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§ 156 TITLE 2.


income of pny trust fund held by it, shall be estinated for in exempt from all Federal taxes. (Mar. 3, 1025, c. 423, § 5,
the annual estimates of the librarian for the maint-uanco of 43 Stat. 1108.)
the Library of Congress. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, § 1, 43 Stat. 162. Same; employees; compensation.-Employces of the Li-
1107.) brary of Congress who perform special functions for the per-
156. Same; gifts, etc., to.-The board is hereby authorized to formanco of which funds have been entrusted to the board or
accept, receive, hold, and administer such gifts or bequests of the librarian, or In connection with cooperative undertakings,
personal property for the benefit of, or in connection with, in which '.he Library of Congress is engaged, shall not be sub-
the Library, its collections, or its service, as may be approved ject to sectiou 70 of Title 5; nor shall any additional compensa-
by tile board and by the Joint Committee on tile Library. tion no paid to such employees be *construed as a double salary
(Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, § 1, 43 Stat. 1107.) under the provisions of section 03 of Title 5. (Mar. 3, 1925,
157. Same; trust funds; management of.-The moneys or c. 423, § 0, 43 Stat. 1108.)
securities composing the trust funds given or bequeathed to 163. Same; report to Congress.-The board shall submit to
the board shall be receipted for by the Secretary of the the Congress an annual report of the moneys or securities
Treasury, who shall invest, reinvest, or retain investments as reeived and held by it and of its operations. (Mar. 8, 1925,
the board may from time to time determine. The income as c. 423, § 7, 43 Stat. 1108.)
and when collected shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Chapter f.-CONGIRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS.
time United States, who shall enter it in a special account to the
credit of the Library of Congress and subject to disbursmnent 191. Oaths to witnesses.
by the librarian for the purposes in each case specified; and 192. iefusi of witness to testify.
the Treasurer of the United States is hereby altthorized to 193. Privilege of witnesses.
honor the requisitions ef the librarian made in such manner 194. Witnesses failing to testify.
105. Fees of witnesses In District of Columbia.
and in accordance with such regulations as tile Treasurer
may from tine, to tilie prescribe: Provided, however, That the Section 191. Oaths to witnesses.-The President of the Sen-
board is not engage in any business nor to exer- ate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, or a chair-
cise any voting privilege which may be incidental to securities man of a Committee of the Whole, or of any committee of
il its hands, nor shall the board make any investments that either House of Congress, Is empowered to administer oaths
could not lawfully be made by a trust company in the District to witnesses In any case under their examination. Any Mem-
of Columbia, except that it may make any investments directly ber of either House of Congress may administer oaths to wit-
authorized by the instruientC of gift, and may retain any nesses in any matter depending In either House of Congress of
investments accepted by it. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, § 1, 43 which he is a Member, or any committee thereof. (11. S. § 101;
Stat. 1107.) June 20, 1884, c. 123, 23 Stat. 60.)
158. Same; deposits with Treasurer of United States.- 192. Refusal of witness to testify.-Every person who having
Should any gift or bequest so provide, the board may deposit been summoned as a witness by the authority of either House
tile principal sum, In cash, with the Trevsurer of the United of Congress, to give testimony or to produce papers upon any
States as a permanent loar, to tile United States Treasury, matter under inquiry before either House, or any committee
and the Treasurer shall thereafter credit such deposit with of either House of Congress, willfully makes default, or who,
interest at the rate of 4 per centulm per annulm, payable semi- having appeared, refuses to answer any question pertinent to
annually, such interest, as income, being subject to disburse- the question under inquiry, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
nieet by tile Librarian of Congress for the purposes specified: demeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 nor
'rovldcd, however, That the total of such principal sums at less than $100, and imprisonment in a common jail for not less
any time so held by the Treasurer under this authorization than one month nor more than twelve months. (I. S, § 102.)
shall not exceed the sum of $5,000,000. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, 193. Privilege of witnesses.-No witness is privileged to re-
§ 1, 43 Stat. 1107.) fuse to testify to any flect, or to produce any paper, respecting
159. Same; perpetual succession; suits by or against.-The which he shall be examined by either House of Congress, or
board shall have perpetual succession, with all the usual powers by Lny commaictee of either House, upon the ground that his
and obligations of a trustee, except as herein limited, in re- testimony to such fact or his production of such paper may
spect of all property, moneys, or securities which shall be tend to disgrace him or otherwise render him infamous. (R.
conveyed, transferred, assigned, bequoatmed, delivered, or paid S, § 103.)
over to It for the purloses above specified. The board may be 194. Witnesses failing to testify.-Whenever a witness sum.
sued in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, which moned as mentioned in section 192 of this title fails to testify,
is hereby given jurisdiction of such iuits, for the purpose of and the facts are reported to either House, the President of
enforcing tile provisions of any trust accepted by it. (Mar. the Senate or the Speaker of the House, as the case may be,
3, 1925, c. 423, § 3, 43 Stat. 1108.) shall certify the fact under the seal of the Senate or House
160. Same; gifts, etc., to Library not affected.-Nothing In to the district attorney for the District of Columbia, whose
sections 154 to 163 of this title shall be construed as prohibit- duty it shall be to bring the matter before the grand jury for
lug or restricting the Librarian of Congress from accepting their action. (R. S. § 104.)
in the nate of the United States gifts or bequests of money 195. Fees of witnesses in District of Columbia.-Witnesses
for imnmediate disbursement in the interest of the Library, its residing In tile District of Columbia and not in the service of
collections, or its service. Such gifts or bequests, after accept- the government of said District or of tile United States, who
ance by the librarian, shall be paid by the donor or his rep- shall be summoned to give testimony before any c.nimittee of
resentative to the Treasurer of the United btates, whose re- the House of Representatives, shall not be allowed exceeding
celpts shall be their acquittance. The Treasurer of the United $2 for each day's attendance before said committe.,. (May 1,
States shall enter them im a special account to the credit of 1870, c. 88, 19 Star. 41.)
the Library of Congress and subject to disbursement by the
librarian for the purposes in each case specified. (Mar. 3, Chapter 7.-CONTESTED ELECTIONS.
1925, c. 423, § 4. 43 Stat. 1108.) Sec.
201. Notice of Intention to contest.
161. Same; gifts, etc., exempt from Federal taxes.--Gifts or 202. Time for answer.
bequests to or for the bene~It of the Library of Congress, in. 203. Timi fer taking testimony.
eluding those to the board, amd the Income therefrom, shall be 204. Notice of depositions; sorvic,
see. 206. Who may issue subpocnas.--When any contestant or re-
"or5.Testimony taken at several places nt sarme timo. turned Member is desirous of obhtaining testimony respecting a
200. Whe may Issue subpaenas.
207. Contentq of subpoena. contested election, he may apply for a sUbl)uma to either of the
208. When juitlees of the peace may act. following officers who may reside within the congre,'slonal dis-
200. Depositions by consed. trict in which the election to be contested was held :
210. Service of subpmna.
212. Witnesses need not attend out of county. First. Any judge of any court of the United States.
212. Penalty for failure to attend or testify. Second. Any chancellor, judge, or justice of a coort of record
213. Witnesses outside of district. of any State.
214. Party notified may select officer. Third. Any mayor, recorder, or intendmit of any toN n or city.
215. Depoeltions taken by party or agent.
216. Eximhfntion of witnesses. Fourth. Any referee in bankruptcy or notary public. (It. S.
217. T'esthnny, to what confined. § 110; Juite 7, .1878, c. 160, 20 Stat. 09; July 1, 1898, e. 511, § :18,
218. Testimony, written out and attested. 30 Stat. 555.)
219. Production of papers.
207. Contents of subpncna.-rhe officer to whom the aippliea-
220. Adjournments.
221. Notice attached to dpoPitions. tion authorized by the preceding section is riaide sliall there-
222. Copy of notice and answer to accompany testimony. upon issue his writ of subpoena, directed to all such wit nesAcs
223. Testmony sent to Clerk of louse of tcpre.seutatlves; printing as shall lie named to him, requiring their attendance before
testimony ; briefs.
224. Fees of witnesses.
Iin, at sonte time and place mncd iii the snilpmtin, nin order to
225. Fees of omears. be examined reiipecting the contested election. (It. S. § 111.)
226. Limitation of expenses of contest for seat in House. 208. When justices of the peace may act.--In case nile o?
Section 201. Notice of intention to contest.-Whenever any lite officers mentioned in section 206 of this title are resdin;
person intends to contest an election of any Member of the Mouse In the congressioraal distriet from wlich the election is P)rOlt)ost
of ltepresentatives of the United States, ie slall, within thirty to be contested, the application thereby authorized nay Ie mnide
days after the result of such election slall have been deter- to any two justic(s of the iace residing within the district;
mined by the ollicer or board of canvassers autlorized by law and they nmy receive such application, and jointly proceed
to determine the same, give notice, in writing, to the Member upon it. (R. S. § 112.)
whose seat lie designs to contest, of his intention to contest the 209. Depositions by consent.-It shall be competent for the
saine, and, in such notice, shall specify particularly the grounds parties, their agents or alt'orneys authorized to act in the prein-
upon which lie relies in the contest. (R. S. § 105.) ises, by consent in writing, to take decpositlons without notice;
202. Time for answer.--Any Member upon whom the notice also, by such written consent, to take depositions (whetir
mentioned i the preceding section may be served shall, within unn or without notice) before tiny officer or officers author.
thirty days after the service thereof, answer such notice, ad- ized to take depositions in conmmon law, or 'lvil actions, or in
mitting or denying tle facts alleged therein, and stating specif- chancery, by either time laws of the United States or of the
ically any other grounds upon which he rests the validity of State in which the samenmay be taken, andl to waive proof of
his election; and shll serve a copy of his answer upon the the official character of such officer or otllers. Any written
contestant. (R. S. § 100.) consent given its aforesaid shall be returned with the deposi.
203. Time for taking testimony.-In all contested-election tions. (R. S. § 113.)
cases the tine allowed for taking testimony shall be ninety 210. Service of subpcna.-Eacli witness stall le duly served
days, and the testiniony shall be taken in the following order: with a subpmna, by a copy thereof delivered to him or left at
The contestant shall take testimony (luring the first forty ditys, his usual place of abode, at least live days before the day on
time returned Member during the succeeding forty days, and the which the attendance of the witness is required. (1R. S. § 11.)
contestant may take testimony in rebuttal only during the re- 211. Witnesses need not attend out of county.-No witne:s
maining ten days of said period. This section shall be con- shall be required to attend an examination out of the county in
strued as requiring all testimony in cases of contested election which lie may reside or be served with a subIena. (It. S.
to be taken within ninety days from the day on which the § 115.)
answer of the returned Member Is served upon the contestant. 212. Penalty for failure to attend or testify.-Any person
(11. S. § 107; Mar. 2, 1875, c. 119, § 2, 18 Stat. 338 who, having been summned in the maitner tbove directed,
204. Notice of depositions; service.-The party desiring to refuses or neglects to attend and testify, unless prevented by
tak(e a deposition under the provisions of this chapter shall sickness or unavoidable necessity, slitll forfeit tie suin (of
glvc the opposite party notice, in writing, of the time and $20, to be recovered, with costs of suit, by the party tit whose
place, when and where.the same will be taken, of the name of instance the subpa-na was issued, and for his use, by an aeiu
the witnesses to be examined and their places of residence, of debt, to any court of the United States, and shall also be
and of the name of an officer before whom the same will t)e liable to all Indlictient for a misdenieanor, ind punishment
taken. The notice shall be personally served alen tle opposite by fine and imprisoinmeit. (It. S. § 110.)
party, or upon any agent or attorney authorized by him to 213. Witnesses outside of district.-Delositlons of wilnescs
take testimony or cross-examine witnesses in the matter of residing outside of the district andlbeyond the reach of a sub-
such contest, if, by the us of reasonable diligence, such per- pwiua may be taken before any officer authorized by law to take
sonal service can be made; but If, by the use of such diligence, testimony In contested-election cases in the district in which
personal service call not be made, the service may be made by the witness to be examined may reside. (It. S. § 117.)
leaving a duplicate of the notice at the usual place of abode 214. Party notified may select oflicer.--The party notilffd as
of the opposite party. The notice shall be served so as to allow aforesaid, his agent or attorney, may, if lie see fit, select atn
the opposite party sufflclent tiae by the usual route of travel officer (having authority to take depositions in such cases) to
to attend, and one day for preparation, exclusive of Sundays officiate, with the officer named lin the notice, li the taking of
and the day of service. Testimony in rebuttal may be taken on the depositions; and if loth such offiers attend, the depo-
five days' notice. (R. S. § 108.) s'tions shall be taken before them both, sitting together, and
205, Testimony taken at several places at same time.-Tes- be certified by them both. But if only one of such oellcers it-
timony in contested-election cases may be taken at two or more tend, the depositions may be taken before and certiled by
places at the same time. (R. S. 1 100.) him alosi. (I. S. § 118.)
§ 215 TJTLBf£-IXUNJt
215. Depositions taken by party or agent.-At the taking of from the mailing of such letter, for the purpose of being pres-
any desposition under this chapter, either party may appear ent at the opening of the sealed, packages of testimony and of
and act In person, or by agent or attorney. (R. S. § 119.) agreeing upon the parts thereof to be printed. Upon the day
216. Examination of witnessis.-Ali witnesses who attend In appointed for suchl meeting the said Clerk shall proceed to
obedience to a subjxena, or who attend voluntarily at the tio open all the packages of testimony in the case, in the pres-
and place appointed, of whose examination notice has been ence of the parties or their attorneys, and such portions of
given, as provided by this chapter, shall then and there be ex- the testimnony as the parties may agree to have printed shall
amined on oath by the officer who issued the subpoena, or, be printed by the Public Printer, under the direction of tile
in case of his abience, by any other officer who is authorized to said Clerk; and in case of disagreement between the parties
issue such subplina, or by the officer before whom the dep- as to tie printing of any portion of tile testimnony, the said
ositions are to be taken by written consent, or before whom Clerk shall determine whether such portion of the testimony
the depositions of witnesses residing outside of ihe district are shall be printed; and the said Clerk shall prepare a suitable
to be taken as the case may be, touching all such matters re- index to be printed with tie record. And the notice of con-
specting the election about to be contested as shall be proposed test and the answer of the sitting M\ember shall also be
by either of the parties or their agents. (R. S. § 120.) printed with the record.
217. Testimony, to what confincd.-The testimony to be If either party, after having been duly notified, shouhl fail
taken by either party to tie contest shall be confined to the to attend, by himself or by an attorney, the Clerk shall pro-
proof or disproof of the facts alleged or denied in the notice ceed to open the packages, and shall cause such portions of
and answer mentioned in sections 201 and 202 of this title. tie testimony to be printed, as lie shall determne.
(R. S. § 121.) lIe shall carefully seal up and preserve tile portions of the
218. Testimony, written out and attested.-The oflicer shall testimony not printed, as well as the other portions when re-
cause the testimony of the witnesses, together with the ques- turned from the Public Printer, and lay the same before the
tions proposed by the parties or their agents, to ba reduced to Committee on Elections at the earliest opportunity. As soon
writing in his presence, and In the presence of the parties or as tile testimony in any case Is prlntrd the Clerk shall forward
their agents, if attending, and to he duly attested by the wit- by mail, If desire(], two copies thereof to the contestant mid
nesses respectively. (R. S. § 122.) the same number to tile contestee; and shall notify the con-
219. Production of papers.-The officer shall have power to testait to file with the Clerk, within thirty days, a brief of the
require the production of papers; and on the refusal or neglect facts and the authorities relied on to establish his case. The
of any person to produce and deliver up any paper or papers Clerk shall forward by mail two copies of the contestant's hrief
in his possession.pertaining to the election, or to produce and to the contestee, with like notice.
deliver up certified or sworn copies of the same in case they Upon receipt of the contestee's brief tie Clerk shall forward
may be official papers, such person shall be liable to all the two copies thereof to the contestant, who may, if he desires,
reply to new matter in the contestce's briet within like time.
penalties prescribed in section 212 of this title. All papers
thus produced, and all certified or sworn copies of official pa- All briefs shall be printed at tle expense of the parties re-
pers, shall be transmitted by the officer, with the testimony of spectively, and shall be of like folio as the printed record; and
the witnesses, to the Clerk of the House of Representatives. (R. sixty copies thereof shall be filed with the Clerk for the use
13. § 123.) of the Committee on Elections. (I. S. § 127; Mar. 2, 1875,
c. 110, R 1, 18 Stat. 338; Mar. 2, 1887, c. 318, 24 Stat. 445.)
220. Adjourn ments.-The taking of the testimony may, If so
224. Fees of witnesses.-Every witness attending by virtue
stated in the notice, Ie adjourned from day to day. (R. S.
of any subpoena herein directed to be issued shall be entitled
to receive the stint of 75 cents for each day's attendance,
221. Notice attached to depositions.-The notice to take
and the further sum of 5 cents for every mile necessarily
depositions, with the proof or acknowledgment of the service
traveled In going and returning. Such allowance shall be
thereof, and a copy of the subliena, where any has been served,
ascertained and certified by the officer taking the examina-
shall be attached to the depositions when completed. (R. S.
tion, and shall be paid by the party at whose Instance such
§ 125.) witness was summoned. (R. S. § 128.)
222. Copy of notice and answer to accompany testimony.- 225, Fees of officersa-Each Judge, justice, chancellor, chief
A copy of the notice of contest, and of the answer of the executive officer of a town or city, referee in bankruptcy, no.
returned M\ember, shall be prefixed to the depositions taken, tary public, and justice of the peace, who shall be necessarily
and transmitted with them to the Clerk of the House of Rep. employed pursuant to the provisions of thls chapter, and all
resentatives. (R. S. § 126.) sheriffs, constables, or other officers who may be employed to
223. Testimony sent to Clerk of House of Representatives; serve any subpina or notice herein authorized, shall be enti-
printing testimony; briefs.-All officers taking testimony to be tied to receive from the party at whose instance the service
usel In a contested-election case, whether by deposition or shall have been performed such fees as are allowed for sli.
otherwise, shall, when the taking of the same Is completed, and lar services In the State wherein such service may be rendered.
without unnecessary delay, certify and carefully seal and Im- (I. S. § 129.)
mediately forward the same, by mail or by express, addressed 226. Limitation of expenses of cbntest for seat in House.-
to the Cleric of the House of Representatives of the United No contestee or contestant for a seat in the House of Repre-
States, Washington, District of Columbia; and shall also In- sentatives shall be paid exceeding $2,000 for expenses in clec-
dorse upon the envelope containing such deposition or testi- tiou contests; and before any sum whatever shall be paid to
mony tihe name of the case in which it Is taken, together with a contestant or contestee for expenses of election contest,
the name of the party In whoso behalf it Is taken, and shall Ie shall file with the clerk of the Committee on Elections
subscribe such Indorsement. a full and detailed account of his expenses, accomnipiled by
Tie Clerk of tile House of Represenitatives, upon the receipt. the vouchers and receipts for each item, which account and
of such deposition or testimony, shall notify the contestant vouchers shall be sworn to by the party presenting the same,
and the contestee, by registered letter through the mallt, to and no charges for witness fees shall be allowed in said ae-
appear before him at tile Capitol, In person or by attorney, counts unless made in strict conformity to section 224 of thig
at a reasonable time to be named, not exceeding twenty days title. (R. S. § 130; Mar. 3, 1879, c. 182, § 1, 20 Stat. 400.)
Cliatter 8.-FEDERAL CORRUPT PRACTICES. (1) All contributions made to or for snoh committee;
Sec. (2) The anne and address (if every pterson making any such
2,11. Deflnltlon. contribution, and the (late thereof;
212. Chairman and treasurer of political committee; duties fs to con-
triltions; account, and receipts. (3) All expenditures falid(, by or on behalf of such commit-
2413. Accon(ts of contribltm receeed. tee; and
244. Statements by treasurer filed with Clerk of Iouse of Tlepreseota- (4) The name aind addr,.,s of every person to whom any
lives. such expenditure Is mtide, fiul the ditle thereof.
215. Statements by others thnn political committee filed with Clerk of
(c) It slill be tht, duty of ithe treasurer to obtai and keep
of hotise of
24(. Stntemuents by candidates for Senator, tepiesentatve, lelegate, it receipted bill, stating the partictlti,, for every expenditure
or lesident Coitiilsisoner filed with Secretary of Senate and by or on behalf of a Ilitieal connnitee ex'ceding $10 In
Clerk of Ilonse of Ilepresenthives. amouit. The treasturr shall preserve all receipted bills ani
247. Stateini ; verification ; filing; presrvaton; inspecton.
accounts required to be kept by this section for it plriod of lit
248. Lintlmiton InpoIn tinnon it of expenditurts by cattllhtat(-.
29. l'romles ov pledge,; by candidate. least two years fro t liidate of the filing of tia stateneint
250. Expidittures to Inflnence voting. containing such uites. (J1tune 25, 1910, v. 392, §§ 2, 3, Ml Stilt.
251. Contrilbntlos by national banksq or other Fedtral corporations; 823; Feb. 28, 1925, c. 3168, Title II, § 303, 13 Sitt. 1071.)
243. Accounts -if contributions received.--very person who
252. General penalties for violations.
251. Expenwies of election contests. recelves a contributiton for it political ciainittee qlill, otl fle-
25,4. State laws not affectei. main of the treasurer, and in tiny event within live days after
255. Partial Inval idity. ihe receipt of suc'h contrilution, render to the treasurer a
250. Citation. detailed account thereof, including the anmie and ilddress of
Section 241. Definitions.--When used In this chapter- the person making such contribution, atl the dlt oin which
(a) The term " elct lon " includes a general or special ciec received. (June 25, 1910, c. 312, § 4, 30 Stat. 823; Feb. 28,
tion, and, in the case of a Resildent Commissioner from the 1925, c. 368, Title III, § 304, 43 Stat. 1071.)
'hilipplne Islands, an election by the Philippine Legisinture, 244. Statemeits by treasurer filed with Clerk of House of
but does not Include a primary electioa or convention of a Representatives.-(ta) The treasurer of it political'eomtmitteo
political party ; shall file with the Clerk between the 1st and 10th days of
(b) The term " candidate " means an individual whose naine March, June, anti September, In each year, tind also N-tween the
is presentedi at an election for election as Senator or Repre- 10th anti 15th days, and on the 5th day, next preccding tie
sentative in, or Delegate or Re'ldent Commissioner to, the date on which a general election Is to be held, at which catdl.
Congress of the United States, whether or not such Individual dates are to be elected in two or more States, and also oil
is elected ; the 1st day of January, a shttement containing, completc. A.u of
(c) The term " political committee" includes tiny committee, the day next preceding the date of filing-
association, or organization which accepts contributions or (1) The name and tddress of each person whoihas maile a
makes expenditures for the purpose of influencing or attempt- contribution to or for such committee In one or more items of
ing to influence the election of candidates or presidential and the aggregate anount or vllue, within the calendar year, of
vice presidential electors (1) in two or more States, or (2) $100 or more, together with the amtount ant date of srich
whether or not in more than one State if such committee, asso- contribution ;
ciation, or organization (other than a duly organized State or (2) The total tumitof the contributtostimade to or for steh
local committee of a political party) is a branch or subsidiary committee during the calendar year and not stitled under
of a national committee, association, or organization ; paragraph (1) ;
(d) The term " contribution" Includes a gift, subscription, (3) The total suni of all contributions made to or for such
loan, advance, or deposit, of money, or anything of value, and comntittee durilg the calendar year;
includes a contract, promise, or agreement, whtether or not (4) The name and address of each person to whom tin ex-
legally enforceable to maake a contribution; penditure In one or .more items of the aggregate amnount or
(e) The term " expenditure " Includes a payment, distribu- value, within the calendar year, of $10 or more has been made
tion, loan, advance, deposit, or gift, of money, or any thing of by or on behalf of such committee, and the amount, date, find
value, and includes a contract, promise, or agreement, whether purpose of such expenditure;
or not legally enforceable, to make art expenditure; (5) The total sun of all expenditures itde by or on behalf
(f) The term "person " includes an individual, partnership, of such committee during the calendar year and not stated
committee, association, corporation, and any other organization under paragraph (4) ;
or group of persons; (6) Tbe total sunt of expenditures 11de by or on behalf
(g) The term "Clerk" means the Clerk of the House of of such committee during tile calendar year.
Representatives of tle United States; (b) The statemtents required to be filed by subdivision (it)
(I) Tite term " Secretary" means the Secretary of the Sen- shal be cumulative during tie calendar year to which they
ate of the United States; relate, but where there has been no change hin ll ttti repored
(1) The term " State" Includes Territory and posseqslon of In a previoub statement only tile anount need be carriud
the United States. (June 25, 1910, c. 392, §§ 1, 8, 36 Stat. 822; forward.
Aug. 19, 1911, c. 33, § 2, 37 Stat. 20; Aug. 23, 1912, c. 349, 37 (c) The statement filed on tle 1st day of January slatll cover
Stat. 360; Feb. 28, 1925, c. 368, Title III, § 302, 43 Stat. 1070.) the preceding cacndar year. (June 25, 1910, c. 392, §j 5,
242. Chairman and treasurer of political committee; duties 6, 36 Stat. 823; Aug. 19, 1911, c. 33, § 1, 37 Stat. 25; Feb. 28,
as to contributions; accounts and receipts.-(a) Every politi- 1925, c. 368, Title III, § 305, 43 Stat. 1071.)
cal committee shall have a chairman and a treasurer. No 245. Statements by others titan political committee filed
contribution shall be accepted, and no expenditure made, by or with Clerk of House of Representatives.-Every person (olher
on behalf of a political committee for the purpose of Itnfluenc:ng tlan a political committee) who makes an expenditure in one
an election until such chairman and treasurer have been chosen. or more items, other than by contribution to a political com-
(b) It shall be the duty of the treasurer of a political com- inittee, aggregating $50 or lort within a calendar year for
nittee to keep a detailed and exact account of- the purpose of influencing in two or more States tile election

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