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Number of questions : 40 questions

Max time : 120minutes
Instructions: choose a, b, c, d or e based on the correct answer according to you and cross it in your answer sheet.

3. Those who do not work here ..." (last

Read the following text to answer questions
number 1 to 5. sentence). The underlined word
refers to ....
KEDIRI A. The local people
Kediri is a name of a town. It is B. The factory workers
situated in a valley between the Kelud and C. The farmers
Willis mountains. In the centre of the town D. The traders
there is a large hill which is called the 4. What is the name of big river in
Dathok Mountain. Because of the Kediri
topography of the region, Kediri is called a A. Kelud
chilly town by the locals. There is a big B. Wilis
river called Brantas cutting off the centre of C. Dathok
the town. D. Brantas
5. What is the propose of the text?
Kediri is also famous for its A. To entertain the reader
products like cigarettes and a special kind B. To persuade the readers
of tofu. This highly nutritious food is C. To report the about Kediri
delicacy of Kediri and has a distinctive D. To describe about Kediri
taste. Kediri and the cigarettes factory are
inseparable and it is considered the biggest Read the following text to answer questions
number 6 to 8.
cigarette factory in Indonesia. Most of the
local people work in this factory. Those who Masjid Sultan Suriansyah
do not work here are farmers or traders.  
Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a
1. What does the above text tell about? historical mosque. Built 300 years ago, this
A. The history of Kediri   building is the oldest mosque in South
B. The famous products of Kalimantan. The mosque is located in the
Kediri North Kuin Village of Banjarmasin.
C. The description of Kediri
It was built in the governing of
D. The people of Kediri
Sultan Suriansyah known as Pangeran
2. Which one has a distinctive taste?
Samudera. He was the first Banjarnese King
A. The cigarette
who converted into Islam. This mosque was
B. The special food
found on the bank of the Kuin River, near
C. The bean curd
KampungKraton, which was destroyed by
D. The highly nutritious food
the Dutch colonial.
6. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was 9. What makes Bale Kambang famous?
constructed in the era of .... A. Small rocky islands
A. Banjar people B. Long beautiful beach
B. Dutch colonial C. Huge waves of ocean
C. Kalimantan King D. Overseas cruisers
D. Sultan Suriansyah 10. What is the main idea of the second
7. When was Masjid Sultan Suriansyah paragraph?
built ? A. There are three rocky
A. 300 years ago islands in Bale Kambang
B. 300 month ago B. Huge waves frighten many
C. 300 week ago overseas cruisers
D. 30 month ago C. Names of rocky islands are
8. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was taken from "wayang"figures
located in? D. The rocky islands are in the
A. Banjarmasin middle of the sea
B. Samarinda 11. The name of rocky island are,
C. Kampung kraton except…..
D. Dutch A. Ismaya Island
B. Wisanggeni Island,
Read the following text to answer questions
C. Anoman Island
number 9 to 11.
D. Bale Island
Bale Kambang
Read the following text to answer
Bale Kambang is a small village in questions number 12 to 14.
the Southern coast of East Java, seventy
Barack Obama
kilometers from Malang town and two
hours' drive from South. It is well known for Barack Obama is the president of
its long beautiful white sandy beach as well United States. He is an African-American.
as the similarity of its temple to the one of He is tall and thin. He is bald. He has dark
Tanah Lot in Bali. complexion, pointed nose, and oval face.
He is the first black man who becomes the
In Bale Kambang, there are three president of United States.
small rocky islands namely Ismaya Island,
Barrack Obama is known as a smart
Wisanggeni Island, and Anoman Island,
and wise man. He is a loving husband for
those names are taken from "wayang"
his wife and a good father for his two
figures (Java traditional puppets). These
children. People from all over the world
islands are surrounded by Indonesian
adore him because of his spirit and action in
Ocean which huge waves frighten most
creating peace in this world. He also looks
overseas cruisers.
friendly because he always smiles a lot. 
12. What is the purpose of the text? 15. What is the announcement about?
A. To persuade the readers to A. A neighborhood's activity
choose him in the election B. Ms. Maryam's program
B. To entertain the readers about C. Used clothes donation
the story of Barack Obama D.  Fund raising activity
C. To report the life of the 16. Where can Ms. Maryam accept her
president of United States of neighbors' questions?
America A. At her house
D. To describe Barack B. At her office
Obama's physical C. At the neighborhood
appearance and personality D. At the committee office
13. "... dark complexion, pointed nose,
and oval face." The antonym of the 17. If you have any question, please feel
underlined word is .... free to contact Ms. Maryam. This
A. Flat sentence has the same meaning as .
B. Short …
C. Straight A. Ms. Maryam is always
D. Handsome ready to give information you
14. How many children that Obama need
Have? B. You are not charged if you
A. One son and daughter contact Ms. Maryam
B. Two children C. Ms. Maryam will give you
C. Two daughters questions freely
D. Two son D. Ms. Maryam has questions to
Read the following text to answer questions
number 15 to 17. Read the following text to answer questions
number 18 to 19.
Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a
Please join us!
Fund Raising Activity next month. It is Are you ready?
intended to help victims of the landslide Our school will have an English Debate
which happened yesterday. Everyone who is Competition
interested in this activity, please join us. You Participants: All students in our school
are also invited to donate your used clothes. It will be held from 28th  – 29th September
If you have any questions, please feel free to 2018
contact Ms. Maryam as chief program Prizes:
coordinator at her house from 07.00 a.m. – I Rp 1.000.000
03.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. II Rp 750.000
III Rp 500.000
18. What is the announcement about?
A. A school debate D. To inform about the new
B. school competition school year.
C. An English debate 22. Who do you think reads the
competition announcement ?
D. Extracurricular activities A. New students.
19. According to the text, the B. Senior students.
competition … C. Parents.
A. is only for students with good D. Teachers.
grade 23. ” Please be friendly….” . What is
B. is in the form of spoken the meaning of the underlined word ?
arguments A. Disturbing
C. will be held after school B. Interesting
hours C. Welcoming
D. will run for two days D. Attracting
Read the following text to answer questions
Read the following text to answer questions number 24 to 26.
number 20 to 23.
There will be a holiday camp next month.
This is a new school year and there are All scout must join this camp. The activity
many new students arround. Please be will take place at Bangunharjo camping sie
friendly and help them understand the rules and last for three days.
of our school
for further information, please contact Mr.
Principal Arkan.                                                              
                             Banyumas, May 12th,200
20. Where can you find the text ?
A. At a school. The Chief of
B. At a bookstore. Scout Organization
C. At a bank.
24. When will the activity be held ?
D. At a park.
A. In May
21. Why does the principal make the
B. In June
announcement ?
C. In July
A. To ask the students to nice
D. In August
and helpful to the new
25. If the camp starts in June 5th, when
B. To let the students know that
will it end ?
they have their junior.
A. June 6th.
C. To ask the students to contact
B. June 7th.
their parents.
C. May 12th.
D. May 25th.
26. Who must join the activity ? C. To entertain the readers about
A. All students the funny story
B. All scouts D. To retell about the writer’s
C. All chiefs terrible day
D. All Banyumas people 28. The generic structure of the last
paragraph is called …..
Read the following text to answer questions
A. reason                                  
number 27 to 30
B. orientation                        
I am so glad that today is over. So many C. re-orientation                           
things have gone wrong. For some reasons I         
didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was very D. complication
tired when Mum called me this morning. I 29. What made everything went wrong?
fell asleep again until Mum called me again. A. He got up late in the
That snooze made me late. morning                         
      I did not have time for breakfast. I was B. He got punishment from his
starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I teacher
just missed it. Dad had to ride me to school. C. His came to school on
He was late for teaching at his school and time                             
he was furious with me. He scolded me for D.   His bag was left at home
being late.  30. Which of the following statement is
NOT TRUE according to the text?
I arrived at school on time. The teacher
A. The writer didn’t sleep a
asked us to hand in our homework. My
wink at that night   
homework was not in my bag.   I had
B. He didn’t hand in his
forgotten to put it in my bag the night
before. I usually check my bag in the
C. He had breakfast before
morning. I did not do this because I was late
leaving for school
I had to do extra assignment as a
D. His father rode him to school
Read the following text to answer questions
       After Biology lesson, I did not tie my
number 31 to 34
shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell
down the stairs. I hurt my knee and had to I really enjoyed my holiday in
have a bandage on it. What a terrible day! I Australia. Last Sunday I visited a marine
hope that I have much better one tomorrow.  park called Sea World which is at surfers’
Paradise near Brisbane. It’s Australia’s
27. What is the purpose of the text?
largest marine park and I had a wonderful
A. To explain about something
day there.
B. To inform about the writers The first thing I saw was the
activities                Oceanorium where you can watch all sorts
of sea fish and animal under water. There
were huge turtles, sharks, and a beautiful D. The writer visited the
tropical sea fish. The most exciting thing Oceanorium to watch all sorts of
was watching a man feeding the sharks. He fish and performance
wore a special diving suit. Then I watched 33. Which of the following had made the
the performance of sea animals. The saw writer very excited?
was in a big outdoor swimming pool. There A. Watching a girl riding on a
were killer whales, dolphins and sea lions, back of a turtle             
and they did all sort of fantastic things in B. Watching a girl riding on a
the water. One of the girls in the show rode back of a whale   
around the pool on the back of killing C. Watching a man feeding the
whale, and another girl rode underwater on shark 
the back of a big turtle. After the saw I had D. Water skiing on the lake
lunch. There were several big restaurant at 34.  “There were huge turtles, sharks,
the park and I had lunch in a restaurant that and a beautiful tropical sea fish.”
was shape like a ship! Then I watched a (Paragraph 2)The antonym of the
wonderful water-ski show which was held underlined word is …………
on a lake. A. tiny                  
B. enormous                              
There were lots of other things to do at the
C. massive                   
park. There was lake cruising, a train ride,
D. wide                
a big water slide, swimming pools, and an
incredible roller coaster called the Read the following text to answer questions
‘corkscrew’- because it goes three loops number 35 to 40
upside down. But I wish I had gone on the
On Wednesday, my students and I
roller coaster ride before lunch rather than
went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at
after it!
Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from
31. Which of the following sea animals Malioboro
is known as ‘killer’?
On Thursday, we visited the temples
A. Sea lions                    
B. Dolphins      in Prambanan. There are three big temples,
C. Seal the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples.
D. Whales They are really amazing. We visited only
32. What is the main idea of paragraph Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because
two? Wisnu temple is being renovated.
A. There was a water-ski show held On Friday morning we went to
on a lake. Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours
B. The sea animals performed there. We were lucky because we were led
fantastic things in the water. by a smart and friendly guide. Then we
C. The writer had lunch in one of continued our journey to Borobudur. We
the restaurants at the park. arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we
heard the announcement that Borobudur 40. Why did they only visit Brahmana
gate would be closed.In the evening we left and Syiwa temples?
for Jakarta by wisata bus. A. because there was no wisnu
35. The text above mainly discusses
B. because wisnu temple was
A. the writer’s trip to
C. because wisnu temple was
too small
B. the writer’s first visit to
D. because wisnu temple was
being repaired
C. the writer’s impression about
the guide
D. the writer’s experience at
Yogya Kraton
36. The text is written in the form of
A. Recount
B. Narrative
C. Report
D. spoof
37. The purpose of the text is to……….
A. tell past events
B. entertain readers
C. describe the smugglers
D. report an event to the police
38. What are the big temples in
A. angkor wat, syiwa, and sudra
B. paria, brahmana, and temples
C. brahmana, syiwa, and
wisnu temples
D. borobudur, syiwa, and
brahmana temples
39. When did they go home?
A. On Saturday morning
B. On Friday evening
C. On Thursday evening
D. On Friday afternoon
E. On Saturday evening

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