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11.. Kimberley _____________ a letter 22.. Robert and Nancy _____________

to her aunt in Newcastle. married. They look so cute.
a) is writing a) is getting
b) are writing b) isn’t getting
c) is writeing c) are getting
d) are writeing d) aren’t getting

33.. They ______ working in the office 44.. Mrs. Hall ___________ some pills 55.. Mr. Knight _____________ some
today because they at the moment because packages right now. He
are on holiday. she has a terrible headache. seems quite busy.
a) are a) is taking a) aren’t delivering
b) aren’t b) are taking b) isn’t delivering
c) is c) isn’t taking c) are delivering
d) isn’t d) aren’t taking d) is delivering

66.. Kenneth __________ a snowman. 77.. Our neighbour ______________ a 88.. Mr. and Mrs. Smith ____________
He is snowballing flowerbed in his garden at the moment. They are
his friend Thomas. at the moment. just lying in their bed.
a) is making a) are weeding a) are sleeping
b) are making b) aren’t weeding b) aren’t sleeping
c) isn’t making c) is weeding c) is sleeping
d) aren’t making d) isn’t weeding d) isn’t sleeping

99.. I _____________ hiking with my 1100.. Ashley is helping her mum with 1111.. I ____________ at the call center
friends because I’ve got a the housework. She is dusting the now, Donna so I can’t go
broken leg. furniture _________ . shopping with you.
a) not going a) tomorrow a) am not working
b) are not going b) at the moment b) am working
c) is not going c) yesterday c) is not working
d) am not going d) next week d) is working

1122.. Donald is __________ in his desk 1133.. Mr. and Mrs. Wealth 1144.. I think Ralph _______ losing the
and __________ to his ______________ into the race because the others
English teacher carefully. ballroom at the moment. _______ running faster.
a) sitting / listening a) is walking a) is / are
b) listening / sitting b) am walking b) isn’t / are
c) sits / listening c) are walking c) are / is
d) listens / sitting d) walking d) aren’t / is

1155.. It ___________ outside. It is just 1166.. Mrs. Collins is getting angry as 1177.. Jake: _________ is Steven’s little
snowing. some students ___________ brother _________?
a) aren’t snowing to her during the lesson. Maya: To school.
a) are listening a) Where / going
b) isn’t snowing
b) aren’t listening b) What / doing
c) aren’t raining
c) is listening c) Who / coming
d) isn’t raining d) isn’t listening d) Which / running

1188.. I _______________ for the song 1199.. The kids ________ playing at the 2200.. Ruth: Why ____ Fred sleeping?
contest at the moment. Please monkey bars. They are Bill: Because mosquitoes
be quiet! __________ now. _____ disturbing him.
a) is practice a) isn’t / swinging a) is / aren’t
b) is practising b) isn’t / sliding b) is / are
c) am practise c) aren’t / swinging c) isn’t / aren’t
d) am practising d) aren’t / sliding d) isn’t / are

Copyright © 20/12/2020 All rights reserved.

a) usually
1) a
2) c
3) b
4) a
5) d
6) c
7) c
8) b
9) d
10) b
11) b
12) a
13) c
14) a
15) d
16) b
17) a
18) d
19) c
20) d

Copyright © 20/12/2020 All rights reserved.

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