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 The objective of the engineering process is to define the physical makeup of the
beam, i.e., the material, the shape of the cross-section, and special cross-section
features such as steel reinforcement in the case of a reinforced concrete beam.
 Cross-sectional properties are governed by the strength of the material and
constraints associated with the specific design codes recommended for the
different structural materials such as concrete, steel, and wood.
 DESIGN DETAILING: Given the maximum values of shear and moment at a
particular location, the choice of material, and the general shape of the cross-
section, the determination of the specific cross-sectional dimensions involves
applying numerical procedures specific to the associated code.
 Shear and bending moment result when an external loading is applied to a beam.
 For statically determinate beams, the internal forces depend only on the external
loading and geometry; they are independent of the cross-sectional properties.
 The dead loading is fixed, i.e. its magnitude and spatial distribution are constant
over time.
 Live loading is, by definition, time varying over the life of the structure.
 We need to consider all possible live load scenarios in order to identify the live
load locations that result in the maximum values of shear and moment.
 We select a particular location on the longitudinal axis and determine
how the moment and shear at that point vary as the position of the live
load is varied. We usually plot these quantities as a function of the position
of the live load, which usually is taken as a single concentrated force of
unit magnitude and refer to the resulting plot as an influence line.
 With INFLUENCE LINE, one can easily identify the critical position of live
loading for the cross-section of interest. It is a valuable tool to establish
loading patterns.
 An INFLUENCE LINE relates a force quantity at a particular point to the
position of the live load
 Influence lines represent the effect of a moving load only at a specified
point on a member, whereas shear and moment diagrams represent the
effect of fixed loads at all points along the axis of the member.
 the magnitude of the associated reaction, shear,moment,or deflection at
the point can then be calculated from the ordinates of the influence-line
 Place a unit load at various locations, x, along the member, and at each location use
statics to determine the value of the function (reaction,shear,or moment) at the
specified point.
 If the influence line for a vertical force reaction at a point on a beam is to be
constructed, consider the reaction to be positive at the point when it acts upward
on the beam.
 If a shear or moment influence line is to be drawn for a point, take the shear or
moment at the point as positive according to the same sign convention used for
drawing shear and moment diagrams.
 All statically determinate beams will have influence lines that consist of straight
line segments.
 To avoid errors,it is recommended that one first construct a table, listing “unit load
at x” versus the corresponding value of the function calculated at the specific point;
that is, “reaction R,” “shear V,” or “moment M.” Once the load has been placed at
various points along the span of the member,the tabulated values can be plotted
and the influence-line segments constructed.
The influence line can also be constructed by
placing the unit load at a variable position x
on the member and then computing the value
of R,V,or M at the point as a function of x.In
this manner, the equations of the various line
segments composing the influence line can
be determined and plotted.
 Since beams (or girders) often form the main load-
carrying elements of a floor system or bridge
deck,it is important to be able to construct the
influence lines for the reactions,shear,or moment at
any specified point in a beam.
 Loadings. Once the influence line for a function
(reaction,shear,or moment) has been constructed, it
will then be possible to position the live loads on
the beam which will produce the maximum value of
the function.Two types of loadings will now be
 Since the numerical values of a function for an influence line are determined using
a dimensionless unit load, then for any concentrated force F acting on the beam at
any position x, the value of the function can be found by multiplying the ordinate of
the influence line at the position x by the magnitude of F.
 If the unit load is at the reaction at A is as indicated from the influence line.Hence,if
the force F lb is at this same point, the reaction is Ay=(1/2)F
 The value of a function caused by a uniform distributed load is simply the area
under the influence line for the function multiplied by the intensity of the
uniform load.
 For example, in the case of a uniformly loaded beam shown in Fig.6–9,the reaction
can be determined from the influence line as
 Determine the maximum positive shear that can be developed at point C in the
beam shown in Fig.6–10a due to a concentrated moving load of 4000 lb and a
uniform moving load of 2000 lb/ft.
 Concentrated Force. The maximum positive shear at C
will occur when the 4000-lb force is located at x=2.5+ft.
since this is the positive peak of the influence line. The
ordinate of this peak is 0.75 so that
Vc = 0.75x4000 = 3000 lb
 Uniform Load. The uniform moving load creates the
maximum positive influence for Vc when the load acts
on the beam between x=2.5+ ft and x = 10 ft and since
within this region the influence line has a positive area.
The magnitude of Vc due to this loading is
Notice that once the positions of the loads have been established using the influence line, Fig.
below, this value of can also be determined using statics and the method of sections. Show
that this is the case.
 The influence line for a function (reaction, shear, or moment) is to the same scale as
the deflected shape of the beam when the beam is acted upon by the function.
 In order to draw the deflected shape properly, the capacity of the beam to resist the
applied function must be removed so the beam can deflect when the function is
When the positive (upward) force is then applied at A,
the beam deflects to the dashed position,* which
represents the general shape of the influence line.
 If the shape of the influence line for the shear at C is to be determined, Fig. 6–13a,
the connection at C may be symbolized by a roller guide as shown in Fig.6–
13b.This device will resist a moment and axial force but no shear.† Applying a
positive shear force to the beam at C and allowing the beam to deflect to the
dashed position, we find the influence-line shape as shown in Fig. 6–13c.
 if the shape of the influence line for the moment at C, Fig. 6–14a, is to be
determined, an internal hinge or pin is placed at C,since this connection resists
axial and shear forces but cannot resist a moment, Fig. 6–14b. Applying positive
moments to the beam,the beam then deflects to the dashed position,which is the
shape of the influence line
 to determine the maximum effect of several concentrated forces that is placed on
the structure, i.e. the wheel loadings of a truck or train.

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