Unit 1 Touchstone 1 2nd Ed.

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Q Getting started

A Look at the photos. Guess the words in the conversations. Check(..') the boxes.

D Good-bye. D Hello. D Thanks. D Hi. D Good morning.

B 114>» 1.02 Listen. Are Matt and Sarah friends? How about Rob and Sandra? Practice the conversations.

Matt Good morning, Sarah. How are you?

Sarah Good. How are you, Matt?
Sandra Hi, I'm Sandra Davis. Nice to meet you.
Matt I'm fine, thanks.
Rob Nice to meet you.

Fif��� C Can you complete these conversations? Use the conversations above to help you. Then
practice with a partner. Use your own names.

These people are friends:

These people meet for the first time:
1. A Hi, Pat. How are
you? 3. A Hello. Chris Evans.
B I'm fine. How are you?
B Hi. I'm Grace Song.
A Good, ____
A to meet you, Grace.

2. A Good , Anna.
4. A Hello. I'm Sarah.
B Hi, Dan. are you?
B Nice to meet . I'm Alan.
A I'm , thanks.
A Nice to___________you.
fl Building vocabulary All about you

A 114>» 1.oJ Listen. Are these people saying "hello" or "good-bye"? Practice the conversations.

Bye. See you tomorrow.

Good night. Have a good evening. Rita Bye. See you.
Emily Thank you. You too.

B 114>» 1.04 Read the conversations and check(�) the correct responses. Listen and check your
answers. Then practice with a partner.
1. Good-bye. Have a nice evening. 3. See you later. 5. Good morning.
D Thank you. You too. D Thanks. You too. D Hi. How are you?
D Good, thanks. D OK. Have a good day. D Bye. See you.
2. Hey, Oscar. How are you? 4. Hello. I'm Emma. 6. Good night. Have a good weekend.
D Good, thanks. D See you later. D Good. How are you?
D See you tomorrow. D Nice to meet you. D Bye. See you next week.
C Look at the conversations above. Which expressions mean "hello"? Which expressions mean
"good-bye"? Complete the chart.

"Hello" "Good-bye"
Good night

D Class activity Say "hello" and "good-bye" to five classmates using the expressions above.

Q Saying names in English

Hello. I'm Ana Sanchez.
A '4l)) 1.os Listen to these people give their My first name is Maria.
Ana is my middle
Then complete the information. name.

Hi. My name is Don. My full name is

Don Allan Ray Tanner. My nickname is

Hi, I'm Liz. Liz Kim.

My first name is Elizabeth,
but everyone calls me Liz.

Mrs. Maria Sanchez

D single 0 married

� single D married
Ms. Kim 'Miss, Mrs., Ms., Mr.?
Liz Kim is single. .,. Ms. Kim or Miss Kim
� single D married Ana Sanchez is married. .,. Ms. Sanchez or Mrs. Sanchez
Don Tanner is single. .,. Mr. Tanner
Ana's husband is married. .,. Mr. Sanchez

you B Complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner.
1. My first name is
4. My middle name is
2. Everyone calls me __________
5. My nickname is
3. My last name is 6. My teacher's name is __________

C '4J» 1.0& Listen and say the alphabet. Circle all the letters in your name.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Kk Ll Mm

Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Vy Zz

About you

D isten. How do you spell Catherine's last name? Then practice the
' conversation with a partner. Use your own names.
A What's your
name? B
Catherine Ravelli.
1 A How do you spell Catherine?
. B C-A-T-H-E-R-1-N-E.
0 A Thanks. And your last name?
1 B R-A-V-E-L-L-1.

E Class activity Ask your classmates their names. Make a list.

L (

fl Building language All about you ,i,)�l•i•

A Listen. Which classroom is Carmen in this year?
'4l» 1.oa
What about Jenny? Practice the conversation. Class
Mr. Martin Good morning.Are you here for an English class?
Carmen Yes, I am. I'm Carmen Rivera.
Mr. Martin OK.You're in Room B.
Jenny And I'm Jenny.
Mr. Martin Are you Jenny Loo?
Jenny No, I'm not. I'm Jenny Lim.Am I in Room B, too?
Mr. Martin Yes.......Wait - no, you're not.You're in Room G.
Jenny Oh, no! Carmen, we're not in the same class!

Fif��i B Can you complete the conversations? Use the

conversation above to help you.
1. A Are you Jenny Loo?
B No, I not. I Lucy.
2. A you here for an English class?
B Yes, I .I Carmen Rivera.
3. A I in your class?
B Yes. in my class.

8 Grammar The verb be:/, you, and we '4)» 1.09

Contractions �
I'm Jenny. irLanguage
I'm not Carmen. I'm= I am
You're in Room G.
You're not in Room B. you're= you are
We're in different classes.
We're not in the same class. we're= we are
Questions and short answers
Are you Jenny? Am I in Room B? Are we in the same class?
Yes, I am. Yes, you are. N o, I'm not. No,
you're not. Yes, we are. Use the full form of the verb
No, we're not. be in short answers with yes.
Yes, I am. (NOT Yes, f!m.)
A Complete the conversations. Thenpractice with a partner. Yes, we are. (NOT Yes, we-lre.)

1. A Are you Chris?

B Yes, I we in the same class?
A Yes, we .I Dino.
B Hi, Dino. Nice to meet you.
2. A Hey, Amy. you here for an English class?
B No, I not. I here for a French class.
A OK. See you later.
you B Pair work Choose a conversation and practice it. Use your own information.

Q Numbers 0-10
A �i� 1.10 Listen and say the numbers.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
zero one two three four five six
seven eight nine ten
Listen. Then practice. 8My ID number is
B �l» 1.11
OMy passport number is
8My cell phone number

649-321-508. 259-62-1883.
is 216-555-7708.
o de pas
Passport Ho./H
CANADA My email address is
_. 649 321 508
...,.. pASSEPO
Given oames/ JAIIES DAVID
ty/ Hat iona i e
HationaH � � D IEN
p(CAN (BARTON J A " E S��(((( ((((((((((((((((
s o a <
« « <. « <b•g,21

I Numbers and email addresses

216·555-7708 = "two-one-six, five-five-five, seven-seven-oh (zero)-eight" dsmith6@cup.org = "d-

fl Building language
A � )) 1.12 Listen. What is Victor's phone number?
Practice the conversation.
Receptionist Hi! Are you a member?
Victor No, I'm just here for the day.
Receptionist OK. So, what's your name, please?
Victor Victor Lopez.
Receptionist And what's your phone number?
Victor It's 646-555· 3048.
Receptionist And your email address?
Victor Um ... it's vlopez6@cup.org.
Receptionist OK. So it's $10 for today. Here's your pass.
Victor Thanks.
1t out B Can you complete these questions and answers? Use the conversation above to help you.
Then practice with a partner.
1. A What's your name? 2. A What's your
3. A What's __
B Joe Garrett.------------------------------------- 7
B It's 646-555·4628. B __ joe.garrett@cup.org.

8 Grammar What's... ?; It's ... '4>» 1.13

All about you 'i•1�lii•
What's your name? My name's Victor Lopez.
What's your email address? It's vlopez6@cup.org.
What's your phone number? It's 646-555-3048.
What's= What is name's= name is It's = It is

A Write a question for each answer. Compare with a partner. Then practice.
1. A What's your 6rst name
0 ? 4. A ?
8 My first name's Haley - H-A-L-E-Y. 8 It's j.song6@cup.org.
2. A 5. A ?
8 My last name? Osman - 0-S-M-A-N. 8 My teacher's name? It's Ms. Rossi.

3. A 6. A ?
8 347-555-2801. 8 My student ID number? Wait - it's 36-88-972.
B Pair work Ask and answer the questions. Give your own answers.
A What's your first name? 8 Don't start an answer with Is. What's

It's Silvia - 5-1-L-V-I-A. your name?

It's Silvia. (NOT 15Si.'�i(j.)

Q Listening and speaking Memberships

A '4>» 1.14 Listen to the conversations. Complete the membership cards.
: H om e p ho n e
I r r
C e ll p h o n e ,
Mr. Ms. Miss
r !, Mrs.


r---------- - -- - - - - ---------- - - - - - - - -----, First Middle Initial Last



I PHONE f 508-555-
Home phone
f -555-6230
Cell phone

� -------------------------------------------------------------------- � I EMAIL ADDRESS f @CUP.ORG

B Pair work Now complete this form for a partner. Ask questions.
AliciaHi. How are you doing?
AdamPretty good. How about you?
AliciaGood, thanks. It's a beautiful day.
AdamYeah, it is. Are you here for the concert?
Alicia Yes. How about you?
AdamWell, yeah, but I'm a student here, too. So are you on va
Alicia Yes, I am. By the way, I'm Alicia.
AdamI'm Adam. Nice to meet you.
Well, have a nice day.
A What's your first name? B Alicia Thanks. You too.
A How do you spell that?

Lesson D Conver?ation/)
Are you here for the concert?

a Notice how Adam and Alicia say Howaboutyou?to

Conversation strategy How about you?
ask the same questions.
A Look at the photo. Adam and Alicia are strangers. Guess three things they say.

B ._>)) 1.15 Listen. Who's on vacation? Who's a student? Who's here for the concert?
D Complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner.

1. A Hello. Are you here for the festival? 4. A It's a beautiful day. Are you on vacation?
B Yeah, I am. 7 B Yes, I am. 7

A Yeah. Me too. A No. I'm a student here.

2. A Hi. How are you doing? 5. A I'm here on business. How about you?
B Good, thanks. How about you? B No.
A A Nice. Well, have a great vacation.

3. A Are you a student?

B No, I'm a teacher.
A I'm a teacher, too.

fl Strategy plus Everyday expressions

All about you

Some everyday expressions are more formal.

More formal Less formal
Yes. Yeah.
Thank you. Thanks. Hi.
Hello. How are you doing?
How are you? OK. I Pretty good. I Good. Bye.
I'm fine. I See you. I See you later.

Yeah is 10 times more common than yes.

•••••• Yeah.
• Yes.

you Complete these conversations with expressions from the box above. Then practice with a partner.
1. Formal conversation are you here for English 3?
Jeff Hello , Mrs. Swan. 7
Mrs. Swan , thank you. Uh, Jeff,
Mike . How about you?
2. less formal conversation Kathy
Kathy . Are you here for a class?
Hi, Mike, ?
Jeff • I am. Mike ____ , I am. I'm here for yoga.
Mrs. Swan Then you're in Room B. I'm the teacher for How about you?
English 2. Kathy Oh, I'm here for a music class.
Jeff Oh, . Well, have a nice day. Mike Nice. Well, enjoy your class!
Mrs. Swan . You too. Enjoy your Kathy . You too.
class! __ Mike OK.

Q Strategies In the park

you Pair work look at the picture. Choose an activity in the park. Role-play a conversation.
A Hi, how are you?
B Good, thanks. How about you?
A Pretty good. Are you here for the

'free talk"p:"129

Learning tip Learning expressions People sayHi and Bye more

Write new expressions with their responses, like this: thanHello and Good-bye.
• Hello.
I Good-bye.

Write a response for each expression.

-c::{ 4. ( How are you?
2. ( Good morning. j=> -c::{
3. ( Hi, I'm Helen. j=> Before your next class, say hello and good-bye (in
English!) to three people.
5. ( Have a nice day. j=>
) -c::{ )
6. ( See you tomorrow. j=>

) -c::{ J
7. ( Have a good evening.

? -c::{ )
8. ( Good night.
) -c::{ )

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