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⊗ the assignment WRIT 1133

In this essay, you’ll conduct an ethnographic study of an urban space, using Human Rights /
Google maps and other information that you find online. Your essay will have Humans Write
two sections: John Tiedemann
• A descriptive section, in which you paint a vivid picture of what you
discovered in the (virtual) space you chose, focusing upon those details
that bring out the themes you’ll go on to interpret in the next section.
• An interpretive section, in which you’ll draw upon concepts from Lewis
Mumford’s “What Is a City?” and Sharon Zukin’s “What City? Whose City?”
to make an argument about the meaning of space you’ve described.
You can use any of the spaces we examined together in class or one of your
choosing, provided it’s virtually accessible.
⊗ audience
Imagine you’ll deliver your essay at a symposium put on by the DU Urban
Studies program and attended by both faculty and Denver natives (or, if
you’ve chosen a different city space, then the natives of that city.)
⊗ due dates
Monday, May 17: Submit your proposal on Canvas.
Name it “Last name, first name - Essay 3 proposal - WRIT 1133.”
Monday, May 24: Submit a draft of your descriptive section on Canvas.
Name it “Last name, First name – Essay 3 – WRIT 1133.” (Give it a
heading: “Descriptive section.”)
Conference week, June 1-7: Bring a complete draft of your essay, with both
sections. Same title, but now give both sections headings: “Descriptive
section” and “Interpretive section.”
Tuesday, June 7: Final draft due.

Essay 3: Writing the City

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