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MCQ Questions

1. An entire skeletal muscle is surrounded by ___________.

 Tendon sheath
 Sarcolemma
 Epimysium +
 Motor unit
2. A motor neuron and all the muscle fibres it supplies is called a __________.
 Motor unit +
 Neuromuscular junction
 Synaptic cleft
 Axon terminal
3. What ion combines with troponin?
 Calcium +
 Iron
 Magnesium
 Sodium
4. The functional unit of contraction in a skeletal muscle fiber is the
 Sarcolemma
 Myofibril
 Myofilament
 Sarcomere +
5. The space between the neuron and the muscle is the __________.
 Motor end plate
 Synaptic cleft +
 M line
 Motor unit
6. The partial contraction of a muscle that keeps it healthy and ready to respond is
muscle ___________.
 Tetany
 Summation
 Tone +
 Twitch
7. The type of muscle contraction in which the muscle fibers produce increased
tension, but the muscle neither shortens nor lengthens, is called
 Isotonic
 Concentric
 Isometric +
 Tetany
8. Which substance increases in quantity when muscle repeatedly contracts during
oxygen deficit?
 CO2
 Lactic acid +
 Glucose
9. The sequence of electrical changes that occurs along the sarcolemma when a
muscle fiber is stimulated is known as the ___________.
 Resting potential
 Hyperpolarization
 Action potential +
 Depolarization
10. Which one of the following binds calcium ions in a smooth muscle, causing
 Actin
 Calmodulin
 Troponin +
 Myosin
11. All of the following terms refer to the ability to receive and respond to a
stimulus, EXCEPT ___________.
 Irritability
 Responsiveness +
 Excitability
 Contractility
12. Which of the following allows recoil of the muscle fiber when contraction
 Elastic filaments +
 Actin
 Myofilaments
 H zone
13. A sarcomere is part of a(n) ___________.
 Sarcolemma
 Perimysium
 Myofibril +
 Endomysium
14. Cross bridges that link between the thick and thin filaments are formed by the
 Myosin head +
 Actin
 Troponin
 Calcium ion
15. The refractory period in which the muscle will NOT contract if stimulated
occurs during __________.
 Depolarization
 Repolarization
 Refraction
 Hyperpolarization +
16. The ends of the actin filaments are attached to the
 M line
 H zone
 Z line +
 Myosin tails
17. When a muscle fibre shortens, the following also shortens:
 Actin
 Troponin
 Sarcomere +
 Myosin
18. The alternating contraction and relaxation of opposing layers of smooth muscle
is referred to as ___________.
 Concentric contraction
 Eccentric contraction
 Isometric contraction
 Peristalsis +
19. Muscle fatigue sets in due to non-availability of _________.
 Mg factor
 Calcium
 ATP +
 Actin binding site
20. Which of the following sets of ions are necessary in the chemical events for
muscle contraction?
 Ca2+ and Mg2+ ‘+’
 Na+ and K+
 Ca2+ and Na+
 Na+ and Mg2+

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