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§ 494 TITLE 5.


eulnr, letter, or by advertisement. *(July 4, 1884, c. 181, § 5, See.

23 Stat. 101.) 554. Loan, rental, or sale of films.
555. Sale of samples of pure sugars.
494. Exchange of automobiles.-The Secretary of the In- 550. Sale of kelp.
terior may exchange automobiles in part payment for new ma- 557. Reports.
chines used for the same purpose as those proposed to be 558. Same; additional statemen of expenditures.
exchanged. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 140, § 1, 39 Stat. 973.) 559. Same; amount paid for quarters.
560. Same; suppression of contagious diseases .mong domestic ani-
495. Annual reports of department and its bureaus.-The mals.
annual reports of the department and of all Its bureaus and es- 061. Same; estimates for executive officers.
tablishmuents, Including the Bureau of Reclamation, shall not 562. Same; completed investigations; report of duplicated services.
exceed a total of one thousand two hundred and fifty pages. 503. Cooperation with State and other agencies; expenditures.
501. Same; salaries of employees of department.
(May 24, 1922, c. 199, 42 Stat. 554; Jan. 24, 1923, c. .2, 42 Stat.
1170; June 5, 1924, c. 204, 43 Stat. 392; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43 Section 511. Establishment of department.-There shall be
Stat. 11.13.) at the seat of government a Department of Agriculture, the
496. Purchase of supplies and equipment 'or procurement general design and duties of which shall be to acquire and to
of services for bureaus and offices of Interior Department.- diffuse among the people of the United States useful infornma-
The purchase of supplies and equipment or the procurement tion on subjects connected with agriculture, In the most general
of services for the Department of the Interior, the bureaus and and comprehensive sense of that word, and to procure, propa-
offices thereof, Including Howard University and the Columbia gitte, and distribute among time people new and valuable seeds
Institution for the Deaf, at the seat of government, as well and plants. (R. S. § 520.)
as those located In the field outside the District of Columbia, 512. Executive department; Secretary.--The Department of
may be made in open market without compliance with sections 'Agriculture shall be an executive department, under the super-
5 and 10 of Title 41, In the manner common among business vision and control of a Secretary of Agriculture, who shall be
men, when the aggregate amount of the purchase or the service appointed by the President, by and with the advice and con-
does not exceed $100 In any Instance. (May 24, 1922, c. 199, sent to the Senate. The provisions of chapter 1 of this title
42 Stat. 553; Jan. 24, 1923, c. 42, 42 Stat. 1176; June 5, 1924, c. shall be applicable to said department; and all laws and parts
204, 43 Stat. 392; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43 Stat. 1143.). of law, relating to the Department of Agriculture in existence
February 9, 1889, as far as the same are applicable and not in con-
flict with this chapter, and only. so far, are continued In lull
See. force and effect. (Feb. 9, 1889, c. 122, P§ 1, 4, 25 Stat. 659.)
511. Establishment of department.
512. Executive department; Secretary. Cross reference : Salary of Secretary ; see section 8 of this title.
G13. Seal. 513. Seal-The Secretary of Agriculture Is authorized and
514. General duties of Secretary. directed to procure a proper seal, with such suitable inscriptions
61G. Duties of former Commissioner of Agriculture transferred to
Secretary. and devices as he may approve, to be known its the official seal
616. Custody of property and records. of the Department of Agriculture, and to be kept and used to
017. Assistant Secretary. verify official documents, under such rules and regulations as
518. Solicitor to supervise legal work. he may prescribe. (Aug. 8, 1894, c. 238, § 1, 28 Stat. 272.)
519. Chief clerk.
520. Same; bond. 514. General duties of Secretary.-The Secretary of Agricul-
021. Oaths, affirmnations, and affidavits taken by officers, agents, or ture shall procure and preserve all information concerning
employees'of department; use and effect of. agriculture which lie can obtain by means of books and cor-
522. Same; fee for administering or taking.
523. Watchmen. respondence, and by practical and scientific experiments,
524. Bureaus; laws relating to Plant Industry. accurate records of which experimets shall be kept in his
525. Disbursing clerk; deputy. office, by the collection of statistifs, and by any other appro-
526. Promotions of laborers without examination.
priate means within his power; he shall collect new and
027. Appointments, promotions, and chnges In salaries.
628. Salaries; how paid. valuable seeds and plants; shall test, by cultivation, the value
520. Assignment of pay. of such of them as may require such tests; shall propagate
130. Details; employees from office of Secretary. such as may be worthy of propagation; and shall distribute
531. Same; law clerks.
532. Sami ; from and to library and bureaus and offices. them among agriculturists. (R. S. § 526.)
633. Same; from and to Division of Accounts and Disbursements 515. Duties of former Commissioner of Agriculture trans-
and bureaus and offices. ferred to Secretary.-The authority granted to the Commis-
V.i. Leaves of absence; employees outside Washington. sioner of Agriculture by the act of May 29, 1884, estaibllshing
635. Same; employees in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Guam.
630. Same; employees assigned to duty in Virgin Islands. the Bureau of Animal Industry, and by the provisions of the
537. Leave of absence to agricultural experiment station employees In appropriation act for the Agricultural Department, approved
Alnaka, Hawall, and Porto Rico. July 18, 1888, relating to said bureau, is vested in the Secre-
W8. Traveling expenses.
039. Same ; on transfer between stations. tary of Agriculture; and the said Secretary is authorized and
0.40. Same; per diem In lieu of subsistence, etc. directed to perform all the duties named In said acts. (July
011. Same; reimbursement for street-car fares. 14, 1890, c. 707, 26 Stat. 288.)
542. l'urehases for bureaus from appropriations for contingent ex- 516. Custody of property and records.-The Secretary of
5,13. Iteimbursement of appropriation for.salaries and compensation of Agriculture shall have charge, In the building and premises
employees li mechanical shops. appropriated to the department, of the library, furniture, fix-
64 1. Sale of waste paper. tures, records, and other prop,.rty appertaining to it, or ac-
5-15. Exchnnge of typewriters and computing machines.
616. Exclange of sclentific tpparatus and laboratory equipment. quired for use in its business. (R. S. § 525.)
517. Exchange of notor-propelled vehicles. 517. Assistant Secretary.-There shall be in the Department
5J8. Exchange of books. of Agriculture an Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, to be
010. Sale or exchange of animals or animal products. appointed by the President, by and with the adViceo and consent
550. Ansrican bison for municipalities or public institutions.
551. ale of copies of card Index of publications. of the Senate, who shall perform such duties as may be re-
552. Sale of photographic prints and maps. quired by. law or prescribed by the Secretary. The Assistant
053. Sale of prints and lantern slides. Secretary of Agriculture Is authorized to perform such duties
In the conduct of the bu'iness of the Department of Agricul- The deputy disbursing clerk sliall have authority to sign
ture as may be assigned by the Secretary of Agriculture. checks In the name of the disbursing cleric; lie shall give bond
(Feb. 9, 1889, c. 122, § 2, 25 Stat. 059; June 30, 1900, c. 3913, to the United States in such suln as the Secretary of the Treas-
34 Stat. 070.) ury may require, and when so acting for the (isburshlg clerk
518. Solicitor to supervise legal work.-The legal work of shall be subject to all the liabilities and penalties prescribed by
file Deportment of Agriculture shall be performed under the law for the official misconduct In like cases of toe disbursing
supervision and direction of the solicitor. (May 26, 1910, c. cleric for whom he acts, and the official bond of the disbursing
256, 36 Stat. 410.) cleric executed shall also be made to cover tilld apply to the acts
519. Chief clerk.-The Secretary of Agriculture shall appoint of the deputy disbursing clerk. (Mar. 4, 1911, c. 238, 30 Stat.
a chief clerk. (R. S. § 523; Feb. 10, 1925, c. 200, 43 Stat. 822.) 1258.)
520. Same; bond.-The chief clerk, before entering upon 526. Promotions of laborers without examination.-AIl
is duties, slhall give bond to the Treasurer of the United classifed laborers whose positions were transferred from tile
States, in the sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned to render lump funds to the staittory rolls by Act March 3, 1905, c. 1-105,
a true and faithful account to the Treasurer quarter-yearly of 33 Stat. 801, and who were by tile last claise of such Act laced
all moneys which shall be by him received by virtue of his in the chissflfed service without'further examination in the
oflice, with sureties to be approved by the Solicitor of the grades and at the rates of compenmsation provided therein, are
Treasury. Such bond shall be filed in the office of the Secretary eligible for promotion without further examination. (June 30,
of tile Treasury, to be by him put in stilt upon any breach of 1900, c. 3913, 34 Stitt. 695.)
tie conditions thereof. (R. S. § 524; Mar. 2, 1895, c. 177, § 5, 527. Appointments, promotions, and changes in salaries.-
28 Stat. 807.) The Secretary of Agriculture Is authorized to make such ap-
521. Oaths, affirmations, and affidavits taken by officers, polhtittents, promotions, and changes Il salar!es, to be paid
agents, or employees of department; use and effect of.-Such out of the lunp funds of the several bureaus, divisions, and
officers, agents, or employees of the Department of Agriculture offices of the department as ny be for the best interests of the
of the Unitel States as are designated by the Secretary of Agri- service. (Mar. 4, 1907, c. 2907, 34 Stat. 1280.)
culture for the purpose are authorized and empowered to ad- 528. Salaries; how paid.-The Secretary of Agriculture iW
mh:ister to or take from any person all oath, affirmation, or authorized and directed to pity the salary of each employee
affidavit whenever such oath, affirmation, or affidavit Is far use from the roll of the bureau, Independent division, or office il
Il tiny prosecution or proceeding under or In the enforcement which the employee is working, and no other. (Mar. 4, 1907,
of any law committed to or -which may be conmuitted to the c. 2907, 3-i Stat. 1280.)
Secretary of Agriculture or the Department of Agriculture or 529. Assignment of pay.-TIh Secretary of Agricull ire Is
any bureau or subdivision thereof for administrath-. Any authorized to permit employees of the Department of Agricul-
such oath, affirmation, or affidavit administered or taken by or ture to make assignnents of their pay, under such regulations
before such officer, agent, or employee when certified under his as he may prescribe, during such time as they may be in the
hand and authenticated by the seal of the Department of employ of the said d. partinmet. (Mar. 4, 1900, e. 301., 35 Stilt.
Agriculture may be offered or used li any court of the United 1057.)
States and shall have like force and effect as If administered 530. Details; employees from office of Secretary.-Details
or taken before a clerk of such court without further proof of may lie nmde from or tot lhe office of the Secretary when neces-
the Identity or authority of such officer, agent, or employee. sary and the services of the person whom it is proposed to (ie-
(Jan. 31, 1925, e. 124, § 1, 43 Stat. 803.) tail are not required in that office. .(Mar. 4, 1907, c. 2007, 31
522. Same; fee for administering or taking.-No officer, Stat. 1280.)
agent, or employee of the Department of Agriculture shall de- 531. Same; law clerks.-Law clerks may be detailed by the
nand or accept any fee or compensation whatsoever for admuin- Secretary of Agriculture for service in or out of Washington.
istering or taking any oath, affirmation, or affidavit under the (Mar. 4, 1911, c. 238, 36 Stat. 1236.)
authority conferred by this section and sections 17 and 521 of 532. Same; from and to library and bureaus and offices.-
this title. (Jan. 31, 1925, c. 124, § 2, 43 Stat. 803.) Employees of the library tnay be temporarily detaiild by the
523. Watchmen.-All duly and lawfully constituted and ap- Secretary of Agriculture for library service In the bureaus and
pointed watchmen of the Department of Agriculture stationed offlices of time department, and employees of ti bureaus and
In and upon the buildings and premises of said department in officers of the department engaged ill library work may also lie
the city of Washington, District of Columbia, shall have and temporarily detailed to the library. (Mar. 4, 1911, c. 238, 30
perform the sane powers and duties, while on duty in and Stat. 1261.)
about sail premises, as the Metropolitan police of the District 533. Same; from and to Division of Accounts and Disburse-
of Columbia. (Mar. J, 1909, c. 301, 35 Stat. 1057.) ments and bureaus and offices.-Einployces of the )ivision of
524. Bureaus; laws relating to Plant Industry.-All existing Accounts and Disbursemtents may be detniled by the Sevretary
statutes relating to the Division of Soils, reorganized into tile of Agriculture for accounting and disbursitig work In any
Bureau of Soils ; the Division of Forestry, reorganized Into the of the bureaus and ofilces of tile department for duly Il or
Bureau of ForeM ry; the Division of Chemistry, reorganized into out of the city of Washington, at1d employees of tle bureus
the Bureau of Chemistry; and the Division of Botany, the and offices of the departmtent nay also be detailed to tile i)ivi-
Division of Pomology, the Division of Vegetable Physiology and slon of Accounts and Disbursements for duty it or out of tie
Pathology, the Division of Agrostology and Experimental Gar- city of Washington, traveling expenses of employees so de-
dens and Grounds, reorganized into the Bureau of Plant In- tailed to be paid from the appropriation of the bureau or office
dlvtry, not otherwise repealed, shall remain in effect as apply- il qoniection with which suth travel Is perforated. (Aug. 10,
ing to the respective bureaus into which the divisions nanted 1912, c. 281, 37 Stat. 294.)
have been reorganized. (June 3, 1902, c. 9S5, 82 Stat. 303.) 534. Leaves of absence; employees outside Washington.-
525. Disbursing clerk; deputy,-The ChIef of Division of The employees of ti) Department of Agriculture, outside of the
Accounts and Disbursemnits i the Department of Agriculture city of Washlngton, may, il the discretion of tile Secretary of
shall bp tile administrative officer of the fiscal affairs of the Agrieulture, be granted leave of absenco not to exceed fifteen
depa rtment. days In ally one year, which leave may in exceptional and

umeritorious cases where such an employee is III, be extended, ment for moneys expended for street-car fares at their official
in the discretion of tie Secretary of Agriculture, not to exceed headquarters when expended In the transaction of official
flifteen days additional inl ally one year. (May 23, 1908, e. 192, blsiness, (Aug. 10, 1012, c. 284, 37 Stitt. 300.)
35 Stat. 267.) 542. Purchases for bureaus front appropriations for contin-
535. Same; employees in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and gent expenses.-The Secretary of Agriculture iaiy hucelmse
Guam.--Enployees of the Department of Agriculture assigned stationery, supplies, furniture, and miseellaneous materials
to pernanent duty In Altda, Hawaii, Porto Rieo,' and Guam front this appropriation for contingent expenses and transfer
may, In the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, without the sant at actual cost to the various bureaus, divisions, and
ttitloaal expeise to the Government, Ile gritnti leave of 61Ic0s ofOthe Department of Agriculture in the city of Wash-
absence not to execd thirty days in any one year, which leave ington, rehnbursenient therefor to le made to such appropria-
nmay, ill exceptional and meritorions cases where an employee tlion by sald bureaus, divisions, and oflices from their lump-
is III, e extended, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agri- fund alliropritlois by transfer settlements through the
culture, not to exi'eed thirty days additional in any one year. Treasury Department. (Aug. 10, 1912, e. 28-i, 37 Stat. 290.)
(June 30, 1914, 11, 38 Stat. 441.)
3. 543. Reimbursement of appropriation for salaries and com-
536. Same; employces assigned to duty in Virgin Islands.- pensation of employees in utechanical shops.-The Secretary
Employees of tho Department of Agriculture assigned to per- of Agriculture tony, by trnsfer settlements through t.e General
manent duty in the Virgin Islands shall bo entitled to the same Accounting Office, relimlurse any appropriation made for tile
privileges as to lt,*e of abisenie as are conferred uoili ciin- salaries and compensation of employees in the mechanical shops
liliyecb assigned z( Alaska, hlawail, Porto Rico, and Guam of the department frm the appropriation made for the burealu,
1by section 5ild of "ls title, aid if ay emloyee of the agri- oflce, or division for which any work in said shops is lr-
cultural experinen .4tatlons of the United States in Alaska, formed, and such reimbursement shall be at the actual cost of
Hawaii, Porto Rict,. uhain, or the Virgin Islands shall elect labor fir such work. (May 1], 1922, c. 185, 42 Stat. 508.)
to postptone the tal of any or all of the ilniual leave to 544. Sale of waste paper.-Tlie Secretary of Agriculture is
which lie may be ei,t Iled ander said section 535. lie ia y, In authorized to sell as waste paper, or otherwise to dispose of
the discretion of the S-cretary of Agriculture, subject to the the accunlatlon of delartuient files which do not costitute
interests of tile ublit service, be allowed to take at one time I)erlnntlent records, and llt otheter documents and lublcatlonS
iuused atnntual leave wit htnmy have accumulated within not to whilcl have become obsolete o, worthless. (Mar. 4, 1907, c.
exceed four yetars, and tie mild at the rate prevailing dtriing tile* 2907, 34 Stilt. 1281.)
year such leave (if abstite has accumulated. (Juily 21, 1919,
545. Exchange of typewriters and computing machines.-
c. 26, 41 Stat. 262.)
The SecretLry of Agriculture may exchange typewriters and
537. Leave of absence ao agricultural experiment station
copu tllng, addressing, and duplicating machines purelnlaed
employees in Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico.-The ciii-
fron tiny huitihi-find aipropriiation of the Departmnmt of Agri-
ptoy(es of the experiment ttions In Alaska, Hawall, and culture. (Ag. 10, 1912, c. 2S-i, 37 Star. 29.)
Porto Rico aMay il the discrt tion of the Secretary of Agricul-
546. Exchange of scientific apparatus andi laboratory equip-
ltule, witlimit a(htional expel -:e to tite Gverianetnt, lie granted
ment.-Tte Secretary of Agriculture inay exchnge geiteral sol-
leave of absence not to excetd fifteen (ilys in ny one year,
eitic apparatus and laboratory etquilpmnt purchased from any
whici leave ialy, In excelitionul and ieritorlous cites where
allrolrtiationi of tie 1)epartnnt of Agriculture. (Junte :10,
such llt emaployee is ill, be exiended in) the discretion of the
1914, c. 131, 38 Stat. 4,11.)
Secretary of Agriculture tot to exceed fifteen days additional
Ill alty one year. (Jlune 30, 196,1, . 1913, 34 Stat. 694.) 547. Exchange of motor-ptopelled vehicles.-The Secretary
of Agriculture may exchange motor-propelled and horse-drawn
538. Traveling expenses.-Th Secretary of Agriculture i
nuthorlved to pirchtse from apru'priations made for traveling vehicles and boats fit part piynnet for new motor-propelled or
liirse-draw passeiger-carrying vwiicles authorized to le pur-
expenses for eilployees of tile Departnent of Agriculture,
iiiiletge aiid mileage books, at commercial rates, In the manner (lased by him, to be used for te satie lurposes ts those pro-
in which such mileage or mileage h')oks are usually purchased. posed to lie exchiaiged. Ile shall, on the first day of each
(Mar. 4, 1907, c. 2907, 34 Stat. 1281.) regular session of Congress, inke a report to Congress, for
539. Same; on transfer between iitati,ns.-Oficers and et- the fiscal year last closed showing, as to each exchange here-
under, the make of tile vehicle, the period of its use, the al-
poyees of the )eprtnitt of Agriuilture transferre~l from
one oftfiial station to another for lerruient tuty, when author- lowance therefor, amtd the vehicle, niake thereof, and price,
ized Iy the Secretary of Agriculture, niay lie allowed actual Icluding exchaiige value, paid or to be paid, for each 'eltlcle
traveling expenses, Including charges for tle transfer of their procured through such exchange. The Secretary of Agriculture
effects and iirs(al property used Ini oliclial work, under such may also exchange used parts, accessories, tires, or eqluittment
rules and regulations as may be prescrll ed by the Secretary of of motor-propelled and horse-drawn vehicles in part pay-
Agriculture. (Mar. 4, 1911, c. 238, 30 1265.) iient for new parts, accessories, tires, or equlilpiut of
510. Same; per diem in lieu of subsistence, etc.-When otil- such vehicles authorized to le purchased by hi, to he
cHils inlt einiloyees (if tile Depmrtnet of Agriculture are trav- used for the same purposes as those proposed to be exchanged.
edlnlg oil olilat I lisItess it the United States, they may e al- (Mar. 4, 1917, c. 179, 39 Stitt. 1167; May 31, 1920, e. 217
)owed necessary railroad and steamboat I -res, sleeping berth, 41 Stat. 728; Feb. 10, 1925, c. 200, 43 Stat. 850.)
alil( stateroom oil steamboats, livery hire i-,d stage fare, and 548. Exchange of books.-The Secretary of Agriculture amy
oither llteans of coinveyance between pilnti not accessible by exchange books and periodlcals of the library not needed for
railroad, but itn lIeu of subslstence and all ther travelingoex- permianent use for other books and periodicals. (Mar. 4,
penses they may receive a per diem allowiu 'e, to be fixed by 1915, c. 1,14, 88 Stat. 1107.)
the Secretary i citetch case, ]i addition to thelt' reguler salaries, 549. Sale or exchange of animals or animal products.-The
subject to such rules and regulations as tie ' 2cretary of Agri- Secretary of Agriculture Is authorized to sell in tile open miar-
culture may prescribe. (Aug. 10, 1012, c. 284, 37 Stat. 300.) ket or to exchange for other livestock such animals or animal
541. Same; reimbursement for street-car fares.-Officlals products as cease to be needed In the work of the department,
and eipl, yees of tile Department of Agrlcultre may, when and all moneys received from the sale of such ailinihlls or un-
authorized by the Secretary of Agriculture, rec.,lve reimburse- real products or as a bonus in the exchange of the same shall
be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscel- nitly be sold at a price to be determined by the Secretary of
latneous receipts. (Mar. 4, 1915, c. 144, 318 Stat. 1114.) Agriculture, find the amount obtained from the sale thereof
550. American bison for municipalities or public institu- shali be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
tions.-The Secretary of Agriculture may, in his dliscretion and (May 31, 1920, c. 217, 41 Stat. 714.)
lnder such condlithois as lie may prescribe, supply to any 557. Reports.-The Secretary of Agriculture shall anlally
municipality or'publie institution not mare than one American inaei a geleral report in writing of his acts to the President
bison from any surplus which may exist fit any herd under the and to Congress, in which lie ny recommenid tile 1ublicatlou
control of the Departmnent of Agriculture; and, In order to of Ipers forming parts of or accollpauylg his report, which
aid In the propagation of the species, anlimals niay be loaned shall also contaill an account of til moneys received and ex-
to or exchanged with other owners of Amlerican bison. (July pended by liia. Ile shall also laake special reports oi lartitlu-
24, 1910, c. 2, 41 Stat. 270.) ar subjects whenever required to do so by the Presidelt or
551. Sale of copies of card index of publications.-The Sec- either louse of Congress, or when lie shall. think the subject it
retary of Agriculture may furnish to such institutions or imll- his charge require' it. Ills report In detail of moneys expended
viduals as any are to buy them, copies of the card index of by hitu or under his direction slall be made to Congress on or
the publieations of the deprtlnient and of other agricultural befosti tile 15th day of December I ellacll year. (It. S. if 528,
literature prepared by the library, an4 charge for the same a 529.)
price covering tile additional expense Involved it the prepara- 558. Same; additional statement of expenditures.-In addl-
tion of these copies. Ile may furnish to su,1 If Instituttons or tion to tileproper vouchers find accounts for tile StUnS appro-
individuals as may care to buy then copies of the card index printed for the Department of Agriculture to be furnished to
of agricultural literature prepared by the Oflhic of Experiment the acontling officers of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agri-
Stations, and charge for the same a price covering the addil- culture shall, it the colmlllececelt of each regular session,
tional expense Involved in the preparation of these copies, the present to Congress a dletailed statemient of the expenditure of
money received from such sales to be deposited in the Treasury all appropriations for said departlent for the last precedilg
of tle United States as miscellaneous receipts. lie may fur- fiscal year. (Mar. 3, 1885, c. 338, § 2, 23 Stltt. 356; Aug. 11,
ish to such institutions or Imdividuals as may care to buy 1010, c. 313, 39 Stat. 492.)
thetm copies of the card Index of agricultural literature pre- 559. Same; amount paid for quarters.-The Secrelary of
pared by the Department of Agriculture in connection with its Agriculture shall sulinllt limnally to Congress it hits estimates of
adilltnlstraltlon of sections 362, 303, 306, m;8, 300, and 371 of alpproprlatlons a statement sliowig what proportion of this fll-
Title 7, and charge for the sanMi a price covering tile additional llropriltloli 1. pald for tile quarters occulied by the various
expenses Involved i the preparation of these copies, the nmncy branches of the department. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, 39 Stat.
received front such siles to be deposited in the Treasury of the 469.)
United States as miscellaneous receiits. (May 22, 1008, c. 102, 560. Same; suppression of contagious diseases among do-
35 Stat. 204, 206; Mar. 4, 11)15, c. 114, :18 Stat. 1100.) inestic animals.-The Secretary of Agriculture shall relort an-
552. Sale of photographic prints and miaps.--rlhe Secretary finally to Congress, sit tile coniimeaivniea t of each se.islon, a
of Agricullure iany dispose of photograiphic prints (Including list of tlie Iiilacs (i' iifll Ipersons el ioyed, an It(,1ized stit-
bromide ellargemncuts), lanutern slides, trans1parencies, blue iiet of fill expenditures under section 391 of title 7 find scC-
prints, and forest iaps fit cost and 10 per celltUn additional, I(eas 112 to 115, 117 to 119, inad MO of title 21, and full par-
and colidlemcd property or maateralis iner Ill.s charge In the ticuhlrs of the ieais adopted slidcarried into effect for tile
same inanier as provided by law for other bureaus. (Mar. suppression of cont a gious, infeetlotis, or cOllulliicabie disseases
4, 1907, c. 2007, 31 Stat. 126.) aniong domestlie animals. (May 29, 1884, c. 60, § 11, 23
553. Sale of prints and lantern slides.-Trhe Secretary of Agri- Stat. 33.)
culture is authorlzed to farnish, upon application, prints and 561. Same; estimates for executive oflicers.-Tlle Secretary
lanttrn slihles from legatives in the possession of ilie depart- of Agriculture shall nullly transmiiit to tli e Secretary of tile
ment find to charge for the same a price to cover the cost of Treasury for subissihn to Congress in the Book of Estliates
preparation, such price to be determileli and e-stabllshcd by detniled estinmates for all executive offlers, clerks, aid ei-
the Secrehory of Agriculture, i1d tile loney received from such1 ployees below the grade of cerk, indicatilng the salary or com11-
sales to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States. pellsation of each, necessary to be employed by tit' \'aiolls
(Mar. 4, 1907, c. 2907, 34 Stat. 1281.) bureiaus, o(lices, f1ll(] divisions of the Deltllment of Agricalture,
- shall Inhclte with Such esthn111ates it statement of fill
554. Loan, rental or sale of films.--' Secretary of Agri- and1(1 execu-
culture Is authorized, uider such rules find regulations and sub- tive ollicers, clerics, 11111 employees below the griitle of i'l'lk
ject to such conditionis Ie may prescril)e, to loa, rent, or who aliy have been cmldoyed during the last croli etl difiscal
sell coplies of fil1s. Ia the sile or reital of Miss educational year oil a1y hiilp-fuad aplro lii' n 1or the dclpirtniit till(d
institutions or associations for agricultural education not or- the salary or compenslaltion of each. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, :19
ganl'cd for profit shall have preference. All lloneys received Stat. .92.)
from such rentals or sales to be covered into the Treasury of 562. Same; completed investigations; report of duplicated
the United States is misccllaneous receipts. (Mar. 4, 1917, services.-Tie Secretary of AgricultIo i Is to s abliit to ('oi-
c. 179, 39 Stat. 1157; May 31, 1920, c. 217, 41 Stat. 718.) gress at tie begliing of each regtulir sessloll a ''po'l showing
555. Sale of samples of pure sugar.-The Secretary of Agri- what investigations devoled upon the )epartlmelt of Agrhai-
culture may furnish, upon application, saiaples of pure sugars, tire have becn completcd durng tlie preceding fiscal yearI, liil
naval stores, nicroscopical specimens, and other products to also showing what services, If an y, devolved upon the delnrt.
State and muilcipal officers, educational institutions, find other aliet fire being performed or dullated, in whole or lii part, by
parties and charge for the saine a price to cover the cost ally otler deplrtnment, bureau, or a ccllcy of lie U o~ llnlilt.
tlhereof, such price to be determnlined find established by the (Aug. 11, 110, c. 313, 39 Sitt. 492; Mar. 3, 1921, c. 127, .11
Secretary, aiid the iloney received from sales to le deposited In Stitt. 1347.)
the Treasury of the United States a1s milscellaeous receipts. 563. Cooperation with State and other lgencies; expcnldi-
(Mar. 4, 1915, c. 1,14, 38 Stat. 1101.) tures.-In carrying on Uie actlivities of tli leDimlnt of'Agil-
556. Srle of kelp.-The product obtailed fromt experinenta- culture Involving cooperatlol witll State, couty find ml hci)l1
tion a( tile Governmcnt kelp plant at Summerflhld, California, agelcies, associatlons of farmers, Individual fliamers, unlersi-

ties, colleges, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, or other 28, 1924, c. 204, Title 111, 43 Stat. 224; Feb. 27, 1925, c. 364,
local associations of business men, business organizations, .ane! Title III, 43 Stat. 1033.)
individuals within the State, Territory, district or insular pos- 594. Disbursing clerk.-There shall also he in said department
session in which such activities are to be carried on, moneys a disbursing clerk. (Feb). 14, 1903, c. 552, § 2, 32 Stat. 826.)
contributed from such outside sources, except in the case of 595. Assignment of salaries.-The Secretary of Commerce
the authorized activities of the Forest Service, shall be paid Is authorized, under such regulations as lie nfty prescribe, to
only through the Secretary of Agriculture or through State, permit officers and employees of the several bureaus and divi-
county or municipal agencies, or local farm bureaus or like sions of the Department of Commerce to assign their salaries
organizations, cooperating for the purpose with the Secretary while absent from Washington, District of Columbia, and
of Agriculture. (July 24, 1910, c. 26, 41 Stat. 270.) employed in the field. (June 17, 1910, c. 297, § 1, 36 Stat. 52.1.)
564. Same; salaries of employees of department.-The offi. 596. Powers and duties of department.-It shall be the
clals and the emuployees of the Department of Agriculture en- province and duty of said department to foster, promote, nnd
gaged in the activities described in section 563 of this title develop the foreign and domestic commerce, the mining, 1n1nu-
and paid in whole or it part out of funds contributed a $pro- facturing, shipping, and fishery Ildustries, and the transporta-
vided therein, and the persons, corporations, or associations tion facilities of the United States; and to this end It shall
making contributions as therein provided, shall not be subject be vested with jurisdiction and control of the departments,
to section 66 of this title; nor Lhall any official or employee bureaus, offices, and branches of the public service hereinafter
engaged in the cooperative activities of the Forest Service, specliled, and with such other powers and duties as may be
or the persons, corporations, or associations contributing to prescribed hy law. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 3, 32 Stat. 826.)
such activities be subject to said section 66. (July 24, 1919, 597. Bureaus in department.-Te following namned offices,
c. 26, 41 Stat. 270.) bureaus, divisions, and branches of the public service, and all
that pertains to the same, shall be under time jurisdiction and
supervisloi of the Department of Commerce:
Sec. 1. The Bureau of Lighthouses.
591. Establnliuent of depaitmeat; Secretary ; seal.
2. Tihe Steamboat Inspection Service.
592. Apslstaat Secretari.
503. ClcC clerk and sultijintendent. 3. The Bureau of Navigation.
594. Disbursing clerk. 4. The United States Shipping Commissioners.
595. Assigarneuts of salaries. 5. The National Bureau of Standards.
69G. Powels and dutiei of department. 8. Time Coast and Geodetic Stfrvey.
597. tureaus In department.
598. Same; records, etc. 7. The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
599. Duties amid powers vested In department. 8. The Census Office.
600. Same; nierelhnnt vessels, shipping, navigation, etc. 9. The Bureau of Fisheries, and the office of Commissioner
601. Statistical Information.
602. Transfer of statistical or sclentilic work. of isherles.
6W3. Custody of buildings; officers transferred. 10. The Patent Offce.
601. Annual nnd special reports. 11. The Bureau of Mines.
603. Lease of Commerce Building. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, HI 4, 12, 32 Stat. 826, 830; June 17,
Section 591. Establishment of department; Secretary; seal.- 1910, c. 301, § 4, 36 Stat. 537; Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, 37 Stat.
There sllali be at the seat of government an executive depart- 407; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, 1 3, 37 Stat. 757; Jan. 5, 1923, c. 23,
nmint to be knownt a., the Department of Commerce, and a Sec- § 1, 42 Stat. 1109.)
retary of Commerce, who shall be the head thereof, who shall 598. Same; records, etc.-The official records and papers on
be appointed by the P'resident, by aid with the advice and file in ant pertaining exclusively to the business of tiny bureau,
consent of the Senate, and whose term and tenure of office office, departfment, or branch of time public service transferred
shall be like that of the heads of the other executive depart- to the Department of Commerce, together with the furniture
ments; and the provisions of chapter 1 of this title shall be In use it such bureau, office, department, or branch of the
appli-able to said lepartment. The said Secretary shall cause public service, are transferred to time Department of Com.
a seal of etlice to be made for the said department of such merce. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 4, 32 Stat. 826.)
device as the President shall approve, and judicial notice shall 599. Duties and powers vested in department.-All dutles
be taken of the said seal. (Feb. 9, 1889, c. 122, § 3, 25 Stat. performed and all power and authority possessed or exercised
659; Feb. 1-4, 1903, c. 552, § 1, 32 Stat. 825; Feb. 26, 3907, c. by the head of any executive department In and over any
1635, § d, 31 Stat. 993; Feb. 17, 1909, c. 137, §§ 1, 2, 35 Stat. bureau, office, officer, board, branch, or division of the public
626; Mar. 4, 1909, e. 297, § 1, 35 Stat. 861; .Mar. 3, 1917, c. service transferred to the Department of Commerce, or any
163, § 1, 39 Stat. 1111; Mar. ., 1925, c. 519, § 4, -13 Stat. 1301.) business arising therefrom or ,pertaining thereto, or in-relation
Cros reference: Salary of Secretary ; see section .i of this title. to the duties performed by and authority conferred by law upon
592. Assistant Secretary.--There shall be in saiId department such bureau, officer, office, board, branch or division of the
all Assistant Secretary of Commerce, to be appointed by the puhlic service, whether of an appellate or revisory character or
'reshient. Ile shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed otherwise, slhall be 'ested In and .eercised by the Secretary of
by the Secretary or required by. law. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, Commerce. (Feb. 14, 190',1, c. 552, § 10, 32 Stat. 829.)
§ 2, 12 Stat. 826; Mar. 4, 1913, e. 141, 37 Stat. 786; Mar. 3, 600. Same; merchant vessels, shipping, navigation, etc.-All
duies, power, authority and jurisdiction, whether supervisory,
1917, c. 163, § 1, 39 Stat. 1111.)
appellate, or otherwise, formerly Imposed or conferred upon
593. Chief clerk and superintendent.-There shall be in said
the Secretary of the Treasury by acts of Congress relating to
depiirtlneint a chief clerk and superintendent who shall be chief
exts.tive officer of time departlneut and who may be designated merchant vessels or yachts, their me.surement, numbers, naies,
by the Secretary of Commerce to sign official papers and doca- registers, enrollments, licenses, commissions, records, mort-
')ets during the temporary absence of the Secretary and the gages, bills of sale, transfers, entry, ec rance, movements and
Assistant Seretary of the department. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, transportation of their cargoes and passengers, owners, offhiers,
§ 2, 32 Stat. 826; Jan. 5, 1923, c. 21, Title 1, 42 Stat. 1110; May seamen, passengers, fees, Inspection, equipment for the better
security of life, and by acts of Congress relating to tonnage

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