BSBDIV501 Assignment Activity: This Study Resource Was

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Manage diversity in the workplace

Assignment Activity

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HsiaoChi Wu (Shane)
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Activity 1

If your workplace already has a diversity policy, then locate that policy and
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attach a copy of that policy to this assignment. (You may need to seek the

permission of your supervisor first) If you current workplace does not have a

written diversity policy, then locate a diversity policy from a large Australian

company and attach to this assignment.

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Activity 2

Give a brief status report on the diversity in your current or chosen workplace.

Are there areas of the business that have a gender imbalance? Is your

workplace Family Friendly? Does the business embrace the values of diversity

or not really think about diversity much at all? How could diversity be


This is the activity one from earlier in the student resource. Now you have

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completed the training, you will need to update and add to the information

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you gave at that previous activity. rs e
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In my workplace, we don’t have gender imbalance, everyone follow the same standard and
all the members look after each other. We even share our lunch together, and experienced
members look after new members.
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We also encourage all the members to share their ideas with the wider business and be
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heard, and this will be the part that we ensure a variety of different perspectives.
Since diversity in the workplace means that employees will have different characteristics
and backgrounds, they are also more likely to have a variety of different skills and
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Consequently, employees in a company with higher workplace diversity will have access
to a variety of different perspectives, which is highly beneficial when it comes to planning
and executing a business strategy.
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Activity 3

How can you as a manager encourage and support diversity in your

workplace? What actions can you take? What programs can you introduce?
One of my choice is be aware of unconscious bias, because building awareness is a first step
towards real change. To educate employee by helping them to understand how individuals
are impacted by unconscious bias, and what action continue to reinforce unconscious bias.
In order to build awareness and address unconscious bias, I would encourage every
employee to review, question and analyze their own personal potential biases and

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Activity 4

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For your current workplace:
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1. Identify two job positions, which would be handled by a person with a

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disability who uses a wheelchair.

2. Explain what special facilities or special workplace changes need to be in

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place so that a worker would be able to work in your workplace.

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Activity 5

Choose one federal or state law regarding discrimination, human rights or

diversity in the workplace. Tell us about that law and what that law is trying to

Racial Discrimination Act 1975
The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 gives effect to Australia's obligations under the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Its major
objectives are to promote equality before the law for all persons, regardless of their race,
color or national or ethnic origin, and make discrimination against people on the basis of
their race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin unlawful.

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Activity 6

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Case study:

You currently have a young staff member from a non-English speaking

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background in your department. You have discussed duties with them and

have asked them to complete a particular task.

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They have agreed enthusiastically to undertake the task. You ask whether they

will be able to undertake the task as agreed and they confirm that they can do
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this. As you are making your way through the building you stop to observe

them and realize that they have not understood what you have asked them to


Answer the following questions:

1. In what ways, other than using verbal instruction, can you manage this
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situation? Explain how and why you think each way will work.
Demonstration is the most common form of coaching and the advantage of a
demonstration is that the person can see and feel the task and product, in a real
workplace situation. On the other hand, trainer could see and feel the final product as
2. What systems could you put in place or help could you give this employee

to follow instructions better in the future?

In my opinion, I would choose the buddy system. The buddy system is a procedure in
which experienced person and less experience person operate together as a single unit
so that they are able to monitor and help each other. In this system that we could ensure
that the work is finished safely or the skill would transfer effectively from the

experienced person to the less experienced person.

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Activity 7

Choose an area, team or department of your workplace that currently has low

diversity and outline plans and actions you could take to increase diversity

over a period of time.

Activity 8

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Detail the conflict resolution procedures in place at your current workplace

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and discuss if you think these procedures work well or if there is room for

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improvement. Suggest any possible improvements to the system.
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