
human beings, so, the material should be set appropriately and it can help the teacher in
teaching as well as the students in learning.

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