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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Sydney Gennuso

Date: 11/12/18
Subject / grade level: Pleasantville, Minnearkansippi school district teachers
• Laptops
• Flipgrid (video tool) →
• Glogster (presentation tool) →
• Storybird (writing tool) →
• Padlet → (for questions, comments, or concerns throughout the
professional development opportunity)
• Poll Everywhere →
• PD Evaluation Survey

Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives

• Minnearkansippi state technology standards

Lesson objective(s):
• The Minnearkansippi state teachers will use Flipgrid in order to answer a discussion through video.
• The Minnearkansippi state teachers will use Glogster in order to create a presentation.
• The Minnearkansippi state teachers will use Storybird in order to write a short story.
• The Minnearkansippi state teachers will develop knowledge on various Web 2.0 tools in order to implement
them in their own classrooms.

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:

• The professional development opportunity will be presented through visuals, orally, and with hands-on activities
in order to meet the various needs of the learners.

ENGAGEMENT (6-9 minutes)

• Describe how the teacher will capture students’ interest.
• Teachers will answer the Poll Everywhere question “What web 2.0 tools do you use in your classroom?” The
answers will form a word cloud where the most popular answers are larger than the least popular answers. (2
• What kind of questions/activities should the students ask themselves after the engagement?
• How do you use these technologies in your classroom?
Teachers will discuss in small groups (2-3 minutes)
We will then discuss together as a large group the various answers (2-3 minutes)
EXPLORATION (15 minutes)
• Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
Teachers will answer a Flipgrid question “Name one web 2.0 tool that you use in your classroom. How do you
use it? → (5 minutes)
Teachers will go to, click “Read”, and choose a story that interests them to read (5 minutes).

5E Lesson Plan

Teachers will go to, click “Glogopedia” and browse through various Glogster created
presentations (5 minutes)

• List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’
The big idea question will be “How would you use Flipgrid, Storybird, and/or Glogster in your classroom?”

EXPLANATION (24-36 minutes)

• Student explanations should precede introduction of terms or explanations by the teacher. What
questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the concept
under examination?
After using Flipgrid, what is the purpose of Flipgrid?
Teachers will discuss in a small group (2-3 minutes)
Teachers will discuss in a large group with instructor (2-3 minutes)
After looking at various posters on Glogster, what is Glogster?
Teachers will discuss in a small group (2-3 minutes)
Teachers will discuss in a large group with instructor (2-3 minutes)
After reading a story on Storybird, what is Storybird?
Teachers will discuss in a small group (2-3 minutes)
Teachers will discuss in a large group with instructor (2-3 minutes)
• List higher order thinking questions which teachers will use to solicit student explanations and help
them to justify their explanations.
How would you use Flipgrid in your classroom? What activities can you do with your students using Flipgrid?
Teachers will discuss as a small group (2-3 minutes)
Teachers will discuss as a large group (2-3 minutes)
How would you use Glogster in your classroom? What activities can you do with your students using Glogster?
Teachers will discuss as a small group (2-3 minutes)
Teachers will discuss as a large group (2-3 minutes)
How would you use Storybird in your classroom? What activities can you do with your students using
Teachers will discuss as a small group (2-3 minutes)
Teachers will discuss as a large group (2-3 minutes)

ELABORATION (17 minutes)

• Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.
The instructor will let the teachers know that Flipgrid is a video tool for teachers/students to use for discussion.
(3 minutes)
Teaches will watch the following introduction video about Flipgrid (1 minute)
The instructor will show examples of how Flipgrid can be used to promote student engagement in the
classroom. (3 minutes)

The instructor will let the teachers know that Glogster is a multimedia presentational tool for teachers/students
to use for presentations. (3 minutes)
Teachers will watch the following introduction video about Glogster (2 minutes)
The instructor will show examples of how Glogster can be used to promote student engagement in the
classroom. (3 minutes)

5E Lesson Plan

The instructor will let the teachers know that Storybird is a writing tool for teachers/students to use to create
stories. (3 minutes)
Teachers will watch the following introduction video about Storybird (1 minute)
The instructor will show examples of how Storybird can be used to promote student engagement in the
classroom. (3 minutes)
• What vocabulary will be introduced and how will it connect to students’ observations?
Vocabulary → Multimedia
This word is used in connection to Glogster, which can use videos, audio, links, and text on a E-Poster in order
to present information.

• How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?

Teachers will be able to use these Web 2.0 tools in order to meet the Minnearkansippi state technology
standards and they will also be able to use in their classrooms in order to increase student engagement.
EVALUATION (35 minutes)
• How will students demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson objective?
Teachers will pick between creating a Flipgrid, Storybird, or Glogter product in order to answer “How will you
use (Flipgrid, Storybird, or Glogster) in your classroom? (15 minutes)
Teachers will then share in small groups. (10 minutes)
• This should be embedded throughout the lesson as well as at the end of the lesson
Teachers will complete a survey on how effective the professional development opportunity was, what questions
they still have regarding these 3 Web 2.0 tools, and whether they would implement these Web 2.0 tools into
their lessons and why. (10 minutes)

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