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--IGRrU7LT URN § 92
culture as lie may designate, made after the parties In interest detail as posaible all the facts, Including a summary as to tl!
have had opportunity to be heard, shall be accepted in the amount and grade of grain delivered to any elevator or ware.
courts of the United States as prina facie evidence of the louse and the amount and gralde of grain delivered from such
true grade of the grain determined by him at the time and elevator or warehouse, and the estimated amount received on
place specified in the findings. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, § 0, 39 sample or type by such elevator or warehouse, and the esti-
Stat. 484.) mated amoumnt delivered therefrom on sample or type. (Aug.
79. License to inspect and grade; State inspeteors.-The 11, 1916, c. 313, § 7, 3b Stat. 484.)
Secretary of Agriculture may issue a license to any person, 84. Adoption by Secretary of rules and regulations gener-
upon presentation to him of satisfactory evidence that such ally.-The Secretary of Agriculture shall, front tume to time,
person is comijietent, to inspect and grade grain and to certifi- make such rules and regulations as lie may deem necessary for
cate the grade thereof for shipment or delivery for shipment the efficient execution of the provisions of this chapter. (Aug.
in interstate or foreign commerce, uler this chapter and the 11, 1916, c. 313, § 8, 39 Stat. 485.)
rules and regulations prescribed theremider. No person au- 85. Violations generally; punishment.-Any person who Elall
thorized or employed by any State, county, city, town, board knowingly violate aw3 of the provisions of sections 76 or 79 to
of trade, chamber of commerce, corporation, society, partner- 83, inclusive, of this chapter, or any inspeptor licensed under
ship, or association to inspect or grade grain shall certify, or this chapter who shall knowingly inspect or grade improperly
otherwise state or indicate in writing, that tiny grain for ship- any grain which has been shipped or delivered for shipment
ment or delivery for shipment In interstate or foreign com- lit interstate or foreign commerce, or shall knowingly give aliy
merce, which ls been inspected or graded by him, or by any false certificate of grade, or shall accept money or other coln-
person ecting under his authority, is of one of the grades of sideratlon, directly or indirectly, for miny neglect or improper
the official grain standards of the United States, unless he holds performance of duty, and any person who shall Improperly
an unsuspended and unrevoked license issued by the Secretary Influence or attempt to Improperly influence ainy such Inspector
of Agriculture: Provided, That in any State which has, or ii the performance of hIs duty, shall be guilty of a miisde-
which may hereafter have a State grain inspection department meanor, and upon conviction thlereof shall be fined not more
established by the laws of such State, the Secretary of Agricul- than $1,000, or be imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
ture shall issue licenses to the persons duly authorized and (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, § 9, 39 Stat. 485.)
employed to inspect and grade grain under the laws of such 86. Interference with execution of official duties; punish-
State. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, § 7, 39 Stat. 484.) ment.-E'ery pirson who forcibly assaults, resists, impedes, or
80. Revocation and suspension of license.-The Secretary of interferes with any ofilcer or employee of the United States Do-
Agriculture nmy suspend or revoke any license issued by him partment of Agriculture in the execution of ainy duties author-
under this chapter whenever, after opportunity for hearing has ized to be performed by this chapter or the rules and regula-
been given to the licensee, the Secretary blall deternilne that tions made thereunder shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined
such licensee is incompetent or has knowingly or carelessly not more than $1,000, or be inprisoned not inore than one year,
graded grain improperly or by any other standard than is or both. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, § 10, 39 Stat. 485.)
authorized under this chapter, or has issued any false certifi- 87. Effect of partial invalidity of chapter.-If any clause,
cate of grade, or has accepted any money or other considerii- sentence, paragraph, or part of thlii clmpter shall, for any rea-
tion, directly or Indirectly, for any neglect or improper per- son, be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdictlon to be
formiance of duty, or has violated any provision of this rhapter invalid, such Judgment shall not street, impair, or invalidato
or of tie rules and regulations made thereunder. Pending in- the remainder thereof, but shall be contined in its operation to
vestigation the Secretary of Agriculture, whenever he deems tIle clause, sentence, paragraph, or part thereof directly in-
necessary, may suspend a license temporarily without hearing. volvel in the controversy in which such judgiient shall have
(Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, § 7, 30 Stat. 484.) -been rendered. (Aug. 11, 1910, c. 313, § 11, 39 Stat. 485.)
81. Disqualification to act as inspector or departmental
agent.-No person licensed by th.Secretary of Agriculture to Chapter 4.-NAVAL STORES ACT.
inspect or grade grain or employed by him in carrying out any
of the provisions of this chapter bhall, during the term of such
91. Short title of chapter.
license or employment, be interested, flnancltly or otherwise, 02. Definitions.
directly or indirectly, in any grain elevator or warehouse, or in 9.3. l,,stablshnmient of " official naval stores standards."
04. Supplying duplicates of standards; examination, etc., of naval
the merchandising of grain, nor shall lie be in the employment stores and certification thereof.
of any person or corporation owning or operating any grain 05. Prohibition of acts deemed Injurious to commrerce in naval stores.
elevator or warehouse. (Aug. 11, 1916, k. 313, 4 7, 39 Stat. 00. Punishment for violation of prohibition.
484.) 07. Purchase and analysis by 6ecretary of samples of spirits of tur-
82. Records and reports by inspectors.--The Secretary of pentine to detect violations; reports to AIb)artmnint of Justice;
publication of results of nanlysis, etc.
Agriculture shall require every inspector licensed under this 08. Appropriation for and expenses in enforcement of cluptPr.
chapter to keep complete and correct records of all grain 09. Effect of partial invalidity of chapter.
graded and inspected by him and to make reports to the Secre-
Section 91. Short title of chapter.-For convenience of refer-
tary of Agriculture, in such forms and at such times as lie may
ence, this cllter may be designated and ilted us "The Naval
require, showing the place of inspectlon, the date of inspection,
Stores Act." (Mar. 3, 1923, c. 2t7, § 1, -12 Stit. 1435.)
the name of the elevator or warehouse, if aiiy, to which the
92. Definitions.-When used in this clapter--
grain was delivered or from which It was shipped, the kind of
grain, the quantity of each kind, the grade thereof, and such
(a) Naval stores " meanus spirits of turpentine and rosin.
(b) " Spirits of turpentimn " includes gunm pirits of turpen-
other information as tile Secretary of Agriculture nmay deem
tine and wood turpentine.
necessary. (Aug. 11, 1910, c. 813, § 7, 89 Stat. 484.)
(c) "Guin splilts of turpeitine" means spirits of turpeitiie
83. Semiannual reports by Secretary.-The Secretary of
Agriculture, on each first Tuesday in January and each first made from gum (oleoresln) from a living tree.
Tuesday in July of each year shall make publication of a suin- (d) "Wood turlcntine" includes sieamii distilled wood tur-
mary of such facts as are ascertained, ihoiwing In as great pentine and destructively distilled wood turpentine.
§ 93 '7,ITLE 7.--AGRICVUIJ'1JRB e

(e) " Steam distilled wood turpentine" means wood turpen- under such regulations as le may prescribe. Ile shall furnitih
tine distilled with steam from the oleoresin within or extuactcd a certificate showing the analysis, classification, or grade of
from tile wood. such naval stores, which certificate shall be prima facie evi-
(f) "Destructively distilled wood turpentine" means wood denco of the analysis, classification, or grade of such naval
turpentine obtane( in the destructive distillation of tile wood. stores and of the contents of any package from which the
(g) " Rosin " includes gumn rosin and wood rosin, same may have been taken, as well all of the correctness of
(h) " tan rostin" means rosin remnaining after the distilla.- such analysis, classification, or grade and shall be admissible
lion of gum spir.ts of turpentine, as such in any court. (Mar. 3, 1923, c. 217, § 4, 42 Stat. 1436.)
(1) "Wood resin" means rosin remaining after the distilla- 95. Prohibition of acts deemed injurious to commerce in
tion of steam distilled wood turpentine, naval stores.-The following acts are hereby declared Injurious
(J) "Package" means any container of naval stores, and to commerce in naval stores and are hereby prohibited and
Includes barrel, tank, tank car, or other receptacle, made unlawful:
(k) "Person " includes partnerships, associations, and cor- (a) The sale in commerce of any naval stores, or of any-
poratlons, as well as individuals, thing offered as such, except under or by reference to United
(i) The term "commerce" means commerce between any States standards.
State, Territory, or possession, or tile District of Columbia, (b) The sale of any naval stores nnder or by reference to
and any ploce outside thereof; or between points within the United States standards which Is other than what it is rep-
same State, Territory, or pos.session, or the District of Colum- resented to be.
[)li, but through any place outside thereof; or within any Ter- (c) The use in commerce of the word "turpentine" or the
ritory or possession or the District of Columbia. (Mar. 3, 1923, word "rosin," singly or with any other word or words, or of
c. 217, § 2, 42 Stat. 1435.) any compound, derivative, or imitation of either such word,
93. Establishment of official naval stores standards.-For the or of any misleading word, or of any word, combination of
purposes of this chiapter the kinds of spirits of turpentine words, letter, or combination of letters, provided herein
defined in subdivisions (c), (e), and (f) of section 92 hereof or by the Secretary of Agriculture to be used to desigunio
and the rosin types, prepared, prior to March 3, 1923, and naval stores of any kind or grade, in selling, offering for sale,
reeomnmnded under existing laws, by or under authority advertising, or shipping anything other than naval stores of
of the Secretary of Agriculture, are hereby made the stand- the United States standards.
ards for naval stores until otherwise prescribed as here- (d) The use In commerce of any false, misleading, or deceit-
inafter provided. Tihe Secietary of Agriculture is authorized ful means or practice in the sale of naval stores or of any-
to establish and promulgate standards for ar eal stores for thing offered as such. (Mar. 3, 1923, c. 217, § 5, 42 Stat.
which no standards are herein provided, after at least three 1436.)
months' notice of the proposed standard shall have been given 96. Punishment for violation of prohibition.-Any person
to the trade, so far as practicable, and due hearings or reason- willfully violating any provision of section 95 of this chap-
able oplortunities to Ibe heard shall have been afforded those ter shall, on conviction, be punished for each offense by a
favoring or opposing the hame. No such standard shall become fine not exceeding $5,000 or by imprisonment for not ex-
effective until after three months from the date of the promul- ceeding one year or both. (Mar. 3, 1923, c. 217, § 6, 42 Stat.
gation thereof. Any standard made by this chapter or estab- 1436.)
lislied and promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture in 97. Purchase and analysis by Secretary of samples of spirits
accordance therewith may be modified by said Secretary when- of turpentine to detect violations; reports to Department of
ever, for reasons and causes deemed by him sufficient, the In- Justice; publication of results of analysis, etc.-The Secretary
terests of tile trade shall so require, after at least six months' of Agriculture is hereby authorized to purchase from than to
notice of the proposed modifications shall have been given to time In open market samples of spirits of turpentine and of
the trade, so far as practicable, and due hearings or reason- anything offered for sale as such for the purpose of analysis,
able opportunities to be heard shall have been afforded those classification, or grading and of detecting any violation of
favoring or opposing the same; and no such modification so this chapter. He shall report to the Department of Justice
nmade shall become effective until after six months from tile for appropriate action any violation of this chapter coming to
(late when mnade. his knowledge. le is also authorized to publish from time
The various grades of rosin, from highest to lowest, shall to time results of any analysis, classification, or grading of
be designated, unless and until changed, as hereinhefore pro- spirits of turpentine and of anything offered for sale as such
vided, by the following letters, respectively: X, WW, WG, N, made by him under any provision of this chapter. (Mar. 3,
M, K, I, II, G, F, E, D, and B, together with the designation 1923, c. 217, § 7, 42 Stat. 1436.)
"gum rosin" or "wood rosin," as the case may be. 98. Appropriation for and expenses in enforcement of chap-
The standards herein made and authorized to be made shall ter.-There nre hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of
be known as the "Oflicil Naval Stores Standards of the ally moneys in the Treasury not otherwise annropriated, such
United States," and ny be referred to by the abbreviated sumis as may be necessary for tle administ.ation and enforce-
explresslon " United States Standards," and shall be the stand- nient of this chapter, and within the iha, ts of such Bunts the
ards by wlich all naval stores in commerce shall be graded Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to employ such persons
and described. (Mar. 3, 1923, c. 217, § 3, 42 Stat. 1435.) and means and make suell expenditures for printing, telegrams,
91. Supplying duplicates of standards; examination, etc., of telephones, books of reference, periodicals, furniture, stationery,
naval stores and certification thercof.-Tle Secretary of Agri- office equipmuent, travel and supllies, and all other expenses
culture shall provide, if practicable, any interested perfions with as shall be necessary in the District of Columbia and else-
duplicates of tile official naval stores standards of the United where. (Mar. 8, 1923, c. 217, § 8, 42 Stat. 1436.)
States upon request accompanied by tender of satisfactory 99. Effect of partial Invalidity of chapter.-If any provision
security for tle return thereof, under such regulations as lie of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or
inay prescribe. Tle Secretary of Agriculture sliall examine, circumstances is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of
If practicable, upon request of any interested person, the chapter and of the application of such provision to other
any mnval stores and shall analyze, classify, or grade persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (Mar.
tie same oil tender of the cost thereof as required by him, 3, 1923, c. 217, § 9, 42 Stat. 1437.)
they contain 50 per bentlem or more of live pure seed. (Aug.
24, 1912, c. 882, 1 3, 37 Stat. 507; Aug. 11, 1910, c. 313, 39 Stat.
See. 114. Violations of chapter; punishment; sale of seed in-
Il. General prohliition against importation, exceptions. ported for manufacture.--Any person or persons who shall
112. When seed deemed adulterated.
113. W'heniseed deemed unlt for seeding. knowingly violate the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed
114. Violations of chapter; punishment; sale of seeds imported for guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine of not exceeding
manufacture. $500 and not less than $200: Provided, That any person or per-
Section 111. General prohibition against Importation; excep- sons who shall knowlngly sell for seeding purposes i',eds or
tion.-The importation Into the United States of seeds of grain which were imported under the l)rovishons of this chap-
alfalfa, harley, Canadian blue grass, Kentucky blue grass, awn- ter for the purpose of manufacture shall be deemed guilty of a
less blIolne grass, buckwheat, clover, field corn, Kafir corn, violation of this chapter. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 382, § 4, 37 Stat.
meadow fescue, flax, millet, oats, orchard grass, rape, redt6p, 507.)
rye, sorghum, timothy, vetch, rye grass, and wheat, or mixtures
of seeds containing any of such seeds as one of thu principal
component parts, which are adulterated or unfit for seeding pur- sec.
121. Short title of chapter.
poses under the terms of this chapter, is hereby prolibited; 122. Definitions generally; " Insecticle" ; "
aris green " ; "lead arse-
and the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Agri- nate" ; " fulglclde."
culture shall, Jointly or severally, make such rules and regula- 123. "Territory"; "person"; dflned.
lions as will prevent the importation of such seeds into the 124. Liability of principal for act of agent.
125. Manufacture of aduithrated or misbranded articles prohibited;
United States: Provided, however, That such seed may be punishment.
delivered to the owner or consignee thereof under bond, to be 120. Transportation or sale of adulterated or inlsl,raided artles pro-
r-eleaned in accordance with aid subject to such regulations hibitted ; punlhinlent exception; articles for exiort.
as lie Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, and when 127. General rules aad regulations; collection and examinat iol of
cleaned to the standard of purity specified in this chapter for 128. Elzniniatians of specimens; notice to interested party and hear-
admission into the United States such seed may 1e released to ing; certification to district altoriey; publication.
the oxvier or consignee thereof after the screenings and other 129. District attorney to prosecute violations.
refuse removed from such seed shall have been disposed of in 130. When articles deemed ndulterated.
13. WV.en articles deemed "nilsbran ded"; labels.
a manner prescritied by the Secretary of Agriculture: Providcd 132. Guaranty of wholesaler, etc., as protection to retailer; liab1ility
ftorihir, That this chapter shall not apply to the importation of of guarantor.
barley, buckwheat, field corn, Kaflr corn, sorghum, flax, oats, 1:23, Seizure anad condemnation of adilterated or milsbranled arth'ls;
rye, or wheat not intended for seeding purposes, when shipped disposition of ariicles or p roceeds; procedure ; jury trial
1:14. Importstion of articles; exaihnt tlon of oinldes; exchlislon It
in bond through the United States or imported for the purpose adulterated, etc. d,'structton or exportatlon ; provis nimalde-
of manufacttire. (Aug. 24, 1912, e. 382, § 1, 37 Stat. 500; Aug. livery to consignee; bol ;chiargesand lien.
11, 1916, c. 313, 39 Stat. 453.)
Section 121. Short title of chapter.-This chapter slhll be
112. When seed deemed adulterated.-seed shall le consid-
known andl referred to its "The Insectlchlde Act". (Apr. 20,
cred adulterated wltlin the meaning of this chapter- 1910, c. 191, § 13, 36 Stat. 335.)
First. When seed of red clover contains more than 3 per
122. Definitions generally; "insecticide"; "Paris green ";
ceitum by weight of seed of yellow trefoil or any other seed - i
"lead arsenate"; "fungicide." -T e term "inseetlelle" as
of similar tppearance to and of lower market value than seed
used In this chapter shall Includo any substanee or mlxtire of
of red clover.
substances intended to be used for l)reveiting, destroying, re-
Second. Wheln seed of alfalfa contains more itan 8 per
polling, or mitigating any Iisects which nmy infest vegetation,
centim by weight of seed of yellow trefoil, burr clover, and
man or other animals, or households, or be present in any iti-
sweet clover, singly or combined.
vironment whatsoever. The term "Paris green" as used in this
Third. When any kind or variety of the seeds, or any mtxtlur(
5 chapter shall Include the )roduct sold In commerce as Parils
described in section 111 of this chapter, contains more than I
kind or variety ol green aud chemically known as the tceto-arsenite of copier.
per centumi by weight of seed of another
t The term "lead arsenate" as used in this chapter shall include
lower market value and of similar appearance: Providcd, Thai
red an I the product or products sold in commerce as lead arseniate
the mixture of the seed of white and alsike clover,
shall not be deeme( I and consisting chemically of products derived from arenic
alslke clover, or alsike clover and timothy,
acid (lhAsO,) by replilag one or more hydrogent atons
an ttdulteration under this section. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 382, § 2
by lead. The term "fungicide" as io:;d in this chapter
37 Stat. 501.)
- shall include any substance or ilxtuire of subsi ances in-
113. When seed deemed unfit for seeding.-Seed shall be con be used for preventing, de.stroyIng, rexlilling, or mili-
of thl t ended to
shdered unfit for seeding purposes within the meaning
gating any and all fungi that may infest vbgetation or hi p'es-
chapter- § (t,
I ent in any environment whatsoever. (Apr. 20, 1910, e. 19i1,
First. When any kind or variety of clover or alfalfa seei
r 30 Stat. 332.)
contains more than one seed of dodder to 5 grains of clover o
123. "Territory"; "person "; defined.-Tho te-i " Terri-
alfalfa seed, respectively.
any ml, tory," as used In this chapter, shall Include the l)isirlt of
Second. When any kind or variety of the- seeds or
e Alaska and the insular possessions of the lnilted Stales. The
ture described in section 111 of this chapter contains mor
word "person," as used in this chapter, slitll le constri-ued to
than 3 per centum by weight of seeds of weeds.
variety or mixture of the seed is import both the plural and the singulir, jit the case ieu|m|,
Third. When any kind or
;5 and shall include corporations, companies, soelettic, iad as-
described in section 111 of this chapter contains less than C
dead sect 1, soclations. (Apr. 20, 1910, e. 191, § 12, 30 Stit. 335.)
per centun of live pure seed as distinguished from
r, 124. Liability of principal for act of agent,-Whei cowtlu-
chaff, dirt, oilier seeds, or foreign matter: Provided, howeve
o Ing and enforcing the lirovisions of this chapter, the act, oinds-
That seed of Kentucky blue grass and seed of Canada blu
unfit for seeding purposes who an sion, or failure of any officer, agent, or other person acting
grass shall not be considered

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