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Emotions in Art
Art Work Preparation
1. Circle the emotion you are feeling right now:

Upset Excited Surprised Screaming Happy Angry

Tired Proud Silly Furious Calm Confused

2. Symbols and colors can connect with different emotions for all people, no matter where
you live or where you are from! Learn how colors and shapes relate to emotions below.


Red – anger, frustration, stubbornness Triangle – sharp sides connect

Orange – hot-headed, aggressive, impulsive to aggression, danger, not balanced
Yellow – playful, friendly, kind, funny, fun
Gold – accomplished, proud Circle – smooth sides connect to
Green – peaceful, healthy, fresh softness, playful, positive, energetic,
Blue – cool, calm, positive happy
Purple – quiet, still, royalty
Black – deep, heavy, mysterious Square – shapes connected to
Brown – grounded, strong lightness building and stability, strength,
White – connection, peaceful dependability

Shapes and symbols that represent you or your emotion for your artwork:

Colors that represent your emotion for your artwork:

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© 2007 - 2021
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Emotions in Art
Now it is time to draw and design, but first:
Take a moment to pause…

Feel three deep breaths…

Now, create your own artwork, using your chosen shapes and colors above that
express emotions you may be feeling.

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© 2007 - 2021

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