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Year 2 Reflection

         On Monday March 5 to Wednesday 7, 2018 practicum started in- house for second year

students over Wilson Hall, were lecturers from the different departments such as humanity,

aesthetic came and gave their presentations. We were also taught to write the lesson plan

involving the 5E’s along with the activities.

         On Thursday March 8, 2018, I went to Swallowfield Primary& Junior High School for

my second year TP to collect documents such as the time- table and the names of the students

of the class where I would be placed. I also got the information of where the students have

reached in the curriculum.

Monday March 12, 2018 was officially our first day at the school.  My peer and I along with

the other practicing teachers arrived at the school at 7:10 a.m. The school was painted light

blue and bright blue, its environment was limited with trees and flowers. However, there was

adequate land space for the students to play which was observed as they race along the track

that morning. I admired the uniform the students wore which were blue and white plaid with

a short blue tie and blue skirt.

         We were welcomed by the principal of the institution and given the opportunity to be

seated in the office until the vice principal came, whose duty was to show us to our

classrooms and cooperating teacher. When the vice principal arrived, she showed us to our

classroom and cooperating teacher. My cooperating teacher was the head of grade 5, Miss

Alexander of Grade 5P. On attending the class, I was welcomed by bright faces of the

students who eagerly stand and gave me along with my peer a warm good morning/welcome.

My experience for the day was fair as I got an insight of what was to come as I was expected

to start peer teaching for the following week.

The following week Thursday March 15, 2018, was the beginning of my peer teaching, at the
institution where I along with my peer taught quotation marks. The lesson for me was

satisfactory as the students enjoyed the engagement activity as they listen attentively and

participated well throughout answering questions, however, I believe if more research were

done the lesson would have been excellent as my weakness was explaining the lesson

effectively for the students to comprehend. Nevertheless, the lesson was finished with the

students eager to participate in the class activity for elaborate along with evaluate.

          On Friday March 16, the lesson taught was fractions, myself along with my peer

reinforced fractions with the students as they were currently on fractions. The lesson was

good as each 5E was executed well along with the students eager to learn, as they got a

hands-on experience with the fraction pieces.

On Monday, the lesson we taught was perimeter, the materials utilized to bring across the

lesson was geoboard. The students were so enthused with the geoboard. They wanted to

know who created it and what was it used for. The lesson was good as they collaborate with

each other. The 5E’s were accomplished as the students played an active role in their


          Tuesday was assessment for my peer and I. Due to insufficient materials the lesson was

not executed as planned. As a result, I became flustered as I reflected on what the outcomes

would have been if there was greater preparation in ensuring all materials were adequate for

the lesson. In such I displayed poor classroom management skills as I meditate, which

resulted in my peer teaching along with trying to control the class, which was precluded as

one of the peers teach, the other should ensure the class is calm and conditioned for learning

and vice versa. If time could present itself, I would ensure that the materials necessary for the

class is sufficient and prepared ahead of time. In such I believed my classroom management

skills would not have been impacted as there would be no distractions of such enabling the

lesson to be presented smoothly.

           Finally, Wednesday was the last day of our second-year teaching practice at

Swallowfield Primary & Junior High. Due to the following day being GSAT, the students did

few lessons. My peer and I decided to introduce games we have learnt at college, to the

students. These games were atoms, dog and bones along with 1 and 20. The students enjoyed

the games played. Being introduced to atoms and dog and bones for the first time they

decided to play the games again. We dismissed the class together allowing them to say their

dismissal prayer, after which they were asked to remain by their teacher, Miss Alexander.

Miss Alexander, then informed the students that it was our last day with them. She along with

the students gave us farewells and encouraged us as teachers in training.

            Being on second year teaching practice, I have garnered a lot in realizing that as a

teacher in training there are qualities that I need to portray such as persistent and

determination. What I have learnt, I will used for the future as an emerging teacher to

motivate me through times of difficulties.

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