Draft Time-Table Jan 2018

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& Visvesvaraya Technological University y Jnana Sangama, Belagavi — 590 018. Prof. Satish Annigeri eno Phone : (0831)2498133 Registrar (Evaluation) Fax: (0831)2405461 Ref NoNTU/Exar/2017-2018/ 2\5 0. Date 2 NOV 2017 CIRCULAR The draft layout time tables of the University examinations to be held at the end of the odd semesters ( December 2017/ January 2018 ) of B.E./ B.Tech./ M.Tech./MBA/MCA courses are published on the VTU Website for the perusal and comments of all the people concerned. The draft time tables are in accordance with the academic calendar issued: by the Registrar, VTU. The Time tables for B.Arch., M.Arch., M.Tech.(E&C Branch for 2010 & 2012 Scheme) will be announced later. ‘The Principals of all the affiliated engineering colleges are requested to arrange for the perusal/inspection’ of the time tables for any overlap of examinations, especially in the case of students who are shifted from any old scheme to the new scheme. The same may be brought to the notice of the undersigned for correction. Suggestions/comments are welcome, but positively on or before 10-11-2017. All the concerned people are therefore requested to go through the draft layout time table and offer their suggestions and cooperate in the whole process of the examinations. Suggestions may be given through email at qpds1@vtu.ac.in. Sd- Registrar (Evaluation) To, The principals of all the affiliated engineering colleges. C.W.C. : 1, The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, through the Secretary to VC, VTU, Belagavi, for kind information. 2. The Registrar, VTU, Belagavi, for kind information. 3, The Special Officer, R.O. Bengaluru / Belagavi / Kalaburagi / Mysuru. ea ‘ Registrar (Evaluation) “S Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi __ Draft layout Time Table for B.E./B.TECH. Examinations, Dec.2017 / Jan.2018 “2010 Scheme BDI4 Sched 018 Scheme (CBCS) BOTT Scheme CBS |Semester > it, ae We # | ve vue ‘Vill fit Sem [bil sem ub Wv Vv 1 Sem Hrime —+ |930ame | 200pmz | 2.00pm to | 9300mt0 | 30am to | 90am 0 | 200pm: | 9.30am to | 2.00pm 10 | 930amio | 90smte | 200pm io Date.Day S| 1230pm | SOOpm | SO0pm | 1230pm_ | 12.30pm_| 12.30pm | 800m | 12.30pm_| S00pm | 12.30pm | 12.20pm | 00pm. | °08m C0 12.80pm 7, Non aroP3o1 | Tawar TeHATDPS razor, Toe warDPaor rauaray TawaToPa samo, Wea | _vowari® “acteswes | scPwiar 1 ozo tw | Tecra ait ‘eciPree | rsonvene a [1s12ra017, Fr 10C1P 18/28 saciviezs | ssmaris | Ee ie Eo enaaov a 10°51 worer | aPrvrana _— ewe F = v x 2 z Y coreeerrceed lanor?, Mow | tocnevaae sora er ‘wenviow [ia razr, Tue | vepuviaez | _1oret ee ‘scHENaa ea Tene raaor. Wed we ene ae Woner2 anor ms _| voecPiaas wa oe ‘owns | ae | baraaor ra | socwviaas | 19-32 (Tere cles sec 1929 ee ene anor. Sa a] vera | veins T 1s weeps 3 u x 2 x ¥ =| CHRISTMAS : baaor, Tue | ToELeTaa6 eres T sor73 ‘sence | is Prranoi7_ Wed | voemereae | 10-38 8 TSELN2S Lies Tenia fsiiaraov7, Tho ca) yore | apcbiss T tee] ens | bananow, ra | 1oELNreas ore or elerwas | ere baranor. se oro Toe 1a Tele = w 5 x x [ovorz8 | ores Tae aa — Tee oaovow Tue | voMaTa 13°85 oe ewara | 16m osovaoi, wes os cy 6s owova0 Th Teens ae [sox Fa we] ae =e joso2078, Sat Praca Ee rarer eee “ere I je eee 1548, ara wes oEvRT 1 110172008, Thy JOEVRIT oe Hee 1 For20%4 Scheme, the time table ofl to VI Sem of 2010 Scheme Is applicable. Bunwign Registrar (Evalétion) Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi Draft layout Time Table for B.E./B. TECH. Examinations, Dec.2017 / Jan. 2018 2006 Scheme : Semester > im tt Vv Vv VI Vv vii Time ——> | 930amto | 2.00pmto | 200pmto | 2.00pmto | 930amto | 930amto | 2.00pmto Date, Day 4 12.30 pm 5.00 pm 5.00 pm 5.00 pm 12.30 pm 12,30 pm 5.00 pm 29/11/2017, Wed O6MAT14 06"*31 06"*51 oe"71 [3071172017 Thu | OBELE1S/25 0641 06°61 06781 EID MILAD loanzot7, Sat__[ c6eMera24 [| 06~32 06"52 0672 : s u N D A ¥ |04/12/2017, Mon O6MAT21 o6*"42_ 06"62 06°82, 05/12/2017, Tue O6CCP13/23 06°33, 0653 06"73 (06/12/2017, Wed O6ELN15/25 06°43 06""63 06"*83" 07/12/2017, Thu O6PHY12/22 06"*34 06°54 06"*74 108/12/2017, Fri O6CHE12/22 06°44, 06"64 06"*84* loarz2017, Sat O6CIV1323 06°35 0675" 8 U N A Y 11/12/2017, Mon O6CIP18/28 MATDIP301 222017, Tue | _oBcivie/28 MATDIPAO1 13/12/2017, Wed 06745 0665 14/12/2017, Thu 06**36 0656 06"*76" 15/12/2017, Fri 06**46 06*"66" 6/12/2017, Sat OSEVRS7 OSEVR77 Boonige Registrar (Evaluation) Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi Draft layout Time Table for B.E./B. TECH. Examinations, Dec.2017 / Jan.2018 1998 Scheme 200i Seheme ‘Semester ¥ Wi vil_|_vi it mM W Vv vi Vii [Tine —> | 200pmto]| 930amo | 90am t0 | 2.00pmv | 200pmi0 | 930amio | 930amio | 200pmi0 | 200pmeo 93am to Date, Day + 5.00pm | 12.30pm | 12.30pm | $.00pm | 5.00pm 1230p 12.30pm | 5.00pm | 00pm | 12.30pm (230112017, Wed eT a PHYI222 “31 } "61 i soon, Ths om | 7 (CHE2722 La E10 MILAD : loaranot, Set ~ ore ee MaTIT | 32 I 72, s uv N o A Y ea a 7a ELEss75 ma ma me osrazor, we [es sunises_[ =a “8 7 women, wed [813 7 ewiss i =e ear rz, Tw Le copraas | __ =u foarraraor7, Fri S14 4 MES14 : “64 josnazor, Sar i GRAZ “35 55 | | 3 u N ° a Y 5 finer, wens Ta [waTo301 # [ aro, Te | _ MATOIPAOI # I EVR77 fanazor, wed [8A wATa ms 7 | j4it2z0v7, Thay oF "36 "56 76" 4 snow. Fa ES ie 7 1671272017, Sat STS. 7a | EvRST cIPT1 ciPat Timing for MATDIPSO1 and MATOIPAOt is from 2.00pm to 5.00 prn Note: This schedule is only forthe students admitted to Under Graduate Course under VTU prior to the academic year 2006-07, ‘who have completed the course in full and are not eligible for the award of degree due to backlog subjects. Bri: Registrar (Evaluation) Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi Draft layout Time Table for M.TECH. Examinations, Dec.2017 / Jan.2018 M TECH. TECH. — an Sesame asa — aac] | ames lems et ee oe i bere : ee distal bis patie ee pa poe a pee mete fee ae sage age rss seme Ser at eee soe [er areal eer ee eee Jiarizaoi7, Tue | 10°11 Tarot 1224 16°21 |2910112048, Mon | 16°11 fone. we et wen] Paes | en 7 wai sian eal aa = et t fea me [ime 2 = a lacanocn eo | seme leer, Fe eves ae a wor] ome ie escerore, wn] toe jrvraror7, sat | tom, | 1123 23 eran 16-23 Jorrorz0%e, wed | 16-25" 8 yu N DA v Iwr272017, Men [sores 13, 1133" semas a toran0%7, Tue roa raza 1a13, fevarot7, Wee 107724 | wea a2 levrarort, ta | 10-45" 10-22" s025" e285" ferent, Ft | 102s 145+ ras 1425 033" aes ara, sat | Registrar (Evaluation) Visvesvaraya Technological U: ersity, Belagavi Draft layout Time Table for MBA Examinations, Dec.2017 / Jan.2018 MBA CBC: MBA WI0Ssheme | 1012 Scheme FoT4 Scheme 016 Scheme TOG Scheme CBCS] — Ts n tne >| 0pm] 9a 0am al Zp |b To] 80em 6] Lipm | Zpm [Stam wl 30am | ZoOgmw | Lodpmie Eipmist Tamme] ftme ns Lapa lw cept [Sogn intone | 230pm|Aonpm | I2dopm |20pm| sogpa’| we" [i2apm| tzi0pm| “slip” | “Lam” | Sojpm'| zsopm | [Ose bey store sano, Wed Towaaas Tomsker 1 FeMeaweeson ewennso;) |23/01720%8, Tue |16MBAt3| rertanor. Ty [owaa7 Tewaasi Fanner ewanas fasovaore, Thu [oman raran0t7. Fa rowanee rowan anBara TaaBasi aa reaario; reveariaen remaara| 16/12/2017, Sat_ | 10MBA12 | TOMBAS2, T2MBA2} | TaMaaat] | awbaza. aMBAF W407] 16MBA22 |29/01/2018, Mon | 16MBA14| ee 51012018, Woo | veMBAt5| a0 Won roa wwn | aaa Tawanae ewan) [wanna] ‘wvaareaoi| [oawanors, Fa _[remaare| en201 yoMeAss| 12MBA22 | ‘yaMBAAa| ‘14MBA23 J4MBAHR4O7| 1EMBAZS. rant Wed Townnze aaa i Tan Taeaiacee ravenna feaaoir tw ae ama me Twanes awensa eanze aaa es |_| owas aes Favane mea Taian raanre rwaariae aaaotr set {woven wea [_[rawanae me (aware rae] eae = ea CHRISTMAS aaa, Toe one Sar [amaase ees Tae] Fame aaron (z7rs22017, Wes | 1oMBA‘6| Bed 12MBA25| e7 Trameaze | T4MGAHRGO8| TEMBAZE ava Ta rouaar Sea aan tea ama] aes ration lsriaao7, Fr | Towbar? Bea ras ae Fanaa foacorr,sat_| aranrnea Tera CSUN ESESEHY TESEESD TEESE SESTEE? ‘aa Pawan bara on) 1 owe, Taare [aan jos01/2018, Fe T T4MBA-Ee-16) cere set I i Tans ana wad ‘aien eer faov0%8 Thy Taos Taare fanvao%s Fa aaa Registrar (Evaluation) Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi Draft layout Time Table for MBA(IM) Examinations, Dec.2017 / Jan. 2018 CBCS MBAGM) 2014 Scheme 2016 Scheme 2016 Scheme [CBCS} Jsemester+ 1 u 1 T Vv it 11 Semester I Htime > }9.30am to 1230pm| 9.30am to 12.30pm| 2.00pm t0 5.00pm | 2.00pm to SG0pm [2.00pm to 500pm|9.30amt0 1230pm| [Time > 200m 10 loste, Days loate, Days S.00om 19/12/2017, Wed TaMBAINST TeBANST [23/01/2018, Tue | 16MBAIMT4 ar2m20%7, Thu [__tameaiat [_taweamer | tewpaimat [280172018, Thu | 16MBAIMA2 fsav2ot7, Fe TaMBAIMT “aMBAINS2 TeMBAIMS2 271012018, Sat_|1ewBainis| ferter20%7. Sat = tanaaniae “awoawaz | 1eweaiuae [29101/2078, Mon | 1eMBAINGA| SUNDAY [s110172018, Wed | temBAIN5 TaNBAWIERT, | TeMBanaiesT7- jn2/017, Mon | _14mBaim2 ee [evens | [22/22018, Fn | temeanme| TaMBAMIESTS, 9/12/2017, Tue {aMBAINZ3 TMBAIMIES'S. | seyeaiaa TaRBAITETTE TEMBAIEST2, eee Ns Mes eee eure aMBAIMETS22 ssupawers22 | TaMBAMIENTE, jevi22017, Thu saMBAIN2s ‘aMBamtes'é. | seysaimza TaMBAIMESTS. TaNBAIMESIS, jearareni7, Fe neat SaMBAIMPT323, J6MBAMPTI25. TaNBAMEST?. learara017, Sat s4aMBainas TaMBAWIE®?. | seyeainas SUNDAY jasrtar2017, Mon _{ CHRISTMAS TaMBAIMIEST, eMBATMESA, eartar20i?, Tue | ¥MBAIMTS 1aMBAIMPT S24 416MBAIMPT326 TaNBAMMIERTE, fazereo%7. Wed 14MBAINZS Tiveawesss | _‘eMeanwae zenanor7, Tw | 1aMBanas Re Bovnig, istrar (Evaluation) Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belaga Draft layout Time Table for MCA Examinations, Dec.2017 / Jan.2018 Barvs, MCA MICK iOSsicae TB Sene HivSengewCS| | [Fore See ORC] |semosier-> 1 uJ wv v 1 i rea 1 Semester-+ Ts foot [Resear [525 | tr | tra” | eam | pear | ge | 7am | Ste” | Pei | Ate [Pine | Pont | tm” ica TOMCAZY | l | 19Mcmat semcast | |zevor2018, mon | 16MCAIY }12/12/2017, Tue | 1OMCA11 Ttomeass | TMCAIT vamcast | 13MCAST | TEMCAZT | |311012018, Wed | 16MCA12 ew we rowan ‘iene er Tana Tevcnae] founanone | vena aaa. | Touea® Towne) | vos [vera awe ravens | wena fae, won | omcaie fever, Fe tOMCADS tomenez tamcazz NEARS semcass | [ovmarzows, wea | remcars rama co rouoae mo “acne [wens 1911212017, Tue | 10MCA14 YOMCA34 JOMGAS3 | 13MICA14 13MCA34 ramcasa | tewcaza | [eorazo%7, Wea 10McA25 romcaas 1SMCAZ6 13MCAAS* T8MCAS5+ j2v12/2017, Thu | 10MCA1S | tomcass TOMCASA" | 13MCAIS 13MCA35" TaMCASS* | 18MCA25 ane. a [wen ‘awe \23/12/2017, Sat ‘TOMCASS* | See Registrar (Evatuation)

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