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Mission, Element, Analyze, Stakeholders-Unite, Results, Educate,

A Six-step Accountability Process for School Counselors

Measures Project
By Kira Thomas
PS 253@43
Located at 160Beach 29 street,Far Rockaway
Principal: Mr. Robert Lopez

Name of Counselor(s) Leading the Initiative: Mrs. Elizabeth Kaufman

Enrollment: There are 113 students enrolled, 75 students attend school in-person, 19
students utilize the hybrid model and 19 students are fully remote
School Demographic
PS256@43 is a special education school. It is a District 75 school.
The majority of its students are Black or Hispanic. About 95% are Black or Hispanic, about
2% are Asian or Pacific Islanders, 1% are identified as other racial or ethnic background and
less than 2% are identified as White. There are 113 students enrolled, 75 students attend school
in-person, 19 students utilize the hybrid model and 19 students are fully remote. 90% of the
students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. 20% of the students are of limited English
Proficient. 100% of the students are require Special Education services
To encourage excellence in our staff and students by discovering the most
effective methods to develop and utilize their inner resources. We will train
staff to recognize and encourage each child’s potential so they may grow into
valuable and contributing members of our diverse society. We encourage and
provide growth, teach respect for the value of life and each other.
Analyze the data element. The Behavioral
Element: Behavioral Intervention Plan Intervention Plan was put in place for this student
Baseline: Reduce student behavior of primarily to evaluate the behavior throughout the
screaming and being physically aggressive day. Student problematic behavior is screaming,
towards others and being physically aggressive toward others. I
Goal: For students to engage in class activities, used Interval recording. I recorded the occurrence
when frustrated students will express and nonoccurrence of his aggressive behaviors
themselves verbally with appropriate volume throughout the day. I created a daily checklist for
a 45minute math class which would be broken
and not become physically aggressive. By the
down into three 15 minute intervals. As the class
student engaging with this technique it reduces
progresses, I check off whether any of the
the outburst in class, they are directly
behaviors that are listed in the behavioral plan
supporting the mission of the teachers to
have occurred within each minute block time. I
recognize and encourage each child’s potential
made the block of time longer and shorter,
so they may grow into contributing members
depending on what behavior the teacher wanted
of our diverse society.
me to measure in the classroom.
The Baseline Data revealed:
By using this form of data it was observed that student’s aggressive behavior
decreased. The intervention is effective because the data was collected weekly.
When considering the method to determine student progress, efficiency was my
primary focus. The most efficient method for measuring the student's aggression
was constant one to one attention given. The information that was obtained
determined that the student is making adequate progress. The first 3 data points
are 45%, 52%, and 48%. It is reasonably certain the behavior is performed
approximately 50% of the time.
STAKEHOLDERS - UNITE to develop strategies to impact the data element

School Counselor-School counselors would utilize Parents -To reinforce what student does in
Tier 1 Behavior Screeners to identify behaviors of school, because for the plan to work it
students. Tier 1 is the Universal Core Instructional
cannot be implemented only in school
Interventions for students, preventive and proactive

Administrator(s)-Talk to student directly and Classroom Teacher Assistants

discuss his behavior then ask what would work Work with students individually so students
for them can have one to one support.

Teachers- Implement the behavior intervention Other Support Staff (front office, custodial,
plan cafeteria, playground) Try to redirect students if
aggression is being expressed.
Student Follow the Behavioral Intervention plan
and any support that is recommended

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