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Updated- 3/1/2020

Assistive Technology Process

SETT Framework

IU Office Use
Lead Contact:
Date Received:
Option Selected:

Updated- 3/1/2020

The IU19 Assistive Technology Process offers 4 options when looking at Assistive Technology for a student…

Option A: The team requires a SETT meeting to occur due to the complexity of the student’s needs. A collaborative meeting will
occur with the entire team to assist in multiple layers of access for Assistive Technology. With option A, two observations by IU AT
Consultants will occur. The team will then meet to discuss multiple layers of Assistive Technology that would be beneficial for the
student. IU AT Consultants will be available to then assist in acquiring devices for trial periods. IU AT Consultant will schedule
classroom consults and classroom trainings for the devices, if needed. The IU AT Consultant will be available for one-on-one work with
the student and the assistive technology being trialed. IU AT Consultants will be available for data collection consultations and

Option B: The team is aware of what the student needs are pertaining to Assistive Technology. The team has some understanding
of Assistive Technology but would like the IU AT Contact to consult on options and possibilities. The IU AT Consultant will observe the
student and meet with the teacher/staff/other to look at possible options pertaining to Access/AAC Assistive Technology. IU AT
Consultants will then assist in acquiring devices for trial periods. IU AT Consultant will schedule classroom consults and classroom
trainings for the devices, if needed. The IU AT Consultant can be available for one-on-one work with the student and the assistive
technology being trialed. IU AT Consultants can be available for data collection consultations and assistance.

Option C: The team has a clear understanding of what assistive technology device/service is needed. The team would like to use the
IU AT Consultant to acquire loan devices for trials. IU AT Consultants will be available to assist in pulling from state-wide lending
libraries or, if available, lending an item from the IU19 Lending Library. If the team decides to borrow from the IU19 Lending Library,
they will choose option C and state what device they are borrowing on page 3. The IU Consultant can be available for classroom
consultation, one-to-one work with the student, or implementation. No prior observations will be necessary. IU AT Consultants can be
available for data collection consultations and assistance.

Option D: The team has a clear understanding of what Assistive Technology is being used/trialed and will use IU19 Assistive
Technology Process form for documentation purposes for IEP planning, programming, development, programming modifications, and
specially designed instruction (SDI). IU AT Consultants can be available for data collection consultations and assistance.

All options can be tailored to what the vision and planning needs are in district, as per LEA request.

Updated- 3/1/2020
NEIU 19 Request for Assistive Technology Consultation
By completing and submitting the request, the team is committing to the process of exploring a student’s need for assistive technology across educational environments.

Student Information
Date of Birth/Age:      
District of Residence:      
Grade/Educational Placement:      
IEP Implementation Date:      

*Option C: What is the device you will be borrowing from IU19 Lending Library:___________________________________________________

* Option C: What is the device you want to borrowing from state-wide lending libraries:_____________________________________________

Required Dates
Current ER or RR Date:      
Current IEP Date:      

What specialized programing, if any, does the student receive? (ie reading, math, behavioral, social skills, etc?)

Updated- 3/1/2020

Team Members (if known, please indicate with an asterisk [*] those team members’ names who will be attending the meeting following the AT

Role Name Email Phone

District Administrator (LEA)                  
Building Principal                  
*Lead Teacher/Therapist                  
General Education Teacher                  
Special Education Teacher                  
Speech-Language Pathologist                  
Building Technology Contact                  
Occupational Therapist                  
Physical Therapist                  
Teacher of VI/Blind                  
Teacher of Deaf/HH                  
*Assistive Technology Consultant Molly Weber (AAC) 570-876-9201
BT Lively (Access) 570-876-9244

Updated- 3/1/2020
LEA/Liaison Review & Approval

If the student is at an intermediate unit run school, the Special Education Director of the
Student district AND the IU Building Supervisor must both sign this page.

The LEA’s name, email and information must be completed.

Electronic Signature:

(If the student is at an IU run building)

Intermediate Unit building Supervisor:
Electronic Signature:

*Incomplete requests or those that have not been reviewed by a school district administrator will be returned

Once packet is fully completed, along with teacher/parent input forms, please scan/e-mail or mail to your AT Consultant:
Email- Molly Weber
Mail- Attn: Molly Weber TAC Assistive Technology, 1200 Line St. Archbald PA, 18403
For any further questions regarding the IU19 Assistive Technology Process, please call Molly at 570-876-9201

Updated- 3/1/2020
The SETT Framework – Collaborate Considerations *This will be filled out during a SETT meeting
Questio Student – What are the Environment – Where are the Tasks – What must the student do Tools – What no-tech, low-tech,
ns student’s strengths and needs noted? Who teaches or to meet lesson or IEP goals? What and high-tech tools have been used
needs? supports the student in these do peers do in comparison? or considered?




need to
want to


do we

  © Joy Zabala, 2001. PERMISSION GRANTED TO USE IF CREDITS ARE RETAINED. Please provide feedback on effectiveness and suggestions for modifications/revisions by email to

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