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Representative may speak to such objection or question five Chapter 2.-4)FFICE ANDCOMPENSATION OF PIRESI-
minutes, and not more than once; but after such debate shall DENT.
have lasted two hours It shall be the duty of the presiding See.
officer of each House to put the main question without further 41. Commencement of term of offle.
debate. (Feb. 3, 1887, c. 00, 16, 24 Stat. 875.) 42. President's salary.
43. President's traveling expenses.
20. Seats for officers and Members of two Houses in joint
44. Vice President's salary.
meeting.-At such joint meeting of the two Ho ea seats shall 45. Salary of Secretary to President.
be provided as follows: For the President of tha Senate, the 40. Detail of employees of executive departments to oilice of President.
Speaker's chair; for the Speaker, immediately upon his left; 47. Accommodations for horses, carriages, etc.
48. Public property in and belonging to Executive Mansion.
the Senators, in the body of the Hall upon the right of the 49. Furniture for White House.
presiding officer; for the Representatives, in the body of the 60. Annual statement of public property.
Hall not provided for the Senators; for the tellers, Secretary 51. Inventory of public property.
of the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Representative;, at 52. Annual statement end inventory of stationary and fuel.
53. Protection of the 1'resident.
the C'erk's desk; for the other officers of the two Houses, in
front of tie Clerk's desk and upon each side of the Speaker's 41. Commencement of term of office.-The term of four years
platform. Such joint meetinmg shall not be dissolved until the for which a President and Vice President shall he elected, sh1,
count of electoral votes shall be completed and the result de- in all cases, commence on tie 4th day of March next sue-
clared; and no recess shall be taken unless a question shall ceeding the day on which the votes of the electors have been
have arisen In regard to counting any such votes, or otherwise given. (11. S. §. 152.)
.under thin chapter, in which case it shall be competent for 42. President's salary.-The President shall receive in full
either House, acting separately, in the manner herelibefore pro- for his services during the term for which he shall have been
viled, to direi.t a recess of such House not beyond the next elected tile suil of $75,000 a year, 0 be paid monthly, and shall
calendar day, Sunday excepted, at the hour of ten o'clock in be entitled to the use of the furniture and other effects belong-
the forenoon. But if the counting of the electoral votes and Ing to the United States and kept in the Executive Mansion.
the declaration of the result shall not have been completed be- (It. S. § 153; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 297, § 1, 35 Stat. 850.)
fore the fifth calendar day next after such first meeting of the 43. President's traveling expenses.-There may be expended
two Houses, no further or other recess shall be taken by either for or on account of the traveling expenses of the President of
House. (Feb. 3, 1887, e. 90, § 7, 24 Stat. 375.) the United States such sum as Congress may from time to time
21. Vacancy In offices of both President and Vice Presi- appropriate, not exceeding $25,000 per annum, such sum when
dent.-In case of removal, death, resignation, or inability of appropriated to be exl)ended in the discretion of the President
both the President and Vice President of the United States, the and accounted for on his certificate solely. (Juie 23, 1900,
Secretary of State, or if there be none, or in case of his re. c. 3523, 34 Stat. 454.)
moval, death, resignation, or inability, then the Secretary of 44. Vice President's salary.-The Vice President shall re-
the Treasury, or if there be none, or in case of his removal, ceive in full for his services during the term for which he
death, resignation, or inability, then the Secretary of War. or shall have been elected the sum of $15,000 a year, to be paid
if there be none, or in case of his removal, death, resignation, monthly. (It. S. § 154; Feb. 20, 1907, c. 1635, § 4, 34 Stat. 993;
or inability, then the Attorney General, or if there be none, or Mar. 4, 10295, c. 549, § 4, 43 Stat. 1301.)
in case of his removal, death, resignation, or inability, then 45. Salary of Secretary to President.--ThI salary of the Sec-
the Postnmaster General, or If there be none, or in case of his retary to the President shall be at the rate of $7,500 per an.
removal, death, resignation, or inability, then the Secretary of nul. (It. S. § 155; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 149, 37 Stat. 913; Mar. 3,
the Navy, or if there be none, or in case of his removal, death, 1925, c. 468, § 1, 43 Stat. 1198.)
resignation, or inability, then the Secretary of the Interior, 46. Detail of employees of executive departments to office
shall act as President until the disability of the President or of Presidcnt.-Einployees of the executive departments and
Vice President is removed or a President shall be elected: Pro- other establishments of the executive branch of the Government
vided, That whenever the powers and duties of tie office of may be detailed from time to time to the office of the Prest-
President of the U.ited States shall devolve upon any of the dent of the United States for such temporary assistance as
persons named herein, if Congress be not then in session, or if may be necessary. (June 12, 1922, c. 218, 42 Stat. 630; Feb.
It would not meet in accordance with law within twenty days 13, 1923, c. 72, 42 Stat. 1227; June 7, 1924,'c. -,92, § 1, 43 Star.
thereafter, it shall be the duty of the person upon whom said 521; Mar. 8, 1925, e. 46S, § 1, 43 Stat. 1198.)
powers and duties shall devolve to issue a proclamation con- 47. Accommodations for horses, carriages, etc.-The Quar-
vening Congress in extraordhinary session, giving twenty days' terniaster General of the Army shall provide suitable accomnmo-
notice of the time of meeting. (Jan. 19, 1880, c. 4, § 1, 24 dations for the horses, carriages, and other vehicles of the
Stat. 1.) President and of the Executive 0111ce, in the st,blus malntained
22. Officers eligible to act as President In case of vacancy.- In the District of Columbia by and for.the use of his depart-
Section 21 of this title shall only be held to describe and ap- ment. (Mar. 4, 1911, c. 285, § 1, 36 Stitt. 1404.)
ply to such officers as shall have been appointed by the advice 48. Public property in and belonging to Executive Man-
and consent of the Senate to the offices therein named, and sion.-The steward, housekeeper, or such other employee of the
such as are eligible to the office of President under the Consti- Executive Mansion is the President ny designate, shall,
tution, and not under hnpeachment by Lho iu of rlkpre- under the direction of the Pre.ident, Ivn the lharge and
bentatives of the United States at the time the powers and custody of and be re:iponsible for the plate, furniture, and
duties of the office shall devolve upon them respectively. (Jan. public property therein, and shall, before entering upon the
19, 1880, c. 4, § 2, 24 Stat. 1.) duties of the office, give bond for the faithful discharge thereof,
23. Resignation or refusal of ofiee.-The only evidence of a said bond to lie In the sum of $10,000, and to be approved
refusal to accept, or of a resignation of the office of President by the Secretary of War. A complete Inventory, it proper
or Vice President, shall be an instrument in writing, declar- books, shall be, made anmally In the month of June, under
ing the same, and subscribed by tle person refusing to accept the direction of the officer In charge of public buildings and
or resigning, as the case may be, and delivered into the office grounds, of all the public property in and belonging to the
of the Secretary of State. (R. S. I 15L) Executive Mansion, showing when purchased, Its cost, con-

ditlon, and final disposition. This inventory shall be submitted 61. Police force established; control and supervision; priv-
to the President for his approval, and shall then be kept for ileges, powers, and dtutics.- -Thcre is hereby created and estab-
reference In tile office of the Director of Public Buildings and dished for tWe protection of the Executive Manslcn and Grounds
Public Parks of the National Capital, which shall furnish a in the District of Columbia a permanent police force, to be,
copy thereof to the steward, housekeeper, or other employee known as the White House police. Such force shall be under
responsible for the property. (June 25, 1910, c. 384, § 9, 30 the solo control of the President and under the direct super-
Stat. 773; Feb. 20, 1925, e. 839, § 1, 43 Stat. 983.) vision of such officer as he may designate. The members of
49. Furniture for Wbite House.-All furniture purchased for such force shall possess privileges and powers and perform
the use of the President's House shall be, as far as practicable, duties similar to those of the members of the Metropolitan
of domestic manufacture. With a view to conserving in the police of the District of Columbia, and such additional priv-
White Hi ise the best specimens of the early American furni- ileges, powers, and duties as the President may prescribe.
ture and furnishings, and for the purpose of maintaining the (Sept. 14, 1922, e. 308, § 1, 42 Stat. 841.)
interior of the White House in keeping with its original design, 62: Personnel; appointment; vacancies.-(a) The White
the officer in clnmrge of public buildings and grounds Is au- House police force shall consist of one first sergeant with grade
lhorized and directed, with the approval of the President, to corresponding to that of detective sergeant (Metropolitan
aveept donati(.ns of furniture and furnishings for use in the police), two sergeants with grade correspending to that of
White House, all such articles thus donated to become the bergeant (Metropolitaml police), and thirty privates with gradem
property of the United Slates and to be accounted for as such. corresponding to that of private, class three (Metropolitan
The said oflicer In. charge of public buildings ind grounds is police), appointed under the direction of the President from the
further authorized and directed, with the approval of the members of tile Metropolitan police force and tile United States
President, to appoint a temporary committee composed of one park police force from lists furnished by the officers in charge
reiresentative of the American Federation of Arts, one repre- of such forces. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner.
sentative of the National Commission of Fine Arts, one repre- (b) Any vacancy In the Metropolitan police force or in tle
sentative of the National Academy of Design, one member of United States park police force caused by appointments to the
the American Institute of Architects, and five members repre- White House police force shall be filled in the manner proviled
senting the public at large; the said committee to have full by law. (Sept. 14, 1922, c. 608, § 2, 42 Stat. &t.)
power to select and pass on the articles in question and to 63. Grades of appointees; salaries; transfers-(a) No per-
recommend the sane for acceptance. (R. S. § 1829; Feb. 23, son shall be appointed a member of the White House polie
1925, c. 877, 43 Stat. 1091.) force at a grade lower than the grade held by him as a mermber
50. Annual statement of public property.-It shall be the of the 'Metropolitan police force or of the United States park
duty of the officer or officers having in charge the property of police force at the time of his appointment.
the United States in and about the White House to furnish (b) A member of the White House police force shall receive
an annual statement to the Architect of the Capitol by the a salary at the rate provided for the corresponding grade In
]st day of December, setting forth the public property in all the Metropolitan police force, and lie shall be furnished with
the buildings, rooms, and grounds under their charge, pur- uniforms and other necessary equipment similar to the uni-
chased during each year, and an account of the disposition of forms and equipment furnished the United States park police,
such property during the same period, whether by sale or and he shall be entitled to the same leave allowances as a
otherwise. (R. S. § 1832.) memb,,r of the United States park police force.
51. Inventory of public property.-The Architect of the (e) The President may transfer a member of the Wlite
Capitol shall make out and keep in proper books a complete House police force to the organization of which he was a mem-
inventory of all public property in and about tue White House, ber at the time of his appointment to such force. (Sept. 14,
adding thereto, from time to time, an account of such prop- 1922, c. 308, § 3, 42 Stat. 842.)
erty as may be procured, subsequently to the taking of the 64. Members entitled to participate in policemen and fire-
first inventory, is well as an account of tile sale or other men's relief fund of District of Columbia.-(a) : member of
disposal of such property. He shall suhmit all annual report of the United States park police force appointed to the White
such inventories sad ac,--unts, on the first Monday of December, House police force shall be included within the provisions of
to Congress. (I. S. P 1833.) section 12 of the act entitled "An Act making appropriations to
52. Annual statdment and .inventory of stationery and provide for the expenses of the government of the District of
fuel.-Sections 50 and 51 of this title shall not apply to the sup- Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, and for other
plies of stationery and fuel in the White House. (R. S. § 1834.) purposes," approved September 1, 1910, as amended, upon pay-
53. Protection of the President.-The protection of the per- ment into tie policemen and firemen's relief fund, District of
son of the President and the members of his Immediate family Columbia, of an amount equal to %,jper cesium of the total
and of the person chosen to be President of tile United States basic salary received by him since September 1, 1916, as a
is authorized. (June 23, 1913, c. 3, § 1, 88 Stat. 23; Jan. 22, member of such United States park police force and as a watch-
1925. e. 87, Title I, 43 Stat. 774; Feb. 27, 1025, e. 864, Title II, man of the United States in any public square or reservation
43 Stat. 1020.) of the District of Columbia..
(b) For the purposes of retirement under such Act service
Chapter 8.- VRITE HOUSE POLICE. with the United States park police force and service as a
Sec. watchman of the United States in any public square or reser-
01. Police force eutablished; control and supervision I privileges, vation of the District of Columbia shall be deemed service with
powers, ant duties. the White House police force.
62. Personnel; apoointment; vacancies.
04. Grades of apy--Intees; salaries; transfers. (c) Any member of the Metropolitan police force appointed
04. Members entJtled to participate Ii policem and firemen's relief to the White House police force shall continue to be subject to
fund of District cf Columbia. the provisions of section 12 of such Act, and appointment of
05. Refunds to members of United States park pollcs force appointed such member to the White House police force or transfer of
to White House police force,
00. Transfer of members to other departments. such member to his former organization shall not affect any
07. Disbursement of funds. 'ight, privilege, or duty of such member under the provisions

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