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First of all, I feel like saying “thanks” for God’s love and grace for us. I also
want to thank God for giving me chance to finish this assignment timely. And I
would like to say “Thank you” to Sir Drs. Willem Saragih,M.Pd. as the lecturer
that always teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English
well especially in Grammar aspect.

This assignment is the one of English task that composed of Critical Journal
Review in English Grammar subject . I realized this assignment is not perfect. But
I hope that it can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion are needed here to make
this assignment be better. Hopefully, we as a student in State University of Medan
can work more professional by using English as the second language. Thank you.

Medan, September 2019



PREFACE ………………………………………………………..….1

TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………......2

1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………....3
1.2 Objective and Benefits………………………………………………………...4
1.3 Bibliographic Information…………………………………………….............4

BAB II SUMMARY OF CONTENT………………………………………….5

2.1 Article 1 ……………………………………………………….…………….5

2.2 Article 2…………..…………………………………………………………..9

BAB III ANALYSIS………………………..…………………………………12


5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………14

5.2 Suggestion……………………………………………………………………14

REFERENCES… ………………………………………………………………15



1.1 Background
The main reason we study grammar is that we human beings are curious and
want to learn more about ourselves. Curiosity about what we are and what kind
of world we inhabit has led humans to study such fields psychology, biology,
history, and linguistics. The study of how we create language can provide
important insights into the nature of our minds and the way we think. It can help
us understand better what it means to be human. In particular the discovery of
how complex and yet elegant our grammars are will give us an marvelous
instrument. We can also appreciate our own individual.
Grammar study also has some more immediately practical benefits, but I
would discourage you from spending time on the subject if practical gain is your
only goal, because you may be disappointed. People who decide study grammar
because they want to be better writers or because they want to speak a more
standart dialect or because they have trouble with punctuation.
On the other hand, grammar study is not without practical benefits. We use
some conscious knowledge about language when we speak and write , and
conscious grammatical knowledge can help us to undesrtand what we are doing
and allow us to make some enlightened choices. Knowledge of grammar can also
give us a tool for analyzing our writing and a vocabulary for discussing it.
Learning about grammar means learns the basic english and all its form, it
can be a simpliest thing, until the complex thing. From letter, words, phrase,
clause and the highest goal is to make a sentence.
Both the main book and the siplementary book are genuinely pocket-sized
reference book that is ideal for revision. It's easy to understand, with grammar
explanations using language students know. Examples show how to use the
grammar correctly, and other examples show the common mistakes students need
to avoid. At intermediate level and above, students want to know how they can
sound more natural and fluent. So we've included a tip for every grammar topic
that helps them do exactly that.

1.2 Objective and Benefits
The objects of this review are:
1. To make the readers undestand about the topic that is going to be discussed.
2. To improve the ability of reviewing journal
3. To give a critical respons and recommendation to the journals that being
reviewed so the knowledge of the readers and the writer is going to be improved.
4. To complete the assignment of English Grammar
5. To show the readers about the using of grammar and comparing two journal
related to this.

So for the benefits of making this review is that we can realize how to learn
and understand english grammar. Something interesting from this review is this
reviews’s content was from different sources. I think, it will attempt for getting good
response by the learners.

1.3 Bibliographic Information

a. Journal 1


Name of Journal : Okara
Author : Henny Uswatun Hasanah
Year : 2015
Amount Of Section : vol 1
Amount of pages : 10 pages
City : Pamekasaan, Madura, Jawa Timur

b. Journal 2


Name of Journal : Jurnal FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
Author : Siska Fahlevy
Year : 2016
Amount Of Section : Vol 19 number 2
Amount of pages : 15 pages
Number of ISSN : 1411-3732
City : Padang, Sumatera barat


2.1 Journal 1
a. Background
Teaching as a part of teaching learning process and which is most done by a
teacher has important role in education. If there is the teacher teaching, there will be
a student learning. It means that the operation of education in relation to the goal in
school assigned by the teaching learning process between the teacher and the
learner. In other words learning and teaching are two things which cannot be a
separated each other. So in teaching learning process is expected to be able to give
good contribution in order that the students will not find difficulties. Grammar
teaching has often been regarded as a structure based, formal activity. After the
integration of several sources and techniques, which are mainly based on
communicative activities, the teaching of grammar gained a new insight. In the
teaching of grammar, technique-resource combinations are often modified to
structure-discourse match and if well developed, they can be used effectively for all
phases of a grammar lesson. In order to make a grammar lesson effective, beneficial,
and interesting a teacher should use some well-developed and fascinating techniques
in the classroom. The teacher who teaches grammar has different style, strategy, and
method. It depends on the material and the student‟s level. To teach grammar the
teacher might know that used by students in every day learning in the classroom
activities. They have difficulty when understand about grammar because they bored
study English. Therefore, a teacher may use the suitable learning with their students
in the classroom. One of the grammar include as the factor that very important in
English because in the writing and speaking it must be use rule that grammatically
suitable. Grammar is partly the study of what forms (or structure) are possible in a
language. Grammar can be incredibly dry and tedious if we allow it to be, but with a
little inventiveness, we can be sure that each and every time we approach a grammar
lesson, we have an arsenal of engaging activities. One of the best ways to get
inspired is to let pictures do the work for you. Using pictures can make exercises and
activities more interesting and more interactive.

b. Grammar
grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses,
phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study
of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often
complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. "An English grammar" is a
specific description, study or analysis of such rules. A reference book describing the
grammar of a language is called a "reference grammar" or simply "a grammar". A

fully explicit grammar that exhaustively describes the grammatical constructions of
a language is called a descriptive grammar. This kind of linguistic description
contrasts with linguistic prescription, an attempt to discourage or suppress some
grammatical constructions, while promoting others. For example, preposition
stranding occurs widely in

Germanic languages and has a long history in English. Grammar is the system of a
language. People sometimes describe grammar as the "rules" of a language; but in
fact no language has rules*. If we use the word "rules", we suggest that somebody
created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages
did not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved
into words, phrases and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All
languages change over time. What we call "grammar" is simply a reflection of a
language at a particular time. Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The
short answer is "no". Very many people in the world speak their own, native
language without having studied its grammar. Children start to speak before they
even know the word "grammar". But if you are serious about learning a foreign
language, the long answer is "yes, grammar can help you to learn a language more
quickly and more efficiently." It's important to think of grammar as something that
can help you, like a friend. When you understand the grammar (or system) of a
language, you can understand many things yourself, without having to ask a teacher
or look in a book.

c. Teaching Grammar
There are some key concepts and the language teaching classroom in
teaching grammar, namely:
a. Grammar rule describes the away that language works, but language changes
over times so grammar rules are not fixed.
b. The teacher need to keep up to date with what parts of the language are changing
and how.
c. Grammar rules traditionally describes written language rather than spoken
language. For example, repetition, exclamation, and contraction.
d. Very often speakers of a language can speak and write it well without
consciously knowing any grammatical rules of terms.
e. Learning some grammatical rules and terms makes language learning easier for
some learners.
f. Just learning grammatical rules and structures don‟t give learners enough help
with learning how to communicate, which is the main purpose of language.

d. Definition of Media

To avoid misunderstanding in the process of communication, media are needed in
the process of teaching. Media means of sending message from sender to message
receive. According to Gagne in Arief media is kinds of components that can
stimulate the students to study in learning process. In addition, Brown defines
media13 as the tools or the physical thing used by a teacher to facilitate the
instruction (online, access on 20 October 2011). From the definitions above, the
writer makes a conclusion that media is kinds of components, tools, materials, or
events that establish conditions used by a teacher to stimulate the students to acquire
knowledge, skill and attitudes, and engage the learners in learning process.

e. Function of Media
Media has very advantages for many aspects in our life especially in learning
process. Suyanto in Megawati, stated that the function of media in teaching learning
process are:
1. Media can save our time as a teacher
2. Media can stimulate interest to learn
3. Media can encourage student‟s participation
4. Media can provide a review
5. Media can help the students learn communicate ideas visually
6. Media can provide medium for individual or group report
7. Media can make a classroom dynamic, relevant and attractive. Besides that,
according to Sadiman, also stated that the function of media in teaching learning
process is:
a. Aids to Instruction Media gives serve to help teacher and instructors to manage
the instruction more efficiently especially in learning process.
b. Aids to Learning Media gives serve to help students learn more efficiently.
What are pictures?
A picture is simply a photo of something or someone on a piece of card ,
paper , etc , ect. A picture can sometimes be something to treasure
memories or simply just a decortion. A picture can be in books and frames wich you
can look at whenever you would like. A picture description is an ideal way of
practicing your English vocabulary in all sorts of fields. Pictures provide serious
language practice and can be invaluable in the classroom for stimulating discussion
and bringing enormous variety to lessons. They also provide the teacher with a
flexible and convienient tool to test many different things in exams.

Teaching Grammar Using Pictures

As the teachers we know there are always going to be topics that are
challenging to make fun or interactive. Grammar can be incredibly dry and tedious if
we allow it to be, but with a little inventiveness, we can be sure that each and every

time we approach a grammar lesson, we have an arsenal of engaging activities. One
of the best ways to get inspired is to let pictures do the work for you. These 5 unique
ways to practice grammar using pictures will serve you indefinitely because you can
adapt them, recycle them and make them your own in many different ways. The first
thing you need to do immediately is get your hands on a stack of twenty to thirty
magazines. Some of the best choices are those that use thick paper, vivid images,
and approach a variety of topics. Magazines like: O, National Geographic, Martha
Stewart Living, Cosmo, Glamour, etc. will serve you really well. Take some time
and compile all different categories of pictures including: famous people, people
doing things, pictures of the home, street scenes, animals, food, rooms in the home,
odd cartoons, diverse people and groups of people, interesting and colorful objects,
etc. I recommend gluing them to construction paper and laminating them if you have
the option. You will get years of use of them and continue to add to them as time
goes on
1. People pictures should be number one on your list as you will use them the most
for activities.
2. Creating Captions You can also do a lot with cartoons, news pictures, or
oddlythemed pictures
3. Cut-Up Stories Cut-up stories can be a lot of fun with pictures. You can practice
things like sequence, directions, story-telling, and various tenses with cut-up stories.
4. Partial Pictures This is a fun picture activity that can be approached for low
intermediate or above.
5. Picture Dictation This activity is often a favorite of students. It is Pictionary on
steroids and much more challenging. The best grammar activities to use this for are:
there is/there are, prepositions of place or direction combined with house
vocabulary, or what is happening in the picture.

Journal 2
a. Introduction
Learning grammar gives a wide range of knowledge about word classification
and part of speech like nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions,
conjunctions, determiners, and interjections. Then, grammar rules make us
understand how to combine these word classifications and part of speech become

sentences with complete subject and object by using the appropriate lexis to build
meaningful language that is really important for both written and spoken
communication. The significant of grammar knowledge to acquire English as the
foreign language has been purposed by some experts through their researches since
the previous time. According to Canale and Swain (1980) to enhance
communicative competence needs good grammatical competence. It means that
without good grammar, we could not express our ideas and thought clearly into
good communication so we can have poor communication skill. Then, Larsen-
Freeman (2003, p. 78) states that grammar can help the learners to accelerate the
language acquisition. These theories strengthen the importance of grammar in the
process of acquiring English as the foreign language. This reason makes grammar
included in the language teaching integrated into four language skills (reading,
listening, writing and speaking). Grammar must get a special attention in the
language teaching because it can help the learners to develop and to broaden their
language skills (Richards and Renandya (2002). The learners not only learn new
words but also the patterns of the sentences of each song lyric and get the meaning
of each lyric then being able to imitate the use of the repetitive structure of song
and practice new words or vocabularies in the variation of sentences. Then, Martin
(2000) argues that using song is very challenging for the learners’ grammatical
development because they can learn the language pattern from the form of songs.
According to Orlova (2003) songs allows the learners to study grammar especially
the use of tenses. Maria Luisa Cruz-cruz (2005) proved in her research that song is
the effective instructional tool to give the learners good energy and motivation in
learning grammar. From these related theories, it could be concluded that Grammar
is not such a difficult subject to teach and to learn as long as the teachers or
lecturers know how to teach it and the students can feel safety to get it in their
English classroom. In the teaching grammar, the teachers can try the varieties of
song that contain the appropriate lyrics to perform the language pattern or structure
that are going to be taught.

b. Method
In this research, the researcher used descriptive design with quantitative data
because the researcher just focus on describing the data gotten during the learning
process toward the students’ ability after doing some tests on modality . According
to Gay, Mills & Airasian (2000) descriptive research is the study about all
phenomena happened related to the research’s problem and describe all the data as
they are without any manipulations. The strong reason why the researcher used this

kind of research design is the researcher just aims to describe or to investigate
whether the students have better change on their ability in using modality. The
participants of this research consist of 28 students from class C in academic year
2016/2017 in Grammar I class. To select the participants, the researcher used
purposive sampling. According to Arikunto (2010) purposive sampling can be used
if the researcher wants to select the participant for the specific purpose. Here, in
this research, the researcher purposed the class that got the lowest mark for modal
verb lesson in order to make them more interesting, and have positive attitude for
studying modal. For this reason, the researcher directly chose class C because the
mean score for the modality test in this class was lower compared to the other
classes that the researcher taught. The fact became the big concern for the
researcher to select class C as the participant of this research. In this research, the
researcher used instrument to collect the data that are needed to answer the
research’s problem. According to Creswell (2012) instrument is the tool that is
used to observe, to measure and to document the data consisted of questionnaire,
observation checklist and test. Here, the researcher used test as the research
instrument to measure the students’ ability in using of modality function including
possibility, necessity, ability, obligation, and permission. The description of modal
semantic categories based on those functions could be shown in the table 1. Table
1 gave the information that the modal use has the same patterns but with different
function including as permission, ability, possibility, obligation, and necessity. For
this case, the researcher would like to know whether the students got better
understanding to use which modal verb are more suitable for each modality
function based on the categories of modality as described at table I. In this case, the
researcher used the test in gap filling form because this kind of test could be
effective to evaluate the students’ understanding. Taylor (2013) said that gap
filling is a test in such a way by deleting some words or a word from the question
item that should be constructing based on the criterion proposed. If the students are
correctly completed the gap, it would be considered that those students have got
better knowledge about the use of modality. After doing tests, the researcher
analyzed the result of document tests and then the researcher calculated the
percentage of students’ ability in the appropriateness in using.

c. Finding and Discussion

To encourage students’ positive view of using song in studying modal verb
and to enhance good ability on those modal uses, the researcher needed some
considerations. The song must be selected based on the students’ interest and the
age level to make them more attractive and exciting to learn. Here, the researcher
utilized some popular songs with the simple vocabularies which are easy to

understand and to memorize within the concept of modality use. The students need
to learn from some songs to find the grammatical terms inside the song.



After reviewing both of the jurnal, the writer can conclude some strength points
They are. :

1. Jornal 1

 This journal is equipped with a good and the contents is completely clear and
easy to understand in order to inhance the skills of grammar
 What I like about this journal , it has a good content, for example, this journal
contains a basic information. For example, it exlains about media, then they
explain about picture as media
 The use of the language is very easy to understand without missing the meaning
and the aim of the text.
 The typing of the book is very neat yet easy to understand
 The use of capital letter, the italic words, and bold words are perfect. It helps the
reader so much to get the point, which one is the most important to know.
 The coherency of the paragraps is good.

2. Journal 2

 The display of the journal is good.

 The content is good and help the readers to know and even give the readers the
example of teaching english. Example : this article gives the methods.
 The typing of the book is very neat yet easy to understand
 This book gives a tip at the end of the topis in order to develop the learners
 This book also use table to make it more interesting.
 The use of capital letter, the italic words, and bold words are perfect. It helps the
reader so much to get the point, which one is the most important to know.

After reviewing both the main book ( Discovering English Grammar) and the
supplementary book ( Oxford Learner’s Pocket Grammar ), the writer can conclude
some weak points form the books. They are :

1. Journal 1
 The display is not too attractive, and there is no combination of colors.
 It is full text-printed. Sometimes it makes the learners ot readers get bored

 This book doesn’t provide the strategy or tips to make the learners understand
more about grammar.
 This journal doesn’t provide the method

2. Journal 2
 In some cases, the articles explains the content too long, so the readers will find it
hard to get the object of the content
 This journal only provide the using of modality from the learning process by
songs, it the content is not too large if we compare to the Article 1.



1.1 Conclusion

1. Teaching grammar has been compared to other fun things like using pictures..
Teaching grammar has to be one of toughest tasks a teacher faces, but we all
know that grammar skills are essential to students' success on standardized tests
and college entrance exams, in their ability to communicate orally and in
writing, and in life! So the more fun we can have with grammar -- and the more
varied approaches we can use to teach it -- the more likely our students are to
'get it.' Using pictures can make exercises and activities more interesting and
more interactive. We can constantly improve our activities by looking at what
went well and what fell flat. These 5 unique ways to practice grammar using
pictures are a jumping off point, and can be expanded in lots of interesting
2. The students’ performance on Grammar could be better changed since the
teacher or lecturer become creative and innovative to find out the teaching
tool to provide the best solution on the students’ problems in the learning
process. It has been proven from the result of the research done that the
students’ ability especially in the use of modality was significant increased
after the researcher used song as teaching tool in teaching modality. Through
song, the students can get either better understanding about the pattern of each
modality or the function of modality in the context or language use. Song can
give comfortable and powerful situation that make the students easily
concentrate and get interest to learn. When the students focus to follow
whatever is given, they will be pleasure to access and concern to the lesson.

1.2 Suggestion
After analyzing and reviewing the writer suggest that the author will be able
to improve their journal so it will be better and can halp the readers to improve
their skills even it can help the teacher top get the easier way to teach english
grammar by using media. And the readers should be aware that grammar skilss in
one of the basic english skill that they have to master in order to be able to
understand english, and all of its aspect, especially related to the topic,being able to
use all of the grammatical terms.








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