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1. SUBMISSION OF STRUCTURAL PLAN FOR BUILDING. 1.1 SUBMISSION REQUIREMEN’ 1.1.4 1.1.2 1.1.3 14.4 145 1.1.6 AAT 118 Form “Submission of structural plan” (MPS/BBK/struk/1A) filled and signed by Engineer and ownerldeveloper. 2 set plan duly signed by engineer and owner/developer. “FORM B” on every sheet of plan and signed by engineer, 3” X 4” empty space on top right of each sheet of drawing. Plan number same as in Form MPS/BBKIstruk/1A. Project title, location and land title number. 1 set structural calculation (binded). Engineer MUST register with MPS annually. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT 1.24 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.24 1.2.5 Structural plan co-relate with bi layout of staircase etc). ing plan (dimension, Grade 35 concrete (still pending for comment from IEM Sabah Branch whether to agree or not) or according to Design code. Reinforcement (high tensile, mild steel, BRC) clearly specified. Type of piling. The correct “Form B” wording. —~ sty Hae 2, SUBMISSION OF EARTHWORK PLAN. 2.1 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT. 2.2. 244 2.1.2 24.3 21.4 21.8 2.4.6 2.41.7 24.8 241.9 2.4.40 Form BBK/3B 4 set of plans. 2 set of calculation (retaining wall, etc). Drawing number. Land titfe number. (FP! i Se. 4) Project title and location. Name, telephone and address of developer/land owner and consultant on plan. Signature of land owner/developer and consultant. 9” x 4”empty space on top right corner of each plan. Submission fee (RM100) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT. 2.2.4 MATTERS TO BE STATED /PRINTED ON PLAN. (A) Earthwork permit must be obtained from the Sandakan Municipal Council before commencement of works. (8) All rectaimation or excavation works must not cause any pollution or nuisance to the surrounding area. {C) The ground shall be sprayed with water to contro! dust nuisance during dry weather. oO © (F) (s) a a « W) (kK) Developer is responsible to clean up roads made dirty by earth and debris. brought by any machineriesivehicles leaving the site. The fill thinkness should not be more than 300mm thick at any one time and be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density. All problem (soil erosion, flood, blocked drain/river, ponding) arising from earth work operation will be the full responsibility of the developerfland owner and consultant to settle at the Developeriland owner expense. The Council is not bound to solve any problem arising from the earth work operation. if developer fails to do anything, the earth work operation shall be stopped and action will be taken against the developer. Written permission from affected land owners must be obtained for cutting or filling beyond the lot boundary. The letter must be forwarded to the Council before ‘commencement of work. The pond and temporary drain must be maintained at all time so that they can function effectively. Maximum slope for cutting will be 1:1.5 ratio while filling will be 1:2 ratio. All slope to be turfed with grass as soon as practical. The amount of earth to be excavated or filled and the place when such excavated earth is to be deposited or the earth to be used for filling is to be obtained and accompanied with the approval from PPHT after gotting approval from the Council and before the commencement of works on site. wy -6- If earthworks involve the use of any public roads, Cawangan Traffik Polis and Jabatan Kerja Raya’s Road Maintenance Section to be consulted. NOTE: all above matters to the complied BEFORE/DURING earthwork operation 2.2.2 2.2.3. ENGINEER REQUIREMENT (A) (B) (c) Sign and chop by Professional Civil Engineer on each plan. Counter-signed by owner with full address. To print onto 1% sheet of Drawing “I hereby certify that the works have been designed by me in accordance with sound engineering practice and that | take full responsibility for the design and proper performance of the same”. LAYOUT PLAN (1:500 scale preferred) (A) 8) (¢) (D) (E) (F) (G (H) Indicate Total area of site ( in hectares/area). Total earthwork area involved, with phasing line if necessary. Relevant boundary mark. Access road to site (with road mame), main stream/natural waters course, landmark, north point, etc. A buffer area of min 6m width at all proposed cut area along the boundary shall remain untouched by any cutting work (unless retaining structure is proposed). LB The min. design platform level should be,2etm (AMSL). Adequate temporary drain channeled to temporary siltation pond. Drain invert and point of discharge of drainage. 2.2.4 2.2.5 (I) Diversion of any main streams and natural water course. (J) Alignment of retaining structure. (K) Location of wash bay. {L) Read from wash bay to existing road to be graveled or conereted. (M) Location of project signboard (near entrance/exit) (N) Existing level and proposed level of the site and ‘surrounding land (20m or more). (©) Platform level for building and road. ({P) Cut and fill area coloured or indicated differently. DETAILED PLAN (A) Wash bay with water jet fa (8) Various longitudinal diagram/cross section. - Existing level, proposed finished level, distance. + Vertical 2 1:100, horizontal 2 4:500. = Cut & fill different colourlindication. - Legend. - Cut slope - 1:1.5 or gentler, fill slope - 1:2 or gentler. (C) Berm at cut slope : min 1.25m width, max height 3m. OTHER TECHNICAL REQUIREMEN (A)_ Design calculation for retai 9 structure (2 copies). (8) ESCP (Erosion & sediment control plan) report. 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.28 {C) Method of excavation, levelling, protection piling or other geotechnical process. (D) Estimate volume of surplus/import earth. IF NECESSARY, SUBMIT: (A) A statement on the subsurface geology including nature of bedrock and alluvium. (B) Where critical cutting/filing anticipated, survey plan (by Licensed surveyor) and slope stability report (by P.E) to be submitted. (C) Drainage plan. NECESSARY INFORMATION (A) Houlage Route plan (1:2,500 scale) - location of dump site/borrow pit. - Number of transporting vehicle. - _ Estimate surplus/import earth (Loose or compacted volume). - Completion period. (8) Separate set of earthwork plan for dump site/borrow pit. FEE (A) General earthwork fee:- Minor — RM250/Ha or RM100/ acre. = = Major - RM500/Ha or RM200/ acre. on maps (B) Earthwork Permit deposit (to be determined after assessment of work involve). 3. SUBMISSION OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM PLAN 3.1 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT 7 ® (c) (D) (e) (F) (s) (H) 0 @) Fill in Form :: MPS/BBK/4B 4 set of plans. 2 set of calculations. Drawing number. Land title number. Project title and location. Name, telephone and address of developeritand owner and consultant on plan. Signature of land owner/developer and consultant. 9” x 4” empty space on top right comer of each plan. Fee : RM45 for each lot of house/shop/industrial building. RM15 for each unit flat. (Note: one-off payment for each development) 3.2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT 3.24 3.2.2 MATTER TO BE STATED ON PLAN AND COMPLIED (A) All sewer pipes to be located below water pipes in the Road Reserve. (8) Depth of back-fill above sewer pipe: 760mm minimum. (C) Heavy duty manhole cover for road and lightimedium duty for other area. = Utt b medium, dubey 44 wners Rte ajpueh_f— wrllees) Ke geens DESIGN/TABLE (A) Use MS 1228 as reference. (B) Pipe size: 150mm internal diameter min. {C) Min slope 1:100 for 1" /starting/upper most manhole. = 410 - (D) Self cleansing velocity at full flow condition: 0.8m/sec min. {E) Velocity of flow at half or full bore < 4m/sec (F) Design table to consist of up and down manhole with number, P.E. (Population Equivalent), cumulative P.E., pipe diameter gradient, velocity, capacity, length, fall/drop ground level, invert level and depth. 3.2.3 LAYOUT PLAN | (A) Different size of pipe coloured/indicated differently. | (B) Vitrified clay (double glazed) pipe be used. (C) No bending of pipe. {D) Each manhole be given a unique number AA, A2,....0te). .g. A, B,C, or (E) Avoid constructing manho! middle of road. 3.2.4 LONGITUDINAL SECTION (A) All manholes to be included and numbered. (B) Cross section with propose ground level, propose invert level, depth, distance, gradient and pipe diameter (indicated in mm, m, in. Or ft). (C) Drop manhole with 2 or more invert level. (D) Manhole distance < 30m. (E) Max depth < 4.5m. 41 - 3.2.6 DETAIL (A) Pipe under road be encased in 150mm thick cone. i reinforced with BRC A7. (B) Brick manhole: > Wall thickness = 100mm below 760mm depth. i > Wall thickness = 226mm from 760 to 1220mm depth. (C)_ R.C. manhole: (a) Wall thickness = 180mm min., Grade 30 conc. reinforced with BRC A8. (b) Diameter: 1220mm for depth 0-0 f 2 1830mm for depth > t-2m. {D) Cl steps for manhole exceeding 760mm depth. {E) Round manhole: 600mm diameter min, ductile iron with hinge and “M.P.S.” wording. (F) For all manholes, benching or channel to be constructed | to ensure smooth figer of sewage in manhole. ioe (G) Drainage and sewer reserve to be fully concreted with 3? 3.2.6 thick R.C. slab with 1 layer BRC A7. 3 jn) Seley Peele. ‘SEWAGE TREATMENT PLAN” (a) (B) (C) Structural calculation for all 2 Set of plan with project title, location & capacity (No. of P.E. based on type of buildings e.g. house etc.). Sewage calculation to justify: > — SizelVolume of all proposed tank (sumpiaeration! sedimentation/sludge holdingjete.). > Quantity and capacity of pump. > — Quantity and capacity of air blower. > Quantity of diffuser. inforced concrete work. -12- (D) LAyouT «) (F) (s) (a) (b) (c) (d) ) ( (9) (hy Site layout to show road access, gate and 6ft. high fencing with 2ft bared wire. Location & invert level of last manhole. Location & invert level of manhole/pump sump inside treatment plant. Road for STP: 3m min. width with 6” thick R.C. slab with 4 layer BRC A8. Boundary dimension. STP dimension. Min, distance from STP to the lot boundary of the nearest house 10m min. (closed and underground type). Final discharge for trated sewageleffluence. CROSS SECTION (a) (b) All tanks with designed/effective depth, length and width. UPVC class ‘D’ overflow pipe at pump sump to the nearest R.C. drain. MATERIAL REQUIREMENT > > > Catladder =~ aluminium. Normal pipes - UPVC class “D”. Pumping main- ductile iron. > Tankcover - aluminium plate with hinge. > Screen basket and chain — stainless steel. OTHERS (a) Provision of r.c. staircase to reach top of tank. (b) Max. height from ground level to top of tank : 1.5m. - 13 - SUBMISSION OF ROAD PLAN 4.1 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT (A) Fill in Form: MPS/BBK/4B {8) 4set of plan {C) 2 set of calculations. (D)_ Drawing number. (E) Land title number. (F) Project title and location. (G) Name, telephone and address of developer/land owner and consultant on plan. (H) Signature of land owner/developer and consultant. (l)_ 9” 4” empty space on top right corner of each plan. (J) Fee: RM45 for each lot of house/shop/industrial building. RM15 for each unit flat. (Note: one-off payment for each development) 4.2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT (A) Design calculation (use Road Note 29 or 31). > Sub-grade CBR State : % achievable for the soil. > Sub-baseCBR: — min 30%. ) Bitumen > Base CBR: min 80%. ] road (B) JKR approval for main entrancelexit design (if applicable). 4.3 LAYOUT (A) To follow approved development plan. {B) Indicate Road Reserve width and carriageway width. (C) Turning radius : min 6.1m (secondary road), 9.1m (primary road) and 15.2m (major trunk road). -414- {D) Road name to be assigned for each road to follow approved development plan, {E) Proposed location of road name signboard, (F) Commercial area : fully sealed wherever applicable. . {G) Road shoulder with closed turfing for other area. {H) Traffic flow arrows. 4.4 CROSS SECTION (A) Cross section with construction details (bitumen/cone., car park, grassed shoulder, paver, ete.). (B) Road kerb at both sides of road. i (C) Height of kerb: 150mm (residential) and 200mm (commercial & industrial). (D) 3% road surface camber. 45 DETAIL (A) Kerb : grade 30 placed on 100mm cone. base grade 25. (8) Provide 150mm diameter UPVC class ‘D’ drain pipe at 3m cfc for surface water discharge. (C) Traffic signboard and road marking : follow JKR standard. (0) Road name signboard (2.20m height clearance from ground level). (E) Ramp (conc. or bitumen, max height = 75mm and width = 1m). (F) Dimension of cul-de-sac to be clearly indicated. NOTE: Concrete road in Commercial, Residential and Industrial areas is very much preferred to bitumen road. - 15 - 5. SUBMISSION OF DRAINAGE PLAN 5.1 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT 5.2 5.3 (A) (8) (c) (0) (e) (F) (G) (H) 0 @) Fill in Form: MPSIBBK/4B 4 set of plans. 2 set of calculations. Drawing number. Land title number. Project title and location. Name, telephone and address of developer/land owner and consultant on plan. Signature of land owner/developer and consultant. 8” x 4" empty space on top right corner of each plan, Fee : RM45 for each lot of house/shop/industrial building. RM165 for each unit flat. (Note: one-off payment for each development) MATTER TO BE STATED ON PLAN AND COMPLIED While works are being carried out, developer must ensure no blockage to existing drainiwater course by regular maintenance to ensure good and smooth flow of water at all time. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT (A) (8) (c) MSMA report approval by JPS Structural calculation for various drain (exceeding 900mm depth). ‘Structural calculation for culvert. = 16 - 5.4 LAYOUT (A) To follow approved development plan. (B) Different size of drain coloured/indicated differently. (C) Indicate direction of flow of water. 5.5 DETAIL (A) Drain > Reinforcement to follow design. i > Wall thickness 100mm min. > — Grade 15 lean concrete (50mm thick) below drain. > RC. struct. 100mm x 100mm reinforced with 4 nos. Of Y-12 steel bar for drain exceeding 600mm width and 600mm depth. > Specify max & min depth for each type of drain. > Grade 30 concrete. (B) Culvert > Reinforcement to follow design. > Min internal diameter : 600mm. > Base - Grade 20 conc. reinforced with BRC ~ A8. > Wing wall for pipe culvert. > Grade 30 concrete. ©) All iron grille drain covers must have hinges with m.s. frame permanently fixed to the concrete. Details to be submitted. ©) Heavy Duty M.S. Grating Cover for all drain sump. (E) Heavy duty iron grille (640mm x 760mm) of m.s. flat plate and m.s frame permanently fixed to concrete directly above culvert. (F) Concrete driveway to buildings must be provided with opening with removable iron grille cover of minimum size of 610mm x 760mm permanently fixed to concrete and placed at suitable location/1.52m interval. -47- ui (G) Rubbish trap at lower end of drain before the culvert. (H) Shoplot drain cover : 2.44m cast-in-situ r.c. conc. slab with 1.8m removable r.c. drain cover (3 pcs.). (l) Precast concrete drain cover be reinforced with 1 layer BRC AT, ~18- ‘COMMON MISTAKES OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IN PREPARATION OF ENGINEERING PLANS AND IN HIS PROFESSIONAL DUTY 4. Do not get a licensed surveyor to carry out topographical survey and to pick up very important features on site eg. river etc. because the client wants to save money. 2 Do not spend enough time to study the survey plan before the preparation of plans. 3. Do not involve himself and let his staff (draughtsman) to prepare the plans for him to sign only. RESULT: This is absolutely wrong professionally. Poor standard engineering plans will be produced and the Council Engineer will take much longer time to check and hence delay in replying to consultant. REMEDY: Insist on the client to get licensed surveyor to produce survey plan and supervise the staff in preparation of plans. 4. Only pay attention to design the infrastructures in the project to comply with the relevant engineering standard but do not pay any attention to the foreseeable maintenance problem in future. RESULT: When the Council has taken over them for maintenance in future, many problems arise which make life very difficult for the Council workers eg.: i) small drains with deop invert level which make clearing of drains very difficult. ii) Small diameter manhole (normally 4’ 0” diameter) with very deep invert level (> 20 ft) and difficult for workers to clear the blocked sewer pipe. 5 -19- REMEDY: ()_ To design drain with 1 reasonable width depending on the depth for ease of clearing of drain. (ii) Manhole deeper than 8’ 0” diameter should be 6’ 0” min. Do not provide proper drainage to allow water from upstream catchment to flow through the project site smoothly to the nearest stream down stroam of the project site. RESULT: Flooding in adjacent lands. REMEDY: To provide separate new R.C. drain in the project site to allow smooth flow of water from up stream catchment. Alternatively, to provide a bigger R.C. drain to cater for water from upstream catchment and water from the development itself. Do not carry out site supervision regularly when earthworks and construction works are being carried out. In fact, almost all the supervision are done by clerk-of -works. RESULT: During earthworks, many complaints arise eg. dust pollution, floodings on adjacent lands, damage of existing road etc. During constructions, noise pollution, damage of existing road in housing, nuisance caused to adjacent houses. REMEDY: To carry out site supervision regularly and instruct the contractor to take all precautionary any measures to reduce problems or nuisance. - 20 - il) To instruct the clerk-of-work to report to the engineer once he has noticed or seen a problem/nuisance. The engineer should have a site inspection quickly to find a solution to the problem. Do not get himself involved to solve a problem detected on site. Quite often, the engineer asks the contractor to study and propose a solution to him and he just adopt it as his solution. RESULT: Most likely, the solution from the contractor is not be safe and sound i.e. structural problems occur resulting in accidents to happen. REMEDY: The engineer must have site inspection to study and understand the problem to come out with a safe and sound solutions together with detailed plan for the contractor to follow. Do not have much interaction and communication with architect in preparation of plans. RESULT: The architect will likely to make a decision on a technical issue/problem which can result in impractical and expensive design of buildings and infrastructures eg. unsuitable platform level can result in high cost of constructions for road, drain, sewer line etc. REMEDY: Interact and communicate with the architect as much as possible to give him the engineering recommendations.

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