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Greeting Card Rubric

Exceeds Meets Standard Below Standard

Standard (2 Points) (1 Point)
(3 Points)
Text Text complements Text is appropriate Text does not
and strengthens for the holiday, match the holiday,
the holiday, colors, colors, or images colors, or images
and images on the on the card. on the card.
Colors There is a strong Colors are Colors do not make
connection appropriate for the sense with the
between the colors holiday, text, or holiday, text, or
on the card and images on the images on the
the holiday, text, card. card.
and images.
Images Images clearly Images are Images are not in
make sense with appropriate for the keeping with the
the holiday, colors, holiday, colors, or holiday, colors, or
and text on the text on the card. text on the card.
Overall Quality The card shows The card shows The card shows
conscientious, thoughtful work. sloppy or hurried
careful work and work.
attention to detail.
Reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection does
thoroughly generally discusses not adequately
discusses the the writer's choices explain the writer's
writer's choices in in composing the choices in
composing the card card for a specific composing the
appropriately for a audience, purpose, card.
specific audience, and occasion.
purpose, and


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