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Meaning. An adverb of manner is a word that tells us in a sentence how something has happened.
Formation. Adverbs of manner are formed by adding –ly to the end of an adjective. But there are some rules:
 Adjectives ending in –l add –ly
Careful  Carefully
 Adjectives ending in –y change to –ily
Luck  Luckily
 Adjectives ending in –-ble change to –bly
Responsible  Responsibly

Position. The position of the adverbs depends on the kind of adverb, but adverbs of manner are usually placed after the main verb or after
the object.

Examples: A) He dances well. (After the main verb)

He runs... rapidly, slowly, quickly.

She spoke... softly, loudly, aggressively.

I laughed loudly to attract her attention.

B) He plays the piano beautifully. (After the object)

He ate the strawberry cake greedily.

Instructions: Choose a word in brackets to fill the gaps correctly.

1. Ana and Jenny dance the tango ________________________ (beautiful / beautifully).

2. She planned their trip to Greece very ________________________ (careful / carefully).
3. Jim painted the kitchen very ________________________ (bad / badly).
4. She sings very ________________________ (quiet / quietly).
5. Turn the stereo down. It's too ________________________ (loud / loudly).
6. He skipped ________________________ down the road to school (safe / safely).
7. He drives too ________________________. (slow / slowly)
8. Hermes knows the road ________________________ (good / well).
9. He plays the sax ________________________(terrible / terribly).

10. We're camping tomorrow so we went to sleep _____________________ (happily / happy)

11. Any doesn't often work ________________________ (hard / hardly).
12. Sometimes our teacher arrived ________________________ for class (late / lately).

1 2 3 4 5

Martha eats the Pete She................... She waved her Paulo drove (slow)
berries ---------------. waited................. (gentle) held the flag................... ………….. on the
(quick) (patient) for the fish sign. (wild) highway.
to bite.
6 7 8 9 10

She The box………….. They are He bite................... Anna............

thought................ (complete) hid listening........ (sharp) into the (careful) poured
(dreaming) of her Jenna from sight. (intent) to the apple. the hot tea.
prince charming. story.

11 12 13 14 15

She Vicky ................... ‘I don’t know,’ Carlo............... She (deep)

stood.................. (glad) practiced her said the (tight) gripped the ……….. dug a
(quiet) holding her moves. detective............ broom. large hole in the
gift. (short) yard.

16 17 18 19 20
She She................... She cared.............. He She..................
stopped................. (skilful) vacuumed (dear) for her plays ................... (rapid) delivered
(sudden) and shot the room. mother. (extreme) well. pizzas.
her arrow.

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