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That's Me, Jill

By: Gerrie Benzing

Actress is standing sweetly, hands clasped infront wide eyes.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke
his crown and Jill came turnbling after." That's me, Jill. The "tumbling after". That's all
I'm known for. No matter where I go everyone is all (change voice tone like another
person is speaking) "Hey Jill! Tumble much?" (actress gives big sigh) Ineed a

The problem is that everyone else has all the good characteristics already.
Goldilocks is all sweet and innocent (say this in big innocent voice, with wide eyes and
sweet expression) "oh I didn't mean to fall asleep in your bed, Mr. Bear." Red Riding
Hood is the brave one up in the wolves' face Qtut hands on hips and say in a brave voice)
saylng "Hands off Grandma Spunky!" And Bo Peep has the whole clueless thing going
(say in airhead, clueless voice) "Sheep? Like I totally lost my sheep. (Small pause) .
Again!" And so here I am. Stuck with being the clutzy one.

Hmm, what else could lbe? (Chonge voice and body positionfor each idea)
Diva? "And Jill came sashaying after?" Brainy? "And Jill stepped smartly after?"
Sassy? "And Jill was all oh no you don't. I'll just meet you after boyfriend." (Make a
scrunchy nose negativeface) None of those sound right. Oh well I guess I should just
stick with what I've got. I may be the chttzy one but I tumble with style. "And Jill came
tumbling (tumble down to stage with style and have a sassy pose) afterl" That's me, Jill!

Copyright 2010, Geruie Benzing

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