Arts 7 Quarter 3 Week 7 Las #3

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Name:____________________________ Grade and Section:___7________ Score:_____________________

School: _________________________Teacher:_____________________Subject: ___Arts______________

LAS Writers:LIMUEL G. ORGANIA___________________________________________________________
Content Editors:REU L. GASENDO, KRISTINE MARIE S. OLIVAR __ALEX F. FLORO_______________
Lesson Topic:Arts_and Crafts of MIndanao___________________ Quarter 3 Week 7, LAS 3_______
Learning Target/s:Appreciate the artifacts and art object in terms of its functions and their distinct use of arts
elements and principles.________________________________________________________
Reference(s): Siobal, L., et. al Music and Arts- Grade 7, Learner’s Materials First Edition, 2017,pp 214-235.

Arts and Crafts of Mindanao

Art and crafts are important means of expression which communicate views, ideas and feelings through
the use of skills and imagination. These are important parts of our daily lives and can be found everywhere.
In this journey of arts and crafts of Mindanao you will be able to familiarize with the different designs,
motifs and history of their attires, fabrics, crafts, artifacts and accessories used by the people of different

Attire, Textiles, and Tapestries
1. Traditional clothing of the B’laan
2. Traditional clothing of the Bagobo and the T’boli
3. Traditional clothing of the Maranao

 Oslo paper
 Coloring materials
 Pencil
 Ruler
 Pentel pen

1. Create a textile pattern that represents an image from your dream
that imitate the t’nalak design.
2. Draw this on a piece of oslo paper using coloring materials.
3. Once you are done. Explain it as if it is a part of your attire.


10 points 8 points 5 points (Average) 3 points

(Excellent) (Above (Below Average)
-theartwork shows -the artworks -the artworks is -does not try
Creativity creative ideas and shows creative lacks of creativity new ideas or
innovativeon ideas but does and does not innovate on the
materials used. not innovate on innovate on the material used.
the materials materials used
-the artwork was -the artwork was -the artwork is -the artwork is
Uniqueness unique and neatly unique but finished but needs unfinished and
finished shows lack of many needs many
effort improvement. improvements.
-the artwork was -the artwork was - the artwork was -the artwork is
Craftsmanship beautiful and took beautiful but a finished but lacks unfinished and
great in his/her little more effort. of effort and design lacks of effort
design. and design.

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