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Volume 8 • Number 3 • 2003


Helicobacter pylori Infection and Perforated Peptic Ulcer

Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Prevalence of the Infection and Role of Antimicrobial


Javier P. Gisbert and José María Pajares

Department of Gastroenterology. University Hospital of ‘La Princesa’, Madrid, Spain


Although the role of Helicobacter pylori infection important role in this complication. All patients with
on noncomplicated peptic ulcer disease has been perforated peptic ulcer should be treated by simple
definitively established, the precise relationship bet- closure of the perforation and with therapy aimed at
ween the organism and complicated ulcer has hardly healing of the ulcer and eradicating the H. pylori
been studied. The mean prevalence of H. pylori infec- infection, as disappearance of the organism prevents,
tion in patients with perforated peptic ulcer is of or at least decreases, ulcer recurrence and ulcer
only about 65–70%, which contrasts with the almost perforation in patients with H. pylori-associated
90–100% figure reported in noncomplicated ulcer dis- perforated ulcers after simple closure. Therefore,
ease. However, H. pylori infection rates in various H. pylori eradicating treatment should be started
studies range markedly from 0% to 100%, sug- during the immediate postoperative period. The
gesting that differences in variables as number and patients with intractable recurrent symptoms of
type of diagnostic methods used to diagnose peptic ulcer despite adequate medical treatment,
H. pylori infection, or frequency of nonsteroidal but without H. pylori infection (e.g. a patient using
anti-inflammatory drug intake, may be responsible nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), is probably
for the low prevalence reported in some studies. the only remaining indication for elective definitive
Recurrent ulcer disease after peptic ulcer perforation surgical treatment of peptic ulcer disease.
mainly occurs in patients with H. pylori infection, Keywords. Helicobacter pylori, peptic ulcer, peptic
which suggests that the microorganism plays an ulcer perforation, perforated peptic ulcer.

P erforation accounts for more than 70% of

deaths associated with peptic ulcer disease,
mortality rates for perforated duodenal and
surgical procedures. The conventional surgical
approach includes acid-reducing procedures,
such as partial gastrectomy or truncal vagotomy
gastric ulcers being 0–10% and 10–40%, res- with gastric outflow drainage. On the other
pectively [1]. Overall, the operative mortality hand, with the advent of potent acid-suppressing
for perforated peptic ulcer is ∼5% [2]. Simple agents like proton pump inhibitors (PPI), more
closure of a perforated peptic ulcer has been patients are treated with simple patch repair and
compared with definitive surgery in several maintained on long-term acid suppressing drugs,
randomized trials [2–4]. Ulcer recurrence has although the effectiveness of this strategy in the
been reported to occur in 61% and 6% of cases long term has been insufficiently studied [6,7].
following simple closure and definitive surgical Although the role of Helicobacter pylori
treatment, respectively, indicating that simple infection on noncomplicated peptic ulcer disease
closure by no means is sufficient to prevent ulcer has been definitively established, the precise
recurrence [5]. This high recurrence rate after relationship between the organism and com-
simple closure of the ulcer has been the basis for plicated ulcer has hardly been studied [8].
arguments in favour of the addition of some H. pylori has been identified in noncomplicated
duodenal ulcer in a high proportion of the cases,
Reprint requests to: Javier P. Gisbert, M.D., Playa de Mojácar the figures being almost 100% in many studies,
29. Urb. Bonanza. 28669 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, with a mean prevalence value of ∼90%, especially
Spain. if previous NSAID intake or antibiotic use is

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160 Gisbert and Pajares

excluded [9,10] (although, more recently, some ation in peptic ulcer disease, and from the articles
studies mainly performed in the USA have found selected for the study, were also examined in
lower infection rates). However, the frequency search of articles meeting inclusion criteria. Arti-
of H. pylori infection in perforated peptic ulcer cles published in any language were included. The
remains a matter of debate, as several authors prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients with
have reported lower prevalence of the infection perforated peptic ulcer of each study was
in patients with this complication. On the other recorded, as was the ulcer type (duodenal or
hand, the relationship between the presence of gastric) and the methods used to detect the
H. pylori and the recurrence of the ulcer after organism were also identified. Weighted mean
surgery and the possible advantage of eradica- (taking into account the number of patients in
tion of the organism on this complication has not each study) of H. pylori prevalence and 95%
been fully established. Our aim was therefore to confidence interval was calculated. The effect of
systematically review the studies assessing the eradication of the infection on the recurrence of
prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients with the ulcer or the ulcer perforation was assessed.
perforated peptic ulcer, and to evaluate with
detail the role of the organism in the recurrence Prevalence of H. pylori infection in perforated
of the ulcer or the ulcer perforation and, espe- peptic ulcer
cially, the effect of eradication of the infection on
the recurrence of this important complication. Only a few studies have evaluated the prevalence
Bibliographical searches were performed in of H. pylori infection in patients suffering from
the PubMed (Internet) database including stud- perforated peptic ulcer. From the 19 studies
ies available until March 2002, looking for the detailed in Table 1, including 1169 patients, a
following words (all fields): (Helicobacter pylori mean prevalence (weighted mean) of only 68.1%
OR H. pylori) and (‘perforated’ OR ‘perfor- could be calculated (95% confidence interval,
ation’). We also conducted a manual search of 65–71%) [11–28]. This figure is similar to that
abstracts from 1995 to 2001 from the Interna- reported in other ulcer complications, such as
tional Workshop on Gastroduodenal Pathology gastric outlet obstruction [29]. Nevertheless,
and Helicobacter pylori, and American Digestive more important is the information from
Disease Week. References of reviews on perfor- comparative studies, where the prevalence of

Patients Diagnosis of H. pylori

Table 1 Prevalence of H. pylori
Author (reference) (number) Ulcer type H. pylori prevalence (%) infection in studies of perforated
peptic ulcer
Reinbach et al. (11) 80 DU S 47
Sebastian et al. (12) 29 DU or GU 13UBT 83
Debongnie et al. (13) 36 DU or GU H, Cu, Ci 56
Ng et al. (14) 73 DU H 70
Lanas et al. (15) 29 DU S 76
Lanas et al. (15) 27 GU S 67
Matskura et al. (16) 21 DU S 95
Matskura et al. (16) 5 GU S 100
Chowdhary et al. (17) 15 DU RUT, Gram, Giemsa 0
Tokunaga et al. (18) 47 DU or GU I 92
Mihmanli et al. (19) 18 DU H 89
Chu et al. (20) 163 DU H 47
Sharma et al. (21) 44 DU or GU RUT, H 61
Omori et al. (22) 49 DU RUT, H, Cu 57
Metzger et al. (23) 47 DU or GU RUT 73
Oncel et al. (24) 52 DU 13UBT 75
Kate et al. (25) 202 DU S 73
Kate et al. (25) 60 DU RUT, H, S 53
Mendes et al. (26) 31 DU or GU RUT, Cu, Ca, 14UBT, S 100
Kumar et al. (27) 30 DU RUT, H 57
Tran et al. (28) 111 DU or GU RUT, H, S 96
DU: duodenal ulcer; GU: gastric ulcer; RUT: rapid urease test; H: histology; S: serology; UBT: urea breath
test; I: immunohistochemical stain; Cu: culture; Ci: citology; Ca: carbolfuchsin smear.
Overall H. pylori infection rate (weighted mean) including all studies (1169 patients) = 68.1% (95%
confidence interval = 65–71%).
Mean H. pylori infection rate in studies including only duodenal ulcers: 61.4%; and only gastric ulcers: 72.2%.

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H. pylori and Perforated Ulcer 161

H. pylori infection in cases with perforated gastric ulcer patients. There were no significant dif-
peptic ulcer is compared with that of the controls. ferences between the perforated and nonsurgical
The first of these studies was performed by peptic ulcer groups for H. pylori cagA and vacA
Reinbach et al. [11], where the prevalence of markers, in agreement with a recent study [30].
H. pylori in 80 patients presenting with acute Although the authors conclude from these
perforated duodenal ulcer was examined (by sero- results that H. pylori infection is not etiologi-
logy) and compared with age and sex matched cally related to perforation of peptic ulcer, this
hospital control patients. Only 47% of the perfor- study seems to demonstrate, in fact, that
ated duodenal ulcer patients were positive for H. pylori is probably the cause of almost all per-
H. pylori and this was similar to the value forated and nonperforated ulcers, although the
of 50% in the controls. Therefore, this was the organism is not responsible for the perforation
first study to conclude that the lack of associa- itself. In other words, uncomplicated and com-
tion of acute perforated duodenal ulcer and plicated ulcers would be similar in terms of
H. pylori infection suggested that perforated H. pylori infection (both in prevalence and in
duodenal ulcer had a different pathogenesis strain virulence), although the explanation for
from chronic duodenal ulcer disease, and that the perforation of the ulcer only in some cases
the first should not be regarded simply as a remains unknown; these results suggest there-
complication of the second [11]. Consequently, fore that host factors are perhaps more relevant
these findings suggested that other pathogenic pathogenic factors in perforation than H. pylori
factors different from H. pylori should partici- infection itself.
pate in perforated duodenal ulcer disease. Other
authors have reported that their prevalence of Hypotheses to explain H. pylori-negative peptic
56% in patients with perforated gastroduodenal ulcer perforations
ulcers lay between that seen in age and sex
matched healthy blood donors (36%) and their As previously shown, prevalence of H. pylori
patients with uncomplicated peptic ulcers infection in perforated peptic ulcer varies mark-
matched for age, sex and ulcer location (86%) edly among studies, even when case-control
[13]. Lanas et al. [15] studied 76 patients with studies are considered. These controversial results
gastrointestinal perforation and 152 matched may be due, at least partly, to several factors,
controls. Independent risk factors for ulcer as differences in frequency of NSAID use, the
perforation were smoking, alcohol, a history of type of the perforated ulcer considered (duo-
peptic ulcer and, especially, nonsteroidal anti- denal or gastric ulcer), the sensibility and specif-
inflammatory drug (NSAID) use; however, a icity of diagnostic methods of H. pylori, or the
positive H. pylori serology was not demon- possibility that the infection would have been
strated to be a risk factor. Finally, some authors eradicated by procedures aimed to treat the ulcer
have reported a higher density of H. pylori in perforation.
patients with perforated peptic ulcer than in
others with bleeding and stenotic ulcers [18].
However, other studies have not found signif-
icant differences between the perforated and A possible explanation for the lower than
nonperforated peptic ulcer patients with respect expected prevalence of H. pylori in some studies
to H. pylori infection. Kate et al. [25] compared of ulcer perforation may be the coexisting use of
the prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients NSAIDs, which constitutes a well-known inde-
with perforated duodenal ulcer (after simple pendent cause of ulcer complications. However,
closure) with that in controls, and could not most studies have not determined NSAID intake
demonstrate statistically significant differences. prospectively using a structured questionnaire,
Matsukura et al. [16] conducted an age and and have not reported prevalence of H. pylori
gender matched case-control study between separately for patients with and without NSAID
perforated and nonsurgical peptic ulcers in intake. As an exception, in the study by Ng et al.
H. pylori infection and examined differences [14] the H. pylori infection rate demonstrated by
in the cytotoxin genes cagA and vacA. Serum intraoperative and antral biopsies in patients
H. pylori IgG antibody was positive in 95% of with perforated peptic ulcer was 70%, but this
perforated vs. 93% of nonsurgical duodenal ulcers, figure rose to 80% if NSAID users were exclu-
and in 100% of perforated vs. 86% of nonsurgical ded (while in patients taking these drugs the

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162 Gisbert and Pajares

infection was detected in only 23% of the cases).

Effect of Surgery on H. pylori Infection
Other studies have reported a high proportion
of NSAID use in patients with peptic ulcer Some authors have performed a systematic
perforation, especially in those uninfected [13], review to answer the question whether surgery
suggesting that these drugs represent a relevant for peptic ulceration eradicates H. pylori [35].
factor associated with H. pylori-negative ulcer Among H. pylori-positive patients who had
perforations. Furthermore, some authors have undergone vagotomy alone the prevalence of
demonstrated that NSAID use is strongly persistent H. pylori infection was of 83%, whereas
associated with an increased risk of upper gas- for partial gastrectomy it was only about 50%.
trointestinal perforation, while H. pylori is not On one hand, these results indicate that, when
different between patients with perforation and the true prevalence of H. pylori in ulcer perfora-
controls [15]. Finally, it should be remembered tion is to be assessed, infection status should be
that even in patients refusing NSAID use we evaluated before surgery, when the prevalence is
cannot absolutely exclude the surreptitious use higher. On the other hand, the main clinical
of these drugs [15,31]. implication of the persistently high prevalence
of H. pylori infection postoperatively is that
patients who have undergone surgery, parti-
Ulcer Site (Duodenal or Gastric Ulcer)
cularly vagotomy, should be reviewed and
H. pylori infection is the most important etio- considered for antibiotic treatment that will cure
logic factor for noncomplicated duodenal ulcer, their chronic infection [35].
where NSAIDs seem to play a less important role
[9,10,32]. However, the prevalence of H. pylori
Diagnostic Methods
infection in gastric ulcer disease is considerably
lower, suggesting that other factors different Finally, the number and type of diagnostic
from the organism – mainly NSAIDs – are res- methods to detect H. pylori may also be partly
ponsible for a relatively high proportion of responsible for the controversial results. Mendes
ulcers located in the stomach [33]. As shown in et al. [26] studied with detail a group of patients
Table 1, most of the protocols have included with perforated peptic ulcer disease. After sur-
patients with duodenal or gastric ulcer disease in gery, the patients were submitted to endoscopy,
the same study, and only a few studies have sepa- and H. pylori was searched by five different
rately studied the prevalence of the organism in methods including culture, rapid urease test,
each peptic disease. Unexpectedly, mean H. pylori carbolfuchsin smear, 14C-urea breath test, and
infection rate in studies including only duodenal serology. The infection was demonstrated by at
ulcers was even lower (61%) than in those least one test in 100% of the patients. Therefore,
including only gastric ulcers (72%), but in both the authors conclude that the use of several diag-
cases the prevalence was relatively low (Table 1). nostic methods allowed us to demonstrate that
H. pylori prevalence in perforated peptic ulcer
disease is similar to noncomplicated ulcer
Previous Use of Antibiotics
disease. Similarly, Tran et al. [28] evaluated
The course of intravenous antibiotics that are H. pylori status in 111 patients by means of three
routinely prescribed for patients with perforated diagnostic methods (rapid urease test, histology
ulcer might eradicate H. pylori in some of these and serology), and reported an infection rate as
patients. Thus, a single shot antibiotic treatment high as 96%.
with two antibiotics including metronidazole In summary, the mean prevalence of H. pylori
in patients undergoing proximal gastric vago- infection in patients with perforated peptic
tomy was reported to be associated with eradic- ulcer is only about 65–70%, which contrasts
ation of H. pylori [34]. In this respect, some with the almost 90–100% figure reported in
studies that used serology – a method uninflu- noncomplicated ulcer disease and also with the
enced by the recent use of antibiotics – have higher frequency of the infection in other ulcer
found prevalence rates of infection of almost complications, such as upper gastrointestinal
100% in perforated ulcers [16]. Nevertheless, bleeding [36]. However, H. pylori infection rates
other studies could not confirm these results, in various studies range markedly from 0% to
and reported relatively low infection rates even 100%, suggesting that differences in variables as
with serology [11,25]. number and type of diagnostic methods used to

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H. pylori and Perforated Ulcer 163

diagnose H. pylori infection, or frequency of however, why in some patients ulcers recur, whereas
NSAID intake, may be responsible for the low in others they do not. Gastric acid secretion
prevalence reported in some studies. and serum gastrin levels do not predict ulcer
Based on the high prevalence of H. pylori recurrence in patients after simple closure of
infection in patients not taking NSAIDs who perforation [39].
present with noncomplicated duodenal ulcer, it The role of H. pylori infection in the recur-
could be argued that the probability of H. pylori rence of the ulcer or the ulcer perforation in
infection would be so high that, from a practical patients with a history of perforated peptic ulcer
point of view, it would not be necessary to has been evaluated in some studies. Sebastian
confirm the presence of the infection before et al. [12] identified H. pylori in most of the
administering eradication therapy. In patients patients who underwent simple closure of per-
with ulcer perforation, therapy could be started forated peptic ulcer; 6 weeks later some patients
intravenously immediately after the perforation is had an endoscopy performed, and persistence of
diagnosed and the surgical procedure performed. duodenal ulceration was demonstrated in seven
However, the multiple studies reporting low out of the 12 infected patients; from another
prevalence of the infection in perforated ulcer point of view, all patients with unhealed duode-
(Table 1) suggest, obviously, that ‘empirical’ nal ulcer had H. pylori infection. Debongnie
antibiotic therapy without confirming H. pylori et al. [13] studied the prevalence of H. pylori in
infection cannot be generally recommended in 36 patients with a perforated ulcer; seven out of
acute perforated ulcers [37]. We must not forget the nine infected patients with a follow-up of at
the potential disadvantages of the ‘empirical’ least 12 months and no preventive treatment had
strategy: cost and adverse effects of antibiotic a symptomatic relapse; one patient without
treatment in patients without the infection, H. pylori had a second perforation, the only
possible development of drug resistance also in relapse in this group. Pescatore et al. [40] studied
these patients, complications as a consequence six patients with ulcer perforation treated with
of the delayed diagnosis of diseases not caused by closure of the orifice by an omental plug and
the organism, and the false sensation of safeness H. pylori eradication regimen; at endoscopy
against future episodes of perforation when only performed 1 month after surgery, all ulcers except
eradication therapy – without antisecretory one had disappeared; in this patient, persistent
maintenance therapy – is prescribed. In conclu- H. pylori gastritis was diagnosed and success-
sion, H. pylori status should be determined when fully treated by a second regimen with sub-
the patients recover from the acute episode, by sequent ulcer healing at endoscopic evaluation
either endoscopic biopsy or, if this exploration performed 2 months later. In the study by Chu
is thought to be unnecessary, by serology or et al. [20] 163 patients with history of perforated
13C-urea breath test. duodenal ulcer unrelated to NSAIDs underwent
upper endoscopy a mean of 74 months after
Role of H. pylori in the recurrence of the ulcer or
operation; recurrent duodenal ulcer was found
the ulcer perforation
in 18% of the patients and these recurrences
were significantly related to H. pylori status.
Primary treatment of a perforated ulcer involves Koyama et al. [41] studied a group of patients
either patch closure or definitive surgery for the with acute duodenal perforation; among the 42
ulcer. As previously mentioned, simple closure is patients who received nonoperative treatment,
associated with an unacceptably high recurrence three developed reperforation; endoscopic biopsy
rate of the ulcer [38]. On the other hand, defini- or serum anti-H. pylori IgG measurement
tive surgery may have long-term side-effects in confirmed the infection in all three patients.
patients who may otherwise have been cured by Kate et al. [25] reviewed a group of 60 patients
simple closure alone [25]. Prescription of H2 5 years or more after perforation closure,
receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors and found that 90% of patients with a recur-
with the intention to reduce ulcer recurrence rent ulcer had H. pylori infection compared
after simple patch closure has produced conflict- with only 19% in those with no ulcer. Finally,
ing results [6,7]. Therefore, the best therapy for Kumar et al. [27] studied 30 patients presenting
peptic ulcer perforation is still a matter of debate. with perforated duodenal ulcer and who under-
Peptic ulcer, and the perforation itself, may recur went emergency laparotomy and simple omental
after operation for perforation. It is uncertain, patch repair; upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

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164 Gisbert and Pajares

was done 11 weeks after surgery, when active alone or quadruple therapy (ranitidine, colloidal
duodenal ulcer was present in 13 out of 17 bismuth subcitrate, metronidazole and tetracy-
patients with evidence of H. pylori infection and cline) after operation; the authors showed that
in none of the noninfected patients. the H. pylori infection rate was significantly
In summary, recurrent ulcer disease after higher at all intervals of follow-up to 2 years in
peptic ulcer perforation mainly occurs in patients patients with recurrent or residual ulcer after
with H. pylori infection, which suggests that the closure of a duodenal ulcer compared with that
microorganism plays an important role in this in patients in whom ulcer remained healed
complication. (although the precise data of recurrence in the
ranitidine and in the H. pylori eradication group
Role of H. pylori eradication treatment in
were not given). Finally, Tran et al. [28] pre-
perforated peptic ulcer
scribed an eradication regimen with omeprazole,
clarithromycin and amoxicillin to a group of
In previous years a tendency existed to perform patients with perforated gastro-duodenal ulcer
definitive surgery on perforated peptic ulcer. treated with surgical suture; follow-up endo-
However, in recent years, the theory that eradi- scopy was performed 4–6 weeks after treatment
cation of H. pylori decreases the rate of ulcer cessation, when ulcer healing was demonstrated
relapse has resulted in a return to primary repair in 93% of the patients.
with an omental patch over the perforated ulcer It has been suggested that patients with peptic
[19]. Thus, as H. pylori infection seems to cause ulcer that perforate be divided into those with
ulcer recurrence after this complication, eradi- prior evaluation for H. pylori and appropriate
cation of the organism is imperative after patch therapy for the ulcer and those without adequate
closure [25]. The effect of H. pylori eradication prior evaluation or treatment for the ulcer [45].
on the natural history of perforated peptic ulcer In the first group, H. pylori-negative patients
has been addressed in a few studies. Ng et al. [42] (both because they were initially H. pylori-
randomized patients with perforated duodenal negative or because the organism has been eradi-
ulcers to receive either omeprazole alone or a cated), an ulcer-definitive surgery should be
quadruple anti-H. pylori therapy. At 1-year follow- performed, as the cause of the perforation cannot
up ulcer relapse was 38% in the omeprazole be attributed to the infection. Due to the impor-
group compared with only 5% in the group tant role that H. pylori plays in peptic ulcer dis-
receiving anti-H. pylori regimen. This study is ease, it has even been suggested that the presence
the first study examining the effect of H. pylori or the absence of the infection may be assessed
eradication in patients with perforated duodenal at the time of perforation with a rapid serological
ulcer, and noteworthily demonstrates that after test (office-based test) and, thus, H. pylori-
H. pylori eradication, and without maintenance negative cases could then be treated, as previously
acid-suppression agents, 95% of patients remain mentioned, with ulcer-definitive surgery [45].
ulcer-free at 1-year follow-up. Thus, the remis- However, whole blood tests have achieved dis-
sion rate seems to be similar to that previously couraging results in many studies and they are,
reported in uncomplicated ulcers after H. pylori at present, of doubtful usefulness [46].
eradication [43]. In the study by Alamowitch On the other hand, when inadequate prior
et al. [44], 35 patients with perforated duodenal evaluation or treatment of H. pylori infection
ulcer were treated by simple closure, peritoneal has been undertaken, three premises have been
lavage and omentoplasty; no recurrence was considered, as suggested by Donovan et al.
found after eradication of H. pylori with a [45] [1]: Most duodenal ulcers will be associa-
follow-up of 38 months. Metzger et al. [23] ted with H. pylori [2]. Ulcer-definitive surgery
prospectively studied 47 patients suffering from should not be employed until an ulcer associated
acute peptic ulcer perforation and treated them with H. pylori infection has had the benefit of
with simple closure and H. pylori eradication; H. pylori eradication therapy. And [3] treatment
follow-up (median 43.5 months) revealed no at the time of perforation should be an assured
need for reoperation for peptic ulcer disease closure of the perforation, pending determina-
and no mortality. Kate et al. [25] prospectively tion of H. pylori status. When the patient has
followed 202 patients for 2 years after simple recovered from the consequences of the perfor-
closure of a perforated duodenal ulcer; patients ation, the status of H. pylori should be investi-
were randomized to receive either ranitidine gated. If positive, H. pylori eradication regimen

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H. pylori and Perforated Ulcer 165

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