Questionnaire/observational Sheet/checklist To Collect The Data As Research Instruments. The Data Is Analysed by Chi Square

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Good morning
To the honourable Mr. Sutrisno as the first examiner (penguji 1)
Honourable Mrs. Shanty Natalia as the second examiner (penguji 2)
To the honourable Mrs. Anggrawati as my advisor/supervisor (pembimbing)
First off all I would like to say thank you very much for giving me a special
occasion to present my reseach proposal with the title (judul)
______________________________. Before I start to explain my research
proposal, I want to introduce my self to you. My name is Wa Ode Sri
Mumpuni, everyday I work as Midwife in Wangi Wangi Selatan Public Health
Center (tempat bekerja). I am the students of Master Degree/Bachelor
Degree on Public Health/Diploma degree of Midwifery/Bachelor Degree of
Nursing/Professional Nurse.
In my presentation, there are 3 chapters. Chapter one is defining my
background, I will explain about my conceptual frame work on chapter two,
and my research planning will be explained on the chapter 3.
Well ladies and gentle men, let me begin the proposal presentation (mulai
paparan materi PPT).
 I will explain to you about my research background.……(Penjelasan
latar belakang)
 The purposes of the research proposal are ….. (Penjelasan tujuan
penelitian).( To analyse…..To identify….)
 The dependent variable of my research is……and the independent
variables of my research are_____,______,_____
 Next, I will explain about the hypothesis of my research
 Here is the conceptual framework of my proposal research_____
 My research design is ______ (desain penelitian). There are 127
children under five respondents as my population and I determine
120 respondents as my sample. In this research I will use simple
random sampling as my sampling technique. I use
questionnaire/observational sheet/checklist to collect the data as
research instruments. The data is analysed by Chi Square
test/regression/annova etc. My research will be done on May until
June. (tgl pelaksaan penelitian) In wangi wangi selatan public health
center. (tempat penelitian).
Alright, ladies and gentle men. That’s all my presentation about Research
Proposal with the title (judul)________________. I really expect to get some

1|speaking test- Ratri Setyamulyasari- Strada English

suggestion and guidance in this seminar for a better result. Thank you very

Vocabularies (Daftar Kosa Kata)

Research proposal : Usulan Penelitian
Title : Judul
Explain : Menjelaskan
Chapter : BAB
Research Background : Latar Belakang Penelitian
Research Purpose : Tujuan Penelitian
Research Benefits : Manfaat Penelitian
Dependent Variable : Variable Terikat
Independent Variable : Variable Bebas
Conceptual framework : Kerangka Konsep
Research Planning : Rencana Penelitian
Population : Populasi
Sampling Technique : Teknik Sampling
Data Analysis : Analisa Data
Result : Hasil
Suggestion : Saran/masukan
Data Collection : Pengumpulan Data

2|speaking test- Ratri Setyamulyasari- Strada English

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