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Subject: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Week: 3

Activity Sheet 2. How fairness, accountability, transparency, and stewardship is

observed in business and nonprofit organization.

Directions: Read the following do the activities after.

Good Corporate Governance in all businesses and even in non-profit
organizations such as foundations is very important in order to build trust and
confidence with the investors, donors, and the community in general.
A good corporate governance builds the integrity of the institution.
Below are the Core Principles of a Good Corporate Governance:


Fairness comes from the old English word faeger, which means
“pleasing or attractive.” It is the quality of making judgments that are free from
discrimination. Fairness in the context of a business organization involves balancing
the interests involved in all decision-making including any decisions related to hiring,
firing (including the investigatory process), and the compensation and rewards system.
Hiring the right people is one of the most important decisions an organization makes.

Accountability is the obligation of an individual or organization to account for its

activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent
Accountability in the context of a business organization is the obligation to
demonstrate that work has been conducted in compliance with agreed rules and
standards or to report fairly and accurately on performance results vis-à-vis mandated
roles and/or plans.


Transparency is defined as being authentic in the way an organization message

themselves externally – to stakeholders, to prospective customers and talent, and
within the community. It allows stakeholders to understand whether the activities of
social institutions provide a genuine service to civil society and whether money is used

Thus, transparency means there is lack of hidden agendas or conditions, accompanied

by the availability of full information required of collaboration, cooperation, and
collective decision-making.


In Biblical terms, stewardship is defined as utilizing and managing all resources God
provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation. That definition plays
a critical role in today’s business landscape. In the context of business organization,
stewardship refers to taking responsibility for the business and the effects it has on
the world around it. This involves considering more than just the bottom line and
looking at elements such as values, ethics, and morals

Activity 1: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. You insert the exact amount into the vending machine at school for a can of soda.
Two cans are released from the machine. What will you do with the extra can of soda?

a. Offer the can of juice to your classmate.

b. Keep the extra can of soda for you.

c. Report an incident to appropriate school personnel.

2. Employees expect that their employers will be transparent. What does this refer to?

a. The need for an office space to use glass walls.

b. Employees are responsible for their employer’s actions.

c. Employers to provide honest and clear information to their employees.

3. Joseph found out his teacher’s password to open her Facebook account. What is
the ethically correct thing for him to do?

a. Give the password to all other students.

b. Tell the teacher so she may change it.

c. Keep it to himself and if someone finds out the password it is not his problem.

4. Arriving to work on time is an example of which characteristic of a good employee?

a. Timeliness

b. Personal accountability

c. Adaptability

5. Providing wrong information on the resume is an example of which of the following:

a. Lack of transparency on employee’s part.

b. Poor transparency on an employer’s part.

c. Lack of accountability on an employer’s part.


Accountability means to be liable in explaining or justifying one’s action and

one’s decision.

Fairness is the quality of making judgements that is free from discrimination.

Stewardship is a practice wherein people are intrinsically motivated to work

for others or for organizations to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities with which
they have been entrusted.

Transparency is an important mechanism for granting social responsibility.

Activity 2

I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is fairness?

a. Something that is beneficial for you.

b. Something that is beneficial for all of society.

c. The quality of treating people equally.

d. None of the above.

2. Stewardship is not limited to money. What other thing that God expects you


a. Education

b. Time

c. Health

3. What does accountability refer to?

a. Being responsible for one’s action.

b. Providing access to information.

c. The ability to hire and fire an employee

d. All of the above

4. Which is considered unethical business practice?

a. Training employees unfairly.

b. Selling quality product.

c. Good word of mouth from customers.

d. All of the above

5. All of the following are considered abusive conduct in the workplace EXCEPT

a. Invading the personal space of co-workers.

b. Insulting co-workers.

c. Receiving a performance review from a supervisor.

d. Giving nasty gestures at co-workers.



The story of Mang Eugenio Ventura, an extraordinary cab driver, went viral in the
social media when a passenger spread the good work about him, not rejecting
passengers (despite heavy traffic in Metro Manila) and declining tips. Apart from being
fair and honest, he is the jolly type – he just laughs off the congestion on the main
roads of the city. He got featured in an episode of the TV Program “Mission Possible


1. What do you think has molded the fair, honest and cheerful behavior of Mang



2. What lesson have you learned from the good example of Mang Eugenio?



What I Can Do (Activity 3)

As the country continues to deal with myriad COVID-19 pandemic, Filipinos need to
work to earn money to improve life as well as to help others.

Work is part of God’s design to humanity. It is a calling entrusted to man where it

requires stewardship of time, resources, and giftedness.

As an employee or worker, you should never steal from your company. You should
obey and honor the managers of your company. It is not only out of obligation, but for
personal growth as well.
As an employer, you are called to be a good steward of your resources especially the
people who work for you. You are blessed by God to be a blessing to others. As 1 John
3:17 says, “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet
closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”

The pandemic is now challenging you. What does it mean to be a steward in your
home? in school? in community? in workplace? (answer in one paragraph)






12q1w2mod2pdf-pdf-free.html Accessed April 12, 2021

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