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Identify audience, learning goal and objectives

The target audience for this lesson is 8th grade Spanish students taking Intermediate Level

Spanish. The students are in their third unit of Intermediate Spanish. The learning goals are for

students to be able to describe activities that they enjoy in order to explain how they express their

creativity and to ask and answer questions about creative activities. The objective for students is

“Yo puedo identificar actividades creativas que me gustan para explicar como expreso mi

creatividad y por qué” or “I can identify creative activities that I like in order to explain how I

express my creativity and why.”

Identify relevant design principles and strategies and explain how they have been

addressed/incorporated into your design in order to support your goals and objectives

The lesson that I created through Quizizz includes many design principles to help support the

learning goals and objectives. I feel without these relevant design principles, the lesson would

not provide effective learning for my students.

The Multimedia Principle states for instructors to use words and pictures together in a

presentation over words alone so that students can make connections much easier (Mayer, 2009).

This is demonstrated in my lesson through the pictures used to help support the definitions of the

eight different personality types. Each personality type has a picture for the students to make

connections on what they mean. The “musical” personality type has pictures of musical notes,

the “lingüistica” personality type has a picture of a word bubble, etc. I find using words and

pictures together especially useful for world language classes as I am conducting and presenting

most of my information, with the exception of instructions, in the target language. By including

images in the presentation that correlate with the vocabulary that the students need to learn, they

are able to make connections much easier.

The Coherence Principle states for instructors to not only use images and text together to

help support learning, but the images and text must also be relevant to learning (Mayer, 2009).

All of the images used in my lesson match the text and are extremely relevant to the learning.

There are no images that do not belong in the presentation. I feel without the images, the

students would have trouble making connections to what each of the personality types mean.

The Signaling Principle states for instructors to highlight key words and phrases within a

presentation (Mayer, 2009). I have done this by underlining, italicizing, and changing the colors

of important words for students to recognize. For example, within the definitions of the eight

different personality types, I underlined, italicized, and changed the colors of the key words that

define the personality types. For the word “cinestésica,” I marked the words “moverme” and

“activa” to show the students that “cinestésica” represents an active person that likes to move. I

did this all throughout the lesson. I first demonstrated this during the “Learn About It” section

when students were asked to provide a response for which personality type matched the

definition given so that students were given clues to match the correct personality type. I then

kept the marked-up definition when I reviewed the correct answers with them so they can see the

key words within each definition.

Identify relevant UDL guidelines and how they were incorporated into project

With the incorporation of relevant design principles, I also took into consideration the

many UDL guidelines. I did this to help support student engagement, learning, and achievement.

Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity

I believe this UDL guideline was incorporated as the topic is extremely relevant to the

students. The lesson includes how students express their creativity and how that activity

connects to their personality. The lesson is all about them and how they express themselves.

They are doing everything in the target language, which also makes it relevant to the course.

Illustrate through multiple media

I believe this UDL guideline was incorporated throughout the entire lesson. In order to help

my students make connections with the words given, I incorporated images that were relevant to

the new learning. As stated earlier, Mayer’s (2009) Multimedia Principle and Coherence

Principle are evident, which helped me create a lesson that incorporated relevant forms of

multimedia that weren’t too cognitively demanding and reduced information overload for the


Guide information processing and visualization

I believe this UDL guideline was incorporated throughout the lesson that I created. I believe

this because the lesson is chunked into different sections. The first section is the “Think About

It,” which allows the students to review what they have previously learned. In this case, they are

asked what their favorite activity is to demonstrate their creativity. The second section is the

“Learn About It,” which is the new learning portion of the lesson. Students are given a

definition and must provide a response on which vocabulary word matches the definition. The

third section is the “Try It,” which allows the students to play with the new learning and combine

it with prior concepts. For examples, the students are given a personality type and are asked to

identify and choose what types of creative activities, which were learned in the last lesson, a

person with that personality type would like. The fourth and final section is the “Show What

You Know,” which is the assessment and allows students to demonstrate what they have learned

throughout the lesson.


I believe the lesson that I created through Quizizz to review represents a great multimedia

learning design. I incorporated many design principles learned throughout the course and UDL

guidelines to help make the learning more engaging and accessible for the students, which

hopefully promoted learning and achievement in the course.



La creatividad en mi vida - Quiz. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2020, from

Mayer, R. E. (2009). Multimedia Learning: Vol. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press.

Meyer, A., Rose, D.H., & Gordon, D. (2014). Universal design for learning: Theory and practice.

Wakefield, MA: CAST.

Peters, D. (2014). Interface design for learning: Design strategies for learning experiences. Upper Saddle

River, NJ: New Riders Press.

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