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Conference Paper · September 2019

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4 authors, including:

Abhijit Deka Malaya Chetia

Central Institute of Technology Assam Engineering College


Sreedeep Sekharan
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati


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Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference
December 13-15, 2012, Delhi (Paper No.G710)


D. Abhijit, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati , email:

C. Malaya, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, email:
V. Srikanth, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati , email:
S. Sreedeep, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, email:

ABSTRACT: Measurement of the negative pore-water pressure, i.e. suction, that exists in the soil and admixtures like fly ash
is of prime importance in many of the geoenvironmental projects such as waste containment covers and liners, irrigation
scheduling in agriculture, water permeation through vadoze zone etc. In these projects, suction-water content relationship is
very important input information for conducting modeling studies. Two methods of suction measurement have been employed
in this study for establishing suction-water content relationship for a class F fly ash. Tensiometer which is one of the most
popular methods of matric suction measurement (< 100 kPa) has been used for low suction measurement and a relative
humidity sensor which measures total suction has been used for high range of suction measurement. The suction-water content
relationship obtained for class F fly ash has been critically analyzed and compared.

INTRODUCTION model (Eq.1) was obtained using the software ‘RETC’[16].

Again, the effect of contaminants of fly ash on the total
Fly ash is a waste product generated from the burning of coal suction was studied by measuring the E.C. of the fly ash after
in the thermal power plant. The huge production of this waste dilution. The study clearly indicates the difference on the
material all over the world is creating problems for its safe SWCC measured using the two methods.
disposal. A lot of studies have been carried out for
characterization of the fly ash for geotechnical application [1, θs − θr
2, 9, 11]. For utilizing the fly ash in many of the geotechnical θ ( h) = θ r + 1 (1)
(1− )
or geoenvironmental projects such as waste containment ⎡⎣1 + (α h) n ⎤⎦ n

covers and liners, irrigation scheduling in agriculture, water

Where, θ(h) is the volumetric water content at suction
permeation through vadoze zone etc., the study of suction is
pressure head h, θs is the saturated volumetric water content,
of prime importance.
θr is the residual water content, α and n are empirical fitting
Suction is mainly composed of two components. Matric
suction and osmotic suction, which together known as total
suction. Matric suction is due to adsorptive or capillary forces
existing in the soil matrix where as osmotic suction is due to
the presence of salts or contaminants presents in the pore The material used in this study was collected from a thermal
water [4]. The measured suction are plotted against the water power plant located in India. The fly ash was classified as
content (either volumetric (θ) or gravimetric (w)) to obtain class F fly ash, which has been characterized for its physical
the suction water content relationship, popularly known as and chemical properties as given in Table 1 & 2 respectively.
Soil Water Characteristics Curve (SWCC) or Soil Water
Retention Curve (SWR). Different methodologies have been Table 1 Physical properties and classification of fly ash
developed for measuring the matric suction or total suction, Property Fly ash
either directly or indirectly [[9]. Some of the frequently used Specific gravity (G) 2.07
methods for measuring suction are Tensiometer method, Particle size characteristics
Filter paper method, Relative humidity (RH) method, dew Sand (4.75-0.075 mm) -
point sensor technique, axis translation technique etc. [7,5, Coarse sand ( 4.75 – 2mm) 0
10, 13, 14]. Medium sand( 2 – 0.425mm 0.9
Fine sand (0.425 – 0.075mm 24.1
In this study, a class F fly ash obtained from a thermal power Silt size (0.075-0.002 mm) 74.4
plant, India was used to determine the SWCC using the Clay size (< 0.002 mm -
Tensiometer and RH methods. The SWCC obtained from Atterberg limits (%):
tensiometric measurement corresponding to matric suction, Liquid limit 26.7
Ψm (<100 kPa) and SWR obtained from RH measurement Plastic limit -
corresponding to total suction,Ψ (>1000kPa) were compared Plasticity index -
and the fitting parameters for the Van Genuchten (1980)[15] USCS Classification ML
D. Abhijit, C. Malaya, V. Srikant, & S. Sreedeep
SSA (m2/g) (dessicator) 6.71
SSA (m2/g) (EGME) 12.061 0.40
CEC (meq/100g) 1.23

Table 2 Chemical properties of fly ash 0.30

Compounds wt., %
SiO2 46.47 0.25

Al2O3 27.49
Fe2O3 1.06 0.20
CaO 2.84
MgO 0.06 0.15
MnO 2.93
Na2O 0.56 0.10
-1 0 1 2 3
K2O 0.84 10 10 10 10 10
TiO2 6.58 ψ m(kPa)
P2O5 5.20
LOI 6.17

Fig. 1 Continuous drying SWCC obtained using tensiometer

Two methods of suction measurement (Tensiometer and RH)
have been used for studying the suction characteristics of the
fly ash. For the tensiometric measurement, the fly ash was RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mixed with the required amount of distilled water and was Figure 1 gives the plot of continuous drying SWCC obtained
compacted in to a perspex mold of 12 cm diameter and 15 cm from tensiometer measurement for an arbitrary compaction
height, by giving different number of blows to achieve the state. As obvious, the matric suction increases with the
required dry unit weight. The prepared sample was then decrease in water content (Ѳ) of the sample. The near
saturated by ponding with distilled water and further saturation portion (horizontal portion of WRCC) and
removing the excess solution from the top. This was done to desaturation portion (decreasing portion) [6] is quite explicit
obtain Ψm=0 as the initial state for the drying continuous in the tensiometric measurement. Figure 2 shows the
SWCC. After the sample was saturated, the T5 tensiometer comparison of the suction values obtained by using
and ECH2O-TE volumetric water content sensor (Decagon. Tensiometer and RH for the fly ash as a function of Ѳ. In
Inc..USA) were inserted in to the packed sample. The fly ash Figure 2, Ψm refers to matric and Ψ refers to total suction
sample was then allowed to air dry and Ψm and θ was depending upon the measuring methodologies used. It is clear
continuously recorded using the respective data loggers. from the figure that the suction measured using the two
These data were then used to obtain the SWCC of the fly ash methodologies do not match with each other. The tensiometer
sample corresponding to matric suction. read the matric suction from 1to 80 kPa, whereas the RH read
the total suction from 1200 to 85000 kPa for the same fly ash.
For the RH method, samples of required density and water It is seen in the figure that the RH sensor is giving higher
content were prepared and were kept in the RH chamber of volumetric water content for the high suction. This may be
the instrument. The temperature and relative humidity was due to presence of contaminants in the fly ash which is
measured after 24 hrs (equilibration time) and the suction (Ψ) contributing the osmotic effect in the total suction
was determined using Kelvin’s equation [5]. After the measurement by the RH. Since, Tensiometer measures only
equilibration time was over, the samples were taken out and the matric suction [10], so the osmotic effects due to the
were kept in the oven for determining the gravimetric water contaminants are nullified in tensiometer.
content (W). The computed suction (Ψ) was then used to
obtain the SWR of the fly ash sample.
Comparison of suction measurement technique for class F fly ash
16 This study deals with an investigation of two methodologies
14 on the suction water content relationship of a class F fly ash.
12 The effect of measuring methologies, measurement range and
10 the influence of contaminants present on the fly ash has been
8 analyzed. The suction water content relationship obtained
6 from Tensiometer and RH measurement indicates that there

4 is a distinct difference of both the methods in measurement of

2 the suction. It has been observed that the suction of the fly
0 ash measured by the RH get influenced by the contaminants
-2 present in the fly ash. The Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the
-4 fly ash was measured to check the presence of contaminants
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 on it.
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