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Basler Electric

Spreadsheet for Testing and Analysis of the Basler Current Differential Di

This spreadsheet presents basic calculations associated with current distribution in electric power transformers, but users s
purported to be complete or comprehensive. In developing this software Basler Electric has attempted to develop accurate
free from bugs, errors, or other program limitations. Users are encouraged to use good judgment with the results, and cons
and results for the specific use or purpose of the user.

By use of this program, the user agrees that Basler Electric disclaims all warranties of noninfringement of third party rights,
user assumes the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software. In no event will Basler Electric be liable for a
regarding this software, the user agrees that the venue shall be the State of Illinois.

Purpose of this Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet is intended to assist in the analysis of Basler Differential Relays in both commissioning testing and post fa
1) Introduction
2) 87T-Testing == For testing the relay with two single phase current sources.
3) 87T-Diff Calc-Isec == For determining relay response to an arbitrary injected current.
4) CDS Testing == For testing the CDS220 or 240 with two single phase current sources.
5) CDS220-Diff Calcs-Isec == For determining relay response to an arbitrary injected current.
6) CDS220-Diff Calcs-Ipri == For determining relay resonse to an arbitrary primary current. Includes CT connection and ra
7) CDS240-Diff Calcs-Isec == For determining relay response to an arbitrary injected current.
8) User == A blank sheet for the user to keep job notes and calcs on.

Instructions, Notes
=> See each sheet for instructions specific to that sheet.
=> The spreadsheets have data already entered in. This is for information only, so one can see the type of information expe
=> On common 1024x768 screens, most sheets are best viewed at 75% zoom. If one has a higher resolution monitor, one
=> See papers on the Basler Electric Web site for additioal information and transformer differential theory
=> Send comments on this spreadsheet to ""

Revision Notes:
Rev. D.1; 03/26/03; Request for comments
Rev. D.2; DDAB calc error fixed.
Rev. 0.1; Initial release, including a couple formating updates relative to rev 0 as used at Megger Conference, 06/27/05
Rev. 0.2; Fixed "Iop>MPU?" check, cells G31/G32, 87T-Diff Calcs-Isec sheet; revised disclaimer wording. 11/22/05

Basler Electric Company, P.O. Box 269, Highland, Illinois USA 62249
Phone: 618/654-2341 - Fax: 618/654-2351 - Website:
Current Differential Differential Relays, BE1-87T and BE1-CDS2x0

power transformers, but users should be aware the specific applications were intended, so the results cannot
attempted to develop accurate calculation methods, but Basler Electric does not warrant that the software is
ment with the results, and consult with a Basler Electric representative to determine the accuracy of the data

nfringement of third party rights, quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The
will Basler Electric be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages. In the event of any litigation

ommissioning testing and post fault event analysis. The sheets and their puropose are:

. Includes CT connection and ratio effects.

see the type of information expected. Update all information and settings appropriately.
higher resolution monitor, one might raise the zoom control to 100% for clearer viewing.
erential theory

egger Conference, 06/27/05

aimer wording. 11/22/05
BE1-87T, 3 Phase, Testing With 2 Single Phase Current Sources
This sheet predicts targets on BE1-87T when testing with two single phase test sets, with the relay set at user's final settings.
-- Enter data in yellow fields only. Range cell becomes red if out of range data is entered.
-- Input "1" and "2" are used for reference, but each can refer to any of the relay's 3 phase inputs. There up to three 3 phase inputs on a BE1-87T.
-- This sheet does not support back to back delta compensation (e.g., DAB-DAC and DAC-DAB compensation jumper configurations).

RELAY SETTINGS (Red range cell flags bad data) Range

Nominal Amp Rating of Inputs 5 5 or 1
% Slope 25 15-60, steps of 5
Minimum Pick-Up (MPU) 0.35 Normally 0.35
Input 1 Tap 2 2.0-8.9 or 0.4-1.78
Input 1 Compensation Jumper d1 Y, D1, D2
Input 2 Tap 6 2.0-8.9 or 0.4-1.78
Input 2 Compensation Jumper y Y, D1, D2
Suggest repeating test at 0, 1, 3, and 5 MOT. Selecting 0 MOT means the spreadsheet gives min. pickup. Higher MOT might
be tested but max. continuous rating of relay is 20A.
Initially inject into Input 1 (amps): 1.74 < 0
Initially inject into Input 2 (amps): 5.22 < 180
Connect polarity/non-polarity of the two test set sources to the indicated phase on relay, or the relay common non-polarity as
Intermediate Calculations:
indicated by the matrix below. See IM Section 5 for examples..
Test # 1 (87PH-A) Relay Ph A Pol Relay Ph B Pol Relay Ph C Pol Relay NonPol When increasing input 1, % Slope is exceeded at: 2.32
Relay Input 1: Test Set 1 Polarity N.C. N.C. Test Set 1 NonPol. When decreasing input 1, % Slope is exceeded at: 1.31
Relay Input 2: Test Set 2 Polarity Test Set 2 NonPol. N.C. N.C. When increasing input 2, % Slope is exceeded at: 6.96
Phases that give targets at trip level: Phase A Phase B When decreasing input 2, % Slope is exceeded at: 3.92
Test # 2 (87PH-B) Relay Ph A Pol Relay Ph B Pol Relay Ph C Pol Relay NonPol When increasing input 1, Min Operate is exceeded at: 2.44
Relay Input 1: N.C. Test Set 1 Polarity N.C. Test Set 1 NonPol. When decreasing Input 1, Min Operate is exceeded at: 1.04
Relay Input 2: N.C. Test Set 2 Polarity Test Set 2 NonPol. N.C. When increasing input 2, Min Operate is exceeded at: 7.32
Phases that give targets at trip level: Phase B Phase C When decreasing Input 2, Min Operate is exceeded at: 3.12
Test # 3 (87PH-C) Relay Ph A Pol Relay Ph B Pol Relay Ph C Pol Relay NonPol
Relay Input 1: N.C. N.C. Test Set 1 Polarity Test Set 1 NonPol.
Relay Input 2: Test Set 2 NonPol. N.C. Test Set 2 Polarity N.C.
Phases that give targets at trip level: Phase A Phase C
As Found
TRIP OCCURS AT THESE CURRENTS: Nominal +/- Range Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Increasing Input 1 current: 2.44 0.246 2.19 2.69
Decreasing Input 1 current: 1.04 0.162 0.88 1.20
Increasing Input 2 current: 7.32 0.539 6.78 7.86
Decreasing Input 2 current: 3.12 0.287 2.83 3.41
BE1-87T, 3 Phase, Differential Calculations, Arbitrary Isec.
This sheet predicts tripping of a BE1-87T for a set of two user-defined CT secondary current inputs
-- Enter data in yellow fields only. Blue cells are calculated by the spreadsheet.
-- Input 1 and 2 are used for reference; each can refer to any of the relay's 3-phase inputs. There up to three 3-phase inputs on a BE1-87T.
-- The spreadsheet reproduces the differential calculations of the BE1-87T to assist in determining if a trip should occur for a given test current.
-- Range cells will be green normally, but turn red to flag out-of-range settings.
-- Recall the relay expects current reversal across the xfmr, so balanced currents are shifted by 150, 180, or -150 degrees in most applications. For
instance, for balanced 3 phase current, current at Input 2 should be shifted by 180deg if jumpers are Y-Y, +150deg if jumpers are Y-D1, and -150deg
if jumpers are Y-D2.

RELAY SETTINGS (Red range cell flags bad data) Range Current Inputs, Per Unit of Tap: Mag. Angle Intermediate Calculations
Nominal Amp Rating of Inputs 5 5 or 1 Input 1, Ph A 0.550 0 D1, D2 Jumper Compensation Equations:
% Slope 25 15-60, steps of 5 Input 1, Ph B 0.550 -120 Input 1, Rectangular format D1, D2 Equations
Minimum Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.35 See Cell Comment Input 1, Ph C 0.550 120 Real Imag Real Imag Mag Angle
Input 1 Tap 2 2.0-8.9 or 0.4-1.78 Input 2, Ph A 0.500 150 A 0.5500 0.0000 D1;1A-1C 0.8250 -0.4763 0.9526 -30.0
Input 1 Compensation Jumper Y Y, D1, D2 Input 2, Ph B 0.500 30 B -0.2750 -0.4763 D1;1B-1A -0.8250 -0.4763 0.9526 -150.0
Input 2 Tap 6 2.0-8.9 or 0.4-1.78 Input 2, Ph C 0.500 -90 C -0.2750 0.4763 D1;1C-1B 0.0000 0.9526 0.9526 90.0
Input 2 Compensation Jumper d2 Y, D1, D2 Restraint, with Compensation Jumper Effects D2;1A-1B 0.8250 0.4763 0.9526 30.0
Input 1, A Comparator 0.550 0 D2;1B-1C 0.0000 -0.9526 0.9526 -90.0
Input 1, B Comparator 0.550 -120 D2;1C-1A -0.8250 0.4763 0.9526 150.0
INJECTED CURRENT AT INPUT 1 Input 1, C Comparator 0.550 120 Input 2, Rectangular format D1, D2 Equations
(Single phase entry sufficient) Mag. Angle Input 2, A Comparator 0.866 180 A -0.4330 0.2500 D1;2A-2C -0.4330 0.7500 0.8660 120.0
Current @ Input 1, Ph A 1.1 0 Input 2, B Comparator 0.866 60 B 0.4330 0.2500 D1;2B-2A 0.8660 0.0000 0.8660 0.0
Current @ Input 1, Ph B 1.1 -120 Input 2, C Comparator 0.866 -60 C 0.0000 -0.5000 D1;2C-2B -0.4330 -0.7500 0.8660 -120.0
Current @ Input 1, Ph C 1.1 120 Effective Restraint (Largest Restraint x Slope) D2;2A-2B -0.8660 0.0000 0.8660 180.0
INJECTED CURRENTS AT INPUT 2 A Comparator 0.217 D2;2B-2C 0.4330 0.7500 0.8660 60.0
Mag. Angle B Comparator 0.217 D2;2C-2A 0.4330 -0.7500 0.8660 -60.0
Current @ Input 2, Ph A 3 150 C Comparator 0.217 Convert Restraint to Rectangular format
Current @ Input 2, Ph B 3 30 Mag. Operate Current (Restraint 1 - Restraint 2) X jY
Current @ Input 2, Ph C 3 -90 A Comparator 0.316 Input 1 A 0.5500 0.0000
B Comparator 0.316 B -0.2750 -0.4763
C Comparator 0.316 C -0.2750 0.4763
Trip? (I Op>MPU? & I Op>Restraint?) Input 2 A -0.8660 0.0000
A Comparator No B 0.4330 0.7500
B Comparator No C 0.4330 -0.7500
C Comparator No Sum Restraint to find Operate Current
X jY Mag Angle
Sum 1A+2A -0.3160 0.0000 0.3160 180.0
1B+2B 0.1580 0.2737 0.3160 60.0
1C+2C 0.1580 -0.2737 0.3160 -60.0
BE1-CDS, Testing With 2 Single Phase Current Sources
This sheet predicts targets on the BE1-CDS2x0 when testing with two single phase test sets, with the relay set at user's final settings.
-- Enter data in yellow fields only. Range cells become red if bad data is entered. Blue cells are calculated by the spreadsheet.
-- While most directly applicable to the CDS220, this spreadsheet can be used to analyze the CDS240 if one mentally compensates for the winding numbers and does not use the advanced compensation schemes in the CDS240.
-- The spreadsheet expects one to understand compensation that the relay is using and enter net compensation, not the Xfmr or CT configuration. See IM chapter 3.


Nominal Amp Rating of Inputs 5 5 or 1 Intermediate Calculations:
Use Max. or Avg. Restraint? M M or A 87 Phase:
87Phase Min Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.35 0.10-1.00 Messages appear below if certain 87Phase Effective Tap = Tap setting x sqrt(3) if DAB or DAC compensation is used.
Phase % Slope 35 15-60, steps of 1 unsupported settings are selected Input 1 Effective Tap for 87Ph calcs: 4.000 Hence, 3 MOT is (amps): 12.00
Input 1 Tap 4 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 Input 2 Effective Tap for 87Ph calcs: 8.660 Hence, 3 MOT is (amps): 25.98
Input 1 Compensation (see IM Chpt 3) y Y, DAB, DAC Trip Levels (amps): Max Restr. Avg. Restr. In Use:
Input 1 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N When increasing input 1, % Slope is exceeded at: 18.462 17.091 18.462
Input 2 Tap 5 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 When decreasing input 1, % Slope is exceeded at: 7.800 8.426 7.800
Input 2 Compensation (see IM Chpt 3) dab Y, DAB, DAC When increasing input 2, % Slope is exceeded at: 39.970 37.003 39.970
Input 2 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N When decreasing input 2, % Slope is exceeded at: 16.887 18.242 16.887
87Gnd Min Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.5 0.10-1.00 When increasing input 1, Min Operate is exceeded at: 13.400 13.400 13.400
87Gnd % Slope 20 15-60, steps of 1 When decreasing Input 1, Min Operate is exceeded at: 10.600 10.600 10.600
Which input # is Ig is compared to? 2 1 or 2 When increasing input 2, Min Operate is exceeded at: 29.012 29.012 29.012
Phase CT Ratio for Input 2 300 N to 1 When decreasing Input 2, Min Operate is exceeded at: 22.950 22.950 22.950
Ground CT Ratio 100 N to 1 87 Neutral:
87N Tap, Ig Input side 6.00 See cell notes Phase tap to be used in 87N calculations (= tap setting of selected phase):
87N Tap, Phase Input side 2.00 See cell notes above Trip Levels (amps): Max Restr. Avg. Restr. In Use:
MULTIPLES OF TAP (MOT) FOR TEST 3 When increasing input 2, % Slope is exceeded at: 7.500 7.333 7.500
87PHASE TEST When decreasing input 2, % Slope is exceeded at: 4.800 4.909 4.800
Suggest repeating test at 0, 1, 3, and 5 MOT. Selecting 0 MOT means the spreadsheet gives min. pickup. Higher MOT When increasing input Ig, % Slope is exceeded at: 22.500 22.000 22.500
might be tested but max. continuous rating of relay is 20A. When decreasing input Ig, % Slope is exceeded at: 14.400 14.727 14.400
INITIAL CURRENT INJECTION VALUE FOR PHASE TEST When increasing input 2, Min Operate is exceeded at: 7.000 7.000 7.000
Initially inject into Input 1 (amps): 12.000 < 0 When decreasing input 2, Min Operate is exceeded at: 5.000 5.000 5.000
Initially inject into Input 2 (amps): 25.981 < 180 When increasing input Ig, Min Operate is exceeded at: 21.000 21.000 21.000
TEST SET CONNECTIONS AND EXPECTED TARGETS When decreasing Input Ig, Min Operate is exceeded at: 15.000 15.000 15.000
Jumper non-polarities on each relay input together. Connect polarity/non-polarity of the two test set sources to the
indicated polarity or non-polarity of the relay. See IM Sect.13 for example connections.
Test # 1 (87PH-A) Relay Ph A Pol. Relay Ph B Pol. Relay Ph C Pol. Relay NonPol.
Relay Input 1: Test Set 1 Pol. N.C. Test Set 1 NonPol. N.C. PHASE DIFFERENTIAL TESTS
Relay Input 2: Test Set 2 Pol. N.C. N.C. Test Set 2 NonPol. TRIP OCCURS AT THESE CURRENTS: As Found
Phases that give targets at trip level: Phase A Phase C Nominal +/- Range Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Test # 2 (87PH-B) Relay Ph A Pol. Relay Ph B Pol. Relay Ph C Pol. Relay NonPol. Increasing Input 1 current: 18.46 0.738 17.72 19.20
Relay Input 1: Test Set 1 NonPol. Test Set 1 Pol. N.C. N.C. Decreasing Input 1 current: 7.80 0.312 7.49 8.11
Relay Input 2: N.C. Test Set 2 Pol. N.C. Test Set 2 NonPol. Increasing Input 2 current: 39.97 1.599 38.37 41.57
Phases that give targets at trip level: Phase A Phase B Decreasing Input 2 current: 16.89 0.675 16.21 17.56
Test # 3 (87PH-C) Relay Ph A Pol. Relay Ph B Pol. Relay Ph C Pol. Relay NonPol. GROUND DIFFERENTIAL TESTS
Relay Input 1: N.C. Test Set 1 NonPol. Test Set 1 Pol. N.C. TRIP OCCURS AT THESE CURRENTS:
Relay Input 2: N.C. N.C. Test Set 2 Pol. Test Set 2 NonPol. Nominal +/- Range As Found
Phases that give targets at trip level: Phase B Phase C Increasing Input Ig current: 22.50 0.900 21.60 23.40
87N TEST Decreasing Input Ig current: 14.40 0.576 13.82 14.98
INITIAL CURRENT INJECTION VALUE AND TEST SET CONNECTION Increasing Input 2 current: 7.50 0.300 7.20 7.80
Initially inject into Input Ig (amps): 18.00 Decreasing Input 2 current: 4.80 0.192 4.61 4.99
Initially inject into Input 2, any phase, but 180 degrees out of phase with Ig: 6.00 BE CAREFUL: At least one of the listed test currents is above the maximum continuous rating of the relay (20A).
BE1-CDS220, Differential Calculations for Arbitrary Isec
This sheet predicts tripping of a BE1-CDS220 for a set of arbitrary user-defined CT secondary current inputs
-- Enter data in yellow fields only, entering only data listed in the "Range" cell. Range cells become red if bad data is entered.
-- The spreadsheet expects one to understand compensation that the relay is using and enter net compensation, not the Xfmr configuration. See IM chapter 3.
-- This sheet is for analyzing the effect of CT secondary currents being injected into the relay. This is not analyzing effect of primary current on relay. Note the CT Ratio is not
entered in this spreadsheet (except for the purpose of calculating the 87N Tap).
-- This sheet supports DAC, DAB, and "Ground Source" compensations of the CDS220.
-- Recall the relay expects current reversal across the xfmr, so balanced currents are shifted by 150, 180, or -150 degrees in most applications. For instance, for balanced 3
phase current, current at Input 2 should be shifted by 180deg if xfmr is Y-Y, +150deg for a DAB-Y xfmr, and -150deg for a DAC-Y xfmr.


Effective Restraint (see cell notes)
Nominal Amp Rating of Inputs 5 5 or 1 Mag. Angle
Restr. = Max. or Avg. Mult. of Tap? M M or A Input 1, Ph A 8 0.0 A Comparator 0.700
87Phase Min Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.25 0.10-1.00 Input 1, Ph B 0 0.0 B Comparator 0.000
Phase % Slope 35 15-60, steps of 1 Input 1, Ph C 8 180.0 C Comparator 0.700
Input 1 Tap 4 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 CURRENTS AT RELAY INPUT 2 Gnd Comparator 0.762
Input 1 Compensation (see IM Chpt 3) y Y, DAB, DAC Mag. Angle
Input 1 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N Input 2, Ph A 7.62 180.0
Mag. Operate Current (Rest. 1+2)
Input 2 Tap 2.2 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 Input 2, Ph B 0 30.0
Input 2 Compensation (see IM Chpt 3) dab Y, DAB, DAC Input 2, Ph C 0 0.0 A Comparator 0.000
Input 2 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N CURRENT AT RELAY INPUT IG B Comparator 0.000
87Gnd Min Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.2 0.10-1.00 Mag. Angle C Comparator 0.000
87Gnd % Slope 20 15-60, steps of 1 Current @ Input Ig 15.24 0.0 Gnd Comparator 0.000
Which input # is Ig compared to? 2 1, 2. 3, 4 Input Current/Tap ( = current in MOT)
Phase CT Ratio for Input 2 400 N to 1 Mag. Angle
Trip? (Op>MPU? & Op>Restraint?)
Ground CT Ratio 200 N to 1 Input 1, Ph A 2.000 0.0
87N Tap, Ig Input side 4.00 See cell notes Input 1, Ph B 0.000 0.0 87Ph-A No
87N Tap, Phase Input side 2.00 See above Input 1, Ph C 2.000 180.0 87Ph-B No
Input 2, Ph A 2.000 180.0 87Ph-C No
Input 2, Ph B 0.000 0.0 87N No
Input 2, Ph C 2.000 0.0
Input Ig / 87N Ig tap 3.810 0.0
3Io, Input 2 / 87N Ph tap 3.810 180.0
Phase Currents after delta/wye compensation
Mag. Angle
Input 1, A Comparator 2.000 0.0
Input 1, B Comparator 0.000 0.0
Input 1, C Comparator 2.000 180.0
Input 2, A Comparator 2.000 180.0
Input 2, B Comparator 0.000 0.0
Input 2, C Comparator 2.000 0.0
BE1-CDS220, 3 Phase, Differential Calculations for Arbitrary Primary Currents
This sheet predicts tripping of a BE1-CDS220 for a set of arbitrary user-defined primary (i.e., line) current inputs
-- This sheet can also be used for the CDS240 in cases where the CDS240 is configured without ABC Swap, DDAB, or Polarity Reversal compensation.
-- Enter data in yellow fields only, entering only data listed in the "Range" cell. Range cells become red if bad data is entered.
-- The spreadsheet expects one to understand compensation that the relay is using and enter net compensation, not the Xfmr configuration. See IM chapter 3.
-- This sheet is for analyzing primary line currents. This sheet includes the effect of the CT connections.
-- Recall the relay expects current reversal across the xfmr, so balanced currents are shifted by 150, 180, or -150 degrees in most applications. For instance, for balanced 3
phase current, current at Input 2 should be shifted by 180deg if xfmr is Y-Y, +150deg for a DAB-Y xfmr, and -150deg for a DAC-Y xfmr.


Effective Restraint (see cell notes)
Nominal Amp Rating of Inputs 5 5 or 1 Mag. Angle
Restr. = Max. or Avg. Mult. of Tap? M M or A Input 1, Ph A 120 0.0 A Comparator 0.394
87Phase Min Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.25 0.10-1.00 Input 1, Ph B 120 -120.0 B Comparator 0.394
Phase % Slope 35 15-60, steps of 1 Input 1, Ph C 120 120.0 C Comparator 0.394
Input 1 CT Ratio 40 N to 1, Incr. of 1 PRIMARY CURRENTS AT INPUT 2 Gnd Comparator 0.000
Input 1 CT Connection y Y, DAB, DAC Input 2, Ph A 1200 150.0
Input 1 Tap 2.67 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 Input 2, Ph B 1200 30.0
Mag. Operate Current (Rest. 1+2)
Input 1 Compensation (see IM Chpt 3) Y Y, DAB, DAC Input 2, Ph C 1200 -90.0
Input 1 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N CURRENT AT IG (GROUND INPUT) A Comparator 0.003
Input 2 CT Ratio 240 N to 1, Incr. of 1 Current @ Input Ig 0 150.0 B Comparator 0.003
Input 2 CT Connection y Y, DAB, DAC CT Secondary Currents C Comparator 0.003
Input 2 Tap 4.44 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 Input 1, Ph A 3.000 0.0 Gnd Comparator 0.000
Input 2 Compensation (see IM Chpt 3) dab Y, DAB, DAC Input 1, Ph B 3.000 -120.0
Input 2 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N Input 1, Ph C 3.000 120.0
Trip? (Op>MPU? & Op>Restraint?)
87Gnd Min Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.2 0.10-1.00 Input 2, Ph A 5.000 150.0
87Gnd % Slope 20 15-60, steps of 1 Input 2, Ph B 5.000 30.0 87Ph-A No
Which input # is Ig compared to? 2 1, 2 Input 2, Ph C 5.000 -90.0 87Ph-B No
Ground CT Ratio 80 N to 1, Incr. of 1 Input Ig 0 150.0 87Ph-C No
87N Tap, Ig Input side 6.00 See cell notes Input Current/Tap ( = current in MOT) 87N No
87N Tap, Phase Input side 2.00 See above Input 1, Ph A 1.124 0.000
Input 1, Ph B 1.124 -120.000
Input 1, Ph C 1.124 120.000
Input 2, Ph A 1.126 150.000
Input 2, Ph B 1.126 30.000
Input 2, Ph C 1.126 -90.000
Input Ig / 87N Ig tap 0.000 150.0
3Io, Input 6 / 87N Ph tap 0.000 0.0
Phase Currents after delta/wye comp.
Input 1, A Comparator 1.124 0.000
Input 1, B Comparator 1.124 -120.000
Input 1, C Comparator 1.124 120.000
Input 2, A Comparator 1.126 180.000
Input 2, B Comparator 1.126 60.000
Input 2, C Comparator 1.126 -60.000
BE1-CDS240, 3 Phase, Differential Calculations for Arbritrary Isec
This sheet predicts targets on a BE1-CDS240 relay for a set of arbitrary user-defined secondary currents
-- Enter data in yellow fields only. Blue cells are calculated by the spreadsheet.
-- The sheet reproduces the differential calculations of the BE1-CDS240 to assist in determining if a trip should occur for a given current defined by the user.
-- This sheet does not support the analysis of virtual currents at this time.
-- Recall the relay expects current reversal across the xfmr, so balanced currents are shifted by 150, 180, or -150 degrees in most applications. For instance, for balanced 3 phase current, current at Input 2 should be
shifted by 180deg if xfmr is Y-Y, +150deg for a DAB-Y xfmr, and -150deg for a DAC-Y xfmr.

RELAY SETTINGS (Red range cell flags bad data) Range CURRENTS AT INPUT 1 Current, Per Unit of Tap: Mag. Angle Effective Restraint (see cell
Nominal Amp Rating of Inputs 5 5 or 1 Mag. Angle Input 1, Ph A 1.400 180.0 notes)
Restr. = Max. or Avg. Mult. of Tap? m M or A Current @ Input 1, Ph A 7 180.0 Input 1, Ph B 1.400 60.0 A Comparator 0.490
No. of 87Ph inputs (see Range notes) 4 2,3,4 Current @ Input 1, Ph B 7 60.0 Input 1, Ph C 1.400 -60.0 B Comparator 0.490
87Phase Min Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.25 0.10-1.00 Current @ Input 1, Ph C 7 -60.0 Input 2, Ph A 0.400 0.0 C Comparator 0.490
Phase % Slope 35 15-60, steps of 1 CURRENTS AT INPUT 2 Input 2, Ph B 0.400 -120.0 Gnd Comparator 0.000
Input 1 Tap 5 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 Mag. Angle Input 2, Ph C 0.400 120.0
Input 1 Delta Comp. (see IM Chpt 3) y Y, DAB, DAC, DDAB Current @ Input 2, Ph A 1 0.0 Input 3, Ph A 0.400 0.0
Mag. Operate Current
Input 1 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N Current @ Input 2, Ph B 1 -120.0 Input 3, Ph B 0.400 -120.0
(Rest. 1+2+3+4)
Input 1 Swap; A = ? a A, B, C Current @ Input 2, Ph C 1 120.0 Input 3, Ph C 0.400 120.0
Input 1 Polarity Reversal? n Y, N CURRENTS AT INPUT 3 Input 4, Ph A 0.600 0.0 A Comparator 0.000
Input 2 Tap 2.5 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 Mag. Angle Input 4, Ph B 0.600 -120.0 B Comparator 0.000
Input 2 Delta Comp. (see IM Chpt 3) y Y, DAB, DAC, DDAB Current @ Input 3, Ph A 1 0.0 Input 4, Ph C 0.600 120.0 C Comparator 0.000
Input 2 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N Current @ Input 3, Ph B 1 -120.0 Input Ig / 87N Ig tap 0.000 180.0 Gnd Comparator 0.000
Input 2 Phase Swap; A = ? a A, B, C Current @ Input 3, Ph C 1 120.0 3Io, Input / 87N Ph tap 0.000 0.0
Input 2 Polarity Reversal? n Y, N CURRENTS AT INPUT 4 Phase Restraint, after compensation Trip? (Op>MPU? &
Input 3 Tap 2.5 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 Mag. Angle Input 1, A Comparator 1.400 180.0 Op>Restraint?)
Input 3 Delta Comp. (see IM Chpt 3) y Y, DAB, DAC, DDAB Current @ Input 4, Ph A 1.5 0.0 Input 1, B Comparator 1.400 60.0 A Comparator No
Input 3 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N Current @ Input 4, Ph B 1.5 -120.0 Input 1, C Comparator 1.400 -60.0 B Comparator No
Input 3 Phase Swap; A = ? A A, B, C Current @ Input 4, Ph C 1.5 120.0 Input 2, A Comparator 0.400 0.0 C Comparator No
Input 4 Polarity Reversal? N Y, N CURRENT AT IG (GROUND INPUT) Input 2, B Comparator 0.400 -120.0 Ground Comparator No
Input 4 Tap 2.5 2.0-20 or 0.4-4 Mag. Angle Input 2, C Comparator 0.400 120.0
Input 4 Delta Comp. (see IM Chpt 3) y Y, DAB, DAC, DDAB Current @ Input Ig 0 180.0 Input 3, A Comparator 0.400 0.0
Input 4 "Ground Source" selected? n Y, N Input 3, B Comparator 0.400 -120.0
Input 4 Phase Swap; A = ? a A, B, C Input 3, C Comparator 0.400 120.0
Input 4 Polarity Reversal? n Y, N Input 4, A Comparator 0.600 0.0
87Gnd Min Pickup (MPU), per unit 0.2 0.10-1.00 Input 4, B Comparator 0.600 -120.0
87Gnd % Slope 20 15-60, steps of 1 Input 4, C Comparator 0.600 120.0
Which input # is Ig compared to? 4 1, 2. 3, 4
Phase CT Ratio for Input 4 400 N to 1
Ground CT Ratio 50 N to 1
87N Tap, Ig Input side 16.00 See cell notes
Blank Sheet for User Calculations

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