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Mr. Usman Asghar


Muhammad Usama Zubair



05th-May -2021



QNO:01 What are the Static/motionless Mixers? Differentiate b/w their different

Static Mixer
A static blender is an exactness designed gadget for the constant blending of liquid materials,
without moving segments. Ordinarily the liquids to be blended are fluid, however static blenders
can likewise be utilized to blend gas streams, scatter gas into fluid or mix immiscible fluids. The
energy required for blending comes from a misfortune in pressure as liquids move through the
static blender. One plan of static blender is the plate-type blender and another regular gadget type
comprises of blender components contained in a tube shaped (tube) or squared lodging. Blender
size can fluctuate from around 6 mm to 6 meters measurement.

❖ They kill the requirement for tanks, fomenters, moving parts and direct intention force and
they permits to acquire profoundly proficient blending in with low energy utilization.
❖ The energy needed for blending is productively extricated as pressing factor drop from the
liquid course through the components. Blenders are constantly introduced in existing
frameworks without diminishing the limit of existing siphons.

Standards of activity
The components are helical or pseudo-helical and are orchestrated in a progression of exchanging
left and right hand 180 turns. The components split the liquids entering in two streams and than
pivot them through 180 degrees. The components are in arrangement in the blender. As the
quantity of streams or layers builds, the layer thickness diminishes. Ordinarily, 12 to 24
components are needed to give a total blend.

If there should arise an occurrence of two miscible fluids in a violent stream, the principle
instrument is outspread blending: liquids are continually moved from the line place to the line
dividers and the liquid shift bearing with each succeeding component. To accomplish a completely
homogeneous blend in a violent stream 1.5 to 4 components are adequate. In the event of two
immiscible fluids in a violent stream, the spiral blending system lessens outspread contrasts in
speed and in bead sizes.

Channel blenders:
Channel blenders cover a wide scope of flowrates and are ideal for productive compound dosing.
They permit synthetic reserve funds with thusly prudent and ecological reserve funds.

Line Mixers:
In tempered steel, PVC, PP, carbon steel, fixable or removable. Accessible with warming and
cooling coats, injectors, test focuses and instrumentation managers. Reasonable for all businesses.
Wide scope of distances across: from 10 to 300 cm.

Gas Dispersion frameworks:

It utilizes two unique blenders, one to frame gas bubbles and the second to give contact time and
proficient mass exchange

The fundamental applications are in the accompanying fields:

❖ Water and wastewater treatment

❖ Oil, gas and petro synthetic businesses
❖ Continuous measure enterprises
❖ Food and drug
❖ Pulp and paper
QNO :02 How we can find the power consumption for agitation problem by using
flow number and power number?

Flow Number
Flow number (FN), in cycles, is the quantity of burden cycles at which the HMA blend enters the
tertiary zone (i.e., beginning of tertiary stream) under vertical continued stacking, which compares
to the mi worth of the strain rate (i.e., least worth of the bend slant).

Figure 3 shows a photo of blending impellers utilized in this work. The blending vessel utilized is
appeared in Figure 4. The vessels for the estimation of force utilization are level base tube shaped
ones of internal breadth D = 185 and 200 mm. Three sorts of puzzled conditions were principally
utilized: unbaffled, four confuses of (i.e., the standard bewildered condition), and completely
astounded. The bewilders were plate type.

For the estimation of the force utilization, the fluids utilized were desalted water and fluctuating
starch-syrup arrangements . The fluid was filled to the tallness equivalent to the vessel distance
across (H = D). Force utilization was estimated with the shaft force T and rotational speed (n) by
utilizing two sorts of force meter. Static blenders are introduced in thousand of interaction plants
around the world, giving the best quality of blending productivity, dependability and economy.
Static blenders are assembled in the accompanying classes:

Channel blenders:
Introduced in new treatment works or retrofitted in existing establishments, they quickly
accomplish a serious level of blend in with amazingly low headloss on short lengths. Channel
blenders cover a wide scope of flowrates and are ideal for productive compound dosing. They
permit synthetic investment funds with thus efficient and natural reserve funds.

Line Mixers:
In treated steel, PVC, PP, carbon steel, fixable or removable. Accessible with warming and cooling
coats, injectors, test focuses and instrumentation managers. Reasonable for all businesses.

Wide scope of widths: from 10 to 300 cm.

Gas Dispersion frameworks:

It utilizes two unique blenders, one to frame gas bubbles and the second to give contact time and
proficient mass exchange .

The fundamental applications are in the accompanying fields:

❖ Water and wastewater treatment

❖ Oil, gas and petro compound businesses
❖ Continuous measure ventures
❖ Food and drug
❖ Pulp and paper

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