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Poblacion, San Gabriel, La Union



Name: ______________________________________________________ Year & Strand: _______________Score: ___________

Subject Teacher: Glenda A. Pagandiyan Parent’s Signature: ____________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.

1. What is achieved when all parts of a composition appear to have equal weight and is stable?
A. contrast C. unity
B. balance D. focal point
2. Which of the following is obtained by repeating colors and shapes—all parts of a design?
A. repetition C. unity
B. balance D. focal point
3. Which creates the center of interest in a design?
A. repetition C. unity
B. balance D. emphasis
4. What is achieved when lines, colors, or shapes are repeated over and over in a planned way?
A. repetition C.unity
B. balance D.emphasis
5. Which is used by artist will make one area stand out by contrasting it with other areas and catches the viewer’s attention?
A. repetition C.unity
B. balance D.emphasis
6. Jenny wants to use a free image manipulation tool that has batch edit, viewer, and paper print features. Which of the following will she
A. Picasa C. GIMP
B. PhotoScape D. Irfan View
7. What is the process of editing multiple pictures at once using one setting?
A. batch editing C. paper printing
B. animation D. collage making
8. What type of image manipulation technique is used if you want to remove unnecessary parts of a picture?
A. Cropping C. Removing Colors
B. Color Balance D. Brightness and Contrast
9. All of the following are image hosting sites EXCEPT_______.
A. PhotoScape C. Photobucket
B. Flickr D. SlickPic
10. In any image manipulation program, which command allows you to make changes in the mixture of colors in an image?
A. Cropping C. Brightness and Contrast
B. Color Balance D. Compression and Resizing
11. What image manipulation technique is done when you adjust the overall lightness and darkness of an image?
A. Cropping
B. Color Balance
C. Removing Colors
D. Brightness and Contrast
12. What principle of image manipulation is achieved in this artwork?

A. Cropping
B. Color Blending
C. Emphasis on Detail
D. Combining Multiple Images

13. The principle of contrast refers to differences in values, colors, textures, shapes, and other elements. Which company used contrast in
commercials to promote a popular product?

A. Apple
B. Samsung
C. Microsoft
14. What does the file extension JPEG stand for?
A. Joint Photographic Experts Group
B. Joint Photographic Experts Groups
C. Join Photographic Experts Groups
D. Joint Photographic Expert Groups
15. SGSHS Foundation Day is fast approaching, and you are tasked to make a poster for your booth for the event. Each poster is required to
include logo of SGSHS. Which image file type is best for logo that supports transparency?
A .jpeg C.gif
B .png D.pdf
16. Which statement best defines the principles of graphic design?
A. These are a set of rules only followed by designers.
B. It provides the set of rules on how the graphic design started.
C. These are outline of ways designers can use elements in a composition.
D. It is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.
17. Pattern uses the art elements in planned or random repetitions to enhance surfaces of paintings or sculptures. Which of the examples
given below is NOT a pattern?
A. quilt
B. jewelry
C. plain white canvas
D. grapefruit (sliced open)
18. If you want to insert animation effects on your presentation, which file format will you use?
A. Graphics Interface Format
B. Graphics Internet Format
B. Graphics Interconnect Format
C. Graphics Interchange Format
19. Since most digital photos are publicly shared online, what do you think are the ways to protect your images from unauthorized copying?
A. Only upload lower resolution files
B. Watermark all your publicly posted images
C. We suggest posting a disclaimer on your website as well as disabling the right-click feature
D. Share your images exclusively on your website and disable the right-click feature so that would-be thieves aren't able to copy
your images
20. Why do designers use contrast?
A. To make bright colored compositions.
B. To cause controversy in the design world.
C. To show difference between elements of art.
D. To create harmony and bring elements together.

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