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§ 493
the beglinnig of each regular session thereof, in addition to lhe 487. Expenditures of departmnent.--The Secretary of tle In-
relort directed to be made its above, it detailed statement show- terior shall sign 1ll requisitions for tile advance or 1tlylnent of
lng the amount expended from each of the appropriations for illOlley, out of tile Treasury, upon estinates or nccalllltts for
the repair of every ship where such repairs exceed for any one eXlllItures upon Itslnes , nsstgned by lw to his depnrtellatl;
ship the sum of $300,000 in any one fiscal year. (Mar. 2, 1907, subject, however, to adjustment and control by the proper tic-
c. 2512, 34 Stat. 1195; Mar. 3, 1909, c. 255, 35 Stat. 769; Aug. collting oflicers of tile (4enral Accountilg eltlce. (It. S. § '44
29, 1916, c. 411, 39 Stat. 605.) June 10, 1921, e. 18, § 301, 42 Stat. 24.)
188. Records; copies.-Tie Secretary of tlhe Interior, he
Chapter 8.-DEIWAlTMENT OF INTERIOR. Jlead of any bureau, olilce, or llnstitution, or tiny ollier of that
See. department, may, when not prejudicial to the Interests of tile
481. Establishiment. Government, furnish antlhenticated or unaatheuitlcated copies
482. First Assilstant and Amdtiant Secretaries of Interior.
18:1. Same; duties of Assistant Secretary. of ay otilcial ilooks, rccor'l., papers, docullelts, Illlls]), pints,
4RI. Chief clerk. or dhilgrains withil his custody, and charge therefor tle follow-
485. Duties of Secretary. ing fees: For Jill writtell Collies, at the rate of 15 ('ellis for
490. Secretnry to eercise certain powers over tihe Territories. enci lundred words thereil; for elicih photollthograll!c copy,
487. Expenditurcs of department.
488. Records ; copies. 25 cents where such copies are authorized by law; for photo-
489. Same; Inspection and copying. graphic (copie.*, 15 cents for each sliect; nd for tracings or
490. Same; nutbenticated copies ns evidence. blue l'lints tile cost of tile prollucin tlhereof to he determllined
.191. Same; attestation of copies by official seal. by ile( officer furlIlllshing such copies, fid In addition to tlheso
492. Same; disposlilon of receipts.
403. Agents or attorneys representing claimants before department. fve the suI of 25 cents sh1all be charged for each certificate of
491. Exchange of automobiles. verillcatolln an1 the seal littachel to auJhilleat leat eli Copies.
495. Annual reports of departinent and it; bureaus. ''here shall be no charge for the 1aking or verIllcatioa of
490. Puarchase of supplies nnd equipment or procurement of scrvi(.o coleh,i requireld for ofilcihl use by the otlicers of liny branch
for bureaus and offices of Interior Departniunt.
of the Covernment. Olly a1 charge of 25 cents shll be n1ado
Section 481. Establishment.-There shall be at the seat of for ftrnishing authenticated coplies of a1y rules, regulti oli ,
government an execntive delrtelinet to be known as the De- or ilstructjons printed by tile Governent for gratuitous dls-
partmuent of the Interior, and a Secretary of the Interior, who trlibuti)n. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 370, § 1, 37 Stat. 497.)
shall he the head thereof. (R. S. § 437.) 489. Same; inspection and copying.-Nothling In sections ,183
Cross reference : Salary of Secretary ; see section 3 of this title. to .192 of this title shall be construed to ]linit or restrict
482. First Assistant and Assistant Secretaries of Interior.- il n1y Iaiiner tile authrlity of the Secretary of tlhe Interior
There shall be In the Department of tile Interior it First Assist- to prescribe such ruhls and regulations on lie 1ay (]eea proper
ant Secretary of tile Interior, and an Assi, ,ant Secretary of the governing te I lspection of tile records of said dct 1rtlent :111d
Interior, who l1ll be appointed by the Piesilent, by and with its varlious bureaus by the general public, 1111 ally person hllv-
the advice and consent of the Seite. (It. S. § 438; Mar. 3, ing 1y particular interest in any of such re(ords 111y lIe per-
1885, c. 360, 23 Stat. 497; Blar. 3, 1917, c. 163, § 1, 39 Stat. illited co take copies of such records under such rules and
1102.) regulltfons as smay be plrescrilbed by the Secretary of the lte-
483. Same; duties of Assistant Secrctary.-The Assistant rihr. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 370, § 2, 37 Stlit. 498.)
Secretary of tile Interior shall perfornl such duties ill the De- 490. Same; authenticated copies as evidence.-All authenti-
partment of tile Interior as shall be prescribed by the Secre- cated coplies furnished 1nder section 488 of tills title s1al1 11
tary, or may be required by law. Ile is authorized to sign alimitted in evilence equally with the originals thereof. (Aug.
such official papers Jill(] documents as tie Secretary ralIy direct. 21, 1912, e. :170, § 3, 37 Stat. 498.)
(R. S. § 439; Mar. 28, 1918, c. 29, 40 Stat. 499.) 491. Same; attestation of copies by official seal.-All officers
484. Chief clerk.-The chief clerk of the Department of the who furnish authenticated copies under section .488 of tli., title
1interlQr shall be the chief executive oflter of the department shall attest their authentication by tile use of Jil1 ofllclal seal,
nnl nay be designated by the Secretary to sign official papers which is hereby aulthorized for thal purpose. (Aug. 21, 1912,
and documents, Includilng the authorization of expenditures c. 370, § 4, 37 Stat. 498.)
from the contingent and other appropriations for the depart- 492. Same; disposition of reeeipts.-AIl suse received under
ment, Its bureaus and ofilces, section 075 of Title 31 to the the )rovisions of section 488 of ilis title shall be deplosiCld In
coatrary notwithstanding. (May 24, 1922, c. 199, 42 Stat. 552; tie Treasury to tlle credit of liscellaleous r'ae1t. (Aug. 24,
Jan. 24, 1923, e. 42, 42 Stat. 117.1; June 5, 1924, c. 204, 43 1912, c. 370, § 0, 37 5tat. 498.)
Stat. 391; Mar. 3, 1925, e. 402, 43 Stat. 1142.) 493. Agents or attorneys representing claimants before
485. Duties of Secretary.-The Secretary of the Interior 19 -ipartment,--The Secretary of tile llterior 1aty preserlle rules
charged with the supervision of public business relating to tle and regulations governlig the recognition of agenlts, attorneys,
folX.-ling subjects: or other persons rellresel'tllg clhiliants before Ilis delrintllmt,
First. The public landi, including mines. and 111111"iyrcqlllire of such persons, agellts, find attol'neys, Ie-
Second. The Indians. f'ore being recognized tas relresentatives of clainants, that
Third. Pensions and bounty-lands. they ;hall show that they are of good noral character anid In
Fourth. Education. good repute, possessed of tile necessary qulilltieallons to enablo
Fifth. St. Elizabeths Hospital. the to reader such claiants valuable service, and otherwise
Sixth. Columbia Institution for Deaf. (R. S. § 441; Feb. 14, colptient to nldv:se and assist such elaillIans In tile pre."elt-
1003, c. 552, § 12, 32 Stat. 830.) tion of their clais and such Secretary 1nay, after nolhv' fnd
486. Secretary to exercise certain powers over the Terri- opportunity for a hearilng, sUispend or exclude frot f1rlher
tories.-The Secretary of tile Ihterlor shall exercise all the practice before his delrtment any sullh person, agent or at-
powers and perform all the duties Ill relation to the Terri- torn . shown to be Ilncompetent, dlisreputallle, or whlo refuses
tories o' the United States that were, prior to March 1, 1873, to comply with the satl'ru!es ad1 regulations, or who shall
by law or by custom exercised and performed by tic Secretary with Intent to defraud i any inanuer, de'elve, iilslenll, or
of State. (R. It. § 442.) threaten any claimant, or prospective chlaiant, by word, cir-

eulnr, letter, or by advertisement. *(July 4, 1884, c. 181, § 5, See.

23 Stat. 101.) 554. Loan, rental, or sale of films.
555. Sale of samples of pure sugars.
494. Exchange of automobiles.-The Secretary of the In- 550. Sale of kelp.
terior may exchange automobiles in part payment for new ma- 557. Reports.
chines used for the same purpose as those proposed to be 558. Same; additional statemen of expenditures.
exchanged. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 140, § 1, 39 Stat. 973.) 559. Same; amount paid for quarters.
560. Same; suppression of contagious diseases .mong domestic ani-
495. Annual reports of department and its bureaus.-The mals.
annual reports of the department and of all Its bureaus and es- 061. Same; estimates for executive officers.
tablishmuents, Including the Bureau of Reclamation, shall not 562. Same; completed investigations; report of duplicated services.
exceed a total of one thousand two hundred and fifty pages. 503. Cooperation with State and other agencies; expenditures.
501. Same; salaries of employees of department.
(May 24, 1922, c. 199, 42 Stat. 554; Jan. 24, 1923, c. .2, 42 Stat.
1170; June 5, 1924, c. 204, 43 Stat. 392; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43 Section 511. Establishment of department.-There shall be
Stat. 11.13.) at the seat of government a Department of Agriculture, the
496. Purchase of supplies and equipment 'or procurement general design and duties of which shall be to acquire and to
of services for bureaus and offices of Interior Department.- diffuse among the people of the United States useful infornma-
The purchase of supplies and equipment or the procurement tion on subjects connected with agriculture, In the most general
of services for the Department of the Interior, the bureaus and and comprehensive sense of that word, and to procure, propa-
offices thereof, Including Howard University and the Columbia gitte, and distribute among time people new and valuable seeds
Institution for the Deaf, at the seat of government, as well and plants. (R. S. § 520.)
as those located In the field outside the District of Columbia, 512. Executive department; Secretary.--The Department of
may be made in open market without compliance with sections 'Agriculture shall be an executive department, under the super-
5 and 10 of Title 41, In the manner common among business vision and control of a Secretary of Agriculture, who shall be
men, when the aggregate amount of the purchase or the service appointed by the President, by and with the advice and con-
does not exceed $100 In any Instance. (May 24, 1922, c. 199, sent to the Senate. The provisions of chapter 1 of this title
42 Stat. 553; Jan. 24, 1923, c. 42, 42 Stat. 1176; June 5, 1924, c. shall be applicable to said department; and all laws and parts
204, 43 Stat. 392; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43 Stat. 1143.). of law, relating to the Department of Agriculture in existence
February 9, 1889, as far as the same are applicable and not in con-
flict with this chapter, and only. so far, are continued In lull
See. force and effect. (Feb. 9, 1889, c. 122, P§ 1, 4, 25 Stat. 659.)
511. Establishment of department.
512. Executive department; Secretary. Cross reference : Salary of Secretary ; see section 8 of this title.
G13. Seal. 513. Seal-The Secretary of Agriculture Is authorized and
514. General duties of Secretary. directed to procure a proper seal, with such suitable inscriptions
61G. Duties of former Commissioner of Agriculture transferred to
Secretary. and devices as he may approve, to be known its the official seal
616. Custody of property and records. of the Department of Agriculture, and to be kept and used to
017. Assistant Secretary. verify official documents, under such rules and regulations as
518. Solicitor to supervise legal work. he may prescribe. (Aug. 8, 1894, c. 238, § 1, 28 Stat. 272.)
519. Chief clerk.
520. Same; bond. 514. General duties of Secretary.-The Secretary of Agricul-
021. Oaths, affirmnations, and affidavits taken by officers, agents, or ture shall procure and preserve all information concerning
employees'of department; use and effect of. agriculture which lie can obtain by means of books and cor-
522. Same; fee for administering or taking.
523. Watchmen. respondence, and by practical and scientific experiments,
524. Bureaus; laws relating to Plant Industry. accurate records of which experimets shall be kept in his
525. Disbursing clerk; deputy. office, by the collection of statistifs, and by any other appro-
526. Promotions of laborers without examination.
priate means within his power; he shall collect new and
027. Appointments, promotions, and chnges In salaries.
628. Salaries; how paid. valuable seeds and plants; shall test, by cultivation, the value
520. Assignment of pay. of such of them as may require such tests; shall propagate
130. Details; employees from office of Secretary. such as may be worthy of propagation; and shall distribute
531. Same; law clerks.
532. Sami ; from and to library and bureaus and offices. them among agriculturists. (R. S. § 526.)
633. Same; from and to Division of Accounts and Disbursements 515. Duties of former Commissioner of Agriculture trans-
and bureaus and offices. ferred to Secretary.-The authority granted to the Commis-
V.i. Leaves of absence; employees outside Washington. sioner of Agriculture by the act of May 29, 1884, estaibllshing
635. Same; employees in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Guam.
630. Same; employees assigned to duty in Virgin Islands. the Bureau of Animal Industry, and by the provisions of the
537. Leave of absence to agricultural experiment station employees In appropriation act for the Agricultural Department, approved
Alnaka, Hawall, and Porto Rico. July 18, 1888, relating to said bureau, is vested in the Secre-
W8. Traveling expenses.
039. Same ; on transfer between stations. tary of Agriculture; and the said Secretary is authorized and
0.40. Same; per diem In lieu of subsistence, etc. directed to perform all the duties named In said acts. (July
011. Same; reimbursement for street-car fares. 14, 1890, c. 707, 26 Stat. 288.)
542. l'urehases for bureaus from appropriations for contingent ex- 516. Custody of property and records.-The Secretary of
5,13. Iteimbursement of appropriation for.salaries and compensation of Agriculture shall have charge, In the building and premises
employees li mechanical shops. appropriated to the department, of the library, furniture, fix-
64 1. Sale of waste paper. tures, records, and other prop,.rty appertaining to it, or ac-
5-15. Exchnnge of typewriters and computing machines.
616. Exclange of sclentific tpparatus and laboratory equipment. quired for use in its business. (R. S. § 525.)
517. Exchange of notor-propelled vehicles. 517. Assistant Secretary.-There shall be in the Department
5J8. Exchange of books. of Agriculture an Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, to be
010. Sale or exchange of animals or animal products. appointed by the President, by and with the adViceo and consent
550. Ansrican bison for municipalities or public institutions.
551. ale of copies of card Index of publications. of the Senate, who shall perform such duties as may be re-
552. Sale of photographic prints and maps. quired by. law or prescribed by the Secretary. The Assistant
053. Sale of prints and lantern slides. Secretary of Agriculture Is authorized to perform such duties

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