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Language learning is a process in which begins after birth and continues

throughout our life. Humans learn language to express or communicate their
thoughts, feelings, experiences, establish relationships with family members and
friends. Students also may tend to speak more than one language or even learn
another language at school. Learning is also a complex process of discovery,
collaboration and inquiry facilitated by language. Teaching can be defined as
engagement with learners to enable their understanding and application of
knowledge, concepts and processes. It includes design, content selection, delivery,
assessment and reflection. To teach is to engage students in learning; thus teaching
consists of getting students involved in the active construction of knowledge. A
teacher requires not only knowledge of subject matter, but knowledge of how
students learn and how to transform them into active learners. (Education for
judgment: The artistry of discussion leadership. Edited by C. Roland Christensen,
David A. Garvin, and Ann Sweet. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School, 1991.)
Based on Mirriam Webster dictionary, Learning can be defined as the activity or
process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or
experiencing something. Aside from language learning, teaching and learning,
learning theories is also a vital part in this whole part. Learning theories is a student
receive and retain knowledge during learning. It is important to understand principle
and practice in language teaching due to the fact that teacher can practice the right
method of teaching since classroom will be consist of children with different learning
abilities. Other than that, it is also to make sure that students can learn in line with
their teacher as their facilitator.


Behaviorism began in the 19th century. It is a theory which mainly consist of

punishment and rewarding. Based from Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, behaviorism is a
theory where all human behaviors are learned by adapting to outside conditions and
that learning is not influenced by thoughts and feelings. Throughout this method, it is
mainly about rewarding or punishing the students and it is shaped by reward and
reinforcement. Reinforcement is a consequence applied that will strengthen an

organism's future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific
antecedent stimulus. Reinforcement does not require an individual to consciously
perceive an effect elicited by the stimulus. There are also punishment which has both
positive and negative effect. The purpose of it is to decrease the posibility of
something from happening again. For example, if a student does not finish his her
homework, a teacher may punish the student so that he or she will not repeat the
same mistake again in the future. To support the statement above, there was an
individual named Ivan Pavlov who introduced the concept of classical conditioning
which then he conduct his theory by conducting an experiment called “The Dog-Bell
Experiment”. In the experiment, every time he brought out the dogs, he would ring a
bell and then, after dong this for some quite time, he would ring the bell without
presenting the food. This resulting the dog salivate just from hearing the bell. The
connection the dogs made between the bell ringing and the food, caused the dogs to
associate the two, so they responded to the bell even without the presence of the
food. In the behaviorism theory, a teacher need to give students immediate feedback,
and breakdown the task into small step. The reason behind this is so that the learner
will understand and follow the teacher’s instruction correctly. Teacher also need to
repeat the directions as many times as possible and work from a simple to the most
complex task. This so that students can follow the lesson plan and so that they would
not get bored or missing the lesson.


Based from my opinion, the best approach is the direct teaching method. Direct
method is a method which the teacher conveys meaning directly in target language
through visual aids and demonstration. However the use of the student’s native
language is now allowed. Different approaches, methods and techniques improve
language teaching and learning because students have different learning abilities
and some method may not be suitable for some of them. Based on my recent School
Based Experience(SBE), I noticed that the class consist of students with different
learning abilities. Regarding the direct teaching method, in order for the method to
be successful, the learner need to think in the target language. Besides, the role of
teacher and learner in this method are more like partners in the teaching learning
process. This will result in the student would not be hesitated to ask teacher about
the class. Language is also mostly spoken in this method and not written. Because of
this, students will learn common everyday speeches in the target language such as
English. Student also cannot use their native language in the classroom. Student

error are common but a teacher need to find a method to correct the student. In
direct teaching method, teacher will try to get the student to self correct whenever


A teacher can conduct assessment by a method called diagnostic

assessment. Teacher can conduct this assessment by structuring the diagnostic
assessment around the lesson. Teacher could get the information they need to
understand the students’ and engage the whole classroom. An example a teacher
can conduct is by doing mind map and short quizzes. Diagnostic assessments can
also help benchmark student progress. Consider giving the same assessment at the
end of the unit so students can see how far they’ve come.


In conclusion, when the creativity in underlying principles and characteristics

of a syllabus effectively implemented, creativity can arouse both teachers and pupils
interest in language teaching and learning. The reason for this is because, there
many ways and methods that can be choose to teach and learn to make the subject
or lesson become easier. When student find the subject is easy or easy to follow,
interest will spark in them that they are interested in learning language. Other than
that, when teacher find the method are suitable for their pupils, it will be easier for the
teacher to teach the class.


The 6 types of assessment [+ how to use them]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2021,

(Education for judgment: The artistry of discussion leadership. Edited by C. Roland

Christensen, David A. Garvin, and Ann Sweet. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business
School, 1991.)

Michael J (2005). "Positive and negative reinforcement, a distinction that is no longer

necessary; or a better way to talk about bad things" (PDF). Journal of Organizational
Behavior Management. 24 (1–2): 207–22. doi:10.1300/J075v24n01_15. S2CID
144466860. Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 June 2004.

Watson, J. B. (2017). Behaviorism. Routledge.

Zohar, A., & Aharon‐Kravetsky, S. (2005). Exploring the effects of cognitive conflict
and direct teaching for students of different academic levels. Journal of research in
science teaching, 42(7), 829-855.

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