T2'Iln 5.-Bxeou'1Vb Dai'Ar''Ments, Opficeirs, and Employbis

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§ 564 T2'ILN 5.


ties, colleges, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, or other 28, 1924, c. 204, Title 111, 43 Stat. 224; Feb. 27, 1925, c. 364,
local associations of business men, business organizations, .ane! Title III, 43 Stat. 1033.)
individuals within the State, Territory, district or insular pos- 594. Disbursing clerk.-There shall also he in said department
session in which such activities are to be carried on, moneys a disbursing clerk. (Feb). 14, 1903, c. 552, § 2, 32 Stat. 826.)
contributed from such outside sources, except in the case of 595. Assignment of salaries.-The Secretary of Commerce
the authorized activities of the Forest Service, shall be paid Is authorized, under such regulations as lie nfty prescribe, to
only through the Secretary of Agriculture or through State, permit officers and employees of the several bureaus and divi-
county or municipal agencies, or local farm bureaus or like sions of the Department of Commerce to assign their salaries
organizations, cooperating for the purpose with the Secretary while absent from Washington, District of Columbia, and
of Agriculture. (July 24, 1910, c. 26, 41 Stat. 270.) employed in the field. (June 17, 1910, c. 297, § 1, 36 Stat. 52.1.)
564. Same; salaries of employees of department.-The offi. 596. Powers and duties of department.-It shall be the
clals and the emuployees of the Department of Agriculture en- province and duty of said department to foster, promote, nnd
gaged in the activities described in section 563 of this title develop the foreign and domestic commerce, the mining, 1n1nu-
and paid in whole or it part out of funds contributed a $pro- facturing, shipping, and fishery Ildustries, and the transporta-
vided therein, and the persons, corporations, or associations tion facilities of the United States; and to this end It shall
making contributions as therein provided, shall not be subject be vested with jurisdiction and control of the departments,
to section 66 of this title; nor Lhall any official or employee bureaus, offices, and branches of the public service hereinafter
engaged in the cooperative activities of the Forest Service, specliled, and with such other powers and duties as may be
or the persons, corporations, or associations contributing to prescribed hy law. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 3, 32 Stat. 826.)
such activities be subject to said section 66. (July 24, 1919, 597. Bureaus in department.-Te following namned offices,
c. 26, 41 Stat. 270.) bureaus, divisions, and branches of the public service, and all
that pertains to the same, shall be under time jurisdiction and
supervisloi of the Department of Commerce:
Sec. 1. The Bureau of Lighthouses.
591. Establnliuent of depaitmeat; Secretary ; seal.
2. Tihe Steamboat Inspection Service.
592. Apslstaat Secretari.
503. ClcC clerk and sultijintendent. 3. The Bureau of Navigation.
594. Disbursing clerk. 4. The United States Shipping Commissioners.
595. Assigarneuts of salaries. 5. The National Bureau of Standards.
69G. Powels and dutiei of department. 8. Time Coast and Geodetic Stfrvey.
597. tureaus In department.
598. Same; records, etc. 7. The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
599. Duties amid powers vested In department. 8. The Census Office.
600. Same; nierelhnnt vessels, shipping, navigation, etc. 9. The Bureau of Fisheries, and the office of Commissioner
601. Statistical Information.
602. Transfer of statistical or sclentilic work. of isherles.
6W3. Custody of buildings; officers transferred. 10. The Patent Offce.
601. Annual nnd special reports. 11. The Bureau of Mines.
603. Lease of Commerce Building. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, HI 4, 12, 32 Stat. 826, 830; June 17,
Section 591. Establishment of department; Secretary; seal.- 1910, c. 301, § 4, 36 Stat. 537; Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, 37 Stat.
There sllali be at the seat of government an executive depart- 407; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, 1 3, 37 Stat. 757; Jan. 5, 1923, c. 23,
nmint to be knownt a., the Department of Commerce, and a Sec- § 1, 42 Stat. 1109.)
retary of Commerce, who shall be the head thereof, who shall 598. Same; records, etc.-The official records and papers on
be appointed by the P'resident, by aid with the advice and file in ant pertaining exclusively to the business of tiny bureau,
consent of the Senate, and whose term and tenure of office office, departfment, or branch of time public service transferred
shall be like that of the heads of the other executive depart- to the Department of Commerce, together with the furniture
ments; and the provisions of chapter 1 of this title shall be In use it such bureau, office, department, or branch of the
appli-able to said lepartment. The said Secretary shall cause public service, are transferred to time Department of Com.
a seal of etlice to be made for the said department of such merce. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 4, 32 Stat. 826.)
device as the President shall approve, and judicial notice shall 599. Duties and powers vested in department.-All dutles
be taken of the said seal. (Feb. 9, 1889, c. 122, § 3, 25 Stat. performed and all power and authority possessed or exercised
659; Feb. 1-4, 1903, c. 552, § 1, 32 Stat. 825; Feb. 26, 3907, c. by the head of any executive department In and over any
1635, § d, 31 Stat. 993; Feb. 17, 1909, c. 137, §§ 1, 2, 35 Stat. bureau, office, officer, board, branch, or division of the public
626; Mar. 4, 1909, e. 297, § 1, 35 Stat. 861; .Mar. 3, 1917, c. service transferred to the Department of Commerce, or any
163, § 1, 39 Stat. 1111; Mar. ., 1925, c. 519, § 4, -13 Stat. 1301.) business arising therefrom or ,pertaining thereto, or in-relation
Cros reference: Salary of Secretary ; see section .i of this title. to the duties performed by and authority conferred by law upon
592. Assistant Secretary.--There shall be in saiId department such bureau, officer, office, board, branch or division of the
all Assistant Secretary of Commerce, to be appointed by the puhlic service, whether of an appellate or revisory character or
'reshient. Ile shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed otherwise, slhall be 'ested In and .eercised by the Secretary of
by the Secretary or required by. law. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, Commerce. (Feb. 14, 190',1, c. 552, § 10, 32 Stat. 829.)
§ 2, 12 Stat. 826; Mar. 4, 1913, e. 141, 37 Stat. 786; Mar. 3, 600. Same; merchant vessels, shipping, navigation, etc.-All
duies, power, authority and jurisdiction, whether supervisory,
1917, c. 163, § 1, 39 Stat. 1111.)
appellate, or otherwise, formerly Imposed or conferred upon
593. Chief clerk and superintendent.-There shall be in said
the Secretary of the Treasury by acts of Congress relating to
depiirtlneint a chief clerk and superintendent who shall be chief
exts.tive officer of time departlneut and who may be designated merchant vessels or yachts, their me.surement, numbers, naies,
by the Secretary of Commerce to sign official papers and doca- registers, enrollments, licenses, commissions, records, mort-
')ets during the temporary absence of the Secretary and the gages, bills of sale, transfers, entry, ec rance, movements and
Assistant Seretary of the department. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, transportation of their cargoes and passengers, owners, offhiers,
§ 2, 32 Stat. 826; Jan. 5, 1923, c. 21, Title 1, 42 Stat. 1110; May seamen, passengers, fees, Inspection, equipment for the better
security of life, and by acts of Congress relating to tonnage
htx, boilers on steari .vessels, the carrying of fnflammable, ex- otherwise provided by law. All laws prescribing the work and
plosive or dingerous cargo on vessels, the use of petroleum or defining the duties of the several bureaus, offices, (elsrtiients,
other sliuihlr substrinces to produce motive power and re- or branches of the pullle service transferred to and imide
lirting to the remission or refund of lines, penaltlcs, forfeitures, a Irt of the Departniit of Conunerce shall, so far as the
exactions or chirges Incurred for violating any provision of samei are not Ili conflict with the provisions of this challter.
law relating to vessels or seanieu or to informer's shares of remain l full force and effect until othierwise provided by law.
such tiies, and by acts of Congress refiting to the Commissloler (Feb. 14, 103, c. 552, § 9,32 Stat. 820.)
ond Bureau of Navigation, Shipping Commissioners, their offli. 604. Annual and special reports.-The Secretary (ifCInI-
cers and empjloyees, Steamboat Inspection Service and any of nierce shrll annually, at the close of cach fiscal year, mlmke 'I
the officials thereof, are transferred to and imposed and con- report i writing to Coigress, gl,,ing ti account of ail molneyl
ferred upon the Secretary of Conmnerce from ind after the time received 0(d disbur.ed Iby hih ard his delartnmnt, 1nd d-
of lhe transfer of the Bureau of Navigation, the Shipping Corn- scrilbing the work done by th11 departlelt it fosterii, I lao-
mnissioners anid the Steamboat Iinspection Serve to the Deparl- illothig, lliddevelopng tile foreign andi dolli stle coillr e, Ihe
went of Commerce. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 10, 32 Stat. 829.) iiminig, inuifacturihg, shilpping, anl fishery industlries, aind
601. Statistical information.-The Secretary of Comnmerce the trainisortatlon facilities, of the United States, aiid nUlunigIu,
shall have control of tlie work of gathering and distributing such Irecoimmendations as lie shrll deeii necessary for tile effec-
statistical information naturally relating to the subjects coii- tive plerformance of the duties ard purpo.ses of the delpartnilt.
filed to his departient; and lie hall have the power and Ile shrill also front time to tine lialce such spechil lniveslga-
authority to rearrange the statistical work of the bureaus 1, Id lons and reports as lie my be required to do by the 'resident,
offilcei confided to the Departm nt of Commerce, and to con- or by either House of Congress, or which lie hiself imy deem
solilate any of the statistical bureaus an(d offices above de- necessary and urgent. (Feb. 14, 11)03, c. 552, § 8, 32 Stlat. 820.)
scrilbed. lie shrll als1,o have authority to call upon other de- 605. Lease of Commerce Building.-The Secretary of Coin-
plrtients of the Government for statistical data and ro~snlts ierce is authorized, Ill his discretion, to enter into a contract
obtained by them; amid lie may collate, arrange, and publish for the lease for a period not to exceed five years with alnotion
such statistical informatloi so obtained In such manner is to for a period of live additional years, of the Commerce Building,
hhn nliny seem wise. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 4, 32 Stat. 821.) occupied oilMarch 1, 1919, by tile Department of Conmmerce, at
602. Transfer of statistical or scientific wvork.-The Presl- all ilUiiii rental iiot to exceed $65,500. (Mar. 1, 191), c. 8,
dent Is authorized, by order Ii writing, to transfer at any thne § 1, 40 Stat. 1202.)
the whole or any part of any office, bureau, division (ir other
branch of the iublic service engaged In statistical or scientiic Chapter 1 I.-DEPARTMENT OF LABIOiR.
work, from the Department of State, the Department of the Sec.
Treasury, Lhe Departmenlt of War, tie Department of Justice, (111.1.sta))lltsinrlt of departrnent ; Svereta r ; seal.
the Post Office Department, the Departmeit (f the Navy or the 612. Assistant Secretirv.
(1:. Second As.4sltant Secretary ; apoiltrlont; duliles.
Departnment of tile Interior, to the Departmnt of Comnmerce; (11. PrIvate teeeleary to Second Asssitant Secretary.
and li every such case the duties and authority perfornied by 615. Chief clerk; disbursing clerk.
til(1 conferred by law upon such office, bureau, division or department.
1G. illuieris and offices Ili
other hrani(,h of the" public service, or the part thereof so trans- 617. Library, records, etc., of delprtlent.
618. Itented quarters.
ferred, shall be thereby transferred with such office, bureau, 611). Mediation of labor dlsplites ; duties, powiers, etc., tratiferred to
divislon or cther biranch of the public service, or the part departmient.
thereof whilih Is so transferred. All power and authority coi- 620. Report ald Invedlgntons.
ferred by law. both supervisory and appellate, i11po1 the de- 621. Saine; records arid alpllers and furnituire transferred to depart-
plartnient fioi wlich such transfer Is inade, or tile Secretary 22. Sanic ; laws operative.
thereof, in relatlon to the said office, bureau, divislon or other
Section 611. Establishment of department; Secretary;
branch of the public service, or the part thereof so traisferred,
sea. -There shall be an executive department hi the Goverii-
shall inimmediately, when such trani-fer is so ordered by tie
Ieialt to be called the Department of Labor, with a Secretary of
President, be fllly conferred pon and vested il the Depart-
Labor, who shall be the head thereof, to be rappioiiiied liy the
init of Connerce, or the Secretary thereof, ats the cise mlay
be, as to the whole or part of such office, bureau, division or Presihent, by and witih tie advice Uid consent of the Senate,
other branch of the public service so transferred. (Feb. 1t, lnd whose tenure of ofllce shall be like that of the heads of
1003, e. 552, § 12, 32 Stat. 830.) the other executive departments. The provisionis of chapler
603. Custody of buildings; officers transferred.-The Se're- 1 of this title shrill be applicable to sihl departilient. The
tlary of Commerce shall lave ci'arge, Ill tie buildings or purpose of tile Deparhnemt of Labor shall be to foster, pro-
mote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners of tlhe Unlted
premises oCCupled by or appropriated to the Department of
States, to Improve their working condiions, anl to advance
('onnerce, of the library, furniture, fixtures, records, and other
their opportuniltes for profitable employnient. The sahii Secre-
property pertaiing to it or acquired for use in its busi-
tary shrll cause a seal of office to lieniade for tle said depart-
ness; and lie shall be allowed to expend for leriodileals
imoit of such device as the President shall aplprove and Juihlial
and the purposes of the library, and for the rental of al-
iiotice shall Iretaken of the said seal. (Ju' l, 1888, c. 389, §
propriato quarters for the accommodation of the Department
1, 25 Stat. 182; Feb. 26, 1907, c. 1635, § 4, 34 Slat. 993; Feb. 17,
of Commerce witlin the District of Columbia, and for till other
190(9, c. 137, §§ 1, 2, 35 Stat. 626; Malr. 4, 10019, c. 297, § 1, X5
Illcideutal expenses, Slcl snlos as Congress may provide from
Stat. 801; Mar. 4, 1913, e. 141, § 1, 37 Stat. 736; Mar. 4, 1925,
tlie to time. Where any office, burertu, or branch of the public
service transferred to the Department if Commerce is occupy- c. 549, § 4, 43 Stat. 1301.)
Cross reference: Salry of Secretary; see section 3 of this title.
Ing rented Ilulidhigs or premises, It may still continue to do so
until other suitable quarters tire provIeld for its use. All 612. Assistant Secretary.-There shall ire In sold deparlinent
officers, clerks, and employees employed on February 14, 1903 in all Assistant Secretary of Labor, to be nppcloted by the Presi-
or by any of the bureaus, ofilces, departments, or branches of dent. Ile shall perform" such duties as shall be prescribled by
the public service transferred to the Department of Commerce tla Secretary or required by law. (Mar. 4, 1013, c. .141, § 2,
are each and all transferred to said department, except where 37 Stat. 730.)

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