Table 1 Choices of Flexible Learning Students' Level of Satisfaction Questionnaire

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The researchers conducted a survey questionnaire online and distributed it

via mail and group chats as one of the data collection instrument for this study.
The data collected by the researchers will be presented in a graphic presentation
to assess the level of satisfaction of our respondents in the flexible learning mode.
And the factors that affect the students' level of satisfaction in flexible learning.
The BSE-Maths' Flexible Learning questionnaire consists of 13 items. The first
11 questions are on a 5-point Likert scale. Test takers must choose from the five
possible choices and the researchers assigned the following table of numerical


Choices of Flexible Learning Students’ Level of Satisfaction Questionnaire

Score Descriptive Interpretation

5 Very Satisfied
4 Satisfied
3 Neutral
In this 2 Dissatisfied way, the total
scores represent 1 Very Dissatisfied the summation
of the 11 items. The highest
possible summated score for the questionnaire was 50 and the lowest was 10.
The mean of the total score of each respondent is computed and interpreted to
determine their level of satisfaction in flexible learning. The higher the mean
score, the higher is the level of satisfaction. The researchers used a rating scale for
interpreting the total scores and mean score of each respondent.


Rating Scale of Flexible Learning Students’ Level of Satisfaction

Range of Total Range of Mean Descriptive
Score Score Interpretation
46 to 55 4.10 to 5.00 Very High Level
36 to 45 3.10 to 4.09 High Level
26 to 30 2.60 to 3.09 Moderate Level
15 to 25 1.50 to 2.59 Low Level
10 to 14 1.00 to 1.49 Very Low Level

The satisfaction level of the respondents was obtained by the average

summation of the mean of BSE-Math students. The lower the grade point value,
the higher is the satisfaction level.
The percentage is the format that has been used by the researchers to
measure items 12 and 13 from the survey questionnaire will examine the factors
that affect the respondents' level of satisfaction in taking up flexible learning

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