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After watching the movie, I realized many things about how the devil works. John seems
like a really evil character from the start. During his first scene, he is mysteriously
standing outside of the courthouse. He then goes down into the subway. The next
screen is the changing of the clouds and sun like days have gone by. This is very
strong. It seems like he is a very powerful man. Milton’s firm is very cold and austere
with the architecture. The walls are made of concrete. His office is huge but quite empty.
There is just a chair, a desk and a fireplace. Milton also has something with his shoes.
They show them as elevator shoes. I think this symbolizes that he thinks that he wants
to be as powerful as God and needs to look taller to try to look more powerful. In the
perspective of most of us, he is powerful. He owns a law firm and many buildings in
expensive New York. He is able to charm women to do things that they probably would
not do. He speaks six different languages. He also seems to know everyone and knows
everything about everyone. He does not change at all during the movie. He is pure evil,
he is a liar, and he is the devil. The reason why his character seems to change is that
the truth comes out that he is Satan.

The strength of The Devil's Advocate is that you are being shown the Devil himself. In
any case, more than that, the alarming thing about this film is that we are being
controlled similarly that Kevin is. John shows the compelling side of evil and in our
perspective, we see it as something interesting. However, he is only a representation of
evil deeds. A man who takes on numerous names. We see John since Lucifer, Satan,
the Devil needs us to see that. We only saw the real John in the end when he became
angry. In my opinion, I think the director/writer of the film done this intentionally maybe
because of the possibility that evil is meaningless and fake, something that only takes
on the appearance of intelligence when it is just a childish action.

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