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Book 2 Units 4-5

(Text 1)
W: Why don’t you enter the room?
M: I tried all the keys in the lock, but it won’t open.
(Text 2)
M: My brother has been studying abroad for a year.
W: Really? Which country is he studying in now?
(Text 3)
M: Can you tell me the date of this oil painting?
W: Sorry, I don’t know for sure, but I guess it’s an early eighteenth century work.
(Text 4)
W: I hear you’re going to drive to New York this weekend.
M: No, I’ve changed my mind. I think flying will be more comfortable.
W: That’s a shame! I meant to go there by car too.
M: Really? Let’s go together then.
(Text 5)
M: How are you getting along with your new job here?
W: Well, I’m used to lots of new things, but I wish the manager would give me more advice.
M: He didn’t? I will remind him.
W: Thank you very much.
(Text 6)
M: Hello, this is Amanda’s, can I help you?
W: I’d like a haircut, please. Could you make an appointment for me?
M: OK, what time?
W: What about tomorrow afternoon, around 2 o’clock?
M: Sure. Which hairdresser do you prefer, ma’am?
W: William.
M: Sorry, William has been booked up. Would you mind changing your hairdresser?
W: Of course not. Who is available?
M: Well, what about Tom, one of our top hairdressers?
W: Good.
M: So, two o’clock tomorrow afternoon, Tom will be waiting for you here. Is that OK?
W: That will be fine.
M: May I have your name, please?
W: Yes. It’s Becky. B-E-C-K-Y, Becky.
M: Right, Ms. Becky, see you tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for calling.
W: Thanks. Goodbye.
(Text 7)
M: Is that Parson’s Music?
W: Yes, what can I do for you?
M: Well, I’d like to take your special course on druming.
W: Good choice. Actually, we have invited several qualified drummers to give courses.
M: Great. But I still need to know some details, like the time arrangements, transportation, etc.
W: Well, the teachers are available every Wednesday and Friday morning, and the classes are from
9 to 11.
M: So I can take lessons either on Wednesday or on Friday, right?
W: Yes.
M: OK. Then how much will I have to pay for the class?
W: The teachers in our center are usually paid by the hour. And the fee is from 90 to 150 yuan per
hour depending on which teacher you choose.
(Text 8)
M: You look pale. What’s wrong with you?
W: I am not feeling well. I’ve got a headache and a sore throat, and I can’t stand it.
M: Well, did you go to see a doctor?
W: Yes, I went to the emergency room last night.
M: What did the doctor say?
W: He took my temperature and asked me how long I had been like that.
M: Do you know the reason why you became ill?
W: I was caught in the rain and I got wet.
M: Then you caught a bad cold.
W: Yes. We must take good care of ourselves.
M: Exactly right. But don’t worry about it. Do as the doctor told you.
W: He told me to take this medicine three times a day and take three days off work, I’m supposed
to stay in bed and drink a lot of water.
M: Take care of yourself.
W: Thank you.
(Text 9)
W: Hello! John!
M: Hi! Jane!
W: Did you watch that TV documentary last night?
M: No, I was in my office trying to finish a report. What was it about?
W: It was about insects. It was really beautiful!
M: Insects?
W: Yes, I now know that they are the most successful creatures on earth.
M: More successful than humans?
W: Yes. Because they were around long before people were and there are far more insects than
there are humans. They are reproducing all the time.
M: I suppose that’s true.
W: And they are extremely adaptable.
M: In what way?
W: Well, take mosquitoes for example. You know, the things that spread the disease. What
troubles us is that every time we try to wipe out the mosquitoes with some new medicine, they
change their body chemistry.
M: Haven’t the scientists brought out a new medicine to fight mosquitoes?
W: Yes, they have. But I think within 5 years they will be looking for a new one! The mosquitoes
will adapt again.
M: I think it keeps the scientists employed!
(Text 10)
Over 40 years after he burst upon the scene as a gold-medal winner at the 1960 Olympics, in
Rome, Muhammad Ali remains a magical figure, known and loved throughout the world.
Muhammad Ali was born in Kentucky in 1942 and he retired from boxing in 1980. Before
becoming a professional boxer, he won 100 out of 108 amateur fights. Later, as a professional, Ali
was trained by Anglo Dundee, who pushed him on to face champion boxer Sonny Liston in 1974 .
In this exciting match, Liston was unable to continue the fight after the sixth round. After winning
the championship fight against Liston, Ali announced that he had joined the Black Muslim
religion. At that time, the Vietnam War was going on. As Ali claimed to be against the war and
refused to enter the U.S. Army, he was not allowed to box and was given a 5-year prison sentence.
The jail sentence was proved to be invalid later but Ali was banned from boxing. After three years,
however, he was given back his licence to box. Muhammad Ali became the first man to win the
world’s heavy-weight boxing title three times.
参考答案: 1-5 CACAB 6-10 ABACB 11-15 ACACB 16-20 AACCB

Book 2 Units 4-5

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
请听下面 5 段对话,选出最佳选项。
1. What’s the man’s problem?
A. He loses his way. B. He breaks his keys. C. He can’t open the door.
2. What does the woman want to know about the man’s brother?
A. Where he is studying. B. What subjects he is studying.
C. When he is returning.
3. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At a book store. B. In a workshop. C. At an art gallery.
4. How will the speakers go to New York?
A. By car. B. By air. C. By train.
5. What does the woman hope for?
A. Praise every day. B. Her manager’s advice.
C. A meal with her manager.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
请听下面 5 段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。
请听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。
6. What time is the woman’s appointment?
A. At two tomorrow afternoon. B. At three this afternoon.
C. At three tomorrow afternoon.
7. Who will be waiting for the woman?
A. William. B. Tom. C. The man speaker.
请听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。
8. How long does a lesson last?
A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours.
9. When can the man attend the course?
A. On Wednesday afternoon. B. On Thursday morning. C. On Friday morning.
请听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. What are the woman’s symptoms?
A. She has a stomachache and a sore throat. B. She has a headache and a sore throat.
C. She has a backache and a sore throat.
11. Why did the woman fall ill?
A. She was caught in the rain. B. She was caught in the snow.
C. She had a cold bath.
12. How often did the doctor tell the woman to take the medicine?
A. Once a day. B. Twice a day. C. Three times a day.
请听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
13. What did the man do last night?
A. He tried to finish a report in his office. B. He watched the TV documentary at home.
C. He read some books on insects at home.
14. What does the woman say about the insects?
A. They are the most harmful creatures on earth.
B. They are less successful than humans.
C. They are the most successful creatures on earth.
15. Why do people always fail in wiping out the mosquitoes?
A. They will never change their body chemistry.
B. They can adapt to new medicines easily.
C. They are reproducing too fast all the time.
16. Which word can best describe the man?
A. Humorous. B. Pessimistic. C. Depressed.
请听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. How old was Ali when he retired from boxing?
A. 38. B. 42. C. 48.
18. Who was Ali’s first coach after he became a professional boxer?
A. Sonny Liston. B. Anglo Black. C. Anglo Dundee.
19. Why was Ali arrested?
A. He believed in an illegal religion. B. He beat another competitor to death.
C. He refused to join the army.
20. Which of the following about Ali is TRUE according to the talk?
A. He won 100 of 118 fights as a professional boxer.
B. He won the championship fight after 6 rounds in 1974.
C. He was given a 3-year prison sentence.

上海 郭红

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