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Picture These ~~~ o 7 2010

- - · o~ .us-


Philip Geer and Susan Geer

Illustrated by Bob Bourdeaux




eating and drinking in
moderation; restricted
to bare necessities
Picture this:
Ab's steamy us UNIT 1

~ J
It'-s bread and water ~ ...;
for thi-s famil!:f
from now on!


Ab's steamy with us when

he tells us to be abstemious.

• After feasting on Thanksgiving Day, I became abstemious

for a few days, so I lost some of the weight I had put on.

• Medical experts say that a fairly abstemious lifestyle is

advisable for good health.

• Models often must be abstemious in order to avoid

gaining weight.
abstract abstruse
difficult to
not concrete; theoretical

Picture this: Picture this :

Ab's tract* Ab's truce

Ab's grand tract of land

Ab, -stop

Ab,s tract is only abstract. Ab,s truce is too abstruse for the
ducks and their killer moose.

• Numbers are abstract, but they can be represented • Writers who are abstruse seldom are really popular.
by symbols.
• Many people find higher mathematics to be an abstruse
• The idea of infinity is an abstract concept that people have subject.
difficulty imagining.
• The astronomer Carl Sagan had a gift for making the
• When discussing abstract ideas such as truth, justice, and abstruse areas of his field understandable to the
freedom in an essay, you should give concrete examples to layperson.
illustrate your argument.

* A tract is an area of land.

acclaim accolade
applaud; announce
award of merit
with great approval

Picture this : Picture th i s:

a claim a coal aide

I can•t believe
Qld Geor~e What a feat
tlnaiiH gOt the for -someone
coun'fe-s-s• hand a-s o.ld and ugi,H
in marriage! !'!A~~ a-s h1m.

A remarkable

I achieve,ent!

They acclaim him for staking A coal aide receives an accolade.

a claim to her heart.

• Thomas A. Edison was acclaimed around the world for his • A Pulitzer Prize is one of the highest accolades that a writer
many useful inventions. can receive.

• Often it takes a talented new author many years to win the • Some writers achieve great popularity but never win
acclaim of readers and critics. accolades from literary critics.

• The principal acclaimed the winner of the Best Student of • Ms. Miller, this year's Teacher of the Year, says she works
the Year award and then gave him a prize. not for accolades but for the benefit of her students.

acknowled acau 1esce
recognize; agree without
admit protesting

Picture this: Picture this:

knowledge AquaS

I-sn't three !:fear-s in a row a bit much'?

What a bookworm.

More like ju-st a worm.

~~111, ~"';\ p
- ~~~
·-...-\ ~"""'
-~:},- c ~~


They always acknowledge her knowledge. ((The Aqua S pool.

You will acquiesce to its purchase!"

• Acknowledging our shortcomings is the first step to • Soldiers are expected to acquiesce to the orders of their
changing ourselves for the better. superior officers.

• Many writers acknowledge on a special dedication page the • Reluctantly, Linda acquiesced to Jim's wishes and went to
help that they've received in writing a book. the football game with him; to her surprise, she enjoyed it.

• The company acknowledged Mr. Smith's many years of • The company acquiesced to the union's demands after
service with a set of golf clubs. a twelve-week strike nearly bankrupted it.


adulation adversar
excessive flattery
or admiration

Picture this: Picture this:

a duel nation add verse* sari

.YtOld llutl Itt!\
Jib •

In a duel nation duelers receive adulation. An adversary who likes to add verse to her sari.

• Rock stars often receive widespread adulation for a short • Before committing her country to war, a wise leader
period of time. carefully sizes up the strength of the possible adversary.

• On some college campuses there are movements to place • During World War II, Japan found that the United States
less stress on intercollegiate athletics so that good students was a more powerful adversary than it had thought it
would receive as much adulation as good athletes. would be.

• After World War II, General Dwight D. Eisenhower received • For many years, Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier were
so much adulation for leading the Allies to victory that it regular adversaries in the boxing ring, fighting for the
helped him be elected president of the United States. heavyweight championship of the world.

* Verse is poetry.
R ___._
advers it advocate
hardship ;
misfortune argue in favor o f

Picture this : Picture this :

Adverse City ad vote Kate

Who vote-s Aye to thi-s ad
for vegetable right-s'?


Adversity in Adverse City. An ad vote by Kate to advocate vegetable rights.

• Some people believe that adversity improves the character, • The government of the United States advocates democracy
making one a stronger and more understanding person. as the best political system for all countries.

• During a war, civilians as well as soldiers usually experience • People who advocate increased immigration to Australia
adversity. argue that the country has enough resources to support far
more people than it does now.
• The stoic philosophers of ancient Greece believed that
facing adversity calmly is a great virtue. • The advocates of a higher minimum wage supported their
case by saying that it is nearly impossible for a person to
survive on the present minimum wage.
emory Check 1
aesthetic atch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
pertaining to
art or beauty acknowledge adversity abstract
1. knowledge 2. Adverse City _ 3. Ab's tract
Picture this:
S that tick accolade abstemious abstruse
4. a coal aide 5. Ab's steamy us _ 6. Ab's truce

acclaim adulation adversary

7. a claim 8. a duel nation 9. add verse sari

acquiesce aesthetic advocate

0. AquaS_ 11. S that tick 12. ad vote Kate

. eating and drinking in moderation g. recognize; admit

. agree without protesting h. not concrete
. argue in favor of i. pertaining to art or beauty
. applaud; announce with great approval j. opponent
. award of merit k. misfortune
difficult to understand 1. flattery; admiration

howtime 1
ill in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
at best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Oh beautiful S! That tick Sally enjoys visiting museums to look at art, while Peter enjoys
tickles the aesthetic sense! going to see realistic art.
a. interesting b. abstract c. abstemious d. ancient e. strange
• To be successful, an interior decorator needs to have a
well-developed aesthetic sense. M y _ sense is rather limited, so I wasn't confident about expressing
my view of the new sculpture.
• A well-designed house combines practical and aesthetic
a. aesthetic b. adversity c. lovely d. general e. abstruse
elements so that it is pleasing both to look at and to live in.
The students reforms in the student council that would give
• Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that studies such
them a greater voice in the running of the school, but the principal's
questions as what makes something beautiful.
reaction to their ideas has been only a vague statement.
a. advocated b. acquiesced c. acknowledged d. questioned e. hated

4. John Glenn won nationwide for being the first American to
orbit the Earth. affable
a. justice b. adversity c. acclaim d. joy e. laughter easily approachable ;
warmly friendly
5. that you need to lose weight by becoming in what
you eat. Picture this:
a. Acquiesce ..... abstract Af a bull UNIT 2
b. Admit .....abstruse
c. Require .... .larger
d. Show.. ...regular
e. Acknowledge ..... abstemious

6. My overcame tremendous and defeated me in my best

sport, tennis.
a. friend ..... acclaim
b. adversary..... adversity
c. accolade .....hardship
d. classmate ..... admiration
e. enemy..... adulation

7. The rock star was very happy after she won both the of her fans
and from music critics for her latest album.
a. acclaim ..... criticism
b. adulation ..... accolades
c. hatred ..... adulation
d. accolades ..... bitterness
e. attention .....weirdness Af, a bull so affable-his "bull mates"
think him laughable.
8. Although math is a (an) and difficult subject for me, I _ __
to my father's order to study it every day. • Judges at beauty contests often choose one of the
a. simple ..... acquiesced contestants as the most affable. ·
b. abstract.. ... acclaimed
c. abstemious ..... acknowledged • People who work in sales are frequently affable individuals
d. easy..... agreed who enjoy talking to many types of people.
e. abstruse ..... acquiesced
• The young teacher was so affable he became his students'
friend but lost their respect.
affirmation ate
declaring something to be
true; positive statement total

Picture this: Picture this :

a firm mate a grey gate

There are going

to be -some big .. .
change-s aboar'!_~;
thi-s ve-s-sel!

A firm mate makes an affirmation. Beyond a grey gate lies the

aggregate wealth of Grey's estate.
• Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is an affirmation of our • The Roman Empire was an aggregate of many states under
loyalty to our country. the Emperor.

• Many religions require converts to make an affirmation of • The aggregate wealth of a country includes the assets of
belief in the teachings of their new religion. individuals, companies, and other organizations.

• Our principal, Mr. Delaney, asked each of us to make an • The aggregate strength of the various branches of the
affirmation of our determination to make our best effort U.S. armed services is immense.
in all our subjects.

alleviate aloof
rei ieve apart;
Picture this: Pi c ture this:
a leaf he ate a loofa

A leaf he ate to alleviate his hunger. A loofa being aloof.

• The United Nations is working to alleviate poverty in • Shy individuals usually like to remain aloof in large
the world. gatherings of people.

• Many people find that exercise is a good way to alleviate the • The new student was aloof for a few weeks, adjusting to
effects of stress. her new classmates.

• To alleviate traffic congestion, cities such as London and • Some managers remain aloof from their workers, while
Singapore impose a fee on motorists driving into downtown others prefer to be "one of the gang."
areas during busy periods.
altruistic ambi2UOUS
unselfishly generous; unclear or doubtful
concerned for others in meaning

Picture this: Picture this:

AI True his stick am big you us


AI True-his stick helps in selecting "Who should say (I am big.' You? Us?
those he's altruistic to. It's not ambiguous who is bigger!"

• When one country gives aid to another country it is

generally for reasons that are not entirely altruistic. • When writing an essay, try to avoid making ambiguous
• Many people are attracted to teaching for altruistic reasons
rather than financial ones. • The language used in advertising is often deliberately
• A mother's love is often cited as an example of altruism.
• Homonyms-words that sound the same but mean
different things-are sometimes ambiguous when used in
speech; pair/pare/pear is an example of this.

ambivalence amorohous
having contradictory formless; lacking
or conflicting emotional shape or definition
attitude s
Picture this: Pi cture this :
am Bea Valens amOrphous

I reaiiH don 1t like thi-s one . • • However1 on further

con-sideration .•• And then at!ain__- .. the red one
doe-s look . • • On the other Whatareyou? (
\ .,.Ulfu,, .

'.., -~. -'~..rV --~,)
. / t <....\
~ ~ · ,.,
'lv ~.I<
,.- .

"I am Bea Valens and ambivalence is my motto." "I am Orphous, an amorphous

mass of dust and gas."

• Because he knew that teaching gives a steady income • This modern painting is amorphous; I can't figure out what
whereas writing usually does not, it was with considerable it's supposed to be. ·
ambivalence that he gave up teaching to become a
freelance writer. • The company's plan to expand is at present amorphous, but
it should begin to take shape at a series of meetings
• Joan was attracted to Ted, so she finally agreed to a date with next month.
him; however, she did so with some ambivalence because of
his reputation for being self-centered. • This essay is so amorphous that it isn't possible to
determine its main argument.
• Sal was ambivalent about whether to try out for the football
team or the soccer team because he enjoyed playing each
sport equally.
analo2ous anarchist
a person who seeks to
overturn the established
government; a person who
Picture this: Picture this : favors abo I ish i ng authority
Anna Low Gus Anna kissed

Anna dating Low Gus is analogous to Anna kissed a brave young Czar who
Sammy dating Skinny Russ. saved her from an anarchist.

• The heart of an animal or person is analogous to a pump. • Governments regard anarchists as dangerous because they
represent a threat to the existence of the state.
• The struggle of species of animals for survival in nature
is analogous to the struggle of companies for survival in • Anarchists generally believe that governments infringe on
the capitalist economic system. rights that human beings enjoy naturally.

• Businesspeople sometimes make an analogy between the • Mr. Jones, our principal, seems to regard any student who
hardware of a computer and the "hardware" of a firm-that argues for letting students have a voice in the running of the
is, its physical assets, as opposed to its intellectual ones, school as an anarchist.
which are compared to the software used by a computer.

'">A 10
rnory Check 2
animas it e h each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
bitter hostility;
active hatred aloof ambiguous aggregate
1. aloofa - 2. am big you us _ 3. a grey gate _
Picture this :
Animal City alleviate affable altruistic
4. a leaf he ate 5. Af a bull 6. AI True stick

anarchist animosity ambivalence

7. Anna kissed 8. Animal City _ 9. am Bea Valens

affirmation analogous amorphous

0. a firm mate _ 11. Anna Low Gus 12. amOrphous _

. unclear in meaning g. relieve

. active hatred h. positive statement
. total i. easily approachable; warmly friendly
. unselfishly generous j. contradictory attitudes
. apart; reserved k. formless; lacking shape
comparable 1. a person who seeks to overturn the
established government

howtime 2
·n in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
at best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Animosity in Animal City.
As dub president, I expect everyone to make an of loyalty.
a. adulation b. affirmation c. aggregate d. accolade e. acclaim
• The once friendly competition between the two rivals for
Sue's love has turned into animosity. !n economics class, we calculated the wealth of the students
Ill our class.
• The boxers fighting for the heavyweight championship a. abstemious b. abstruse c. altruistic d. aesthetic e. aggregate
showed their animosity when they shouted angrily at each
other at their pre-fight press conference. The wheels of a car are to the legs of a person-both allow
• Some people believe that international sports competitions
increase animosity among nations, while others believe that a. aloof b. analogous c. abstract d. altruistic e. affable
they promote friendship among nations.
4. Sue's toward Beth increased after she learned that her boyfriend
had been helping Beth with her history homework. anomal
a. affirmation b. adulation c. adversity d. animosity e. acclaim
i rregu I arity

5. My mother is so that she spends most of her spare time _ __

the suffering of homeless people in our city. Picture this:
Ann O'Malley UNIT 3
a. sympathetic..... acclaiming
b. altruistic ..... alleviating
c. affable ..... acquiescing
d. abstruse ..... acknowledging
e. aloof..... helping

6. In contrast to Molly, who likes to remain , Sandra, who has

a (an) personality, is one of the most popular students in school.
a. aesthetic .... .friendly
b. apart ..... aggressive
c. alone ..... magnetic
d. abstruse .... .interesting
e. aloof..... affable

7. The speaker's argument was so that it caused only _ __

among his audience.
a. altruistic ..... animosity
b. ambiguous ..... adulation
c. aloof..... adversity
d. amorphous ..... ambivalence
Ann O'Malley, the only girl who lived in
e. aesthetic. .... ambivalence
the valley, was an anomaly.
8. The speech by the was not ; it demanded that all
government be completely abolished. • An anomaly in a person's heartbeat should be investigated
by a physician.
a. official.. ... altruistic
b. adversary..... aloof
• The Earth's atmosphere causes anomalies in telescopic
c. leader..... abstract
observation of other planets.
d. anarchist ..... ambiguous
e. enemy..... amorphous
• Because Fred had always come to work on time, his boss
regarded it as an anomaly when he arrived an hour late
one day.
I antagonism antediluvian
actively expressed I extremely old
hosti I ity

Picture this: Picture this:

ant tag on Aunty dill luvin'

De-stf'O!:J all human-s! f::i LJ r~Jr i.i.:

\ "L iL:~~3 ·
~~ ~~ ~

" \ ,I
(L ~ ·/'( I,

( -J (
~ ~} v
Antagonism from ants with tags on them. Aunty Lil, a dillluvin' lady, reads tales
of antediluvian times.

• Antagonism developed between the twins, Bill and John, • The origins of Egypt are lost in the mists of antediluvian
after they discovered that each of them had asked the same times.
girl to the dance.
• Young people today regard black and white TV as an
• According to psychologists, some antagonism between antediluvian form of technology.
siblings is natural as each child seeks parental affection
and approval. • "Mom," Tina said to her mother, "your ideas are so
antediluvian. Today, all the girls are getting tattoos."
• Jason knew that he might antagonize his history teacher if
he criticized her teaching methods, but he decided that he
had no choice because he wasn't learning much in the class.
antidote antiauated
medicine to counteract a
poison or disease;
something that rei ieves
Picture this : Picture this:
a harmfu I effect
Aunty dotes Aunty equated


Aunty dotes on her goats that carry antidotes Aunty equated Wes with her old flame Jess.
to places remote. What an antiquated mind!

• Researchers are trying to find an antidote for the common • Most people regard the phonograph as an example of an
antiquated technology. ·
cold, but so far they have had only limited success.

• Doctors often say that the best antidote for most human ills • Some famous writers prefer to use an antiquated typewriter
rather than a computer.
is time.
• Although they employed technology that would be
• If you are bitten by a snake, you should try to note its
considered antiquated today, the engineers who designed
appearance so that the correct antidote can be prescribed
the Egyptian pyramids were able to cut and move stones
based on what species of snake bit you.
weighing thousands of tons each.
a a ease
indifference soothe; rei ieve

Picture this : Picture this:

a path he a peas

By a path he sat in apathy. Appeasing a pot of peas.

• Voter apathy in the United States is so great that in most • To appease liberals in his party who were unhappy with his
elections less than half of the eligible voters turn out to cast conservative policies, the president appointed a liberal to the
their votes. Supreme Court.

• Apathy about social and political issues often occurs when • The candy bar that Sharon ate appeased her hunger.
people feel that these issues do not directly concern them.
• In order to appease the angry voters, Congress voted to
• After many years of trying without success to become reduce taxes.
manager, Harry became apathetic about striving to get
ahead in his career.
rehension arbitrar
fear randomly chosen

Picture this: Picture this:

a pre-hen our bit rare

(i) {
l )

.\ i ~.
Q) '
!• (I

A pre-hen, like a pre-teen, feels apprehension. "Our bit's rare;' they complain.
((It's arbitrary who gets a rare bit!" shouts the chef.

• Most people think about their own eventual death with • Judges who make arbitrary rulings can be removed from
apprehension. office.

• The students facing the SAT are full of apprehension because • Mr. Hughes chose students for the class debate in an
their future depends on how well they perform on it. arbitrary manner; he selected every fifth person on the
class roster.
• Many people are filled with apprehension when they have
to speak before a large group of people. • The decision to use the color green to mean "Go" is an
arbitrary one.

archaic ardent
ancient; very enthusiastic;
out of date passionate

Picture this: Picture this:

ark K-ick! are dents

Sick kangaroos on archaic ark K-"Ick!" "Are there any dents?" asks the ardent young racer.
is all they can say.

• The typewriter is regarded by many people today as an • Ardent Democrats and Republicans usually vote for the
persons nominated by their parties.
archaic form of technology.

• The words thou and thee are examples of archaic English. • Even the most ardent supporters of freedom of speech
believe there must be some limitations on what people are
• Students often complain that they have trouble understanding allowed to say.
Shakespeare's English because it is archaic.
• An ardent environmentalist, Senator Wood voted for the
bill even though it meant a loss of jobs for his state in the
mining industry.

emory Check 3
arro2ance atch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
overbearing pride anomaly arbitrary antidote
1. Ann O'Malley _ 2. our bit rare 3. Aunty dotes _
Picture this :
Arrow Dance ardent antediluvian antiquated
4. are dents 5. Aunty dillluvin' _ 6. Aunty equated _

apathy archaic appease

7. a path he 8. ark K-ick! 9. apeas _

antagonism apprehension arrogance

0. ant tag on_ 11. a pre-hen _ 12. Arrow Dance

. extremely old g. irregularity

. fear h. old-fashioned; obsolete
. indifference i. ancient; out of date
. medicine to counteract a poison or disease j. overbearing pride
. actively expressed hostility k. very enthusiastic
. randomly chosen l. soothe; relieve

howtime 3
ill in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
at best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

At the Arrow Dance arrows illustrate arrogance. · Modern editors of old books frequently change spelling to make
them easier to read.
a. ambiguous b. archaic c. amorphous d. abstract e. interesting
• Although he is one of the richest people in America, Sam
tries to avoid giving an appearance of arrogance; he drives No one except the president's most supporters agreed with his
a compact car and eats in fast-food restaurants. new policy.
a. aloof b. affable c. archaic d. ardent e. altruistic
• People from rich countries visiting poor countries sometimes
display arrogance, believing themselves to be superior to the
John learned when he was a child that a bully usually just makes
local people. the bully demand even more.
• Shy people are sometimes accused of arrogance because a. alleviating b. knowing c. advocating d. judging e. appeasing
they seem haughty and aloof.

4. The president said that now that victory had been achieved the nation's
greatest enemy was _ __
a. ardent b. apathy c. archaic d. arbitrary e. apprehension able to express oneself
clearly and effectively
5. The students in our school regard any teacher over forty years old
as ; however, Mr. Young is an because he acts like Picture this:
he's still twenty-five even though he's forty-five. R, T, Q lit UNIT 4
a. abstemious ..... exception
b. analogous ..... oddity
c. antediluvian .....anomaly
d. antiquated ..... aggregate
e. abstruse ..... abnormality

6. The against bacterial infections has become as a result

of the development of more advanced medicines.
a. apathy..... amorphous
b. antagonism ..... ambiguous
c. animosity..... antediluvian
d. antidote ..... antiquated
e. animosity..... analogous

7. The prisoner awaited the judge's sentence with because the

judge was well-known for imposing penalties.
a. arrogance.~ ... archaic
b. apprehension .....affable
c. antagonism ..... ardent
d. adversity..... abstemious I I R, T, and Q lit the flame, then articulate Q spoke.
e. apprehension ..... arbitrary

8. The new employee's _ __ and "know-it-all" attitude created - • To become an articulate writer, you must write regularly.
among the workers.
a. antagonism ..... arrogance • Improving your vocabulary can help you become more
b. apprehension ..... animosity
c. apathy..... antagonism
• Participating in debates is a good way to become more
d. arrogance ..... antagonism
articulate in expressing your ideas.
e. ambivalence ..... affirmation

artifact artisan
manually ski lied worker;
object made
craftsman as opposed
by human beings
to artist
Picture this: Picture this:
art a fact art is sin

"Art-a fact of life in all eras;' says Ann "Art is sin;' says the Puritan to the artisan.
with the artifact in her hands.

• Our history class decided to make a time capsule, so we • Potters are artisans who can earn a good living by making
gathered various artifacts from our everyday life, put them things that are both useful and attractive.
in a steel box, and buried them in the schoolyard.
• Even in this age of mass production, there is a demand for
• The pyramids of Egypt are the largest artifacts left by goods, such as high-quality furniture, that can only be
produced by skilled artisans.
ancient humans.

• From artifacts left by the people of an ancient civilization • Artisans normally earn more money than laborers because
scientists can build a picture of how they lived. they have skills that are in greater demand.

ascendanc ascetic
control I i ng influence;
person who leads a life
domination of self-denial
Picture this: Picture this:
Ascend Dance a set tick

,,;;..··· ,,;,.···
,,;;..··· ,,;,.···
,\;,.··· ,\;,..··



Doing the Ascend Dance to ascendancy. An ascetic with a set of ticking clocks.

• If one country gains ascendancy in a region of the world, • The monk led an ascetic life, spending most of his time in
its neighbors often band together to try to prevent it from prayer and eating only as much as necessary to stay alive.
gaining even more power and influence.
• Some religions encourage their followers to practice
• During the early part of the twentieth century, Nazism was asceticism as a way to purify themselves.
in ascendancy in Germany.
• Some writers lead an ascetic existence when they work on
• Over the past decade or so, China has been gaining a book, living simply and spending nearly all of their time
ascendancy among Asian nations. writing.

aso1re assiduous
seek to attain ; earnest and persistent
long for in undertaking a task

Picture this : Picture this :

a spire acid chew us the acid Ye-s, if we're not a-s-siduou-s

v ~~
chew u-s'? in keeping the toP.-s
\ on tight.



They aspire to build a spire of straw and ((Can the acid chew us?" ((Yes, if we're not
wire for the man with the lyre. assiduous in keeping the tops on tight!"

• Bruce is certainly no mathematical genius, but through

• Many people aspire to be successful novelists, but few assiduous work he managed to get a 620 on the
succeed. SAT math test.

• When he was a high school student, Bill Clinton aspired • An assiduous student in high school, Louis lost a lot of
to be president. his interest in studying in college when he made friends
with a group of students whose only interest was partying.
• Malaysia aspires to be a developed country by the
year 2020. • Most scientists say that assiduously observing and
experimenting is the best way to make a new discovery.
assua2:e astute
ease or lessen;
wise; shrewd
satisfy; soothe

Picture this: Picture this:

as Sue aged as toot


As Sue aged, only a sage could assuage her rage. To appear astute simply solve
a square root as you toot.

• After the long and bitter fight for control of the company, • An astute editor is able to correct a writer's faulty English
the new CEO felt that it was important to assuage the angry without changing the meaning.
feelings of all the parties involved.
• Astute investing by Mrs. Ogden allowed her to buy several
• The dying soldier's pain was assuaged by the painkiller that vacation homes for her family.
the nurse gave him.
• Psychologists say that experiments show that females tend
• There's nothing better than cold, pure water to assuage to be more astute than males at judging the motives of
your thirst. other people.
attribute (aw day shus) !I audacious I
explain; relate to a cause I daring; bold

Picture this: Picture this:

a tribute all day shush

Hi-s mu-sic
i-s ju-st OK
but hi-s hair
ha-s alwa!:J<S

They attribute his fame to a tribute to his mane. All day he says "Shush" to audacious
climbers making a fuss.

• America's economic success can be attributed to a number • His plan was an audacious one- to climb Mt. Everest solo.
of factors, but one of these certainly is the hard work of
its people. • President Kennedy set one of the most audacious goals of
all time when he said that America should land a man on
• Small children often attribute to their teachers qualities that the moon and return him safely to Earth before 1969.
are almost super-human.
• Japan's plan at the start of World War II was audacious-
• John's reputation for courage was attributed to his rescuing strike at America quickly before it could build up its
a child from a burning building. military strength.

mory Check 4
austere ~ch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
severe or stern; articulate ascendancy artisan
simp l e and unornamented 1. R, T, Q lit 2. Ascend Dance 3. art is sin
Picture this:
Aussie tear austere assuage ascetic
4. Aussie tear _ 5. as Sue aged _ 6. a set tick

artifact audacious astute

7. art a fact 8. all day shush _ 9. as toot

aspire assiduous attribute

0. aspire _ 11. acid chew us 12. a tribute

. soothe; satisfy g. object made by humans

. domination h. long for
. person who leads a life of self-denial i explain; relate to a cause
~ . able to express oneself clearly j. stern; unornamented
:~ . wise; shrewd k. daring; bold
'. >_j>
... a ........~.
~ - ·- 7-/w
. craftsman 1. persistent in undertaking a task

howtime 4
ill in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
at best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

An Aussie sheds a tear: "It's going to be an · Throughout history, the rise of a country to a position of has
austere year without my outback gear." often led to overconfidence among its people.
a. arrogance b. ascendancy c. adulation
• I enjoy the austere beauty of the Arizona dessert. d. adversity e. apprehension

• Monasteries are austere places designed to encourage prayer · To _ his feelings of guilt as a result of his participation in the
and reflection. War, Henry returned after it ended to the country in which it had been
fought to do charity work.
• Schoolmasters in colonial America generally were austere a. acknowledge b. assuage c. advocate d. attribute e. acclaim
figures who inspired fear in their students.
Early humans often magical powers to the forces of nature.
a. acquiesced b. articulated c. advocated d. attributed e. aspired

'i4 'i 'i

4. The speaker won an award for the best speaker at the debate.
a. ascetic b. articulate c. austere d. ambiguous e. abstruse authoritarian
subordinating the individual
5. The plan to establish a colony on Mars is an one, but through to the state; completely
the efforts of many scientists, engineers, and technicians it dominating another's wi II
might very possibly one day become a reality. Picture this:
a. abstruse ..... abstemious Arthur Tarian UNIT 5
b. astute ..... aesthetic
c. arbitrary..... altruistic
d. amorphous ..... ambiguous
e. audacious ..... assiduous

6. Always an observer of human nature, Karen to become

a novelist.
a. astute ..... aspires
b. affable ..... acknowledges
c. aloof.. ... admires
d. assiduous ..... assuages
e. ardent.. ... acquiesces

7. The lived an life.

a. adversary..... abstract
b. anarchist.. ... audacious
c. ascetic ..... austere
d. artisan ..... aloof
e. aggregate ..... abstemious
Authoritarian Arthur Tarian tells Ian to tear up
8. An made many years ago by Native American was other authors' works.
found when workers dug up a road near my house.
a. antidote ..... anarchists • Authoritarian governments restrict individual rights in
b. artifact.. ... artisans order to maintain rigid control over the people.
c. artisan ..... artifacts
d. aggregate ..... workers • Children sometimes rebel against parents who are
e. adversary.....artists authoritarian.

• China is becoming less authoritarian, allowing individuals

more freedom.

56 57
autonomous avance
greediness for
self -governing

Picture this : Picture this :

aw Tono must have a rice

,.,.. ~~~

Aw! Tono must rely on guano, ((Have a rice cracker; you're in luck-it's only
but at least it's autonomous. ten bucks!" (What avarice!)

• In the American system of government, states are not • According to psychologists, many gamblers are motivated
autonomous; many powers are reserved to the central not by avarice but by a need for excitement.
• It was not avarice that motivated Joe to work hard to
• After the fall of the Soviet Union, many of its former become wealthy so much as a desire for financial security.
republics became autonomous nation-states.
• Although Lou was not really an avaricious person, he did
• With the issuance of the Declaration of Independence find the idea of winning the twenty million dollar lottery
in 1776, the United States asserted its right to be an prize attractive.
autonomous nation.

aversion be2:uile
charm ; deceive by
firm dislike

Picture this: Picture this:

a version be guy ill

He has an aversion to a version of baked sturgeon "You'll be a guy who is ill and beguile
cooked by his wife, a plastic surgeon. the nurse from Brazil:'

• I have an aversion to spicy food because it upsets my • The conman beguiled my mother with a sob story about
stomach. how his child needed money for an operation.

• Sue has such an aversion to cigarette smoke that she can't • Many British soldiers enlisted in the army in World War I
stand being in a room in which even one person is smoking. because they were beguiled by the idea of taking part in a
quick and glorious victory.
• An aversion to spiders is found in people all over the world.
• A good magician uses a number of tricks to beguile his
audience into believing that what they're seeing is real.
belie benevolent
contradict; give generous ;
a false impression charitable

Picture this : Pict ure this :

bee lie Ben never lent

Ben wa-s a true gem.

~ ... one of the mo-st
benevolent men
that ever lived.

I onl!:f want
to ge1 clo-se
to you. ..

The bee tells a lie that belies its nasty sting. "Benevolent? Ben never
lent anything to anyone.))

• The small size of the Australian funnel web spider belies • Children in America imagine Santa Claus as a benevolent
the deadliness of its venom. old man who dispenses gifts on Chfistmas.

• His kind words were belied by his angry tone and • America relies on private benevolent foundations to help
expressiOn. many people faced with financial and other difficulties.

• Ms. Johnson's small size belies the ferocity with which • "Mr. Zimmerman must have been in a benevolent mood
she can scold a student who doesn't hand in an assignment when he marked our history tests;' Joan said. "This is the
on time. first time nobody failed."
ben i 2n bolster
showing gentleness; support;
exerting a beneficial reinforce
influence ; harm less
~~~u;e this: ~ Pict ure th i s:
bowl stir

Bee 9 buzzes by benign roses in benign weather. In the bowl stir the batter
to bolster the boys' morale!

• The king's benign rule has made him popular with his • Knowing a lot of difficult words will bolster your
subjects. confidence when you take the SAT. .

• The senator supports the new policy because she believes it • A good manager knows when to criticize an employee
will have benign consequences for the economy. and when to bolster his or her confidence with praise.

• According to the computer expert, a trojan horse is a • Britain and its allies were bolstered by the entry of the
malicious program that passes itself off as a benign United States into World War II in 1941.

bombastic bra art
using inflated language boaster

Picture this: Pictu re this:

bomb's tick brag art

I will work diligently, tif'efe-s-sfy,

uncea-singly, for tni-s
noble and worthy cau-se,
a cau-se unrivaled in the
PreH!:j -soon
we won't nave to
li-sten to tni-s bomba-st - ~1[!.1. i-s be-si.
-My a!.:
!1fob~d~ ~an b~i
my work.

The bombastic speaker doesn't hear The Brag Art Exhibition of braggart art.
the bomb's tick.

• Today, bombastic speeches are criticized for their pomposity, • Mandy's mom turned into a bit of a braggart after her
but in the past many people enjoyed them as entertainment. daughter made the all-state soccer team.

• A bombastic piece of writing may impress some readers, but • Braggarts are annoying-especially when their boasts turn
others will surely conclude that its author is an insincere and out to be correct!
pretentious person.
• Our basketball team has a braggart who says that no one
• Be careful of putting all the SAT-type words you've learned can outshoot her from either the field or the free throw line.
into your essays; you might think they sound impressive
but your teacher will probably say that your writing is '
66 1:.7
mory Check 5
ca1ole e h each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
coax I avarice authoritarian braggart
t. have a rice _ 2. Arthur Tarian 3. bragart _
Picture this:
Cajun Joel benevolent beguile bolster
. Ben never lent _ 5. be guy ill _ 6. bowl stir

benign aversion autonomous

Bee9 _ 8. a version 9. aw Tono must

belie bombastic cajole

. bee lie _ 11. bomb's tick 12. Cajun Joel _

greediness for wealth g. charm; deceive by trickery

give a false impression h. dominating another's will
self-governing 1. coax
using inflated language j. harmless
I"./ generous k. support
~ firm dislike 1. boaster
owtime 5
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
at best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Cajun Joel cajoles the frog into a roll Jane was so by the "easy" monthly payment plan offered by
and eats it whole. the car salesperson that she spent more money than she could afford
on her car.
• Most children are pretty good at cajoling their parents into a. belied b. appeased c. assuaged d. beguiled e. bolstered
buying them toys.
Our school's top lineman Jim "Jumbo" Jones' 300-pound frame _ __
• Joe Sellers considered himself one of the company's top his impressive speed over forty yards.
salespeople; he bragged that he could cajole an Alaskan
a. cajoles b. acknowledges c. belies d. acclaims e. attributes
into buying an air conditioner in the winter.
The businessman was known for his ; he cared about nothing
• We cajoled Dad into taking us to the Major League Baseball except increasing his profits so he could become wealthy.
All-Star Game this year.
a. aversion b. arrogance c. apathy d. avarice e. ambivalence

4. The wealthy industrialist underwent a great change after seeing the
suffering of people in Africa and became ; he donated half calcu Ia ted
of his fortune to charities there.
a. affable b. abstemious c. autonomous d. benevolent e. b planned

5. John hates going to the doctor, but his wife him to go to have a Picture this :
mole that had changed color tested; thankfully, the test showed that it calculate Ted
a. belied ..... antiquated
b. beguiled.....benovolent
c. acclaimed ..... antiquated
d. acknowledged .....bombastic
e. cajoled ..... benign

6. often boast of their abilities in order to their

a. Authoritarians ..... alleviate
b. Braggarts ..... bolster
c. Aggregates ..... acknowledge
d. Anarchists ..... appease
e. Ascetics .....belie

7. The government rejected the newspaper's request to allow it

to be more in reporting the news.
a. autonomous ..... audacious
b. astute ..... aloof
c. authoritarian ..... autonomous ((I calculate Ted is late for calculus for no
d. antiquated ..... altruistic calculated reason. Just California dreamin' :'
e. audacious ..... arbitrary
• Baseball managers sometimes take calculated risks, such as
8. Most English teachers have an to the language ~vw ...~ calling for a double-steal.
used by students to make their writing seem impressive.
a. antidote ..... abstemious • The comedian's performance appeared unrehearsed;
b. antagonism ..... astute however, we found out later that every line was carefully
c. adulation ..... ambiguous calculated to get a laugh from the audience.
d. aversion .....bombastic
e. arrogance .....abstract • I was disappointed to find out that Bill's every move was
calculated to win our boss's favor and make me look bad.

7() 71
. .
candor CaOriCIOUS
frankness; unpredictable;
open honesty fickle

Picture this: Pict ure this:

can door Ca pri

We can never predic-t

what the.!:J'II '
be doing at
three o'clock.


('A can with a door? Honestly, I didn't do it!"

\ '

Off the isle of Capri, capricious dolphins

he says with candor. play at three.

• It's unrealistic to expect people to speak with candor at • "The weather has been capricious recently," Bill said, "so,
all times. I think I'll skip the picnic I planned with my friends and
just order a pizza!'
• It seems to be human nature to expect candor from others
when we speak to them but not to also expect it from • My cat is a capricious eater; every day she wants something
ourselves. different to eat.

• Talk show hosts are good at getting guests to speak candidly • Science operates on the assumption that the laws of nature
about their lives. are not capricious.

censure charlatan
blame; a quack; pretender
criticize to knowledge

Picture this: Picture this:

cent sore Charlotte Tan


A cent with a sore censured at Charlotte Tan with a charlatan.
the Century Bank.

• The U.S. Senate can vote to censure members whose • Jack pretended to be a linguist with a vast knowledge of
conduct is considered improper. foreign languages; however, he was exposed as a charlatan
when he couldn't even tell us the meaning of au revoir.
• Professional bodies have the power to censure members
who violate their code of ethics. • The history of medicine is filled with charlatans who
promised cures for incurable illnesses.
• The State Department censures countries that allow
the human rights of their citizens to be violated. • A charlatan sold me a watch worth $5 for $50.

coalesce colloauial
combine; pertaining to conversational
fuse or common speech

Picture this: Picture this:

coal-less call oak we all

The "coal-less" people of Coalsville When we hear the call to the oak
coalesce around the coal strike issue. we all speak in colloquial terms.

• To work together successfully, military units must coalesce • Colloquial speech helps the members of a group of people
to become a group of like-minded individuals. to identify themselves as different from others.

• The United States began to coalesce as a nation during the • Colloquial words and expressions should not be used in
early nineteenth century as the experiences of many groups formal English.
were communicated around the country.
• "OK" is an American colloquial expression that is used
• Our business plan began to coalesce in our minds after around the world.
several discussions.

comoi le comolacenc
assemble; gather;
se If -satisfaction;
Picture this: Picture this:
come pile come place cents he


"Come, pile up your files and compile "Come, place cents on Clancy. He is
The Styles of the Nile!" set to win," he says with complacency.

• Newspapers compile information from many sources in

order to give readers a wide view of what is happening I Complacency among employees is a problem sometimes
in the world. faced by managers of successful companies.

• After every season, the batting average and other statistics I Some experts believe that Japanese industry became
for every player in Major League Baseball are compiled. complacent after its great success in the 1980s.

• A good prosecutor compiles evidence steadily until a I Bealth workers urged parents to guard against complacency
convincing case is made of the defendant's guilt. and make sure that their children are immunized against
:measles and other infectious diseases.

co mol iance comoosure
readiness to yield ; mental
conformity calmness

Picture this: Picture this :

come ply ants calm pose sure

"Come, ply ants with honey to gain their "With only a rose can I keep a calm pose?
compliance with our plan." Sure, I can keep my composure!"

• Unless you'd like to spend some time in jail, compliance I While executing a double axel, the figure skater fell and
with the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service is became upset for a while; however, he soon regained his
advisable. composure and completed his routine successfully.

• General Rogers did not expect every soldier to support his I A platoon leader must have composure under enemy fire
every command enthusiastically; however, he did expect so he can make the correct decisions.
their compliance.
I With two minutes to go on a section of the SAT, John
• The president called Senator Balky to try to get her realized he had filled in the ovals out of order; he kept his
compliance on the crucial vote. composure, however, and corrected his mistake before the
time was up.
ory Check 6
comorehensive efll
h each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
inclusive calculated complacency censure
calculate Ted _ 2. come place 3. cent sore
Picture this: cents he
come pre-hens if
comprehensive charlatan composure
come pre-hens if _ 5. Charlotte Tan - 6. calm pose sure _

compile candor colloquial

cornepile _ 8. can door - 9. call oak we all

capricious coalesce compliance

. Capri_ 11. coal-less - 12. come ply ants _

lblame g. combine
deliberately planned h. mental calmness
·earliness to yield i. pertaining to common speech
unpredictable j. self-satisfaction
.ather; accumulate k. frankness
retender to knowledge 1. thorough

owtime 6
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
t best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
«Come, pre-hens, if you can. Join our
comprehensive study of pre-hen behavior." Don't make a (an) decision when choosing a college to attend;
You might regret it.
• The new U.S. president ordered a comprehensive review a. calculated b. astute c. capricious d. benevolent e. ardent
of the armed forces.
en visiting another country with its customs is advisable.
• A good dictionary must have a comprehensive list of the a. co~placency b. apathy c. antagonism
words used in a language. · ammosity e. compliance

• Every ten years a comprehensive census is conducted by though Jim had been wrongly charged with the murder, he kept his
the U.S. government. h-- and calmly explained that he had been in New York on the day
at the crime was committed in Dallas.
or b. compliance c. composure
. cozn I
P acency e. ascendancy
4. The difference in opinion between the two sides on this issue is so
that a (an) solution seems highly unlikely. (kun seed) concede
a. comprehensive b. bombastic c. amorphous admit;
d. colloquial e. capricious yield
s. We decided to sue the because he had made a (an ) _
Picture this:
and systematic effort to deceive our company into believing he was
cons' seed UNIT 7
a qualified lawyer.
a. braggart..... bombastic
b. charlatan ..... calculated
c. adversary..... capricious
d. anarchist ..... amorphous
e. ascetic ..... altruistic

6. The English teacher asked the class to a list of _ __

expressions used by teenagers today.
a. compile ..... colloquial
b. coalesce ..... comprehensive
c. acknowledge ..... colloquial
d. censure .....capricious
:"\- -~-------1
-- ::::.::::-:-:-· _;_:..

e. collect.. ... comprehensive .. .
-· .-..--- ,..-·-- . .
-.--- ..,.-- ___.._. ,.._..,..,- - ~-
7. After the public's initial about the growing problem, support ~....,.--
~ ,--r~ __-.r-_,_
began to around a plan to take action to solve it.
a. apprehension ..... bolster
b. compliance ..... acquiesce
c. candor..... compile "I concede that it's cons' seed, but I need feed!"
d. ambivalence ..... articulate
e. complacency..... coalesce
• Our tennis team conceded the match after it was discovered
8. The government official was for lack of in his
that one of our players had not been academically eligible
before Congress.
to play.
a. compiled..... compliance
b. censured ..... honesty • I concede that I don't know much about the history
c. acclaimed ..... candor of music.
d. acknowledged ..... compliance
e. advocated ..... adversity • Jim conceded that Bob had made some good points during
the debate but refused to admit that Bob had made a better
overall argument.

84 85
conci I iator conc1se
overcoming hosti I ity brief and
or distrust compact

Picture this: Pictu re this:

con's silly story cons' ice

Thi-s i-s all a mi-stake. I ju-st I'll have a large iced tea
wanted to -see what it wa-s with lot-s of extra ice, plea-se.
like to be a pri-son guard.

The con's silly story-a conciliatory gesture. A message concise-cons' ice.

• After her argument with her boyfriend, Jane made a I Judge Judy is famous for demanding a concise summary
conciliatory gesture and bought him a CD by his favorite of the events in cases that she hears.
I Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" is a model of concise
• The "good-cop, bad cop" routine allows one person to writing.
be harsh and rigid with another party while t~e other is
conciliatory. \ I "Will you marry me?" asked Walter. "Yes" was Sally's
concise answer.
• After Senator Smith won the bitterly fought election for
governor, she decided to be conciliatory toward her defeated
opponent and offered him a job in her cabinet.
Rt; R7
conflaeration confound
great fire

Picture this: Picture this:

con flag ration con found

Tnat was tne

bigge-st fire
we ever
OniH one flag -started.
per cell! \ I.

\ J/) ¥.

:::::s- '"'-..
/'~~~)· - ~-
r'-· J

r -----~wr-·· ~..,/· ·
A con flag ration after the What the con found confounds him.
prison flag conflagration.

• During World War II, Allied bombing of Tokyo caused a • Until Louis Pasteur discovered germs, the origin of many
conflagration in that city. diseases confounded scientists.

• The retreating army started a conflagration in order to • The American watching a cricket match in Britain was
destroy supplies that could be used by the advancing forces. confounded by the complex rules of the game.

• Firefighters in large cities with many high-rise buildings • Many statements that students make in their essays are
must be careful not to allow a small fire to spread quickly confounding to teachers because they are poorly written.
and become a conflagration.

contend contentious
assert quarrelsome;
earnestly causing qua r rels

Picture this:
con tends

We don't approve You might think it'-s ju-st

He'll come back. of people giving fine, but we don't want
TheH alwaH-s do. children -so much our children eating '
"... / /
attention! cand~ and junk food!

He contends that a con tends to return. "The kids are content. Shush!
Don't be so contentious!"

• In our next debate, our team must contend that "Science has • I suggest that we avoid discussing contentious subjects such
done more harm than good." as religion and politics until we get to know one another
• A good lawyer must be able to contend convincingly that
her client is innocent even if she feels sure that he is guilty. • To help unify the party after the hard-fought election
campaign, the president asked that contentious issues not
• People known as "flat-earthers" contend that the Earth is be discussed for three months.
flat rather than round as most people believe.
• Jean seems to be a naturally contentious person; I said the
Weather seems fine today and she replied that it wasn't true
because there were some clouds in the sky.
conviction cordial
strongly held belief; gracious;
judgment that someone heartfelt
is guilty of a crime
Picture this:
convict shun


«It is my conviction that every «I've cut the cord, Jill!"

convict should shun guns." (Relations are no longer cordial.)

• During a debate you should speak with conviction to help I Despite being separated, Bill and Laura still have cordial
persuade the judges of the correctness of your argument. relations with one another.

• For a democracy to remain strong and healthy, people must I The principal gave the new teachers a cordial welcome at
voice their convictions freely. the teacher orientation.

• I admire a person with strong convictions even if I don't I Diplomats work hard to maintain cordial relations with
happen to share the same views. their colleagues from other countries so that disputes can
be discussed in a friendly atmosphere.

0") Q~
corrode criterion
destroy by chemical standard used
action; deteriorate in judging

Picture this:
Picture th is :
car rode cry tear on

In the old car she rode until it corroded. ((You didn't meet the criterion for the team?
Come, cry a tear on my shoulder."

• Water pipes in many cities built early in the last century are I One criterion of a good vocabulary-building book is that
beginning to corrode. words are reinforced in the student's mind.

• People who live near the ocean often complain that the I Many universities include the ability to write clear and
salty air corrodes parts of their houses, such as metal correct English as one of their admissions criteria.
window fixtures.
I Studies show that the most important criterion students
• If the chassis of your car starts to corrode, you should have use in judging the effectiveness of a teacher is his or her
it repaired before it becomes worse. knowledge of the subject.

cr tic r check 7
yhword and its link to the corresponding definition.
hidden; secret confound contentious
2. confound 3. content shush
J, car rode -
Picture this :
crypt tick concise contend conviction
• cons' ice _ 5. con tends 6. convict shun
conciliatory cordial concede
• 8. cord Jill _ 9. cons' seed
7 con's silly story _

conflagration criterion cryptic

con flag ration _ 11. crytearon _ 12. crypt tick _

assert earnestly g. quarrelsome; causing quarrels

gracious; heartfelt h. confuse; puzzle
deteriorate i. overcoming hostility
strongly held belief j. great fire
brief and compact k. admit
standard used in judging 1. hidden; secret

•nowtime 7
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

A cryptic crypt tick. When you write a resume to apply for a job you should make it _ __
so that your prospective employer can get a quick idea of your
• The only reply Mrs. Thomas got from her daughter Jessica a. comprehensive b. cordial c. cryptic d. contentious e. concise
when she asked her where she had been was a cryptic "Out:'
The designers of the SAT that the test is a fair measure of
• Sharon got her essay back and was surprised to see that her ah~tudent's academic ability; however, some critics disagree with
teacher had written only a cryptic comment: "Hmm." t Is view.

a. confound b. cajole c. concede d. contend e. compile

• The historian believed that he had found a cryptic message
buried in the old text. ~espite the , the fireman rescued the family from their burning
a. conflagration b. candor c. complacency
d. conviction e. charlatan
4. The caller left only a message on my answering machine-
''I'm finished." culoable
a. conciliatory b. colloquial c. cordial d. comprehensive e. deserving
5. After his many years of staunch opposition to the proposal, Mr. Willis
___ the voters when, in a (an) move, he agreed to serioUs~
Picture this:
reconsider it. cool pebble UNIT 8
a. appeased ..... ambiguous
b. beguiled..... affable
c. confounded ..... conciliatory
d. acknowledged .....contentious
e. censured ..... benevolent

6. An important that airlines must use in hiring a person as part

of their cabin crew is that he or she must be _ __
a. conviction ..... affable
b. affirmation ..... assiduous
c. accolade ..... benevolent
d. criterion ..... cordial
e. artifact .....conciliatory

7. After their many bitter disputes about the issue dividing their
nations, trust between the two leaders began to ___
a. conciliatory..... compile
b. contentious ..... corrode
c. concise ..... concede
d. ambiguous ..... confound Sue's cool pebble is missing,
e. comprehensive ..... contend and Beth is culpable.
8. Although Peter has a (an) that people should have freedom of I The police investigation narrowed down the list of suspects
speech, he that there must at times be limitations placed on to three people, one of whom was considered most likely to
that freedom. be culpable.
a. aversion ..... contends
b. affirmation .....acknowledges I Suspects cannot be held unless there is reasonable evidence
c. conviction ..... concedes that they are culpable.
d. belief..... acquiesces
e. doubt ..... advocates I The principal found Jim culpable of cheating on the exam
and suspended him from school for a week.
cursor deb i I itate
done with haste and weaken;
little attention to detail enfeeble

Picture t h i s: Picture this :

curse sorry the bill it ate

I've alwa~-s had

a weak -stomach
for a goat.

((Did I curse? Sorry!"-a cursory apology. The bill it ate debilitates the billy goat.

• Many pilots make a final cursory inspection of their aircraft • During very hot weather it's important to drink plenty
shortly before takeoff. of water so as not to become debilitated as a result of
• A cursory analysis of the problem revealed a possible
cause; however, a more thorough analysis would be needed • Diseases debilitate many people in Africa who don't have
to determine whether or not the actual cause had been adequate nutrition and lack access to modern medicine.
• Injuries sustained in automobile accidents debilitate thousands
• An experienced editor can tell from a cursory reading of of people in the United States each year.
a manuscript whether or not the writer is using correct
]()() 1 ()1
decorum radation
orderliness and good humiliation;
taste in manners degeneration

Picture this: Picture this:

decor* room "0" grade date shun

What a date!
How humiliating. Yeah, "D" for Dire!

Pd give it a " D ' /

for -sure.
' .~ '>12 :


((Such refined decor. The room is lovely." Degradation from a "D" grade date--shun it!
(A show of decorum as she enters the room.)

• The senior prom gave the usually rowdy Jack a chance to I The deliberate degradation of prisoners of war is prohibited
show us that he could behave with decorum. under the Geneva Convention. ·

• Expecting decorum in a kindergarten class is unrealistic. I Some teachers use degradation to punish unruly students.

• Students in the junior high cafeteria behaved with I The satellite was placed in such a low Earth orbit that the
decorum until a food fight that soon involved every orbit degraded after only two days, and the satellite fell
student broke out. to Earth.

* Decor refers to the style of decoration of a room.


deolore de
regret; extreme co rru ption;
disapprove of wickedness

Picture this : Picture this :

deep lore* deep rabbit he

"I deplore deep lore;' says the shallow bore. Deep in the rabbit warren, he tells them
a tale of depravity.

• Many people deplore the showing of extreme violence on • War often brings out the most extreme forms of depravity
television. in human beings, such as the use of torture.

• The president said that he deplored the loss of life in the • Many people believe that without civilization humanity
battle but granted that such losses were unavoidable. would sink into depravity.

• My grandfather deplores the increasing commercialization • The citizens' committee on censorship decided that no
of major sports such as football and baseball. form of depravity should be portrayed in the newspaper.

* Lore refers to the legends or beliefs of a people.

deorecate deride
express disapproval ridicule;
of; belittle make fun of

Picture thi s: Pic ture this:

Deep Wreck 8 Deer Ride

Yeah, Bird
The Deero Ride and Bear
i-s awe-some, ride-s are
but the other bogu-s!
ride-s are
total!~ lame.

Near Deep Wreck 8, they deprecate They deride all rides except for the Deer Ride.
the ((Catch of the Day."

• Linda enjoyed her creative writing class because her teacher • Attempts to use radio waves for long-range communication
never deprecated the stories she wrote, but instead always were derided by early twentieth-century physicists as
praised what was good about them. impossible.

• Bob Dylan's singing was deprecated by many people; • Every time Larry tried to diet, his friends derided his effort
nevertheless, he became one of the most famous singers to lose weight as futile.
in the history of popular music.
• Some people deride the study of art as a waste of time.
• After the principal deprecated the new teacher in front
of her class, the students lost their respect for her.

derivative deterrent
unoriginal ; derived something that
from another source discourages

Picture this: Pi cture this:

dear river debt her rent

Never mind,
~ou can have
free rent
until !jOU ..........._
get back
on !jOUr feet.

"Dear river, from you all creeks are derivative!" As a deterrent to debt, her rent
is waived for a while.

• Few works of art are truly original; nearly all are derivative I The library's policy of allowing students to take out only
in that they use the ideas and styles of earlier works. one book at a time is a deterrent to reading.

• American Impressionism is a derivative style; American I The government imposes a high tax on cigarettes as a
artists adapted European Impressionism to create a new deterrent to smoking.
I The United States maintains a powerful military force
• Critics agree that the new novel is merely derivative, as a deterrent to aggression by other countries.
offering nothing new in either style or content.

. Check 8
di reSSIOn each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
wandering away
from the subject deprecate culpable debilitate
. peep Wreck 8 _ 2. cool pebble _ 3. the bill it ate
Picture this:
tigress shun deplore degradation deride
deep lore _ 5. "D" grade date shun _ 6. DeerRide

decorum derivative digression

. decor room _ 8. dear river - 9. tigress shun _

cursory depravity deterrent

curse sorry _ 11. deep rabbit he _ 12. debt her rent

regret; disapprove of g. hastily done

humiliation; degeneration h. good taste in manners
wickedness i. unoriginal
weaken j. belittle
deserving blame k. something that discourages
make fun of 1. wandering away from the subject

ime 8
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

When you make a safari digression, Every member of the aircrew felt after the 18-hour flight from
there's a tigress you should shun. New York to Tokyo.
a. amorphous b. debilitated c. deprecated d. derivative e. derided
• Some students in history class think Mr. Romano's digressions
are a waste of time, but I enjoy them because I learn Even a inspection of my tools showed that they had rusted as
interesting facts that aren't in the textbook. a result of being left in the rain for a week.
a. culpable b. cursory c. calculated d. comprehensive e. derivative
• Avoid digressions when you write an essay; teachers expect
your writing to be focused and free of irrelevant information.
Nearly all people agree that the worst forms of should be illegal.
• The judge instructed the witness to stop digressing and stick a. complacency b. digression c. arrogance d. depravity e. decorum
to the main events in her account of the crime.

4. Dr. Johnson, my writing instructor, says that my work is t o o _ a))
that I should try to be more original.
a. derivative b. cursory c. contentious d. concise e. cryptic steadiness of effort;
persistent hard work
5. Slavery results in the of human beings and in modern times h~
been and banned by every country in the world. Picture this:
a. compliance .....censured dill gents UNIT 9
b. antagonism ..... articulated
c. decorum .....conced-ed
d. animosity..... advocated
e. degradation ..... deplored ~emember, ever!:j pickle
in a jar of Dill Gent-s
6. The teacher said that every student in the class would be considered mu-st be perfedl!:j
___ if anyone failed to act with _ when the officials from
the department of education visited. I
a. guilty..... animosity
b. accountable ..... antagonism
c. culpable ..... decorum
d. autonomous ..... compliance
e. contentious ..... composure

7. My history teacher my research paper because its lengthy

___ made it difficult for her to follow its main argument.
a. derided ..... conflagrations
b. deprecated ..... digressions
c. corroded..... artifacts
d. deplored ..... ascetics Dill gents are pickled with diligence.
e. debilitated ..... digressions

8. The use of nuclear missiles as a against aggression by other I Learning a foreign language requires diligence on the part
countries is by many people as a policy that will lead to the of a student.
destruction of the entire human race.
a. deterrent.. ... derided I Diligence is only one of the requirements for success;
b. derivative ..... deplored another is the application of intelligence.
c. digression ..... conceded
d. compliance ..... deprecated I Work diligently in all your subjects so that you can reach
e. decorum ..... derided your full potential.
disclose discount
reveal dismiss

Picture this: Picture this:

disc close disc count

No, I'm .SOI"I"!:fr

that information
i-s cla-s-sified.

<<How does the disc close? I cannot He must discount the throw in the disc count.
disclose that information:'

• For tax purposes, the government requires that anyone I Until someone saw him having dinner with a woman in
earning an income disclose its source. a restaurant, the students discounted the rumor that
the school's oldest bachelor, Mr. Leonard, was going to
• A journalist can sometimes obtain information from a be married.
person if the journalist agrees not to disclose the source
I The report discounted the story he was told because it
of that information.
contradicted all the other information he had about the
• Aunt Becky has never disclosed the name of the man she situation.
was going to be married to thirty years ago but who died
in a car crash just before the wedding. I People who work for intelligence services such as the
CIA must learn what information they should discount
_ and which they should analyze carefully. __
discriminatin disdain
able to see scorn

Picture this : Picture this :

disc criminal this Dane

A disc criminal with discriminating taste. This Dane has disdain for the Collie,
the Pug, and the Dalmatian.

• A discriminating reader, Ms. Hansen chooses books that I The soldier was treated with disdain by his comrades
have been highly praised by respected reviewers. because he fled the battle after the first shot was fired.

• Lucy's parents want her to become more discriminating in I Dishonest individuals are regarded with disdain by most
her choice of boyfriends.

• Gail has discriminating taste in chocolate; she can tell with I In summarizing what the convicted man had done, the
one bite if a piece of chocolate is high quality. judge made no attempt to hide her disdain for a person
Who would abandon his own children.
disinclination dismiss
a lack of inclination; put away from
reluctance consideration; reject

Picture this: Picture this :

this incline nation this miss

I a-s-sume .!:fOUr
chocolate-s are <Swi-s-s. Ye-s, Mi-s-s,
I won't tolerate of cour-se
an.!:f other kind. the.!:f're <Swi-s-s.
That'-s the
\ onl.!:f kind
we have.

In this incline nation, folks have This miss likes to dismiss chocolates
a disinclination to walk uphill. that aren't Swiss.

• Mr. Tanner's son Ike told his father that he had a disinclination I My boss asked me for suggestions to improve efficiency but
to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon mowing the lawn. then dismissed my ideas as ridiculous.
His father's reply was "That's fine, as long as you understand
that I will then have a disinclination to pay your allowance I Before you dismiss a new idea as impractical, consider
it carefully.
this week."

• Arthur, a slightly built young man, has a disinclination to I The company director dismissed reports that he was
participate in sports involving physical contact. planning to resign, saying there was no basis in fact for
such speculation.
• I have a disinclination to help you because you didn't help
me when I was having difficulties.
d i soerse disputatious I
scatter I fond of arguing

Picture this: Picture this:

this purse dispute ate us

The contents of this purse are dispersed. Our disputatious dates liked to dispute
while they ate with us.

I Mary seems naturally disputatious; she takes an extreme

• Tear gas was used to disperse the large crowd of angry
position on every issue.
protesters that had gathered outside the government offices.
I Phil has hardly a disputatious bone in his body; he'll agree
• Biologists believe that every organism is born with the urge
with practically everything you say.
to disperse its genes as widely as possible.
I The disputatious customer disagreed with everything that
• At the sound of the bell signaling the end of the final period
she was told by the manager.
of the final day of the school year, the students of Thomas
Jefferson High School dispersed almost instantaneously.

dissent d iver2:ent
varying ; going in
different direction s
from the same point
Picture this: Pi cture this:
this scent Di verge gent

This scent causes him to dissent. Di on the verge of going with

a gent on a divergent path.

• No one dissented, so the motion was passed unanimously. I Sandra and Peter took divergent approaches to solving the
equation, but both arrived at the correct answer.
• Courage is often required for a person to dissent from the
opinion of the majority. I Paul and Sylvester were good friends in high school, but
their lives took divergent paths after high school: Paul
• Justice Smith wrote the dissenting opinion for the minority. enlisted in the Navy and sails around the world, while
Sylvester has settled down in our hometown.

I It's often more interesting to listen to a discussion between

experts with divergent views than to a discussion in which
similar views are expressed.
ry Check 9
document each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
provide written
evidence diligence disclose disdain
dillgents _ 2. disc close - 3. this Dane
Picture this:
Doc U meant disputatious divergent document
• dispute ate us _ 5. Di verge gent _ 6. Doc U meant

discount disinclination disperse

Thi-s man wa-s -stabbed I alway-G document 1. disc count _ 8. this incline nation _ 9. this purse _
in a fight, and we think -such ca-se-s. I don't know
he came to HOU whH there'-s nothing dismiss discriminating dissent
for treatment. in the file. thismiss _ 11. disc criminal 12. this scent

able to see differences g. reveal

scatter h. lack of inclination
persistent hard work i. put away from consideration
disagree . .
J. varymg
provide written evidence k. argumentative
scorn l. disregard; dismiss

'me 9
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Doc U meant to document the case. Jim's girlfriend would like him to become more in his taste
in clothes.
a. discriminating b. arbitrary c. derivative d. astute e. colloquial
• The job of a biographer is made easier if the subject has
documented his or her life. The young writer worked to create a style that would not be
labeled as in any way based on those of other writers.
• The historical society has started a project to document
~- d~v.ergently b. disputatiously c. cordially
the history of our town. · dthgently e. ambivalently

• Dad likes to document our summer vacation trips by

recording highlights with his video camera.
~n ~errnan Melville's nineteenth-century short story "Bartleby, The
t Crtvener," Bartleby is a scrivener (a professional copyist) who seems
.~have a to work; when asked to begin work, his reply is,
\vould prefer not to."
a.diligence b. decorum c. disinclination d. digression e. dissent
4. Most scientists the possibility of faster-than-light travel on the
grounds that it would violate the laws of nature.
a. disclose b. disdain c. document d. disperse e. dismiss arrogantly stating
opinions without proof
5. The two leaders of the uprising against the government returned to
their headquarters by routes after the police ordered the Picture this:
protesters to _ __ dog mat tick
a. disputatious .....dismiss
b. divergent.. ... disperse
c. discriminating ..... discount
d. derivative ..... deplore We tick-s are the -superior -specie-s,
e. divergent.. ... disclose -so get readH for an all-out
attack when Fldo get-s back!
6. We the incredible information that Jim had given us because
he refused to its source. 1~-o
a. deprecated ..... discount
b. deplored ..... articulate
c. compiled..... attribute
d. discounted ..... disclose
e. censured..... concede
I I1I(\/
1/ I
7. The research paper was regarded with by scholars because its
author had not carefully each step of his research. \\1,~ ~ /; f! f(/
./ ll1
a. diligence ..... disdained
w\11!\11, V{W \j \ ,II'' \1"
b. degradation ..... disclosed
c. disdain ..... documented
d. depravity..... dismissed Dogmatic views from a dog mat tick.
e. disinclination ..... documented

8. Justice Smith is the most judge on the appeals court; he I A good book reviewer is flexible and not dogmatic in his or
more rulings than any other judge. her views about what makes a book worthwhile.
a. divergent.. ... documents
b. disputatious ..... dissents from I A good scientist can't be dogmatic in evaluating evidence.
c. discriminating ..... discloses
d. derivative ..... discounts I One goal of education is to make people less dogmatic and
e. discriminating ..... disdains more open to different viewpoints.

1 ') 7
du eclectic
deliberate deceptiveness composed of elements
drawn f rom dive rse sources

Picture this : Pi c ture this :

do please city e lectric

"We've got everHthing

need for bu-sine-s-s
and recreation.
You name it, we've
got it.
. g'''
i--s boomm •

"Do please come to our lovely city;' An eclectic collection at Electric Connection.
says Mayor Duplicity.

• Joan has such a reputation for duplicity that we don't I Lionel has an eclectic collection of model trains from all
believe her even when what she says sounds as though over the world.
it may be true.
I The works of the writer Isaac Asimov demonstrate that he
• The thief used duplicity to gain entry into the bank: had remarkably eclectic interests; they cover practically
He posed as a telephone repairman. every subject imaginable, from Shakespeare to nuclear
• The spy was a mole; she used duplicity to gain the trust
of members of the intelligence service of the foreign I Dr. McAllister owns an eclectic collection of art from every
government in order to infiltrate it. continent.

e2:otism elated
excessive self-importance ; overjoyed;
conceit in high spirits

Picture this : Pi ct ure this:

E goat is him ee l ate Ted

No, certainll:J not! !:JOU help u-s
get the picnic
I am a much too
read!:J? ~~~~"' individual
to help
with -such

The main concern of E goat is himself. Elated swimmers swam as the eel ate Ted.
What egotism!

• A good definition of growing up is losing your egotism and I The new author was elated to see her first book in print.
becoming more concerned about the needs of other people.
I I was elated when my son phoned me to say that his wife
• It could be hard to avoid egotism if you get straight As, have had delivered a healthy baby girl.
the lead in the school play, received a perfect score on the
SAT, and have been selected for the all-state basketball team. I The members of our debating team were elated when they
won the state high school debating championship.
• Some people are so egotistical that they hardly listen to
what other people say, preferring instead to talk almost
ele elusive
poem or song
hard to grasp
expressing grief

Pic tur e thi s: Pi ct ure thi s:

a ledge he a loose sieve

Our dear friend Franz met

hi-s fate below
thi-s ledge.
He tried to "Hey you sieve, get back here!
climb where ......._ There's gold in this here river!"
no one ha-s

On a ledge, he delivers an elegy. A loose sieve being elusive.

• Deeply saddened by the death of his young son, the poet I My brother, an enthusiastic surfer, goes out to the ocean
Ben Johnson wrote an elegy to him. with his board every weekend in search of the elusive
(( per£ect wave.))
• P. B. Shelley's poem "Adonais" is an elegy mourning the
death of John Keats at the age of twenty-five. I Evidence for the existence of life outside of Earth has
proved elusive.
• One of the great elegies in American literature is Walt
Whitman's "When Lilacs in the Dooryard Bloom'd;' a I "Alley Cat" Al is an elusive fellow; first he escaped from
moving poem for President Abraham Lincoln. police custody, then he eluded a statewide manhunt.
em bell ish emulate
adorn; ornament;
add fictitious detai I imitate

Picture this: Picture this:

Em bell Em you're late



Em's bell is embellished with relish. "Em, you,re late! Must you emulate girls
who make their dates wait?"

• Sarah embellished her living room with vases she had I In Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare," the reader is
collected in her travels all over the world. asked to emulate the tortoise; the lesson is, "Slow and steady
wins the race."
• According to a recent survey, nearly half of all job applicants
admit to embellishing their qualifications. I Jim's mother wanted her son to emulate his father Jumbo
Jim in all but one area- his tendency to overeat.
• A journalist should not embellish a story to make it more
interesting to the reader. I After Sharon finishes her medical training, she plans to
emulate her father and become a general practitioner in
a rural area.

endorse en mit
approve; iII wi II ;
support hatred

Picture this : P ic ture th is :

end horse N mitt he

WhH are HOU wearing that

.stupid N mitt?!


,:·.:i~t~\x~,\ 1;,~·~·~

((That end horse looks good. I'll endorse it." The N mitt he wears causes enmity.

• Senator Cash was endorsed by all the major newspapers. I A feud within a family sometimes causes greater enmity
than one between people who aren't related.
• After the principal endorsed the student council's plans for
the graduation ceremony, our committee was able to go I The U.S. Civil War caused great enmity between North and
ahead with our planning for the event. South that persists in some forms to this day.

• The English department examined the available SAT I No enmity exists between the two rivals for the middleweight
preparation books carefully; then they endorsed several boxing championship, but each boxer does have a healthy
they felt to be of sound educational value. respect for the skills of the other.
Check 10
each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
short- I ived;
fleeting dogmatic egotism elated
1. dog mat tick 2. E goat is him _ 3. eel ate Ted
Picture this:
a fern mural elegy elusive
4. a ledge he _
5. a loose sieve 6. Em bell
emulate endorse
7. Em you're late _ enmity
I can explain it. 8. endhorse
You -see, it'-s 9. N mitt he
ephemeral art. ephemeral eclectic
afem mural _ duplicity

11. electric
12. do please city _
ill will; hatred
hard to grasp g. short-lived; fleeting
imitate h. overjoyed; in high spirits
i. approve; support
poem or song expressing grief
j. composed of elements
excessive self-importance; conceit
adorn; ornament drawn from diverse sources
k. arrogantly stating opinions
without proof
1. deliberate deceptiveness

A fern mural that's ephemeral. in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Some people are in their views and refuse to consider the

• Most of the writing that appears in newspapers IS Opinions of others.
a. articulate b. eclectic c. disputatious · d. dogmatic e. ephemeral
• In comparison to the billions of years that the universe has
existed, the life of each living thing seems ephemeral.
~ne judge on the appeals court disagreed with the majority opinion
CO cause
she believed that the police had used to obtain a
• Much slang is ephemeral, but some words- such as
phony- become part of standard English. t duplicity b. aversion c. diligence d. egotism e. ascendancy
Atost r I. .
e 1g1ons teach that we should turn our attention from the
:'--_ to the eternal.
elegy b. ephemeral c eclectic d. divergent e. enmity
4. John's interests are , ranging from art to electronics.
a. ascetic
u ivocal
b. autonomous unclear in meaning;
c. eclectic intentionally misleading
d. antediluvian
e. ephemeral Picture this:
equally vocal UNIT 11
5. grew between the directors of the rival companies after one
of them a plan to take over the other company.
a. Enmity..... beguiled
Can ,you tell u-s v..q,-re is \ ,..,0 u\d prefet1 170
b. Egotism ..... endorsed ~" . ~0 " 'E
clearly and _,.OJ ... o .SIQ'e ~ ·"'» -" uo Piie <+-
c. Enmity..... endorsed definitely {$" ~..... ~ (<) 0,''<' Jl.s. 0
d. Antagonism ..... appeased
e. Apprehension ..... deplored

6. After his good friend died, the poet wrote a (an) to her;
where ,you
.stand on
thi-s i-s-sue'?
~ ~a-
....~ ru~
.;:f' • • •R.1o1s.
~- #
T \'-
C) ~
"' ~
~" ;:;.: if-

.::r-. -.
:><., \opic u

JWee a -e'X



~~ ~ ·~~~tW
~ • r-.. 1\) !<> '!:: ~
although the poem her accomplishments a little, it gave eli' 1\ ,')) £
a generally accurate picture of her life. IIi

a. elegy..... embellished !
b. accolade ..... belied (')

c. artifact ..... embellished N.
... : ~
d. poem ..... censured ~ ~q_'((l be,., 11-ay.s "P ~- !I>
e. elegy..... endorsed ~ ~ ',.:'0 r5 ~
.X\ ssa~~~''r"rt'l''N\~)if
~er, +;'(,?:< .~
L. ;;:r

-x . ._
7. The scientist was when he found the evidence he >4pp-e ~o\.1 ~?J a7 ~~
·~ o':l
had been seeking for ten years to confirm the truth of his theory.
a. elusive ..... comprehensive The equivocal candidates are_equally vocal.
b. cursory..... elusive
c. conciliatory..... comprehensive
d. elated..... elusive I Debaters normally can't take an equivocal position if they
e. elated ..... capricious want to win; they must take a definite position either for or
against the motion proposed.
8. Although he has many traits that can be admired and even _ '
his is not one of them. I The judge demanded that the witness give a definite "yes" or
a. debilitated ..... complacency "no" answer, but received only an equivocal "maybe."
b. emulated..... diligence
c. emulated..... egotism I Politicians sometimes give equivocal responses to questions
d. acknowledged ..... decorum in order to avoid having their position on an issue "pinned
e. censured ..... duplicity down!'
erroneous eulo
mistaken of praise

Picture this: Picture this :

Ear Roni us Yu le Log* G

Mr. C.lau-s i-s the nice-st,

kinde-st per-son
in the world.

"It says we sell Ear Roni? Us? That's erroneous!" By the hearth with the glowing Yule Log G
he delivers a glowing eulogy.

• Just because something is on the World Wide Web doesn't I At the funeral of her beloved grandmother, Donna read a
mean it's true; there's a lot of erroneous information put on eulogy she had written to her.
the Web.
I Jim gave what might well be the shortest eulogy in history
• The belief that the distribution of wealth in America is fairly at his friend's funeral: "He was a pretty cool dude."
equal is erroneous; a recent study showed that the wealth of
the richest 1 percent of the population is equal to that of the I This biography of Abraham Lincoln isn't merely a eulogy to
poorest 40 percent of the population. him, it examiries his weaknesses as well as the qualities that
made him a great president.
• If your assumptions are erroneous, your conclusion will be
~A. yule log is a large log of wood that is traditionally burned in the
incorrect, no matter how logical your reasoning is. fireplace at Christmas.
1 A 2
evanescent exalt
fleeting ; raise in rank or
van ish i ng dignity ; praise

Picture this: Pi ct ure this:

even a scent X Sa lt

Even a scent of Evanescent will drive men crazy. X Salt is exalted to Superior Salt Status.

• Thoughts are often evanescent, coming into the mind for an • The combat hero was exalted in his hometown when he
instant and then vanishing as quickly as they came. returned home from the war.

• Tim joined a monastery because he believes that worldly • Having been made Bishop at the age of forty, Father Watson
happiness is evanescent, while spiritual happiness is eternal. believed he would one day reach the exalted position
of Cardinal.
• The artist is trying to capture the evanescent play of sunlight
on the surface of the lake. • When the College of Cardinals selects a Pope, he is exalted
above all other Roman Catholics.
execute ex em
put into effect; serving as a model;
carry out outstanding

Picture this : Picture this:

X, a cute exempt Larry



X, a cute letter from Texas, poised "Let's exempt Larry from exams since
to execute a triple flip. he's got exemplary grades."

• Coach Harris has drilled our football team so that we can I Although I don't agree with the book's argument, I admit
execute every play with precision. that it's written in an exemplary manner.

• One of the things that makes chess an interesting game is I The town council voted to recognize Ms. Miller's thirty
that you have to try to execute your own plan of attack years of exemplary service as town clerk with a special
while defending against your opponent's attack. ceremony.

• Soldiers in the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta were • My English teacher said that my essay was exemplary and
trained from boyhood to execute the plans of the leaders that he would read it to the class to illustrate the qualities
without question. of a good essay.
ex em exhaustive
serve as an example of comprehensive

Picture this: Pi c ture this :

example if I e xhaust Steve

-- --
!:JOU've got to
get !:JOUr act 0
toget~er. Girl-s take
one look at !:JOU
and t~e!:J are
out of ~ere.

((You mean it would be a good example if ((Our exhaustive battery of tests

I exemplify the 'perfect guy'?" does not exhaust Steve."

• In the eyes of many people, the astronauts exemplify the • The Congressional committee completed its exhaustive
spirit of adventure. three-month investigation into the financial crisis but
failed to find any evidence of incompetence on the part
• President Theodore Roosevelt exemplifies for many of the banks.
Americans the rugged, independent man of action.
• After an exhaustive review of his old tax records, Stan
• For many people, the spirit of the 1960s was exemplified found a small error that he had made.
at the Woodstock music festival in 1969.
• An exhaustive search through my collection of reference
books failed to locate the source of the quotation.

exolicit extol
totally clear; praise;
definite glorify

Picture this: Pi cture this :

X, please sit X stole

X, plea-se -sit. I want

to talk to Hou about HUNGRY
Hour triple flip CHILDREN
that flopped.
" Jl)


«X, please sit"-an explicit request. «X stole the chocolate X's from X Mart
and we extol him?"

• Tim's parents left for a weekend at Aunt Beth's, leaving him • My brother extols the virtues of camping under an open sky
with explicit instructions: "No parties in the house. Period:' in a sleeping bag; I, on the other hand, prefer sleeping in a
rainproof tent.
• The Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution is the first
explicit statement of human rights in history. • Marcia extols the joys of living in a big city, but Peter
prefers life in a small town.
• The explicit meaning of the poem is clear, but its deeper,
implied meaning is much more difficult to understand. • A lot of people extol the pleasures of reading detective
fiction, but I prefer historical fiction.
1110 ry Check 11
extricate e h each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
disentangle equivocal erroneous eulogy
I· equally vocal _ 2. Ear Roni us - 3. Yule Log G _
Picture this:
extra Kate evanescent exalt execute
5. X Salt
4• even a scent _ - 6. X, a cute _

exemplary exemplify exhaustive

7 exempt Larry _
• 8. example if I _ 9. exhaust Steve

explicit extol extricate

o. X, please sit _
11. X stole - 12. extra Kate

fleeting; vanishing g. expression of praise

mistaken h. raise in rank or dignity
put into effect; carry out i. serve as an example of
intentionally misleading j. totally clear; definite
serving as a model; outstanding k. thorough; comprehensive
disentangle 1. praise

owtime 11
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
t best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

((Extra! Extra! Kate's extricated!" ·It is to believe that life on Earth will last forever.
a. exemplary b. equivocal c. erroneous d. explicit e. evanescent

• Many countries are reluctant to commit troops in foreign The physicists found studying the subatomic particle difficult
conflicts because it is often difficult to extricate them. because it was ·
a. explicit b. erroneous c. exhaustive d. evanescent e. elated
• The salesman buttonholed the potential customer and gave
her his long sales pitch; the poor woman couldn't extricate ~nee a country is involved in the affairs of another country, it often
herself from the conversation without being rude. ncts that itself is not easy.

• The expression "Put his foot in his mouth" is often used

~· exe~plifying b. executing c. bolstering
· extncating e. extolling
when a person has said something embarrassing or insulting
and is going to have trouble extricating himself gracefully
from the awkward situation.
4. Sal's boss him in his letter of recommendation as a model
employee always willing to work hard and do everything he could exuberance
to ensure the success of projects in which he was involved. joyful enthusiasm;
a. extolled b. extricated c. executed d. dismissed e. disdained overflowing abundance

5. Ted is a (an) debater; he never takes a (an) position Picture this:

and states his case clearly and persuasively. X, you bear ants UNIT 12
a. explicit.. ... contentious
b. evanescent.. ... equivocal
c. exemplary..... exhaustive
d. bombastic..... erroneous
e. exemplary..... equivocal

6. For the ancient Greeks, the gods were often figures, _ __

the best qualities of human beings.
a. explicit.. ... executing
b. exalted ..... exemplifying
c. exalted..... deploring
d. erroneous ..... exemplifying
e. capricious ..... alleviating

7. If a coach wants his team to plays properly, he must make his

instructions _ __
a. execute ..... explicit
b. advocate ..... concise
c. exalt.. ... exemplary
d. acclaim ..... exhaustive "X, you bear ants!" he says with exuberance.
e. exemplify..... explicit

8. Jim delivered a (an) to his mother that was so that I Pat could hardly contain her exuberance after she saw her
it lasted for over an hour. score on the SAT; it meant she would be accepted at the
a. eulogy..... evanescent college she always wanted to attend.
b. affirmation ..... aloof
c. antidote ..... bombastic I When Ted finally got the chance to play in a college football
d. eulogy..... exhaustive game after spending three years as backup quarterback, he
e. degradation ..... comprehensive played with so much exuberance that he inspired his team
to a come-from-behind victory.

I The book reviewer hailed the new novel as "celebrating the

vitality, exuberance, and optimism of the American people."
fac i I itate (fa/ oh) fallow
he I p bring about; plowed but not
make less difficult sowed ; un c ultivated

Picture this: Pi ctu re this:

"Fast-Ill" it ate fowl low

l J I I Ri

0 • .. ...
"Fast- Ill" it ate to facilitate their illness experiment. Fowl fly low over a fallow field.

• To facilitate the investigation into its hiring practices, I The field has lain fallow for so many years that people are
the company made its personnel records available to beginning to wonder if its owner is planning to sell it to
government officials. property developers.

• The governor's order that nonessential vehicles stay off I On the first day of class, Professor Williams looked out at
the roads facilitated the movement of relief supplies the faces of the freshmen in his literature class, and thought,
into the flooded area. "The minds of these students are like fallow fields waiting
for me to plant in them the seeds of knowledge."
• The dictator refused to facilitate UN inspections of his
country's nuclear weapons. I Mr. Jones decided to let ten acres of his farmland lie fallow
this year.
falter fanaticism
hesitate I extreme devotion to
a belief or cause
Picture this: Pi c ture this:
fault her fan atic is Em

((I really can't fault her if she happens to falter." What a fanatic is Em !
Her fanaticism knows no bounds.

• The speaker faltered when he came to the part of his speech I Moderates believe that fanaticism is dangerous because it
in which he told his memories of his beloved wife who had divides people into opposing, often hostile, groups.
died recently.
I Miranda's fanaticism in imitating the dress of her favorite
• Our attack faltered soon after the enemy opened up on us pop singer is beginning to worry her parents.
with heavy artillery.
I Uncle Jim is a fanatical follower of the Chicago Cubs
• People with faith in human progress believe that although baseball team; he attends nearly every game, even away
progress may falter at times, in the long run life will - games.
fastidious feasible
difficult to please ; practical
very care f u I

Picture this: Pict ure this :

fast hideous fe es a bull

You can pa!:::f tne fee-s

to m!:::f a-s-si-stant.
fl Pa!:::f fee-s to a bull?
But how?
/ OV1A

A fastidious dresser about to come It's not feasible to pay fees to a bull.
to a fast, hideous end.

• The fastidious editor spent an hour considering the I The outlawing of alcoholic beverages during the Prohibition
placement of a single comma. period proved not to be feasible, and thus the Twenty-First
Amendment to the Constitution was approved, repealing the
• John is a very unusual teenager-he's fastidious in keeping Eighteenth Amendment that had banned such beverages.
his room neat.
I The proposal to colonize Mars is not feasible because it
• A fastidious housekeeper, Doris vacuums the living room does not include realistic plans for ensuring that the people
carpet daily. who settle there would be able to survive in the event
supplies from Earth were disrupted.

• The plan to guarantee every person a minimum yearly

_ income of $30,000 is not politically feasible.
fl a2:rant (fir tiv) furtive
conspicuously wicked; sneaky;
blatant; outrageous secretive

Picture this : Picture this :

flag rant fir ti ff

ih~!. in~ ~r
MtJ countrt~ i-s
the greate-st ~
countr~ in /~
OK, now . . . . .,
the world. grove where no one can near
\ u~, lei'~ nave a tiff! OK. I think tJOU are
reaiiH -self-centered!

-Yeah? Well
I think you're
too demanding,
~0 now'~ that?!

<2it7> =~
Flagrant hostility at a flag rant. A fir tiff is a furtive affair.

• The mayor's abuse of power became so flagrant that the I During the SAT test last week, I saw a .student take a furtive
town council decided to remove him from office. glance at an electronic dictionary he had apparently snuck
into the test center.
• In a flagrant violation of the school dress code, Sally wore
a halter-top to school yesterday. I The man's furtive behavior in the department store attracted
the attention of the security guards, who suspected that he
• Because the motorist's offense was flagrant, the traffic Was planning to shoplift.
policeman had no choice but to issue a summons to him.
I The children crept furtively down the stairs on Christmas
Eve, hoping to see their presents and perhaps even catch a
glimpse of Santa Claus.
arrulous lacial
talkative; very slow l y; like a glacier;
wordy extremely cold

Picture this: Pict ure this :

Gary rule us gull lay shell

..... flZ!P

"Gary, rule us;' yells the garrulous populace. Can a gull lay a shell on a glacial shore?

• The psychologist is good at encouraging reserved individuals I Negotiations on the issue are proceeding at such a glacial
to open up and talk about their problems; sometimes, in pace that there is little hope for a settlement in the
fact, they become so garrulous that she has trouble getting foreseeable future.
a word in herself.
I Arctic explorers must endure glacial temperatures.
• The normally garrulous actress was speechless when it was
announced that she had won the Academy Award for best I Uncle Toby completes one college credit every five years;
actress. at this glacial pace he'll have a degree by the time I'm a
• I ran into an old friend who is so garrulous that I missed
my dentist appointment listening to her updates on what
our mutual friends have been doing.
Check 12
I utton each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
someone who eats and
drinks excessively glacial exuberance
2. gull lay shell _ 3. X, you bear ants _
Picture this:
glut ton fallow falter
5. fowllow 6. fault her

fanaticism fastidious feasible

fanatic is Em _ 8. fast hideous - 9. fees a bull

flagrant garrulous glutton

tJ.agrant _ 11. Gary rule us _ 12. glut ton _

g. difficult to please
outrageous h. plowed but not sowed
enthusiasm i hesitate
bring about j. secretive
devotion to a cause k. talkative
'"'" ~"'~~, cold; very slow 1. someone who eats and drinks

the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
A glutton eats a glut of tuna weighing a ton.
Ms. Hansen is about keeping the materials in her classroom
• Every Sunday, Steve's Diner has a full house of gluttons for a. feasible b. flagrant c. fastidious d. dogmatic e. altruistic
the all-you-can-eat buffet.
a new house with a big vegetable garden; however, it will
• Fast-food restaurants allow gluttons to satisfy their desire to lie for a while because I don't have time for gardening
for food almost instantaneously.
b. antiquated c. abstemious d. fastidious e. feasible
• My girlfriend could be described as a glutton for shopping
because she spends most of her weekends at the mall.
none of his books had been praised by critics, Robert never
in his efforts to become a respected author.
fa l
Ctttated b. conceded c. dissented d. censured e. faltered
4. The normally quiet student suddenly became when the teach .
asked him to talk about his favorite subject, fly-fishing. er
a. evanescent b. hardy c. gullible d. concise e. garrulous sociable

5. He plays the guitar with considerable ; unfortunately, however

he makes mistakes that ruin his performance. ' Pi cture this:
Gregor Reeyus
a. composure .... .feasible
b. exuberance .....flagrant
c. conviction ..... exemplary
d. aversion ..... flagrant
e. fanaticism .... .fastidious

6. In order to a compromise on the issue, the president urged

each side to restrain their ___
a. document ..... egotism
b. facilitate .... .fanaticism
c. endorse .... .fanaticism
d. facilitate ..... ambivalence
e. extricate ..... exuberance

7. Because of the cold in the area, rescue workers decided that

a mission to rescue survivors from the plane that had crash-landed
in Antarctica would not be _ __
a. comprehensive .... .fastidious
b. antediluvian ..... extolled
c. glacial.. .. .feasible
Gregor Reeyus and his gregarious ways.
d. hardy..... flagrant
e. ephemeral.. .. .feasible

8. The sneaked into the kitchen when the other guests at the I Although human beings seem to be a generally gregarious
party weren't looking, opened the refrigerator door, and _ ate species, some individuals prefer solitude.
an entire chocolate cake.
I Some studies suggest that girls tend to be more gregarious
a. egotist ..... haughtily than boys.
b. fanatic. ... .cryptically
c. charlatan .... .furtively
I Oliver is generally gregarious, but sometimes he enjoys
d. glutton ... ..furtively
taking some time to be alone and reflect on things.
e. braggart ..... complacently
u i le ull ible
deceit; wi I i ness; easily
cunning deceived

Picture this: Pic tu re this :

guy ill gull -a-bull


"That guy? Ill? No, he's just ''If you believe in the gull-a-bull,
using guile to get us to give." you must be gullible!"

• Unable to convince the company to hire him,' Jim resorted to I The new teacher was so gullible that she fell for one of the
guile and added jobs he had never had to his resume. oldest excuses in the book: "Sorry, rna' am, I can't hand in
my homework on time because my dog chewed it up."
• I suspected that the used car salesman was using guile when
he assured me that the car I was looking at had only been I The saying, "Never give a sucker an even break," means that
driven by an old lady to church on Sundays. one should not hesitate to take advantage of someone who
is gullible.
• Does a soap opera exist that doesn't have as one of the main
characters a scheming woman who uses guile to get what I John is definitely gullible: He believes the e-mail message
she wants? he received saying that he was the lucky winner of a villa
in France is genuine.
hamoer hard
obstruct; make strong
more d i fficult

Pi c ture th i s: Pictu re thi s:

hamper hard D

But ~ou promi-sed

Kid-s, no one'-s moving we could go
until all the-se clothe-s canoeing
are wa-shed. thi-s morning!

A dirty hamper in the camper will "Gee, this is a hard D to crack-talk about hardy!"
hamper their holiday plans.

• My attempts to lose weight are hampered by the fact that I The first European settlers in America had to be hardy to
my wife is an excellent cook. survive the harsh winters.

• Mandy's performance on the math test was hampered I A football running back must be hardy enough to take
because her attention was focused on the handsome new repeated poundings from opposing defenders.
student sitting next to her.
I Health care workers are concerned about hardy strains of
• Coast Guard vessels trying to reach the sinking ocean liner bacteria that are evolving a resistance to antibiotics.
were hampered by high seas in the area.
hau2htiness hedonist
pr ide; one who believes that
arrogance ple asure is the so le aim
i n life
Pi cture this : Picture thi s:
haw, teen S heed Don is


~~a ~~~

((Haw, haw, haw-teenS has such haughtiness!" ((Heed my words: Don is a complete hedonist!"

• The headwaiter in the fancy French restaurant is so haughty I As a young man, Charles was a hedonist, but as he grew
you would think that he was not a waiter but America's older he became more interested in spiritual matters.
leading French cook.
I "Eat, drink, and be merry" is a pretty good summary of
• Tired of the haughtiness of their overbearing boss, the a hedonist's philosophy.
employees decided to complain about her to the CEO of
the company. I Saint Augustine abandoned the hedonistic pursuits of his
youth to pursue the spiritual life.
• People generally expect royalty to behave with considerable
heres hierarch
opinion contrary
arrangement by
to popular belief
rank or standing
Picture this : Picture this:
Hair-a-Sea higher ark he

ARks •

ARKS-. . .
LOWER ....,..-,

In the little village of Hair-a-Sea, A higher ark he built in the hierarchy of arks.
it's heresy not to have hair.

• The view that organized sports are a waste of time probably I Some people believe that life is organized as a hierarchy,
would be regarded as heresy by a majority of Americans. With plants at the bottom, animals in the middle, and
human beings at the top.
• A Ford buyer his entire life, Dad said he felt like he was
committing heresy when he bought a Toyota last year. I As Sally advanced in her career, moving steadily up the
company hierarchy, she found that many of her colleagues
• The research suggesting that students who study at home envied her success.
with proper supervision perform better academically than
students who attend school was regarded as heresy by the I Every country has a social hierarchy based on the status
teacher's union. Possessed by each individual.
I homogeneous erbole
c omposed of I exaggeration;
identical parts overstatement

Pi ct u re th i s: Pict ure this :

home 0 ge niu s hyp er bowl

Stop being hype!'!

You'll -sma-sh Hour-self
to -smithereen-s!
Don't u-se
on me!

((0, you're a home 0 genius! I just love Using hyperbole on a hyper bowl.
your homogeneous 0 homes."

• A world with a homogeneous population would be a pretty I "I agree with you when you say that I'm very pretty," Julie
boring place. said to her boyfriend. "However, I think you're using a bit of
hyperbole when you say I'm the prettiest girl in the world."
• Homogeneous grouping of students has the advantage
for teachers that it allows them to tailor their lessons for I Writers sometimes use hyperbole to create "larger-than-life"
different ability groups. characters.

• In its early history, the United States was a relatively I Advertisements often use hyperbole to persuade people to
homogenous society, but as immigrants arrived from buy products: "This revolutionary new product will change
many parts of the world, the population grew more varied. your life forever."
Check 13
ocritical each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
pretending to be
hedonist . hierarchy hyperbole
virtuous; deceiving
heed Don IS - 2. higher ark he _ 3. hyper bowl _
Picture this :
hippo critical hypocritical gregarious guile
hippo critical _ 5. Gregor Reeyus _ 6. guyill-

hamper hardy
I dete-st tho-se 8. hamper_ 9. hardD
who don't do all theH can
to -save the environment. heresy homogeneous
11. Hair-a-Sea 12. home 0 genius _

g. composed of identical parts

h. easily deceived
i. strong
j. pride; arrogance
k. opinion contrary to popular belief
1. exaggeration

in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

A hippo who is critical being hypocritical. lill is and enjoyed meeting all sorts of people at the party.
a. aloof b. garrulous c. furtive d. gullible e. gregarious

• Paula believes that her parents are being hypocritical in saying If the membership of Congress is , it will not accurately
that stealing is wrong in view of the fact that they take a reflect the varied makeup of our country.
towel from every hotel they stay in when they go on vacation. a. homogeneous b. colloquial c. ascetic d. abstract e. gregarious

• The bumper sticker on the vehicle in front of me telling ~ew presidents coming to power in Washington often use _ _ __
people to "Save the environment!" could be regarded as ill outlining what their administration will achieve.
hypocritical, considering that it's on a gas-guzzling SUV a. heresy b. hierarchy c. eulogy d. hyperbole e. disinclination
spewing out a lot of pollutants that harm the environment.

• Doris thought that her mother was being hypocritical in

saying that she shouldn't be married at the age of nineteen,
considering that her mother was married at seventeen. lRl
4. Capitalists consider it to suggest that property be owned
by no one but rather be shared equally by all members of the iconoclastic
community. attacking cherished
a. gregarious b. haughty c. heresy d. hyperbole e. hardy traditions

5. That customer is really ; the salesman just used a bit of Picture this :
_ _ _ _ in the sales pitch, and she bought the product without Ike Kono's class
asking any questions.
a. hardy.....duplicity
b. furtive .....haughtiness Te~t~ are -stupid.
c. gullible .....guile The!:J ~hould be aboli~hed.
d. contentious ..... candor I ~a!:J aboli~h
e. garrulous .... guile ~choo(~ entirely.
0et rid of
6. Being the only person enough to run the marathon in less Thank-sgiving.
\ \
than two hours has made Bill _ _ __
a. exhaustive ..... gullible
b. hardy..... haughty
c. haughty..... hardy
d. discriminating ..... elated
e. glacial.. ... aloof

7. At least Mr. Robertson isn't a (an) -he admits that he's

a who lives for eating and sailing his yacht.
a. hedonist ..... hypocrite
b. adversary..... glutton
c. charlatan .....braggart Iconoclastic students in Ike Kono's class.
d. artisan ..... hypocrite
e. hypocrite ..... hedonist
I During the 1960s, many iconoclastic young people
8. The terrorists planned to murder twelve officials at the top of the questioned the accepted beliefs and values of the time.
government ; however, they were in their attempt
to carry out their plans by security officers who grew suspicious and I The young art critic established her reputation by writing
moved the officials to a more secure location. iconoclastic articles ridiculing the conservative views of
a. complacency...... faltered other critics.
b. hierarchy..........hampered
c. ascendancy..... extolled I Some iconoclasts in the field of education believe that the
d. anomaly..... hampered present education system should be replaced with a new one
e. hierarchy.... .facilitated designed to meet the needs of modern society.

. i llusor
deceptive ;
deep disgrace;
not real
shame or dishonor

Picture this: Pi c ture this :

a gnome* Minnie a lew sorry

I'm -small, but I'm certainlH

not a-shamed of' it.

A gnome, Minnie, suffers no ignominy. A Lew, sorry for having followed

an illusory dream.

• Coach told us that there is no ignominy in defeat- even the I After a hard week at work coping with reality, Janet loves to
71- 7 rout our team suffered- as long as we made our best pick up a huge fantasy novel and escape into an illusory
land of fairies, elves, and goblins.
effort for the entire game.

• Because of his steadily mounting debt, the storeowner faced I In his daydreams, Harry lived in an illusory world in which
he was a rich and dashing man about town.
the ignominy of bankruptcy.

• The young lieutenant's life came to an ignominious end I After watching Josh try for twenty years to become a rock
when he was executed for selling military secrets to a star, his friends tried to persuade him that his dream was
illusory and that he should look for a regular job.
foreign power.
* A gnome is a mythological dwarflike being that lives under the earth
'OA on"rclinQ treasures.
. .
immutable 1moa1r
unchangeable I injure; hurt

Picture this: Picture this:

a mute table imp* pair


An immutable fact:
'~ The imp pair impair her social life.
There's no talking at a mute table.

• Most religions teach immutable values for their followers I Gwen's hearing is impaired as a result of an ear infection
she had when she was a child.
to live by.

• Science operates on the assumption that there exist laws of I Although the computer printer will work with the inferior
ink cartridge, its ability to produce high-quality printouts
nature that are immutable.
will be impaired.
• According to the Theory of Evolution, each species of living
thing is not immutably fixed in its nature, but rather in a I The movement of the throwing arm of our team's starting
continual process of change as it adapts to its environment. quarterback has been impaired as a result of the injury he
sustained in lastweek's game.

~An imp is a child that causes mischief.

imoeccable imolement
faultless; having put into effect
no flaws

Picture this : Picture this :

imp peck a bull im p lament

A~~ IMP~ MU'!S.,

Would !::fOU care for
a cup of tea?
Hello, little imp. How do !::fOU do?
lt'<S a beautiful morning, wouldn't !::fOU <Sa!::f?
~,..._ ~=~~N BY 5 p.M.
EVENING I . me give !::JOU
a little peck.

An imp tries to peck a bull They implement a curfew to an imp lament.

with impeccable manners.

• Although the work of the research group was impeccable, I After the school board implemented the new policy
they were unable to identify the source of the problem. requiring every student to write one long essay per week,
the teachers protested, saying that it would be impossible
• My fourth grade teacher insisted on impeccable penmanship for them to mark so many essays.
from every student.
I To give the workers time to adapt, the manager decided to
• The actress made sure she was dressed impeccably for the implement his new production program in stages.
Academy Awards ceremonies because she knew that reporters
would be out in full force, observing every detail of her I The executive branch of the U.S. government is responsible
appearance. for implementing laws passed by the legislative branch.
imoudence inadvertent
unintentional ; as a result
offensive boldness of oversight; c areless

Picture this: Pi cture this :

imp you dance in advert tent


((Imp, you dance? Your impudence In "advert tent #2" an ad man makes
must be punished!" an inadvertent comment.

• The famous surgeon became angry with the young doctor I The newspaper layout person apologized to me after it was
for having the impudence to question his judgment in discovered that, through an inadvertent error, she had
the case. omitted my photograph from my column on English.

• The dictator punished his adviser for his impudence in I Sam assured Bob that although his remark could be seen
suggesting that more power should be given to the people. as insulting, it had been inadvertent.

• The teacher ignored the impudent comment, knowing that I The traffic policeman didn't accept my excuse that I had
responding to it would just give the student who made it the inadvertently pressed the accelerator instead of the brake
attention he was seeking. pedal and gave me a ticket for speeding.
incite inclusive
arouse to tending to
action include all

Picture th i s: Picture this :

in sight in clues if

"We have in sight the guy who's Look in clues if you seek inclusive evidence.
trying to incite a riot."

• Inciting a riot is a criminal offense because it endangers I Each of the two major American political parties tries to be
public safety. inclusive, appealing to as many types of people as possible.

• The seaman was court-martialed for inciting mutiny on I Some people like to live in a "gated" community, separate
board the ship. from the larger community; I, however, prefer to live in a
place that is more inclusive.
• The rebels captured a government television station and
used it to make broadcasts inciting revolution. I The United Nations strives to be an inclusive organization
so that all nations are represented.

10') 10,
. rY check 14
1ncon2ruous each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
not fitting; mcongruous
absurd iJ!lPair . 3. in Congress _
iJ!lPpatr _ 2. in advert tent -

Picture this:
incite impeccable
in Congress iJJlpudence
5. insight_ 6. imp peck a bull _
iJilPyou dance _
. . illusory
iconoclastic tgnommy
JkeKono's class _ 8. a gnome Minnie _ 9. a Lew sorry _

immutable implement inclusive

unute table _ 11. imp lament _ 12. in clues if -

g. deep disgrace; shame or dishonor

h. attacking cherished traditions
i. put into effect
j. arouse to action
k. tending to include all
1. not fitting

lowtime 14
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Incongruous behavior in Congress. The speaker's fiery speech the crowd to violence.
a. endorsed b. deplored c. aspired d. incited e. impaired

• That house built in the design of a ski lodge looks The teacher's views on education were condemned by
incongruous out here in the desert. the conservative members of the school board.
~ ambiguous b. iconoclastic c. archaic
• It seems incongruous that those beautiful paintings are ·amorphous e. hypocritical
exhibited in a shoddy, filthy gallery.
~~arlie. ~ecided to dress casually for the formal dinner; he regretted
• The rattan furniture that looked so good in my house in h'sdectston later, however, because his appearance made
Florida looks incongruous in my new house in Minnesota. 'tn feel uncomfortable all night.
~· ~llusory b. incongruous c. impeccable
·Iconoclastic e. inadvertent
4. Our high school tennis team suffered the of losing an
exhibition match to a junior high school team.
a. impudence b. hyperbole c. heresy d. haughtiness e. ignorniny insignificant;
5. The view that there exist truths is regarded as
by many modern philosophers. --- Picture this:
in con sequence shall
a. illusory.....analogous
b. capricious ..... .iconoclastic
c. immutable ..... conciliatory
d. concise ..... hypocritical
e. immutable .... .illusory we go
6. The company has a (an) record in the hiring of people in con -sequence? ~~\,
from minority groups; it's one of the most firms in the
country in its hiring practices.
a. iconoclastic..... hypocritical
b. illusory..... inclusive
c. impeccable .... .immutable
d. gullible .... .inadvertent
e. impeccable .... .inclusive

7. My car's ability to stop quickly in an emergency was because

I inflated the tires to the incorrect pressure.
a. impaired ..... hypocritically
b. inadvertent.. .. .incongruously
c. impeccable .... stupidly
d. illusory.... .inadvertently "It's inconsequential how we go, but in con
e. impaired.... .inadvertently sequence shall we go if you insist!"

8. Tired of the of her class, Ms. Harris a strict • "The spelling errors in my essay are inconsequential
new system of punishing disrespectful students. because they don't affect the meaning;' Susie said to her
a. impudence .... .implemented English teacher.
b. ignominy..... documented
c. egotism .... .incited • Driving home from the supermarket I was involved in
d. exuberance .... .implemented an accident; fortunately, however, the damage was
e. impudence .... .impaired inconsequential- just a minor dent in the rear bumper.

• Richard believes so strongly that the U.S. national debt

should be eliminated that he donated $1,000 to the Treasury
Department; it had an inconsequential effect on the debt,
but it made him feel a little better. 197
incorri2:ible indifferent
unmoved; uncon c erned
not correctable
by; mediocre

Picture this: Pi cture this:

encourage a bull in different

You reaii!::J mu-st ~lim down, !::JOU know.

.Ju~t tnink now mucn more attractive !::JOU 1 11 be
after !::JOU lo~e 100 pound~. You'll be
tne Bull of' the Ball!

~ o
r.:;;;;;;f' -<>
Trying to encourage a bull to cease People in different lands being
his incorrigible ways. indifferent to each other.

• Betty is an incorrigible flirt-she's already chatted with I Bill is the kind of person who is indifferent to his
every guy at the party, and it's only nine o'clock. surroundings; he doesn't seem to notice whether he's
walking in a beautiful forest or the ugliest section of the city.
• Nigel is an incorrigible optimist: He's flunked out of school
and lost his job, and his girlfriend has dumped him; despite I Tired of his son's indifferent attitude toward schoolwork,
this, however, he's always cheerful and keeps saying that Mr. Kilmer threatened to make him stay home all weekend
things will get better soon. to catch up with his assignments.

• The prisoner's behavior had become incorrigible; since he I The usually excellent actor gave an indifferent performance
refused to obey all instructions, the warden ordered that in the new play.
he be placed in solitary confinement.
. .
induce 1n2en1ous
persuade; clever;
bring about resou rcefu I

Picture this: Picture this:

in deuce in genius

Carved in the deuce was a noose In genius we find ingenious ideas.

to induce fear in Bruce.

• When he was eight years old, nothing could induce Bruce I How often do we stop to consider the thousands of
to go near a girl; however, now that he's nineteen, he can't ingenious ideas that were the origin of the complex
stay away from them. devices-televisions, cars, computers-that we use in
our eyeryday lives?
• Oliver used many strategies to induce Gail to marry him,
including sending her a present every day. I What an ingenious device! It helps you to find your car keys
no matter where you've put them.
• A total vegetarian all his life, nothing could induce Jason
to eat a piece of meat. I This new detective novel has such an ingenious plot that it
Was voted best novel of the year by the detective fiction club.

')(\(\ 'JOl
inherent in nate
firmly established i nborn
by nature or hab it

Picture this: Pi cture this :

in her aunt in Nate

AuntH, -stop planting

and come eat lunch
with me.
~ .Ju-st a bit more

------- planting to do, dear.

--;::--- .-
_,..,...- ::....--:::::,.. .,..,-

~i!~~l i~··'

In her aunt is an inherent need to plant. "In Nate we see innate ability that's not being used:'

• Although Walter's inherent tendencies seem to be toward I Some people think that selfishness is innate in human beings.
the arts, his father wants him to study science in college.
I Intelligence tests are designed to measure a person's innate
• According to the United Nations' Universal Declaration ability.
of Human Rights, every human being possesses inherent
political, economic, and other rights. I Psychologists believe that some personality traits, such
as introversion and extroversion, are to a significant
• The inherent instability of this airplane's design makes degree innate.
it unsafe.


1nnocuous innovation
change; introduction
of something new

Picture this: Pi cture this :

in a queue* us in n ovation

How ·nnova
I l-IVe.I

.:::: totall.!::f
/ idea!

In a queue with us were several innocuous snakes. A real inn ovation for this inn's innovation.

• King, my family's German Shepherd, looks ferocious, but I The space shuttle was an innovation in space flight; however,
I assure you that he's actually innocuous. some experts now believe that a return to older types of
spacecraft is advisable because of the problems the shuttle
• Don's illness seemed innocuous at first, but steadily became has had.
worse until his life was in danger.
I One of the great recent innovations in communications
• The fumes might appear innocuous-they smell pleasant is e-mail.
enough-however, prolonged exposure to them will almost
certainly harm your health. • Ms. Chambliss won this year's teacher-of-the-year award
for her innovative and effective approaches to conducting
* A queue is a line of people waiting their turn for something. lessons.
instieate i nsu Iarit
provoke; narrow-m i ndedness;
start; urge isolation

Picture this: Picture this :

inn's Tea Gate I nn Sue-Larry Tea

Each table
get-5 -5erved
onl~ one t,ype
of tea. You
have to decide
which t,ype
~ou want.

The waiter "at the inn's Tea Gate Sue and Larry live in insularity
instigates a tea debate. drinking Inn Sue-Larry Tea.

• The revolutionary instigated rebellion among the people by I The insularity of China during much of its history
spreading rumors that the king was planning to confiscate caused many people in that country to be suspicious
all private property. of foreigners.

• The principal will eventually find out who instigated the I These native people live an insular existence in their remote
fight, so you might as well confess that it was you. mountain village.

• Security officials are searching for a group that it believes to I Europeans sometimes accuse Americans of insularity; they
be instigating the overthrow of the government. say Americans tend to regard events occurring beyond the
borders of their country as having little relevance to them.
Check 15
inte each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
uprightness; innovation inherent
wholeness iJ!!Iocuous
iJI 8 queue us 2. inn ovation 3. in her aunt

Picture this:
--, 1
indifferent insularity
in tea gritty induce
5. in different - 6. Inn Sue-Larry Tea _
deuce -
integrity inconsequential
8. in tea gritty _ 9. in con sequence

incorrigible mgemous instigate

encourage a bull _ 11. in genius 12. inn,s Tea Gate

g. inborn
h. not correctable
by i. persuade; bring about
n of something new j. unimportant
established by nature or habit k. uprightness; wholeness
1. narrow-mindedness

the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

"In tea
o o o gritty stuff.
o o o principal decided to introduce strict new rules to control the
She has no integrity!" students who refuse to behave themselves in class.
~corrigible b. innocuous c. inconsequential
• The community expects schoolteachers to be individuals of Impaired e. indifferent
integrity whom young people can respect.
you ever had the experience of having a remark that seemed
• Amber is a person of integrity; she could have kept the - at the time it was made later taking on great importance
$10,000 in the wallet that she found and no one would have
been the wiser; instead, she returned the wallet and the b. inconsequential c. indifferent
money to their rightful owner. e. inherent

• The bank clerk was believed to be a person of integrity- _ _ _ _ weaknesses meant that it would not be able to
until it was discovered that she had withdrawn $300,000 . its intended objectives.
from a customer's account and left town in the night. lllnocuous b. inconsequential c. inherent d. insular e. indifferent
4. There is some evidence that musical ability is to some extent
a. ingenious ----.._,
b. innate
c. integrity
d. inadvertent
e. mcongruous Picture this:
intimate date
5. The scientist's research led to discoveries that later helped
engineers produce in several fields.
a. ingenious ..... anomalies
b. indifferent.. .. .insularity
c. inherent.. .. .innovations
d. impeccable ..... conflagrations
e. ingenious .... .innovations

6. Nothing could the people of Little Creek to give up their

small town and adopt the attitudes of city people.
a. incite .... .integrity
b. confound.... .fanaticism
c. induce .... .insularity
d. advocate ..... depravity
e. instigate .... .insularity

7. The police identified a man who appeared , but whom

they believed was young people to commit crimes.
a. furtive .... .inciting
b. innocuous .... .instigating An intimate date tends to intimidate her.
c. ingenious .... .inducing
d. inherent.. .. .instigating
e. impeccable ..... acclaiming I Don't let the difficult vocabulary on the SAT intimidate
you; if you study systematically, you can learn most of the
8. The lawyer's professional demanded that he defend his words likely to appear on it.
client to the best of his ability even though the man's fate was a matter
about which he was _ _ _ __ I The president deployed the Seventh Fleet to intimidate the
a. innovation .... .innocuous potentially aggressive nation.
b. insularity.... .indifferent
c. diligence ..... equivocal I When the Maori warriors of New Zealand do a war dance
d. egotism ..... benevolent called the haka, they intimidate their enemies.
e. integrity.... .indifferent

. .

fearless I resulting in an unexpected

and contrary outcome

Picture this: Picture this:

in trip heed* Iron Nick

Even the most intrepid explorer should, "It's ironic that Iron Nick was flattened
in his trip, heed warnings. by a load of barbells."

• An intrepid investor, Mr. Wilcox regularly puts a large part I It was an ironic twist of fate for the greatest swimmer in
of his savings into high-risk stocks. Olympic history-drowning in a swimming pool.

• Only a few intrepid climbers have dared to scale the sheer I Isn't it ironic that it was the worst student in the English
wall of Mt. Doom. class who later became a distinguished novelist?

• Mary is intrepid in pursuing her dream of becoming a I It's ironic that Betty, a tireless campaigner against drunk
published writer; despite having received hundreds of driving, was killed in a car crash caused by a drunk driver.
· rejections, she submits a new story every week.

* To heed is to pay careful attention to something.

ocular lament
said or done grieve; express
in jest sorrow

Picture thi s: Pic ture this :

jock caller Lamb meant

Are HOU girl-s all coming

to our .Jock Hou-se
Rock tonight'?

l~n't 11e
a ~cream'?

A jock caller says something jocular. Professor Lamb meant to lament

the death of his favorite lamb in Kent.

• The young diplomat closed his tribute to the outgoing I "Kids today aren't as serious as we were in our day" is a
ambassador with what he intended to be a jocular remark lament that has been expressed by the older generation
about the ambassador's love of food; the ambassador, about the younger generation through the ages.
however, saw it as an insult.
I There's little point in lamenting the end of summer
• Tim's continual jocular comments were starting to annoy vacation-the first day of school will come around
Sue: "Can't you ever be serious?" she asked. regardless.

• We were surprised to see our usually serious math teacher I In his old age, Dave lamented the lost opportunities of his
in a jocular mood, cracking jokes a-mile-a-minute. youth.
lavish I in 2e r
extravagant; loiter or dawdle;
wasteful continue or persist

Picture this: Pic ture this:

laugh fish Lyn n Gere

What do ,you think

of the laugh f/-sh?

Laugh fish serenade them at a lavish feast. "Lynn Gere loves to linger here."

• When my company makes a million dollars, I'll invite all I Most of the guests left the party at midnight, but Robin and
my employees to a lavish dinner to celebrate. Gwen lingered into morning, talking about their different
philosophies of life.
• The young couple regret their lavish spending on their
honeymoon trip; now they don't have enough money for I After the funeral, the old woman lingered a while at her
a down payment on the house they want to buy. husband's grave, recalling their long life together.

• The salesman entertained his clients lavishly, hoping to • The last cold I had lingered for so long I thought that I'd
close the big deal with them. have it for the rest of my life.
listless loft
lacking i n spi rit
very h igh
or energy

Picture this : Pict u re thi s:

list-less loft he

Lisa is listless because she's ((list-less." In a loft he lived-in a lofty mountain hideaway.

• Our football team was listless in the first half and fell I The United States now occupies the lofty position of the
behind 28 to 7, but in the second half they came back to life most powerful country in the world.
and mounted a comeback.
I As a child, Clarence had the lofty ambition of becoming
• We were surprised by the band's listless performance until governor of our state; however, when he grew up he had
we learned that it had been touring for three months to be content with a seat on the town council.
straight and its members were exhausted.
• Lofty ideals are of little use unless they are put into practice.
• It's such a hot day that everyone is listless, just sitting
around the house eating ice cream and drinking soda.

meander mercenar
wind or turn interested in
in its course money or gain

Picture this : Picture this:

me and her myrrh scenery

Myrrh t
&.rove J
L-- ill

<<You'll be seeing a lot of me and her A mercenary Moor stops to admire

as we meander 'round the mountain." the myrrh scenery.

• Highway 61 meanders for hundreds of miles through the I The investor's motive in building a resort in the poor
rolling farmland of Dylan County. country isn't entirely mercenary; he believes that a resort
will bring employment that will help the local people.
• Black Muddy River meanders through the valley down
toward the sea. I Responding to critics who complained that he seemed to
write for mercenary rather than artistic motives, the writer
• Professor Barzun's lectures are remarkable; they meander replied, "Even writers have to eat and pay the mortgage."
through all the areas of history, shedding light on each
of them. I Although offers of free services on the World Wide Web
often are attractive, there is often a mercenary motive

_ ____
behind them: If you sign up for a free service, you're more
likely to later sign up for a service that you have to pay for. ,.,,.,,
Check 16
meticulous each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
painstaking ;
illtimidate intrepid lfOlllC
excessively careful
j)ltiJnate date _ 2. in trip heed _ 3. Iron Nick
Picture this:
met tickle us lament lavish
5. Lamb meant 6. laugh fish _

linger listless lofty

LynnGere _ 8. list-less 9. loft he

meander mercenary meticulous

meand her 11. myrrh scenery _ 12. met tickle us

in an unexpected, contrary outcome g. loiter; persist

in spirit or energy h. said or done in jest
i. wind or turn in its course
j. very high
k. fearless
tterested in money or gain 1. painstaking

in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

((Her behavior was far from meticulous. many students at the test site after the SAT was finished;
Whenever we met, she would tickle us!" wanted to get back home and relax.
intimidated b. meandered c. lingered d. extricated e. aspired
• The novelist planned the plot of her novel in meticulous
detail. - - - that the author of the recently published book about
to lose weight didn't succeed in losing weight herself.
• Mr. Tan's lawn is meticulous; he spends two hours every indifferent b. ingenious c. innocuous d. incorrigible e. ironic
weekend working on it.
teachers in the town were accused of being when they
• Herb's meticulous preparation for the SAT was rewarded the school board for a raise.
with a perfect score.
mercenary b. meticulous c. lofty d. lavish e. ironic
4. A (an) investigation by the police uncovered a clever,
well-hidden scheme to defraud retirees out of their life savings. miserl
a. mercenary b. listless c. meticulous d. ironic e. jocular
5. Joe was so by the immensity of his task-learning
3,500 words for the SAT-that he became and couldn't Picture this :
concentrate on learning the words. miser Lee
a. intimidated..... jocular
b. instigated ..... ambivalent
c. elated.... .indifferent
d. impaired.... .fastidious
e. intimidated.... .listless

6. Marsha is in her pursuit of her goal of becoming

the first woman president of the United States; she has overcome every
obstacle in her way so far and will be nominated by her party for the
office next year.
a. assiduous .... .inherent
b. incorrigible .... .lofty
c. lofty.... .intrepid
d. intrepid.... .lofty
e. ironic ..... exemplary

7. The two friends through the streets of the city, talking

and the fact that they had not done anything to prepare
for the SAT test they were taking the next morning.
a. dispersed ..... acclaiming Miser Lee-a miserly old goat.
b. meandered .... .lamenting
c. beguiled.... .lamenting
d. coalesced..... acknowledging I Most of the year Dad is miserly when it comes to letting us
e. lingered ..... deploring buy luxuries, but at Christmas he drops the Scrooge routine
and lets us buy pretty much whatever we want.
8. Heather apologized to her friend Wendy for insulting her,
but knew that she still harbored resentment and that it would be a I Our football coach, Mr. Edwards, is miserly in handing
long time before they would return to their banter. out praise; after we beat the top-ranked team in the state
a. ironically.... .innocuous 58 to 0, he just said, "That was a pretty good game, boys."
b. listlessly.....jocular
c. intrepidly.... .lofty • Considered the most miserly boss in town, Mr. King
d. erroneously.....garrulous surprised us when he gave us all a 20 percent raise.
e. lavishly..... jocular
m iti 2:ate morose
moderate ill-humored;
in intensity sad; gloomy

Picture this: Pi cture this:

mitt a gate more rose

lli'{i41 Why did Oliver

~ break up with me?
Oh why?

They drop his mitt by a gate to mitigate his anger. Morose Mary needs more rose.

• The government provided food subsidies to mitigate I Diagnosed with terminal cancer, Ruth refused to become
the effects of the depression on the poor. morose; instead, she resolved to live the rest of her life to
the fullest.
• Most medicines that can be bought over-the-counter only
mitigate the effects of an ailment, they don't cure the I The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates believed that a
ailment itself. person shouldn't become morose, even when facing his or
her own death.
• The judge decided that because of the mitigating
circumstances of the case he would not impose the • Some people become morose after someone close to
most severe sentence possible. them dies.

mosa1c mundane
picture made of colorful worldly as opposed to
small inlaid tiles; spiritual ; everyday;
something that resembles concerned with the
a mosa1c Picture this: Picture this: commonplace
most say ick Monday

Most say "ick" when they see Moe's icky mosaic. A mundane Monday.

• In the Roman Empire, floors were decorated with mosaics I Professor Pascal has little time for the mundane business of
made up of marble slabs of various colors. running her laboratory; she leaves that to her assistant so
that she can concentrate on research.
• The detective pieced together the clues at the scene of the
crime until they formed a mosaic that gave him a clear I The English teacher asked his students to record not the
picture of how all the events led to the crime. mundane details of their lives but rather their observations
and reflections.
• The church of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, is famous
for its beautiful gold mosaics . I A talented writer can make even a mundane topic like
brushing your teeth or mowing the lawn interesting.

77R ??Q
munificent nefarious
very generous very wicked

Picture this: Pic ture this :

Moon if I sent no ferry us

Attention! We nave ju-st learned

that a nefariou-s bomber i-s on board.
Tni-s ferr,y i-s clo-sed.
.- /

"Moon, if I sent you an atmosphere "A nefarious bomber on board?-

it would be a munificent act." then it's no ferry for us!"

• The munificent businessman donated five million dollars I The terrorists' nefarious plan to bomb the elementary
to the school building fund. school was uncovered through alert police work.

• Andrew Carnegie, a rich and munificent nineteenth-century I The actor, famous for his portrayals of nefarious characters,
industrialist, established over 2,800 public libraries in the longed to play the "good guy" for a change.
United States.
I The hackers' nefarious plan was to break into computers
• The poor farmer is remarkably munificent; although he in banks around the country and make them crash, causing
can hardly afford to feed his own family, he never turns chaos in the economy.
away a stranger in need of a meal.
nonchalance notoriet
indifference; lack of iII fame (being known
concern; composure widely and unfavorably)

Picture this: Picture this:

non shell lance Noto Riot he


((Shell lance or non shell lancet' he asks For his part in the Noto Riot, he gained
with nonchalance. instant notoriety.

• After being nearly "beaned" by an inside fastball, Luke got • The student gained notoriety on campus for cheating on
up, dusted himself off, and with complete nonchalance, her final exams. .
delivered the game-winning hit on the next pitch.
• Our football team's left defensive end has gained notoriety
• Dad acted nonchalant about his promotion to vice- around the conference for his dirty play.
president of the company, but we all knew that he was
actually very excited about it. I The writer received notoriety in the literary world when
it was discovered that he had copied most of the ideas
• An appearance of nonchalance is required for anyone who for his best-selling book from a long-forgotten work by
wants to be considered "cool:' another author.

nove It nurture
something new; nourish; educate;
newness foster

Picture this: Picture this:

Novel Tea near shore

It'-s a .special infu-sion of of'ange pekoe, bef'gamot,

Cf'eativity, r::>a,.jeeling, and litef'af'y -sen-sibility.
People are coming in and drinking m~ tea
and churning out novel-s like craz~.

~\1\}RJaTJ~I'" r--.. \

Novel Tea is a novelty that sparks creativity. On the near shore they nurture narcissi.

• When automobiles were introduced in the nineteenth I In most American families, the mother has the primary
century, they were considered a novelty, but they soon responsibility for nurturing the children.
became considered a normal, necessary part of life by
most people. I My mathematics teacher nurtures mathematical talent in
students by giving them encouragement and guidance.
• The novelty of college life wore off after a few months,
and Alice settled into a routine of going to her classes and I The newspaper editor carefully nurtured the talent of her
then the library to study and do research. Writers, helping them to steadily become better at
their craft.
• After receiving Ds and Fs on his English essays all year,
it was a novelty for Larry to receive a B.
0 ry Check 17
obi iterate each word and its link to the corresponding definition.

destroy completely obliterate miserly

2. Ob Letter Eight _ 3. miser Lee
Picture this:
Ob Letter Eight mitigate morose mosaic
mitt a gate _ 5. more rose - 6. mostsayick _

mundane munificent nefarious


'i .......

non shell lance _
8. Moon if I sent

- 9. no ferry us _

11. near shore 12. Noto Riot he

nourish; educate g. everyday

rerywicked h. destroy completely
very generous i. moderate in intensity
~ingy j. something new
il fame k. indifference
,, I I
il - humored 1. picture made of colorful tiles

owtime 17
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
It best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
In Ob Letter Eight, Oblantis obliterates aliens.
Inorder to the negative effects of the recession on the
Population, Congress passed a law increasing unemployment benefits.
• Rising sea levels threaten to obliterate many of the island a. intimidate b. obliterate c. nurture . d. mitigate e. instigate
nations of the world.
Arnerican society is sometimes compared to a made up
• The meteor was obliterated when it collided with the Moon. of People of nearly every culture and race on Earth.
a. mercenary b. mosaic c. nonchalance d. novelty e. notoriety
• After her divorce, Tammy obliterated everything she had
that reminded her of her ex-husband. ~e mechanic gained in the town when a newspaper
him in a report about mechanics who cheat customers
car repairs.
a. novelty b. lament c. nonchalance d. notoriety e. integrity
4. The dictator ordered all records of previous democratic rule in the
country be _ _ __ oblivion
a. mitigated b. lamented c. meandered d. nurtured e. obliter obscurity;
forgetfu I ness
5. The writer became so after his manuscript was rejected th
he had trouble attending to the tasks of everyday life. at Picture this :
a. debilitated .... .innocuous Ob live eon
b. meticulous ..... morose
c. miserly..... nefarious
d. listless ..... mercenary
e. morose ..... mundane How long did An eon.
Ob live'? That'-s
6. The teachers in our town were accused by some people of being a long
_ _ _ _ ;the teachers, in turn, said that the school board was \ long
being considering that plenty of funds were available and time.
that they were only asking for enough of a pay raise to cover the
increase in the cost of living.
a. mercenary..... miserly
b. miserly..... mercenary
c. nefarious ..... mercenary
d. morose ..... meticulous
e. meticulous ..... miserly

7. A investigation by the police uncovered a _ _ __

scheme to defraud retirees out of their life savings.
a. miserly..... mercenary
b. meticulous ..... nefarious Ob lived an eon before Oblantis fell into oblivion.
c. mundane .....novel
d. munificent.. ...miserly
e. nefarious ..... mercenary I The scholar's careful research discovered a long-lost
manuscript by William Shakespeare, thus rescuing it
8. The with which the computer tycoon wrote from oblivion.
out a check for two million dollars for the disaster relief fund was
astonishing. I Very few writers are remembered past their own generation;
a. mosaic ..... nefarious most fall into oblivion, completely forgotten by both
b. munificence ..... miserly readers and critics.
c. nonchalance ..... munificent
d. notoriety.... altruistic I Some people believe that after a person dies there is oblivion.
e. munificence ..... mercenary

'"HQ Y~Q
obscure obstinate
indistinct; not stubborn; hard to
easily understood control or treat

Picture this: Pi cture this :

Ob's Cure Ob stun eight

You gu,!::f-5 were -so ob-stinate,

I had to u-se level 10
to knock .!:fOU out.

Ob's Cure lost in obscure times. "How many aliens did Ob stun?''
<<Eight, exactly eight obstinate aliens."

• The obscure writer wrote twenty books before finally I Tim is obstinate about one thing: He refuses to go out with
capturing the attention of the reading public. his friends until he's completed all ofhis homework.

• The meaning of this poem is so obscure that even the best I My car is obstinate; it refused to start, even though I had
critics disagree about it. tuned the engine a week earlier.

• The poet made a reference to an obscure fourteenth -centurY I The obstinate toddler clung to her mother, wailing and
artist that only an art historian would be familiar with. refusing to get on the bus and go to nursery school.

om1nous ortu n i st
one who sacrifices
principles to gain
advantage by taking
Picture this: Picture this: advantage of
0' Minus a port Tunis circumstances

eEWAftJ ~~ MfNUS ~" --


"Beware 0' Minus" reads the ominous message. At a port near Tunis, an opportunist waits.

• It was an ominous sign when the two countries broke off I During wartime, opportunists often profit from shortages
diplomatic relations and mobilized their military forces. of important materials, stockpiling them and later selling
them at high prices.
• The defendant became worried as the jury filed back into
the courtroom after their deliberations, all with ominous I After the town's water supply became contaminated,
grim expressions on their faces. opportunists began selling bottled water at triple the
regular price.
• The economic indicators are ominous- a falling stock
market, high unemployment, and zero growth. I The lawyer is an opportunist; she approaches people
injured in car accidents and asks them if they'd like her
help in suing other parties involved.
ulence orator
extreme wealth; public speaker
luxuriousness; abundance

Picture this : Picture this :

opal* lance** oar rater

"An opal lance? Such opulence in this palace!" "The oar rater thinks he's an orator!"

• Even though he's rich, the billionaire lives simply with none • Although she was not a particularly good orator, people
of the opulence usually associated with great wealth. listened closely to Ruth's talk because she spoke about her
difficult experiences with complete honesty.
• Harry decided to show off his opulence by buying a private
jet and expensive works of art. • In the age of television, a politician needs fewer of the skills
of the traditional orator and more of those of a popular
• In this city, you can walk in a few minutes from a street television personality.
lined with opulent houses to a street with nothing but
run-down tenements. • The orator held the crowd spellbound with her fascinating
speech and exciting way of speaking.
* Opal is a shining, sparkling gemstone.
** A lance is a spearlike weapon with a long shaft and a sharp metal head.
ornate acifist
excessively or one opposed to
elaborately decorated force; anti m i I itari st

Picture this: Pi c ture this:

oar Nate pass if fist

C.ome on, !;lOU pacifi-st!

-Gee thi-s fi-st'?
Let'-s fight!

The oar Nate made was very ornate. A pacifist must pass if a fist is waved at him!

• Taste in art today tends to prefer straightforward, unadorned I A group of pacifists protested peacefully against the war.
design to design that is ornate.
I Pacifists in Hitler's Germany could do little to prevent that
• Modern readers tend to prefer writing that is simple and country's conquest of many of its European neighbors.
direct to writing that is ornate.
I One of the best-known pacifist churches is the Society of
• We marveled at the ornately carved chair created by the Friends, also called the Quakers.
master furniture maker.
humorous imitation;
one-sided; prejudiced;
spoof; takeoff
committed to a party
Picture this: Picture this:
pair ready party sin

G~~G ~\O~t~t~
~1Ufl0 tO'Jf~~
I'm totally on ine -side
of inai pari!:J! Tne
oiner pari.lj na-sn'i nad
a good idea in .~jear-s!
I -sa!:J vote them out!
fl., Pfl.~OD'< Or
1\0\ll'tD ~nnlUUt-1

"Is the pair ready for their parody?" Party sin #1: Inviting a partisan to your party.

• Our English teacher asked us to write a parody of a scene I Although all the new appointees to the state supreme court
from Julius Caesar. belonged to his own political party, the governor claimed
that partisan politics played no part in his selection process.
• The book The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas
Adams can be read as a parody of science fiction novels. I The moderator tried hard to not be partisan during the
debate, but several times it was obvious that he favored
• The governor took the parody done of one of his press the candidate of one party over that of the other party.
conferences in surprisingly good humor considering how
foolish it made him appear. I The president addressed the nation, asking people to put
aside partisan differences and work together.

Jllory Check 18
au cit ~~ch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
scarcity oblivion ommous ornate
ob liveeon- 2. O'Minus - 3. oarNate
Picture this:
Paw City opulence parody opportunist
opal lance _ 5. pair ready _ 6. a port Tunis _

paucity obscure pacifist

paw City _ 8. Ob's Cure - 9. pass if fist _

~ ~I obstinate
t Ob stun eight _
11. oar rater -
12. party sin _

excessively decorated g. one who sacrifices principles to gain

extreme wealth advantage
i!Ubborn h. indistinct; not easily understood
~earcity i. prejudiced
obscurity; forgetfulness j. public speaker
humorous imitation k. person opposed to force
1. threatening

wtime 18
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
In Paw City, there's no paucity of people with paws. best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Some people seem to have musical ability.

• According to the law of supply and demand, if the demand a. partisan b. ominous c. innate d. obstinate e. ornate
for a particular good remains the same, a paucity of the
good will cause its price to increase. l'he poem is so that scholars can't agree on what it means.
a. morose b. mundane c. partisan d. ominous e. obscure
• Despite having a paucity of natural resources, Singapore has
become one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Our English teacher reminded us that our writing style shouldn't be
'------ ; rather, it should be clear and straightforward.
• In some cities, such as New York and San Francisco, there is
a.Partisan b. miserly c. ominous d. ornate e. obstinate
a paucity of eligible men for women to marry.
4. The governor is in her refusal to sign the bill unless more
evidence is given to show that it will benefit everyone in the state.
a. ominous b. obscure c. partisan d. ornate e. obstinate severe poverty;
5. There is no of millionaires in Monte Carlo; the _ _ _
of the houses there is amazing. Picture this :
a. paucity..... pacifist pen Yuri
b. parody..... oblivion
c. partisan ..... parody
d. paucity ... opulence
e. partisan ..... paucity Here'-s a little
6. The carefully his relationship with all whom for Hou, Yuri. ""'-
he meets, gaining their trust so that later he can take advantage of
any opportunity to cheat them.
a. orator.... .laments
b. opportunist ..... nurtures
c. pacifist.... .lavishes
d. parody.....obliterates
e. opportunist .....parodies

7. It was a (an) for the film class to watch a funny _ _ __

after they had watched so many films that took themselves so seriously.
a. novelty .. . parody
b. parody..... novelty
c. opportunist..... parody
d. paucity..... oblivion In the pen, Yuri lived in penury.
e. novelty..... pacifist

8. The was a (an) ; she argued that the only way • The expense of the long legal battle will reduce both sides to
that lasting peace could be achieved was through governments penury unless they arrive at a settlement soon.
renouncing the use of war to achieve their objectives.
a. pacifist ..... opportunist • During the Great Depression of the early twentieth century,
b. orator. .. ..pacifist some millionaires lost so much money that they had to live
c. parody..... partisan m penury.
d. orator..... novelty
e. mercenary..... pacifist • Though he had been reduced to penury by the bankruptcy
of his business, Mr. Ford remained confident that he would
soon recover and be wealthy again.
hera I etuate
outer; make something last;
marginal preserve from extinction

Picture this: Pi c ture this :

pear for all purr pet you ate

HetJ, did !::JOU

hear about how
MtJ dad ate t11tJ dad ate our
our purr pet, purr pet?

'f \
!::JOU know.


"There's a pear for all on the peripheral pear trees!" "They perpetuate that crazy tale
about the purr pet you ate."

• A good manager must be able to decide which tasks must I The untrue rumor was perpetuated by people who heard it
be done very soon and which ones can be put off to later and then passed it on because it sounded so amazing.
because they're peripheral.
I The neighborhood bully did everything he could to
• Because the negotiator believed that it was important to perpetuate the myth that no one could beat him in a fight.
build trust between the parties in the dispute, she encouraged
them to settle peripheral issues before moving on to more I Many types of animals are becoming so few in number that
important issues. there's a danger that they will not be able to perpetuate
their species.
• Scientists must focus on the essential aspects of what they're
studying, excluding anything that is peripheral.
he nomen a
observable facts; subjects concise ; mean i ngfu I;
of scientific investigation substantial; meaty

Picture this : Picture this:

fin omen-ahhh! pit he

Now it'-s a rare fin omen! -----.

Ahhh! Tl1i-s all mean-s we're Poing
,.£ ,.r to 11ave a great catcl1.
\ : :i .·

((And now it's a fm omen-ahhh-rare phenomena!" In the pit, he makes a pithy remark.

• Scientists must keep accurate records of the phenomena I The eighteenth-century writer Samuel Johnson is famous
they study. for his pithy remarks, such as "No man but a blockhead
ever wrote, except for money."
• Physicists study the phenomena of nature in order to
discover their underlying laws. I In this age of the politics of the "sound bite"-a short
statement that can be played on television f6r a very short
• Scientists use instruments such as telescopes and microscopes perio<;l of time-it is important for a candidate to be able
to extend the range of human senses so that they can study to come up with pithy statements that express his or her
phenomena in nature more comprehensively. views in a few words.

• Try putting a pithy quotation from a well-known person in

your essay to capture your reader's interest.
lac ate olemical
pacify; aggressive in verbal
lessen the anger of attack ; relating to
a rgument o r controversy
Picture this : Pi c ture this :
play Cate polar Mick call

Have mercH
on u-s
rich people.


In the play, Cate must placate an angry mob. A polemical polar Mick call.

• To placate the angry customer, the store manager gave her I Rather than reasonably discussing issues of concern to
a $100 gift voucher. voters, the speakers in the forum gave polemical speeches
attacking the views of their opponents.
• After Bob's father threatened to take away the keys to his car
if he didn't study for the SAT, Bob placated him by studying I Senator Smith had been told that the debate would be
for an hour. a reasonable discussion of the issue, but her opponent
launched into a polemical speech denouncing her position.
• Nigel could see that placating his boss was not going to
be easy; she had a right to be angry with him for his I The candidate for office closed the debate with these
carelessness in forgetting to call their most important client. words: "I had hoped this would be a fair evaluation of the
political situation, but instead my opponent has used it as
an opportunity for polemical attacks on me."

onderous retenti ou s
weighty; pompous; making
unwieldy unjustified claims;
outwardly extravagant
Picture this: Picture this:
pond her Russ pretend shush

Upon careful consideration, however • .•

I think !JOU will find the implications
of our imminent nuptial relation-ship
-sati-sfactor!j. • • unle-s-s of cour-se . .•

At the pond, her Russ makes a ponderous proposal. "Pretend we're not here-shush!"
They avoid pretentious people.

• To take his mind off ponderous matters of state for a while, I I feel so pretentious wearing this $3,000 suit; I'm used to
the president went to see a movie. wearing a pair of jeans and aT-shirt all day.

• The amateur comedian was so ponderous in his delivery I By nature reserved and modest, Jill has no interest in a
that by the time he got to the punch line of his story he had pretentious wedding with hundreds of guests.
lost the attention of most of his audience.
I We were amazed to see Bob, who has always been such a
• The students soon became bored with the guest speaker's modest guy, acting in such a pretentious way; he's strutting
ponderous delivery of her speech. down the street like he owns the whole town.
al (pruh fyoo zhun) I profusion I

wastefu I; reckless
with money
I overabundance; excess

Picture this: Picture this:

prod a gull pro fusion

0et oft, gull, thi-s

i-s t11!::f private
/ beach now. .-v-

Qllarter Acre '&och

~ ooo

A prodigal prince tries to prod a gull ((A profusion of nuclear fusion plants!"
to leave his private beach. ((Yeah, they're really pro fusion around here."

• Mr. Larsen was so fed up with his children's prodigal I There has been a profusion of new car models this year.
spending that he cut their allowances in half.
I There is such a profusion of food at this party that I can't
• The congressman criticized what he called the government's possibly try all the dishes.
prodigal spending and vowed to work for large cuts in
I The profusion of life on Earth is so great that scientists have
the budget.
been able to study only a small fraction of it in depth.
• Bart's credit card encouraged his prodigal spending, which
has gotten him deeply into debt.
ry Check 19
rol iferation each word and its link to the corresponding definition.

rapid growth; spread penury phenomena ponderous

,pen Yuri _ 2. fin omen-ahhh! 3. pond her Russ _
Picture this:
pro lift her ration placate proliferation profusion
playCate _ 5. pro lift her ration _ 6. pro fu,sion _

pithy pretentious perpetuate

.She'-s lo-st 20 pound-s ah•ead~. .pithe _ 8. pretend shush _ 9. purr pet you ate _
I think the pro will lift
her ration of two
packet-s a da!:J· prodigal peripheral polemical
prod agull _ 11. pear for all _
/ 12. polar Mick call _

~cify g. outer; marginal

~pid growth h. concise; meaningful
:•asteful i. aggressive in verbal attack

erabundance j. make something last
mpous k. weighty
bservable facts 1. poverty

wtime 19
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Will the pro lift her ration since there's .This family had better stop spending so much money," Mrs. Marks said,
been no fat proliferation? or pretty soon we'll all be reduced to "
l Phenomena b. profusion c. penury d. proliferation e. paucity
• Treaties between the United States and other countries have
helped to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons. i~itics so much praise on Lucy's first novel that she began to
Jnk she was the next Jane Austen or Willa Cather.
• In the 1990s, there was a proliferation of cafes selling
lavished b. perpetuated c. placated d. incited e. nurtured
specialty coffees.
Was announced that the senator's speech was going to be an objective
• The proliferation of weeds on my front lawn leaves me with
sessment of the situation; instead, it turned out to be a (an) _ __
a clear choice: Spend Sunday afternoon pulling weeds or ck on her opponents.
ignore them and watch a football game on TV.
Polemical b. prodigal c. peripheral d. pretentious e. obstinate
4. Scientists are just beginning to explore the remarkable of life
that exists in the oceans of the world.
a. paucity b. parody c. nonchalance d. profusion e. oblivion limited in outlook;
5. The of flies this summer is one of the that is being
studied by scientists at the university. Picture this:
a. profusion .....partisans
province shall UNIT 20
b. proliferation ..... phenomena
c. penury..... phenornena
d. proliferation .... .laments
e. paucity..... opportunists

6. The president of the company believes in the talent of

promising young employees by giving them assignments that are
not merely but that are vital to the company's success.
a. perpetuating ..... polernical
b. rnitigating ..... pretentious
c. nurturing ..... peripheral
d. placating ..... peripheral
e. perpetuating ..... pithy

7. After his death, the writer's family worked hard to his

memory in the mind of the public so that his works wouldn't fall
into _ __
a. perpetuate ..... parody
b. lavish ..... oblivion
c. nurture ..... paucity
"This province shall remain provincial."
d. perpetuate ..... oblivion
e. placate ..... profusion
• National newspapers generally avoid taking a provincial
8. The after-dinner speaker is liked by audiences for her _ __ approach to reporting the news. ·
comments about well-known people; they also appreciate the fact
that she doesn't make long, speeches. • Corning from a big city, Bob found some of the attitudes of
students from small towns at his university to be provincial.
a. pithy..... prodigal
b. peripheral... .. rnunificent
• Although she mixed well with the sophisticates in the city, at
c. pithy ..... ponderous
heart Holly was still a provincial small-town person.
d. ponderous ..... polernical
e. rnercenary..... pretentious

') 1'.7
soft wet boggy land ;
complex or dangerous complaining;
fretfu I
situation from which it is
difficult to free oneself Picture this:
Picture this:
quack Myer
queer rule us

Dad, wh.!:l can't we Thi<G chop

Thai hair potion .Johnn.!:l, .!:JOU got
go to Spain for vacation i<G undercooked,
HOU <Gold me You told me oni.!:J 99% on .!:JOUr
thi-s .!:Jear? We alwa.!:l-s a-s u-sual,
doe-sn't wof'k! I'd regain a-s-signment.
do -such boring thing-s. Mildred.
That'-s di-sgraceful.
mH Houih!
\ r. / You quack, M!jer!
I expect 100%.

/ Imll~~·aa~~~~~~~·~;m \
r~~ •

They chase quack Myer into a quagmire.

Years ago our Grandpa gave a queer rule to us:
"Be querulous!"
• The expedition faced a choice: Go the long way around the
I The querulous tourist spent most of his time in Europe
vast swamp and lose precious time or go through it and risk complaining that Europe wasn't like home.
having their vehicles get stuck in a quagmire.
I Sophie must be naturally querulous; she's been complaining
• The defense lawyer introduced so much evidence that the
throughout our entire class trip to Washington, D.C.
trial became bogged down in a quagmire of irrelevant
I After six hours of nonstop driving, Ms. Chambers' six kids
are becoming querulous.
• Military leaders feel that involvement in a foreign country
could lead the country into a quagmire.

. ramble
state of being at rest;
,I wander aimlessly
temporary inactivity
Picture this: Picture this:
Qwee Essence Ram Bull

Quite a fine da!:fr

i-sn't it, Ram Bull?
Got time for
a coffee?


Qwee Essence brings quiescence. Ram Bull likes to ramble 'round town.

• The cease-fire brought a welcome period of quiescence in I The biographer encouraged her subject to ramble on about
his childhood, hoping to discover details that would help
the long-running civil war.
give an accurate picture of his early life.
• Many astronomers believe that the universe will one day
contract into a tiny point and reach quiescence. I The teacher's comment on Stan's essay: "This long essay
rambles too much. It needs to be better organized. It can't
• The volcano is quiescent now, but when it erupts the village wander aimlessly from topic to topic."
surrounding it will be destroyed.
I The governor's confused, rambling explanation did little to
help his critics understand why he vetoed the bill that he
had continually promised to support during the campaign.
rancor (rant) rant
bitterness ; speak in a n angry o r
hatred excited manner; rave

Picture this: Pic ture this:

rank core Ra ant

That'-s ridiculou-6, Xircon! Non-6en-6e, Xirla! RAH RAH, Ra!

The data clearl!::j e-stabli-sh
that the core of thi-s planet
You're wrong, a-s u-sual.
The core deflnitel!::f
On great Ra!
rank-s high in xylithium rank-s highe-st in pure Giver of L.ife!
in it-s heavie-st -state! xanthium! - _ RAH RAH, Ra!

They rank the core with rancor. "By Ra, that ant can rant!"

• Psychologists say that people taken hostage sometimes feel I The principal ranted for an hour at the assembly about the
not rancor toward their captors but sympathy. poor behavior of the students.

• As a professional soldier, Colonel Gunn bore no personal I In London's Hyde Park, there's a place at which people
rancor toward his foe; for him, the enemy was purely a force regularly make speeches ranting against the ills of the
to be destroyed.

• The husband and wife agreed that they should get a divorce I It's one thing to rant against social injustice; however, it's
and that the process should be done without rancor. quite another to actually do something to correct it.

lofty; made
less dense approve formally;
confirm; verify
Picture this:
Picture this:
rare if I'd rat if I

Between Rat-s and Human-s
Rat-s 0ranted:
1. l-imited Right-s of
2. Right to l-ite

v to
up an!:l plan
eat, act a-s it
':) : eating, think
'-. about eating
_ actually eat an!:l
U food a-s-sociated

ccBack then it wasn't rare if I'd have

(Til be a rat if I ask them to ratify this treaty."
rarefied discussions with them."

• Many world records were set in track and field at the

I The president's appointment of Judge Jones was ratified by
Mexico City Olympics in 1968 as a result of the rarefied the Senate after several days of debate.
I The Constitutional amendment was approved by Congress;
• The members of the mountain climbing expedition
however, in order to become part of the Constitution it still
experienced difficulty in breathing when they reached the
must be ratified by three-quarters of the state legislatures.
rarefied atmosphere near the top of the mountain.
I The U.S. Senate ratified the treaty with Albania after a
• The college freshman listened closely to the rarefied short debate.
discussion between the two distinguished philosophers,
but gave up trying to understand it after a while because it
was so abstract.
raucous ravenous
harsh and shrill; disorderly extremely hungry
and boisterous

Picture this: Picture this:

raw Cuz raven us

Raw again, <Sir, Madam, we u-suaii!:J have

The-se -steak-s three entree-s to choo-se
are reall~! ihe~'re -Gtill from, but the oni!:J choice
raw,! raw,! / toda!:J i-s baked raven.

A raucous cry-"The steaks are raw, Cuz!" "I guess it's baked raven for us
since we're ravenous!"

• The inexperienced speaker had no idea how to quiet the • After her one-week diet of nothing but vegetables, fruit,
raucous crowd so that she could begin her speech. and rice Kim was ravenous. .

• The raucous cries of the crows were becoming so annoying • After receiving a taste of fame when she appeared on
to the writer hard at work on his book that he began to eye national television, the young actress became ravenous
the shotgun sitting in his gun case. for even greater fame.

• The raucous crowd at the Super Bowl made it difficult for • Please start the barbecue- I'm ravenous.
the players to hear their quarterback calling out signals.

mory Check 20
raze (rayz) 1

ech each word and its link to the corresponding definition.

rarefied rancor querulous
rare ifl'd 2. rankcore 3. queer rule us
Picture this:
rays provincial quiescence rant
~ province shall _ 5. Qwee Essence _ 6. Raant

ramble ratify ravenous

·. Ram Bull 8. rat if I 9. raven us

raucus raze quagmire

, raw Cuz _ 11. rays _ 12. quackMyer _

r 1peak excitedly
amited in outlook
wander aimlessly
rrarsh and shrill
g. temporary inactivity
h. destroy completely
i. boggy land
j. bitterness
k. approve formally
1. extremely hungry

wtime 20
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
t best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Hot rays raze the city. Critics sometimes accuse artists or writers who experiment with new
styles of being _ __ _
a. raucous b. provincial c. querulous d. ravenous e. pretentious
• The hotel was razed so that an office building could be
built on the site. The emperor made regular visits to towns of his land so
he would know what was happening everywhere, not just in the
• Returning after fifty years to the town he grew up in, Jim
saw that the houses on his old street had been razed and t rarefied b. pretentious c. querulous d. provincial e. ornate
a shopping center had been built on the site.
the between the union and the company is still strong
• Much of San Francisco was razed in the great fire of 1906. llren though the strike ended six months ago.
l. rancor b. phenomena c. quagmire d. rant e. qmescence
4. Heavy rain turned the football field into such a (an) that
neither team could make much progress on offense. recant
a. profusion retract a previous
b. proliferation statement;
c. rancor openly c onfe ss e rror
d. oblivion Picture this:
e. quagmue Rick can't UNIT 21
5. Still waiting for the meal to be served at 11:00 P.M. , all the guests at the
dinner party were becoming _ , and some were becoming
'5orrH· It'-s the truth.
Ye-s, Rick, You guH-s Sf'e fat.
a. provincial.. ... querulous Take it back. f'ecant!
b. polemical.. ... peripheral \
c. ravenous ..... querulous
d. quiescent ..... raucous
e. ravenous ..... rarefied

6. In his speech, the environmentalist against the _ _ __

use of the Earth's natural resources.
a. ranted ..... prodigal
b. rambled ..... pretentious
c. razed ..... prodigal
d. ratified .... .raucous
e. ranted ..... peripheral

7. After giving a long speech the senator finally came to his

conclusion: The treaty should be _ _ __ Honest Rick can't recant his words.
a. rarefied ..... ranted
b. ravenous ..... ratified
c. ponderous ..... rarefied • After the witness recanted her testimony, the judge
d. rambling ..... ratified dismissed all charges against the accused.
e. querulous ..... razed
• Under pressure from her superiors, the government official
8. During the bitter dispute, there came a moment of _ , and recanted her statement criticizing her department's
then the debate broke out again, more than ever. handling of the crisis.
a. qmescence ..... raucous
• The leader of the political party demanded that one of the
b. rancor..... rarefied
members recant the position that she had expressed on
c. profusion ..... raucous
the issue or be expelled from the party.
d. opulence ..... querulous
e. nonchalance ..... partisan
recount rectif
narrate or tell; set right; correct
count over again

Picture this: Picture this:

Rick count wrecked if I

We cho-se Rick to do
the recount becau-se
he'-s -so hone-st.

Recounting how Rick was picked to count "I'll be wrecked if I don't rectify
the votes in the recount. my neighbor's behavior."

• Beth's grandfather loves to recount tales of his boyhood • Please rectify this error in your calculation before submitting
the proposal to the boss. .

• The judge asked the witness to recount everything that had • The error in the newspaper article was rectified by a note in
happened on the day that the crime was committed. the next day's edition apologizing for the mistake and giving
the correct information.
• The autobiography recounted every important event in the
• After a disappointing season with three wins and ten losses
senator's long and distinguished career.
the football coach vowed to rectify whatever was wrong
with the team.

banish to an inferior
unnecessary; repetitious ; position ; delegate; assign
excessively wordy
Picture this:
Picture this :
relic eight
redone dent

There ha-sn't been much intere-st

That'-s what the cu-stomer in Relic Eight latei!::J· Put it
a-sked for-He told me to /_ in the rear di-spla!::J·
''Redo the dent!''

They relegate relic eight to the rear.

"Isn't a redone dent a little redundant?"

• Although she skated almost perfectly in the free-style

• Slide rules have been made redundant by portable computers portion of the competition, Susie's weak performance in
able to perform thousands of advanced calculations much the earlier part of the competition relegated her to fifth
more rapidly and accurately. place in the overall standings.

• Is the word "free" in the phrase "free gift" redundant since • After years of dedicated service to her country, the retired
a gift is free by definition? senator found it difficult being relegated to the position
of advisor.
• Engineers normally design spacecraft with redundant
systems so that if the primary one fails the secondary one • The newly elected congressman was relegated to the lowest
can take over. position on the House committee.
2 85
remorse reoel
gu i It;
drive away;
bitter regret
Picture this :
Picture this:
rim horse reap hell

It onl.!:f I hadn't become afraid

and reared up, throwing .Jim, Marcu-s! A letter for
he'd -still be alive. the legion from Cae-sar!

0 l 0

A rim horse feeling remorse. "Repel the Goths or reap hell!"

• Many people find it easier to forgive someone for doing • Joan's arrogant manner, rather than repelling men, as one
wrong if the person shows remorse. would suspect, seems to attract them.

• Jim felt remorse for the rest of his life as a result of one • The first duty of the military is to repel an enemy invasion.
moment of stupidity in his youth when he drove his car
recklessly and hit a child on a bicycle, causing serious injury • The manufacturer claims that this ointment repels
to the child. mosquitoes, but all it does for me is make my skin oily;
the mosquitoes are biting me just as much as ever.
• The soldier told himself that he was only doing his duty
when he killed people in the war and so shouldn't feel
guilty; however, he still felt some remorse.
rehensible reoudiate
deserving reject strongly as wrong;
blame reject the authority of
Picture this: Picture this:
rep pre-hens Sibyl rep you'd date

That'-s Bill Ree-se ... and I would ceriainle~

r-= II II I I ,_
-a great
compane~ rep!
1 wouldn't mind
dating him.
never a-sk me~ date io pae~
ihe bill. Thai would
be gl'o-s-s.


The rep for pre-hens, Sibyl, Reese-he's the kind of rep you'd date-
denounces reprehensible behavior. he repudiates gross behavior.

• The president condemned the terrorist attack as a cowardly, • After his deep religious experience, James repudiated his
reprehensible act. past life of pleasure-seeking and dedicated himself to
working to help others.
• The United Nations Security Council unanimously
condemned as reprehensible the country's threat to • After he was freed from prison, Lou repudiated his past life
invade its neighbor. of crime and vowed never to associate with gangsters again.

• Human beings seem to be capable of, at one extreme, • The recovering alcoholic repudiated the excessive drinking
completely reprehensible acts and, at the other extreme, she had done in the past and vowed never to drink again.
the most incredible acts of kindness and self-sacrifice.
rescind reserve
self-restraint 1n
cancel expression

Picture this: Picture thi s:

Reese sent Reese serve

Regarding that earlier

1 am writing to
memo about everybody expre-5-5 -5ome degree of
being expected to work intere-5t in you and I
on Cnri-Gttna-G day •••• attending tfte company
Chri-5tma-5 party on tne
Z¥th. Pfea-5e notify me
Just kidding. within Z day-5 it you would
-5erve a-5 my date.
Re-5pectfutty, M-5 .Jone-s

Reese sent his team a memo to With reserve, she asks Reese to serve
rescind his previous one. as her date for the Christmas party.

• The state supreme court rescinded the results of the election • William has an air of reserve that even his best friends
as a result of major irregularities in the vote counting. seldom try to break through.

• The president of the company told his counterpart in the • The rock singer has a reserve that many of his fans find
other firm that his offer to buy out its electronics division appealing.
would be rescinded if not accepted by Friday at 5:00 P.M.
• Unlike many movie stars, who are often outgoing and
• The movement to rescind the new taxes quickly gained talkative, Ms. Starlet is shy and reserved.
momentum after most politicians came out in support of it.
eJ11ory Check 21
resiened jatch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
accepting one's fate; recant repel repudiate
unresisting J, Rick can't 2. reap hell _ 3. rep you'd date _
Picture this :
relegate reprehensible rectify
Reese signed
1. relic eight _ 5. rep pre-hens Sibyl _ 6. wrecked if I

rescind redundant resigned

'· Reese sent _ 8. redone dent 9. Reese signed _
Oh bOHr the bo-s-s
i-s going to kill me! recount remorse
But there'-s nothing reserve
1. Rick count 11. rim horse
I can do about it. 12. Reese serve
drive away g. narrate
correct h. guilt
deserving blame i. self-restraint in expression
j. retract a previous statement
accepting one's fate k. banish to an inferior position
unnecessary 1. reject strongly as wrong

owtime 21
l i in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
t best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Resigned to his fate, Reese signed in late. The atmosphere at which modern jet liners cruise makes it
necessary that the passenger cabin be pressurized.
a. rarefied b. quiescent c. reprehensible d. redundant e. reserved
• Having no qualifications beyond a sixth-grade education,
John was resigned to a lifetime of dull, menial jobs. !he crowd became so unruly that the police had to be called
ill to restore order.
• Having just turned 97, Mr. James knew that he had lived a a. resigned b. raucous c. ravenous d. redundant e. reserved
long life and was resigned to the fact that it would end soon.

by enemy forces and outgunned, the lieutenant _ __
• The veteran astronaut is resigned to the fact that he will be 11lself to the fact that he would have to surrender or see his
too old to be part of an expedition to Mars. illen killed.

a. rambled b. resigned c. recounted d. relegated e. ratified

4. The college its scholarship offer to Ted after he admitted
cheating on his final exam in high school. restraint
a. recanted b. recounted c. rescinded d. relegated e. repudiated
moderation or self-contro l;
control I i ng force; restriction
5. In the book the history of our town, my grandfather, who
was its main founder, is to a secondary role. Picture this:
Reese trained
a. recanting ..... repelled
b. recounting ..... relegated
c. rectifying ..... repelled
d. rescinding ..... rectified
e. repelling ..... relegated <Sorrt~, we can't have a date
thi-s week. I'm in training.
6. The soldier felt no
for killing enemy soldiers in the process
the invading army.
a. reserve ..... repudiating
b. rancor. .... repelling
c. remorse ..... repelling
d. quiescence ..... recanting
e. reserve .... recounting

7. Unable to the problem with their main computer, the

astronauts switched to a system that allowed them to
continue their mission.
a. rectify..... redundant
b. repel... .. rarefied
c. recount ..... resigned
d. relegate ..... reprehensible When Reese trained for the company race,
e. repudiate ..... redundant he used restraint in dating.

8. The general the reporter's suggestion that his forces • The famous writer exercised restraint when the critic told
had the civilian area of the enemy's city intentionally and him to his face that his latest book was the worst book he
vowed that those responsible would be brought to justice. had ever read; he simply walked away.
a. repelled ..... recanted
b. rescinded ..... ranted • The judge ordered the police to use restraint in taking the
c. repudiated ..... razed elderly demonstrators into custody.
d. recanted ..... repelled
e. rectified ..... razed • The dictator showed no restraint in squashing the rebellion;
she ordered anyone who had participated to be executed.
reticence retract
u ncommu n icativeness; withdraw;
reserve; inclination take back
to silence
Picture this: Picture this:
Rheta sense Rhet tracked

I mu-st take back wnat I -said

I don't reaii!:J need
to tne gyp-s!:J-1 do need a fortune teller.
a reading.

She feels from Rhet a sense of reticence. Rhet tracked through the woods
to retract his words.

• Because she was concerned about his extreme reticence in • The two companies agreed to retract damaging comments
class, Samuel's fourth-grade teacher called his parents to ask that each had made about the products of the other.
them if he was also uncommunicative at home.
• In the heat of the campaign debate, the candidate made
• It was no time for reticence; someone had to speak out accusations against her opponent that she later retracted
against the injustice. and apologized for.

• A career in the CIA had made Frank reticent about • The inventor retracted her claim that she had invented the
discussing anything even remotely connected to national new device completely on her own.
rhetorical (rig ur)
pertaining to effective severity;
communication; insincere strictness
in language ; characterized
by overly elaborate, Picture thi s: Picture this:
pompous language Rhet oracle rig Gore

Make fa-st the rigging,

me heartie-s!

Rhet questions the oracle and The rig is checked by Captain Gore with rigor.
receives a rhetorical response.

• This line from the Bible uses the rhetorical device of • In the early years of ocean exploration, many people did not
repetition of the same word: "Vanity of vanities, saith the survive the rigors of long voyages cin the sea.
preacher, vanity of vanity; all is vanity."
• Hal's French teacher suggested that he apply the same rigor
• Rhetorical techniques can be used to make your writing he brought to memorizing football statistics to memorizing
more effective. conjugations of irregular French verbs.

• The speech consisted mainly of empty rhetoric rather than • Modern science has brought a new rigor to the study of
meaningful ideas. nature.
robust (sayj) sage
vigorous; person celebrated
strong for wisdom

Picture this: Picture this: --1

row bust sage

Great .sage, tell u.s, Par.sleH? No way.

which herb -should we OniH .sage will
put in the pot tnake HOU wi-se.
to bring u.s wi.sdotn?
1-s it par-sley? I

((Row, row, row your bust gently down the stream;' This sage swears by sage.
sings the robust rower.

• The general warned the enemy commander that any attack . • Although she didn't consider herself a sage, Janice's friends
would be met immediately with a robust counterattack. always sought her advice when they encountered a problem
in their lives.
• A heavyweight boxer must be robust enough to withstand
the extremely hard punches of his opponents. • The teachings of the ancient Chinese sage Confucius are still
greatly respected today.
• Before the United States entered World War II, the American
Army General George Patton said that America would win • I was surprised to hear such sage words from such a young
the war because its soldiers were more robust than those person.
of the enemy.

sanction 7?! !! TT
7 7
mocking; characterized
by sarcastic wit to attack
Picture this: or expose folly
Picture this :
sank shun satyr Rick call

.Sa!j -something -satirical! Yeah, like"Don't

Hou guH-s think
~fl0~¢NN~S~ ~A~K -satHr-s matter?"
\ ~NTRAN<f \


"I cannot sanction this route. Satyr Rick calls the Park people
It's where scores of ships sank. Shun it!" to make a satirical comment!

• The World Cup soccer tournament is sanctioned by the I Although the students did not intend their satirical skit to
sport's governing body, FIFA. be insulting to anyone, most of the audience thought it
tasteless and offensive.
• The governor sanctioned the plan to make the administration
of the criminal justice system more efficient. I Satirical writing generally makes fun of a fault in society or
in human nature, often with the intention of bringing such
• "Cowboy" short-wave stations operating without government faults to people's attention.
sanction jam the airwaves during the evening, making it
difficult for listeners to hear legitimate stations. I Television programs such as Saturday Night Live feature
satirical comedy that pokes fun at modern society.
saturate savor
soak tasty; pleasing,
thoroughly attractive, or agreeable
Picture this: Picture this :
sat shore ate save Orry

Orr.~:~ love-s -savor.~:~ -stuff'. -Gave
,..,. ....;- the apple pie and other de-s-sert-s
~- for him. '

On Saturdays they sat on the shore and ((Save Orry all the savory stuff."
ate fries that they'd saturated in ketchup.

• The heavy rain before the football game saturated the turf, • A table full of savory snacks! There goes my diet!
making it difficult for players to execute plays properly.
• The big time gangster hired an advertising consultant to
• I left the sprinkler on overnight by mistake; ·now the ground help give the mob a more savory public image.
is so saturated that I can't lie on a blanket on the grass to
catch some rays. • There were so many savory desserts at the buffet that Wayne
had trouble choosing which one to try first.
• It's so humid that when I go jogging my shirt becomes
saturated very quickly.
emory Check 22
scant ~tch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
restraint robust rhetorical
,Reese trained _ 2. rowbust 3. Rhet oracle
Picture this:
scan tea rigor reticence sanction
,rigGore _ 5. Rhet a sense 6. sankshun

retract saturate scanty

Rhettracked - 8. sat shore ate 9. scan tea

TEEN TEA satirical

,satyr Rick call _
11. sage _
12. save Orry _

insincere in language g. take back

inclination to silence h. a wise person
1trong i. self-control
hoak thoroughly j. strictness
·meager k. tasty; pleasing
1pprove l. mocking

·lowtime 22
lin the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
Jt best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Tea Police scan tea party The astronomer his claim that he had discovered a new
teens for scanty outfits. planet in the solar system after he realized that he had made an error
inhis observation.
• With supplies becoming scanty, the commander decided to a. recounted b. rectified c. sanctioned d. retracted e. ratified
halt the advance and concentrate on obtaining food, water,
and other necessities. The witness the confession that he had made to the police
after his arrest, saying that he had been upset when he made it.
• The country's scanty reserves of oil make it dependent on
a. sanctioned b. relegated c. ratified d. repelled e. recanted
importing oil from other countries.
The student found that behind her teacher's was a highly
• The content of Barbara's history essay was so scanty that elllotional man.
she received a D on it.
a. reserve b. opulence c. rigor d. remorse e. rancor
4. The bikini is a bathing suit named after an atoll in the
Pacific Ocean where an atom bomb was tested in 1946. scruoulous
a. rhetorical b. scanty c. satirical d. robust e. redundant conscientious;
extremely thorough
5. The doctor suggested to her patient that he should exercise _ __
and avoid his favorite __ foods in order to lose weight. Picture this:
a. reticence ..... saturated screw pull us
b. quiescence ..... scanty
c. restraint ..... savory
d. rigor..... savory
e. remorse ..... reprehensible

6. The expressed his views with because he

believed that truth is something difficult for even a wise person
to know.
a pacifist..... reserve
b. opportunist..... restraint
c. orator..... rigor
d. partisan ..... remorse
e. sage ..... reticence

7. The king found the skit about his rule and

ordered everyone involved with it to be jailed.
a. satirical... .. reprehensible
b. rhetorical....reprehensible
c. robust ..... provincial
d. satirical... .. savory ((Can this screw pull us through?
e. rhetorical.. ... redundant We must make a scrupulous check!"
8. The United Nations Security Council a military • Ralph's scrupulous preparation for the English test resulted
action by the major powers to prevent the small country from being in his receiving a grade of A.
conquered by its large, aggressive neighbor.
a. sanctioned ..... robust • The groundskeeper at the baseball stadium is scrupulous
b. saturated..... raucous about maintaining the infield grass but doesn't bother much
c. retracted .....scanty about the outfield grass.
d. ratified ..... redundant
e. ratified ..... scanty • Coach Ford's preparation of our team for the championship
game against State was scrupulous; he made sure that every
detail was perfectly planned.
scrutinize seclusion
examine closely isolation;
and critically solitude

Picture this: Picture this:

screw tin eyes sick illusion

TheH -saH that the old hermit who live-s
there believe-s he'-s the la-st
WOODWORKING human on earth.

Trainees screw tin eyes on the doors while He lives in seclusion with his sick illusion.
the boss scrutinizes their technique.

• Mandy scrutinized her sister's appearance and then said, • The hermit lives in seclusion in a cabin in the mountains.
"I pronounce you ready to go to the dance. You look great."
• Some writers can do their work with others around, but
• During the interrogation the detective scrutinized the others prefer quiet and seclusion.
suspect's face for an indication that he was not telling
the truth about his involvement in the crime. • The scholar went into seclusion so that she could
concentrate on finishing her history of mathematics.
• The computer programmer scrutinized the program that
she had written to see if there were any errors in it.
servile slu ish
slavish; slow; lazy;
submissive lacking energy
Picture this: Picture this:
serve vial slug

Come on, -slug, get a move on!

I'm a bu-sH bee, HOU know.

Sir Vile tells his servile slave to serve A sluggish slug pulls Bee's luggage.
the vial of poison to his guest.

• People who are used to being nice are sometimes so servile • The first three laps of the 5,000-meter event was run at
that thyy are unable to say "No" to an unreasonable request. a sluggish pace, but on the fourth lap the state champion
suddenly picked up the pace.
• After half the workers in the plant had been laid off, Sally
noticed that some employees were becoming servile in their • Because economic growth has been sluggish, Congress
relationship with the plant manager. voted to reduce taxes to try to stimulate spending.

• Servants in Victorian England were generally expected to be • My car was sluggish until I cleaned the carburetor; now it
servile toward their employers. accelerates like a car in a drag race.
somber sooorific
gloomy; depressing ; sleep-cau s ing;
dark; drab marked by sleepiness
Picture this: Picture this :
some brrr Soap Horrific

He u-sed to fall a-sleep

BRfl in the bath until he tried

"<Soap Horrlf;c.''

"That's some brrr you have there;' Soap Horrific. Soap that's not soporific.
he says to the somber bird.

• The so:rhber mood in the room when I returned told me • Terri finds nothing more soporific than listening to classical
that something terrible had happened. music; she's usually asleep before the end of the first
movement of a symphony.
• The atmosphere was somber in party headquarters as news
of the landslide defeat came in. • If you have trouble getting to sleep, try reading a long,
boring, soporific book.
• The president looked somber as he announced that war had
broken out between our nation and another nation. • A lot of guys find "chick flicks" soporific because there's
too much talk and not enough action.

soorad i c sta2:nant
occurring motion less ;
irregularly stale; dull

Picture this: Picture this:

spore addict Stag 'n' Ant

Wh~t i-s th~t m~n doing'?

I He'-s w~iting for -spore-s

/ to come b~, -so he
c~n c~tch them.

The spore addict waits for sporadic spores. Stagnant business at the Stag 'n' Ant.

• The advancing army met sporadic enemy resistance, but it • During the long drought all that was left of Lake Weir was
used heavy artillery barrages to destroy these few units that stagnant water one foot deep.
were still putting up a fight.
• The government reported that economic growth had been
• Although there have only been sporadic outbreaks of flu stagnant during the last quarter of the year and that
this winter, government health officials are monitoring the measures were therefore being considered to stimulate
situation carefully. the economy.

• The military announced that they had taken complete • Fewer people have been investing in the stock market
control of the enemy city; however, sporadic gunfire could recently because it's been stagnant the last few months.
still be heard in some areas.
sto I id strident
showing little emotion loud and harsh;

Picture this: Picture this:

stole lid S.S. Trident

Thortgh someone stole the lid, The S.S. Trident lets out a strident wail.
the chef remains stolid.

• Awaiting sentencing, the convicted man could get no hint of • Demands by shareholders for the removal of the chairman
his fate from the stolid expression on the judge's face. of the company from his position became more strident
after it was learned that he had covered up the company's
• Behind the banker's stolid, conservative appearance is a man large losses.
whose hobby is parachuting from airplanes and who uses
weekends for nonstop partying. • Despite strident protests from environmentalists, the plan
to build a dam in the conservation area was approved by
• The commander, remaining stolid despite the heavy the government.
causalities his unit had suffered in the assault, ordered a
fresh attack. • Calls from the alumni for the head football coach to resign
grew more strident after the team finished with a record
of two wins and eleven losses.
er11ory Check 23
stuoefied ;rch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
made numb;
sporadic somber seclusion
stunned; amazed
spore addict _ 2. some brrr 3. sick illusion
Picture this:
stoop if I'd servile stolid stupefied
servevial _ 5. stole lid 6. stoop if I'd _

soporific scrutinize strident

Soap Horrific _ 8. screw tin eyes _ 9. S.S. Trident

stagnant scrupulous sluggish

Stag 'n' Ant _ 11. screw pull us _ 12. slug_

nationless g. sleep-causing
:xamine closely h. occurring irregularly
,tunned i. slow
;olitude j. loud and harsh
~oomy k. extremely thorough
hvish 1. showing little emotion

owtime 23
in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
tbest fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

''I'd always sit on the stoop if I'd been stupefied rammy says that most of the books she uses to prepare for the SAT
by a wild ride with the guys from McBride:' Ire so that she can't stay awake for long enough to learn
nuch from them.

• After a barrage of punches had left the boxer stupefied, the I. scrupulous b. sporadic c. stupefied d. strident e. soporific
referee stepped in and stopped the fight.
Uthough Tammy's parents are worried because their daughter will
·eceive her SAT results very soon, they remain , trying
• The soldiers were stupefied by the ferocious artillery barrage 0
control their feelings.
their unit came under.
lscrupulous b. stolid c. somber d. servile e. sluggish
• We stood stupefied, watching the gigantic UFO descend.
arnmy's parents didn't expect her to be in following their
nstructions to prepare thoroughly for the SAT, but they did expect
ler to make a reasonably good effort.
somber b. scrupulous c. soporific d. sporadic e. strident
4. Tammy had a look on her face after she spent an entire
weekend trying to memorize all3,500 words on the Barron's SAT word list. subside
a. strident b. stagnant c. stupefied d. sporadic e. scrupulous settle down; descend;
grow quiet
5. Tammy's parents thought it unlikely that she had studied the SAT
preparation books they had bought for her ; they had seen Picture this:
her make a effort to study but were worried that it wouldn't sub side UNIT 24
be enough to help her get a good score.
a. somberly..... strident
b. sluggishly..... scrupulous
c. stolidly..... sluggish
d. scrupulously..... sporadic
e. satirically..... sporadic

6. Tammy says that SAT critical reading questions dealing with _ __ _

techniques are the most difficult because intellectual is
required to answer them correctly.
a. satirical.. ... reticence
b. rhetorical.. ... rigor
c. stolid..... seclusion
d. redundant ..... profusion
e. satirical.. ... quiescence

7. After Tammy received her SAT results she went into her room to
_____ them in _____
- ---~-
a. scrutinize ..... seclusion
b. sanction ..... saturate The sub lay on its side waiting
c. retract ..... seclusion for the attack to subside.
d. rectify..... reticence
e. scrutinize ..... profusion • After the argument, Jean's anger subsided, and she
apologized to her friend for having been rude.
8. Tammy's parents were as they waited for her to tell thern
how she had done on the SAT; although they had been _ _ __ • The excitement in our school about winning the state
in their insistence that she study hard for the test, they were afraid football championship has finally subsided three months
that she had not done enough preparation. after the victory.
a. somber..... strident
b. servile ..... sporadic • After the floodwaters subsided, the farmer surveyed the
c. sluggish ..... scrupulous damage the flood had caused to his crops.
d. stolid..... stagnant
e. stupefied..... raucous
suoerficial erfluous
unnecessary; excessive;
concerned only with
the obvious; shallow;
near the surface
Picture this: Picture this:
super facial super flu us

Our <Superfacial clear-s

Wow, not even one all -superficial one-s.
blemi-sh left~ \

A super facial will clear all superficial blemishes. ((The super flu left us with
superfluous boxes of tissues:'

• Because his injury was only superficial, our quarterback was • When writing your answer on a test, you should avoid
able to return to the game after receiving some treatment. superfluous comments and just stick to the important
• My English teacher expects us to analyze in depth the poems
we studied; he gives little credit for a superficial analysis. • This film has already received hundreds of glowing reviews;
any more would be superfluous.
• Only very talented novelists have the ability to give readers
more than a superficial picture of the characters in their • This dessert is made of chocolate ice cream, chocolate
mousse, chocolate fudge, and chocolate chips; would some
books. chocolate topping be superfluous?
surfeit surreotitious
indulge to excess done in a secret
in anything way ; hidden

Picture this: Pi cture this :

Surf It Sir Repetitious

0o-sh, I'm -stuffed! I mu-st be -surreptitiou-s.

be -surreptitiou-s.
I ·-
I mu-st
I mu-st be -surreptitiou-s.
-- -·-•'"""'-

I mu-st be
1 mu-st be
L1 I mu-st be

At Waikiki's Surf It, they are Sir Repetitious in a surreptitious operation.

surfeited with Surf 'n' Turf.

• Between Christmas Day and New Year's Day every year, • We have to be surreptitious in preparing Dad's surprise
television viewers are surfeited with college football bowl party so he doesn't become suspicious of what we're doing.
• The movie star made a surreptitious exit through the back
• Tom's appetite for computer games was surfeited after he door of the studio to avoid reporters.
played them practically nonstop over the summer vacation.
• The intelligence officer surreptitiously monitored the
• There has been a surfeit of movies this year with a female enemy naval operation from his hidden observation post.
superhero in the leading role.
hant tantamount
self-seeker who tries to equivalent in
gain favor by flattering effect or value
important people;
bootlicker Picture this: Picture this:
sick of aunt Tantamount

I think Hou're the mo-st hand-some, brave-st and

-smarte-st prince in hi-storH·
Of cour-se HOU -still need
mH advice, -so I want Hou
to rai-se mH -spending
to one
a Hear••.

Sick of his aunt-a slick sycophant- Using Tant as a mount to ascend El Pico in Peru is
he booted her out of his kingdom. tantamount to saying alpacas' rights are few!

• Val is a shameless sycophant; she is constantly telling her • In Mr. Rogers' math class, any remark that suggests the
boss that his ideas are the best ideas that anyone has ever slightest bit of disrespect for the wonders of mathematics is
had and that he should be the president of the company. regarded as tantamount to saying that studying the subject
is a waste of time.
• Hoping to get the best mark in the class, the sycophant
flattered his teacher at every opportunity. • The political party that Mr. Stevens belongs to is so
dominant in this county that winning its nomination for
• Fed up with all the sycophants around him always agreeing an office is tantamount to winning the office itself.
with everything he said, the CEO screamed at them, "Stop
saying 'Yes' to everything I say!" "Yes;' they all replied in • The harsh threat that the government made to the leaders of
unison. the neighboring country is tantamount to a declaration
of war.
tenacit terrestrial
firm ness;
related to the earth;
pertaining to the land
Picture this: Pi cture this :
ten a city Terrace tree all

The-se gu,y-s -seem

to have fhe -same Yeah, but our burger-s
ta-ste-s a-s we do •.• are better
~~ pizza, chee-seburger-s, than their-s.
~ .--...c::.


With great tenacity, the craft To the Terrace tree, all terrestrials
continue their attack, ten to a city. are taken for tasting.
• If you have enough tenacity, you can learn all 300 vocabulary • Astronomers using terrestrial optical telescopes to observe
words in this book. the heavens often complain that light from man-made
sources is making it increasingly difficult for them to see
• Carol demonstrated remarkable tenacity in achieving her very faint objects clearly.
goal of receiving a perfect score on the SAT; she studied for
an hour every day for a year, never allowing herself to be • Terrestrial tracking stations around the world observe the
distracted. course of probes sent from Earth to explore the solar system.
• Thomas Edison showed incredible tenacity in his invention • Some people believe that money spent on the space program
of the lightbulb; he tried thousands of substances in the should instead be spent to solve terrestrial problems.
filament before finding one that worked properly.
thread bare (tie rayd)
I tirade ]
worn through ti II extended scolding;
the threads show;
shabby and poor
I long angry speech
denouncing something
Picture this: Picture this:
Thread Bear tie raid

Wn!:J on earin did !:JOU

-sneak in nere and
-steal a -tie?
It'-s unbelievable.
Mark m!:l word-s,
1:1oung man,
you will be
puni6hecJ for
Tne-se -tie-s are
like gold io me.
I can't believe .••

Thread Bear takes orders A tirade at the tie raid.

from threadbare customers.

• Jack's wife tells him that wearing threadbare suits to work • Fed up with his wife's spending on clothes, Mr. Banks began
makes him look poor; Jack's reply is, "I will be poor if I have a tirade against modern fashion and the stupidity of people
to keep buying new suits." conforming to it.

• Since my favorite sweater has become threadbare, I'll have • The magazine editorial is basically a tirade by the retiring
to buy a new one. publisher against the declining quality of reporting in
newspapers and magazines.
• Amber is really good at sewing; she took a threadbare
dress she got in the second-hand store and made it look • After Simon failed French, his father launched into a tirade
practically new. about how he had a son who was too lazy to study and
would never succeed like his father had.
jemory Check 24
to roar atch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
physical or mental
inactivity; sluggishness; sycophant superfluous threadbare
dormancy . sick of aunt _ 2. super flu us _ 3. Thread Bear
Picture this:
tour pour tantamount subside tenacity
1. Tantamount _ 5. sub side - 6. ten a city _

surfeit surreptitious tirade

'· Surf It_ 8. Sir Repetitious 9. tie raid

terrestrial superficial torpor

1. Terrace tree all _ 11. super facial _ 12. tour pour _

sluggishness g. equal in effect

shallow h. worn through
indulge to excess i. related to the earth
bootlicker j. unnecessary
1ettle down k. persistence
~x:tended scolding 1. done in a secret way

nowtime 24
~ in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
at best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

When you go camping, don't drink water from streams

During the tour when it started to pour because there could be harmful bacteria or other organisms in it.
they fell into a deep torpor. a. superficial b. threadbare c. stagnant

d. terrestrial e. superfluous
• In the spring, the snake began to recover from its winter
torpor and went in search of a good breakfast. In writing your college admissions essays, avoid including _ _ _ Ill/

words that don't add anything to what you're saying.

• My physics teacher asked the class to shake itself out of its 1111
a. surreptitious b. superfluous c. threadbare
mental torpor and really think about the problem. d. strident e. tantamount
• The hot, humid weather has induced in everyone a torpor
Jim's date for the formal was horrified when he showed up at her
that makes it difficult to do much of anything at all.
house wearing a suit that looked like it had been handed
down to him by his grandfather.
a. superficial b. servile c. superfluous d. threadbare e. savory
Cl'l A
4. In the spring, hibernating bears come out of their winter _ __
and start hunting for food.
a. tenacity b. surfeit c. torpor d. tirade e. reticence trivial;
5. The class is well-known for doing anything he can to butter
up teachers; he doesn't even bother to do it _ __ Picture this:
Try Fling
a. sycophant..... superfluously
b. terrestrial... .. superficially
c. sage ..... sporadically
d. rancor..... surreptitiously
e. sycophant..... surreptitiously

6. Tammy's mother bought a of SAT preparation books for On, plea-se,

can we tr!::l
her daughter, most of which now sit in a big pile on the floor, unused
"TI'y Fling''?
because Tammy thinks their explanations are too to be
of much help. \
a. surfeit.. ... superficial
b. torpor. .... threadbare
c. seclusion ..... superfluous
d. quagmire ..... superficial
e. tirade ..... tantamount

7. After Tammy admitted that she hadn't studied her SAT prep books
for two weeks, her father launched into a , saying that she had
better start studying or he wouldn't help pay for her to go to college;
Tammy waited, hoping that her father's anger would _ __
a. sycophant..... subside
Try Fling is too trifling for him.
b. surfeit..... scrutinize
c. tirade ..... subside
d. torpor..... retract • The poet was unconcerned with what he considered the
e. sage ..... relegate trifling fact that his readership consisted of only his wife,
her brother, and three friends.
8. Dave's progress in preparing for the SAT has been because
he lacks the to stick to a regular plan of study. • One thousand dollars may be a trifling sum to a millionaire,
but to a poor family it's enough money to buy a lot of
a. sporadic. ....tenacity
necessities such as food and clothing.
b. superficial.. ... seclusion
c. superfluous ..... tenacity
• Beth refused her friend's offer to pay back the $3 she had
d. surreptitious ..... reticence
borrowed for parking, saying it was just a trifling amount
e. sluggish ..... tenacity
of money.
truncate turmoil
shorten; cut great commotion
the top off and confusion

Picture this: Picture this :

trunk Kate term oil

Burn thi-s throughout

the term a-s an aid
to concentration.

The tree they did truncate- He burns the term oil, ignoring the turmoil outside.
so, by the trunk Kate wept.

• When his English teacher handed out the 1,000-page novel • Adolescence is often regarded as a time of emotional turmoil.
for the class to start reading, Larry piped up, "Can't we read
the truncated version instead?" • There was turmoil in the political party after its most
influential and respected member announced that he was
• My pleasant conversation with an old friend was truncated quitting the party and joining the opposing party.
by an important telephone call.
• Turmoil ensued when a bomb was found under a seat at
• Network television officials decided to truncate the broadcast the rock concert.
of the football game because it had gone on way past the
time scheduled for it and would interfere with the broadcast
of a feature movie.
uniform it
weaken; sap
Picture this:
Picture this:
under mine
uniform at tea


~~ --~--- ~



((They put the cockroach under mine

to undermine my entry!" They wear the uniform at tea
to promote uniformity.
• Rod's efforts to improve his vocabulary were undermined
• The pollster found a great uniformity of views on the
by his refusal to reinforce his learning by reading some good
central issues confronting the nation; on less important
books and magazines.
issues, however, there was a great diversity of views.
• It's very important that a teacher's authority over his or her
• The editor of the encyclopedia tries to maintain a uniformity
class not be undermined.
of style from article to article so that the reader will be able
to focus on the information itself rather than on how it's
• The prosecutor's case was undermined when the star presented.
witness admitted that she may have been mistaken in her
identification of the accused.
• The company doesn't expect uniformity in dress, but it
does expect employees to dress appropriately and not wear
'a.n outlandish outfits to work.
unwarranted (vay puh rise) .
unjustified; groundless;
turn into
Pi cture thi s: Pic ture this :
a warrant Ted vapor eyes

I know I copied mH bioloSH

lab a-s-signment-s, but
thi-s i-s ricf/culou-s.

I Thi-s i-s cool.

Ken and Bill
make great

"A warrant?" Ted asked. "That's unwarranted." The girl with vapor eyes wiii vaporize you!

• In seeking answers to questions about nature, a scientist • Military planners are working on a space-based weapon
must be careful not to make unwarranted assumptions. that would be able to vaporize entire cities with a burst of
high energy.
• Jason was apologetic after it turned out that his accusation
was unwarranted. • After taking measurements of the Sun's high-energy radiation,
the space probe plunged toward the Sun's surface and was
• The assumption that any tall person can be a good basketball vaporized.
player is unwarranted.
• At the end of the science fiction movie, the hero fired a
gigantic ray gun at the hostile aliens, vaporizing them.
practical or workable ;
capable of maintaining l ife highly ski lied
Picture this:
Picture this :
Vye a bull
virtue oh so

C.ome on and ride one, V!;~e!

I'm afraid I can't.

It's just not viable. Vye is not able to ride a bull.

This virtuoso has a virtue oh so rare-
he spreads cheer far and near.
• Education experts recommended that the school reduce
• Jimi Hendrix was a guitar virtuoso who developed a new
average class size from thirty to twenty, but the school board
style of playing that still influences musicians today.
said it was not economically viable.
• The actor gave a virtuoso one-man performance: One
• Engineers are working to create a viable alternative to
moment he was an interesting Hamlet, the other a totally
petroleum-driven cars that would cause less pollution. believable King Lear.
• NASA decided that the plan to establish a colony on Neptune
• Our school's all-state forward turned in a virtuoso
is not a viable one given the nation's existing level of
performance last night, scoring thirty-two points, dishing
out eight assists, pulling down twelve rebounds, and forcing
six turnovers.
virulent whimsical
extremely poisonous ;
hostile; bitter fanciful
Picture this: Pi cture this :
Vye roo lent whim* sickle

What'-s wrong with V!:je'? I wonder wh!:j I had a whim to do that.

I .She mi-s-se-s her

~.She lent
.... ?t /

it to a gu!:j
.-:J7.Xlfl~ named Gu!:j,
and it
caught a
reall!:j bad
viru-s and

Poor Vye. The roo she lent Guy got On a whim he took up a sickle
a virulent virus and died. to create whimsical shapes.

• The virulent computer virus spread very rapidly around the • The movie The Wizard of Oz displays a whimsical sense
world through the World Wide Web. of humor that appeals to both children and adults.

• A particularly virulent strain of flu is spreading rapidly • When he was feeling whimsical, the science fiction writer
around the world. Isaac Asimov enjoyed writing limericks-short, humorous,
often nonsensical verse.
• Researchers working with virulent microorganisms are
required to take many precautions so that the microorganisms • Sabrina was in one of her whimsical moods: "Let's do
don't get out of the laboratory and infect people or animals. something different today;' she said to her boyfriend. "Let's
act out a scene from Romeo and Juliet in Mr. Harrison's
physics class."
zealot vtemory Check 25
v{atch each word and its link to the corresponding definition.
fanatic; person who
shows excessive zeal undermine vaponze virulent
1. under mine _
I Picture this: ~
2. vapor eyes _ 3. Vye roo lent _
1 z lot 1 viable trifling uniformity
4. Vye a bull _ 5. TryFling _ 6. uniform at tea
turmoil truncate virtuoso
7. term oil _ 8. trunk Kate 9. virtue oh so
unwarranted whimsical zealot
0. a warrant Ted _ 11. whim sickle 12. Z lot
. shorten g. sameness
1.weaken h. turn into vapor
:. fanatic i. highly skilled artist
d. unjustified j. unimportant
e. highly poisonous k. fanciful
!. practical 1. commotion

ihowtime 25
ill in the blanks in the following sentences with the word or set of words
1at best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
A Z lot zealot admiring his Zs.
_ _ _ in the layout of a newspaper makes it easy for readers to
locate the type of article they want to read in each issue.
• Although Donna has a deep belief in the truth of her a. Seclusion b. Virtuoso c. Uniformity d. Tenacity e. Penury
religion, she is no zealot; she respects the beliefs of others.
Beth is such a when it comes to supporting her favorite
• Senator Smith is a zealot when it comes to the issue of political candidate that she gave up her job to work full time as a
conservation; she supports far more measures to protect Volunteer in his campaign.
the environment than anyone else in Congress. a. zealot b. virtuoso c. turmoil d. sycophant e. sage

• Uncle Rick could be regarded as a zealot when it comes The editor of the 1,000-page novel decided to it because she
to supporting his political party; he has voted for all the felt that a 700-page book would be more popular with readers.
candidates of his party in every election since 1975. a. vaporize b. undermine c. subside d. truncate e. scrutinize
4. The prime minister regarded the statement by the president of the
neighboring country that ''Any necessary measures would be taken"
as to a declaration of war.
a. virulent b. tantamount c. unwarranted d. trifling e. viable
~uiz 1
Quiz 6
5. My English teacher is always reminding the class not to make _ __ MEMORY CHECK
l. g 2. k 3. h 4.e 5.a
assumptions in our essays and to make sure that any ideas that we 1. b 2. j 3. a 4.1
;. f 7. d 8.1 9. j 10. b
6. h 7. e 8. k 9. i 10. d
suggest for improving society are _ __ 11. i 12. c
;HOWTIME 1l.g 12.c
a. whimsical. .... superficial SHOWTIME
.b 2. a 3. a 4.c 5.e
b. trifling ..... superfluous l.c 2. e 3.c 4.a
i. b 7. b 8. e 5. b
c. unwarranted ..... viable 6.a 7.e 8.b
d. viable ..... undermined luiz 2
Quiz 7
e. virulent.. ... unwarranted ~EMORY CHECK
.e 2.a 3.c 4.g 5. i
d 7.1 8. b 1. c 2. h 3. g 4. e 5.a
6. The success of our group project was by the fact that
9. j 10.h 6. d 7. i 8. b
l.f 12. k 9.k 10. j
we could never agree on anything, so there was always _ __ JHOWTIME 11.£ 12.1
in the group. SHOWTIME
.. b 2. e 3. b 4.d 5. b
i.e 7. d 8. d l. e 2. d 3. a 4.e 5. c
a. undermined ..... turmoil 6. d 7. b 8. c
b. vaporized ..... uniformity Quiz 3
c. truncated ..... tirades Quiz 8
d. stupefied ..... restraint MEMORY CHECK
0 g 2. f 3. d 4.k 5.a
e. scrutinized ..... virtuosos l,h 7. c 8. i 1. j 2. e 3. d 4.a 5. b
9. 1 10. e 6. f 7. h 8. i
I. b 12. j 9.1 10.g
HOWTIME 11.c 12.k
7. Military planners believe that space-based weapons can be developed SHOWTIME
.b 2. d 3.e 4.b
that will be able to almost instantly targets. .d
5. c 1. b 2. b 3. d 4.a 5.e
7. e 8.d
a. truncate ..... viable 6.c 7. b 8.a
b. repel... .. unwarranted luiz 4
Quiz 9
c. undermine ..... whimsical IEMORY CHECK
d 2. b 3. f 4. j
d. subside ..... trifling 5. a 1.c 2.g 3. f 4.k
7. g 8. k 9. e 5. j
e. vaporize ..... terrestrial 10. h 6.e 7.1 8.h
.! 12. i 9. b 10. i
fOWTIME 1l.a . 12.d
8. Although she was a violin , Alice did make two _ __ b 2.b SHOWTIME
3.d 4. b 5. e 1. a 2. d 3. c 4.e 5.b
mistakes in her recital. 7.c 8. b
6. d 7. c 8. b
a. zealot.. ... trifling uiz s
b. sycophant.. ... unwarranted ~MORY CHECK Quiz 10
c. zealot.. ... superfluous a 2. h 3.1 MEMORY CHECK
4.e 5.g 1. k 2. e 3. h
d. virtuoso ..... trifling k 7. j 8. f 9. c
4.d 5. b
10. b 6.f 7.c 8.i
e. hedonist.. ... whimsical ·d 12. i 9.a 10. g
IOWTIME 1l.j 12.1
2. c 3.d 4.d 5.e
\ 1. d 2. a 3. b 4.c 5.c
7.c 8.d
6. a 7. d 8. c

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