Open Reflection

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Open Project Reflection

Poems are one of the most ambiguous ways of carrying a moral or lesson. The stanza of the poem from
the literary analysis to the reading strategy is all formed to create a story that usually fills a single page.
In Mr. Blair's class we have read countless amounts of poems to the point where when I would speak
my sentence would rhyme. It has taught me to have a different perspective on what I see and think
because what might seem true could be completely wrong. However, regardless of the poems, I will
read in the future there will always be one that will stick with me, in the company of it being engraved
in my compass, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.

" I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and
I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference".This is stanza 4 of the poem
"The Road Not Taken", this part of the poem is what made me relate to the feeling of hope without
regret. To put into consideration, 8th grade was the year I would work the hardest to go somewhere
that would take care of my future. Now that I made it to my dream high school yet my future remains
unclear, however when I look back in years personally I would love to see young fourteen-year-old
Isabel working harder than ever throughout jr high & high school. And laugh at my younger self,
knowing there was no need to worry about if I was going to make my parents proud, teachers but
mostly myself.

The two roads I started with were Saint Charles or Castle park, now it was a struggle to leave my
friends & the reputation of being one of the highest students, however, I made that sacrifice to go to
Saint Charles then nevertheless I had made a family & my grades were still A's although I was
challenged. In addition, there will be several more roads ahead and with the tools I was given with Mr.
Blair's hand, I'll be ready to go down any path.

The SLE of knowledge would be related towards this project. This poem has impacted my perspective
along with shaping the ideal image of the role model I want to become. In addition, with being aware
of the freedom to decide whichever path to will hopefully establish an impactful decision in my life for
my future ahead.

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