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Rachel Cajucom

Nonprofit Management

Dr. Parul Malik

23 October 2020

Website Critique

The U.S. based nonprofit organization whose mission interest me is Lutheran services in

America. What entice me to write a website critique on this nonprofit organization is their

mission. This nonprofit organization is included in the America’s top 15 US based organization.

I got interested as it is one of the largest health care and human services network in the country.

The organization itself is said to serve 1 in 50 Americans across the country. They provide a

wide variety of care and services regardless of age, race, culture or religious affiliation. Their

network is said to reach tremendous diversity, as they impact transform a wide range of

individuals. Looking through the website of the nonprofit organization, I find it very informative,

and easy to navigate.

The website itself is intuitive like usual nonprofit organization the top-level domain is

.org. The navigation and organization content is organized, it is easy to find what you are looking

for. As I explore the website, I notice that the website is well-maintained and updated frequently.

The homepage of the website is informative, as it has the latest updates, has links

highlighted to easily navigate to related resources. The content itself serve their mission. The

creativity of the website is enticing because it is simple, not plain, dull and very informative.

You would see that the contents are fresh just by visiting their homepage.

The functionality of the website serves its mission well. As I mentioned links are

highlighted, tittles of different contents are typed in bold, italic, and has a different font colors.

By the homepage you can also see how to support the mission and goal of the organization, there

is a button where in you could donate in every page of the website. There are links that would

direct you on how to support the organization’s mission and goals. News and blogs are recently

updated. Career opportunities, volunteering and other services are easy to navigate as well.

In terms of donating there are a variety of ways on how you could reach out and support

the organization’s cause. You can donate online by visiting a secure page, donate by phone,

donate by mail, and a lot more different ways to give help. I feel that to gather donation is the

main goal of the website, as it is clearly available in every page of the website.

I would say that the website serves their target audience very well. Looking through the

website, it targets people that wanted to support their cause, as most of their services is layout,

there are links, and resources how you can connect to them. Social media links to target a wider

audience is also visible in the first page of the website.

I also tried to navigate the social media accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Direct link and accessibility to connect through social media is direct, quick and easy.

What entice me to look further in the website is the quote “We Serve All”. I like how

they emphasize that their nonprofit organization supports different causes and very diverse. It is

also interesting how informative the website is. Familiarization on how to connect to them is

easily seen.

I also try to navigate the website through my mobile phone, as it is the number one

electronic device that is widely use this moment, it is mobile friendly, as it fits the screen and the

links are also accessible. All the feature is compatible in mobile phones.

When it comes to maintenance, the LSA in America website is very well maintained and

updated. News, articles, blogs, recent posts, past events, upcoming events and success stories are

well visible.

For recommendations on the website, I would recommend to add videos on their charity

events, and works. I think it will entice more audience if it would include videos, stories of

people that the organization has help, or videos on how the organization makes impact to a wide

diverse population.

Another recommendation is to lessen the donate link or button on every page. The

organization itself already has a good mission, vision, values and goals, putting an orange button

on every page on different spots make me feel that the main purpose of the website is to gather

donations, it is good to emphasize on ways how we could support the organization but too much

emphasis on gathering donation is not good. How to get access to their organization or help

would be a better replacement as it supports their mission well.

The website of every nonprofit organizations targets a wide variety of people. It targets

everyone that is willing to donate, volunteer, support their mission, vision, values, goals, and

people that they wanted to extend their hands. They connect and engage to different group of

people by updating frequently and adding links and resources that would support their mission.

Overall, I would say I like how the website is made and organize. Navigation, content,

features, functionality, maintenance, and accessibility is good. Primary navigation, and

secondary navigation is located on top and well visible. Social media accounts is well updated as

well as it have updates every day.



10 Things to Consider When Planning a Website Design (or Re-design). (2019, September 11).

Retrieved October 22, 2020, from


Lutheran Services in America. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2020, from

McQueary, A. (2018, September 12). Nonprofit Website Navigation: Tips and Best Practices.

Retrieved October 22, 2020, from


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