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Context Context 

provides meaning
and clarity to the intended

Argument Argument is used to change people's points of view

or persuade them to accept new points of view;
and argument is used to persuade people to a
particular action or new behavior.

Assumptions It underpin the accumulation of facts and the

formulation of explanations for the phenomena
in our natural world.

Errors and choices

They are crucial parts and aspects in the process
of learning a language.

They may provide insights into the complicated processes of

language development as well as a systematic way for
identifying, describing and explaining students' errors.

Making choices about what is important to you

helps you be more independent and in charge of
your life.
Making your own choices about the things you do
is very important because it gives your life
With more choice comes the opportunity to build
greater self-regulation.

Frame and setup Providing students with a

sense of what they
are writing.
It provide the writer with general organizational patterns
that can help them arrange what they say and when they
say it. For readers, genres help organize information so
that they can more easily make sense of what they are
about to read.

Literacy plays a vital role in transforming students into socially

engaged citizens. Being able to read and write means being
able to keep up with current events, communicate effectively,
and understand the issues that are shaping our world.

Peer editing and Peer editing

Peer editing is an excellent strategy. It helps the writer receive
input and guidance, and it also helps the peer editor understand
how to improve his or her own writing. The goal of peer review is

Prescriptive and description

fourfold: to help writers see their writing from a reader's

Prescriptive grammar provides a set of rules to distinguish good

from bad language usage. Descriptive grammar, however, focuses
on language as it is used by actual speakers and attempts to
analyze it and formulate rules about it. Pedagogical grammar,
however, helps in teaching language.

Social rhetoric Its aim is to inform, educate, persuade or

motivate specific audiences in specific

Rhetoric builds communities by aiding in the

development of common values, aspirations, and
common beliefs. Rhetoric shapes knowledge by
determining what people view as moral and immoral
and true or false.

Texts and difficult texts

The purpose of the text is the message the author
intends to communicate. Authors write for
different purposes.

It contributes to students' knowledge about a

compelling topic, it is engaging and rich, and it is at the
right complexity level for students.

Teaching from more difficult texts provides opportunities to

frequently expose students to reading materials beyond
their actual reading levels, build understandings around
more complex ideas, demonstrate how to interpret ideas
when aspects of the text are difficult or unfamiliar and
deconstruct a wider range of texts

Concepts of

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