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Student Professor
1. What do you think is the educational objectives of the new normal education that we have?
Does it really answers our struggles in the department?

The implementation of the various learning delivery modalities.

For me, not really because this will be a new arrangement for all basic education. Just like for
example, meeting with your students via zoom or google meet where all participants are plugged in
remotely, it requires different attentions, protocols and methods of managing meetings. Same with
keeping children engaged over long period of time without physical activity, how are we going to
engage them in learning creatively particularly in distance learning under this new normal? Another
thing is that distance education of children with disabilities or slow learners. Students’ capacity to
complete self-directed learning tasks, their access to learning resources and technology, the support
of parents at home and the capacity to guide learners in understanding lessons delivered remotely.
One serious concern to look out for in this new schooling environment is that the mental health of
teachers and students caused by anxiety. This new normal education will require a lot of resources,
worksheets will replace traditional textbooks.

2. Do you agree to the educational planning done by the leaders in the department regarding the
implementation on the new normal education?

Partly yes, partly no because the challenge will be in dealing with learners under any of the
modes of distance learning who are not capable of learning independently, those who cannot
support by their parents in their home works. Another thing is that, the mass production of the
needed learning materials as well as the support of radio based instructions. The holistic
development of students will likely be affected. But on the part of face to face on low risk area,
for me it’s good but of course health protocols must properly observe. Face to face is helpful
especially on the part of not all parents can support their child/children with their studies. After
all nothing in this new normal will be easy.

3. Give the various dimensions to the general objectives of educational planning and explain its
role to the department.

Political Dimension its role is to illustrate how the institution establish ordinances and allocate

Economic Dimension its role is to provide an introductory analysis of economic issues in

education both in academic life and in the general community.

Science and technology Dimension is to support learning by providing learning content or

facilitating communication.

Legal Dimension helps us to be knowledgeable on the legal bases because it serves as a guide
for us teachers on how to properly deal with our students. Legal bases are provisions that gives
limitations to both teacher and students to avoid instances that may violate the rights of the
two parties. Understanding these legal bases could help us knowing what are the things that a
teacher must do and vice versa.

Demographic Dimensions gives a snapshot of the population and help predict what to expect in
terms of the changing makeup of this place we call home.

Cultural Dimensions includes metaphor, body language, turn taking, humor, gender, bias, and
framing for these topics are useful in addressing the cultural aspects of learning.
These cultural observation guides serve as memory aids for supervision, which overlap,
with teaching

Sociological dimensions supports students throughout their lives. It goes far beyond
interpersonal relationships and developing the social skills. On the other hand, education
encourages people to examine the places where a society may need improvement

4. How the components of educational planning affects the educational system?

Education is the key that unlocks the door for the development of any nation. It is the
instrument that facilitates political, economic, social and technological development of a
country. Educational planning ensures success of the institution. It takes into consideration the
important issues, conditions, constraints and factors in education. Its focus is on future
objectives, vision and goals. It clarifies goals and the means to achieve those goals. Thus it
eliminates trial-and-error process, reduces chances of failure and ensures success. In other
words it provides intelligent direction to activity. Effective and efficient planning saves time,
effort and money.

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