The Far Away Brother Questions

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The Far Away Brother Questions

My overall impression of the book was that it’s a good book if you want to read about the life of
a Latino who wants to cross the border and how they live and struggle they have to go through. I
wouldn’t say that the book impacted me because I understand their struggle and hearing other
people tell me their story makes me feel like I got a better understanding of the struggle. I didn’t
get a new perspective but it affirmed my prior views because I already know how difficult it can
be to just cross to the north or how other people struggle. The feelings that the book invoked I
would say was grateful for how my life and how lucky I am. A quote I found compelling was
“Rural braced himself to be punched and kicked into submission, as cops sometimes did in El
Salvador'' (PG 146) I found this interesting because it gives us a look at how brutal the police are
in El Salvador. I would say I can connect with the twins' story the most when they went to a new
school and didn’t speak the language or know anybody. Growing up Spanish was my first
language that I learned and spoke the most so when I started school I had a hard time learning
the language and making sense of all the subjects. I feel like the author did a good job on telling
the twins' story and all the struggles they had to go through to come to the south. I think that the
author ended the book very well as she ended it by showing the twins all grown up and telling us
about their family. I think this was great because we got a summary and stories about the twins'

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