At The Proper Time, When, Where, and To Whom The Same, or

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339. Register'of statutes and reports distrilated.-A register 365. Oath of office,-IBefore entering upon (lie dutles, ,and
,ff the statutes of the United States and reports of the Supreme before they shall receive any salary, tie Postmaster General,
Court- shall be kept, under. the authority of the head of the and all persons employed in the poutal service, tii1 respectively
Department of Justice, showing the quantity of each kind take and subscribe before some magistrate or other competent
received by him from the Secretary of the Interior; and It officer authorized to administer oatlhs by the laws of the Luited
shall be is duty to cause to be-entered In such register, and States, or of any State or Territory, the following oath or
at the proper time, when, where, and to whom the same, or affirmation:
any part of them, have been distributed and delivered, a-ad to "I, A. B. do hereby solemnly swear (or affirm, as the cise
report the same to Congress in his annual report. (R. S. § may be,) that I will faithfully ierform all the duties required
387.) of me and abstain from everything forbidden by the laws h.,
relation to the establishmient of post offices amd post roads
See. within the United States; and that I will honestly and truly
361. Establishment. account for and pay over fifly money belonging to tie said
302. Seal. United States which may come Into my possession or control;
303. Assistant Postmnasters General. and I also further swear (or alfirm) that I will support the
304. Solicitor for Post Offlce 'Department.
365. Oil of office. Constitution of tile United States; so help mc God."
306. Purchasing agent. This oath or affirmation may be taken before any officer
307. No postal material or supplies manufactured by convict labor. civil or military holding a commission under the United States.
368. District and central ofllces for distribution of supplies. and such officer is autiorized to administer fill(] certify such
36D. Duties or Postmaster General.
1170. Detail of clerks from Postal Service to department. oath or afllrinmtion. (Il. S. §§ 391, :192; Mar. 5, 1874, c. 40,
871. Property in charge of department. 18 Stat. 19.)
3 72. Postal arrangements with foreign countries. 366. Purchasing agent.-There shall be appointed by the
3T3. Same; publication. President, by and with the advice "and consent of the Senate,
374. Blank agency.
375. Foreign dead letters. a purchasing agent for the Post Office Department, who shall
370. Date of orders, entries, contracts. hol office for four years unless sooner removed by the Presi-
377. Form of bonds and contracts. dent, find who str1ll give bond to the United States In such sumi
378. Orders and regulations as to accounts. as the Postmaster General may determine, find report direct
379. Warrant on quarterly statement of General Accounting Office.
380. Revenues and collections. to the Postmaster General; and who shall, under such regu-
381. Deposlt into Treasury. lations, not inconsistent with existing law, as tile Postaster
382. Slning warrants and drafts. General shall prescribe, and sil)ject to his direction aild con-
883. Remitting ines, penalties, and forfeitures. trol, have supervision of the prchase of all supplies for the
384. Same; balances due United States for public moneys under laws
relating to Postal Service. Postal Service.
385. Discharge of Judgment debtors. The purchasing agent, il making purclases for supplies nec-
.180. Same; subsequent execution. essary for tile Post Office Department, shall advertise, as pro-
387. iepolts of Postmaster General. vided by law, and award contracts for such supplies to the
388. Same ; estimates of revenues and expenditures.
389. Same: mail transportation. lowest responsible bidder In pursuance of existing law. The
890. Same; cost of mail mantter franked by departments and Independent purchaslnt, agent shall have recorded in a book to be kept for
establishments. that purpose a true and faithful abstract of all bids made for
301. Same; publication in Official Postal Gulde.
392. Adjustment and settlement of certain claims for damages to furnishing supplies to the Post Office Department, giving til
person or property by Postmaster General. name of the party bidding, the terms of the offer, the sTun to
Section 361. Establishment.-There shall be at tile seat of I)e paid, aud lie shall keep on flue and preserve all such bids
government an executive department to be known as the Post until the end of the contract term to which they relate. Each
bidder siall have the right to be present, either in person or
Office iepartLient, and a Postmaster General, who shall be the
head thereof, and who shall be appointed by the President, by by attorney, when the bids are openid, and shall have the
right to examine and inspect 1ll bids. All purchses, adver-
and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who may be
removed in the sa1 manner; and the term of tile Postmaster tisements, and contracts for supplies for the Post 0111ce ci)e-
General shall be for and during tile term of the President by partment shall be made by tie purchasing agent in the name
of the Postmaster General subject to his aI)roval, and il pur-
whoml e Is appointed, and for one month thereafter, unless
sooner ;'emoved. (It. S. § 388.) chasing such supplies preference shall be given to articles of
domestic production and manufacture, conditions of price find
Cross reference: Salary of Postmaster General, see section 3 of this
title. quality being equal. There shall be separate proposals and
362. Sea.-Tho Postmaster General shall keep tile seal separate contracts for each class of material furnished. These
adopted for lis department, wiich shall be affixed to all com- record1s shall be open at all times for the inspection of Con-
missions of postmasters and others, and used to authenticate gross, and for the Inspection of tilose who may be interested in
all transcripts nill( copies which mnay be required from his de- such contracts made, or to be made, to furnish supplies to the
partaet. (R. S. § 395.) Post Office Department. (Apr. 28, 1901, e. 1759, § 3, 33 Stat.
363. Assistant Postmasters General.-Tiere shall be in the 410.)
Post Office Department four Assistant Postmasters General, 367. No postal materi.l or supplies manufactured by con-
who shall be appointed by tile President, by and with the ad. vict labor.--No contract shall be enterod into by tile Post 0111ce
vice and consent of the Senate, find who may be removed in Department for purchase of materia' or supplies to be nm -
tie same manner. (R. S. § 389; Mar. 3, 1891, c. 811, § 1, 20 factured by convict labor. (Apr. 28, 1904, c. 1759, § 1, 33 Stat.
Sltt. 941.) 435.)
36,1. Solicitor for Post Office Department.-Ther% shall be 368. District and central offices for distribution of supplies.-
emlployed is tile Post Office Department a Solicitor for the Post In order to promote economy in the distribution of supplies,
Offlee Department, who shall be appointed by tile Postmaster and In quditing and accounting, tile Postmaster General may
General. (l1. S. § 890; July 10, 1914, c. 141, § 1, 38 Stat. 497.) designate districts and central offices In such districts through
Cross refereuce: Special assistant to Attorney General to absist In which supplies shall be distribuled and accounts audited, but
po'tal cases; sea weetion 298 of tids t!tUo. In no case shall tile postmaster at the central station be given
authority to abolish offmees, to change officers or employees in obligation made by or with the Post Office Department, shall
offices Included in sUtch district. (Mar. 3, 1017, e. 163, § 1, have its true date affixed to it; and every plper relating to
39 Stat. 1110.) contracts or allowances filed In' the departnent shall lave the
369. Duties of Postmaster General.--It shall be the duty of date when it was filed indorsed upon It. (1R. S. § '102.)
tie Postmaster Genieral: 377. Form of bonds and contracts.-All bonds taken and con-
First. To establish nnd discontinue p.,st offices. tracts entered into by the Post Oice Departmneut shall be made
Second. To instruct all persons in the Postal Service with ref- to and with the United States of America. (I, S. § 403.)
erence to their duties. 378. Orders and regulations as to accounts.-All orders and
Third. To decide on the forms of all ofilcial papers. regulations of tlte Postmaster General wich itay originate a
Fourth. To prescribe the manner of keeping and stating ac- claim, or Iu tiny nlanner affect tle accoUnts of the Postal Serv-
counts. ice, shall be certified to tie General Accounting Office. (It. S.
Fifth. To enforce the pronpt rendition of returns relative to § 405; June 10, 1921, e. 18, § 304, 42 8tat. 24.)
lccouIIts. 379. Warrant on quarterly statement of General Account-
Sixth. To control, according to law, and subject to the set- ing Oflice.-Upon the certified iluarterly statelent by the Gen-
tleiment of the General Accounting Office, till expenses incident eral Accounting Office of tie palyments by postinisters on
to the service of tile department. account of the Postal Service, tie Postmaster General Ahalt
Seventh. T6 superintend the disposal of the unoneys of the issue his warrant to the Treasurer to carry the anounat to the
department. credit of tIle postal revenues and to the debit of the proper
Eighth. To direct the inanner In which balances slall be paid applroiations u1pon the books of the Bureau of Accounts in
over; Issue warrants to cover money into the Treasury ; and the Post Office Department. (It. S. § 406; June 10, 1921, c. 18,
to pay out the sane. § 304, 42 Stat. 24.)
Ninth. To superintend generally the business of the depart- 380. ]Revenues and collections-The postal revenues ind all
ileit and execute all laws relative to the Postal Service. (1R. debts due thme Post Office Department shall, irlten collected, be
H. § 39; June 10, 1921, c. 18, § 304, 42 Stat. 24.) 1id into the Treasury of the United States under the direction
370. Detail of clerks from Postal Service to department.-It of the Postmaster General, ant the Treasurer, Assistant Treas-
finlll not be lawful to detall clerks or other employees, paid urer, or designated depository receiving such paynlt sliall
from general appropriations for tile postal service, from any give the depositor a duplicate receipt therefor, to be retained
branch of said postal service, Nhether located tit the seat of by him I his office as a voucher, and shall forward tlie
government or elsewhere, to atny of the offlces or bureaus of the original to tIle Bureau of Accounts in the Post Office De'part-
Post Office Department at Washington. (Mar. 15, 1898, c. 68, lent, to be placed to the credit of the depositor ill audit of ]its
§ 9, 30 Stat. 317.) accounts by the General Accounting Office. (It. S. § 407; Jlim.
371. Property in charge of department.-Tlle Postmaster 22, 1894, c. 17, 28 Stat. 28; June 10, 1921, c. 18, § 301, 12
General slhallimake out and keep, in proper books, full aud com- Stat. 24.)
plete inventories and accounts of ill the property belonging to 381. Deposits into Treasury.-All deposits on account of tiho
the United States lit the lllllnlgs, roonis, oillces, and grounds Postal Service slall be brought Ilto the Treasury by wlrratnts
occupied by hin and tinder his clarge; and shall add thereto, of the l'ostmllster General, countersigned by tie Comptroller
from time to time, an account of such property as many be pro- Geleral of the United States; and no credit shall be allowed
cured subscquetitly to the taking of the sanle, and also an ac- for any deposit until such warrant has been issued. (It. S.
coilt of the sale or disposal of any such property, ltld to report § -108; June 10, 1921, c. 18, § 304, 42 Stat. 21.)
tle saie to Congress during the first week of each anitiun] ses- 382. Signing warrants and drafts.-Tile Postmaster General
slon. But this sectlon shall not apply to the supplies of sta- ntay from time to tinie designlato any officer in tie Post Office
tionery ami( fuel. (11. S. § 397.) Department ad elployees in the office of the Third Assistant
372. Postal arrangements with foreign countries.-For the 'ostustor General to sign warrants, collection tind transfer
purpo e of iaking better postal arrangements with foreign drafts in his stead, aud1 such warrants and drafts when so
countries, or to counteract their adverse nieasures affecting our signed sliall be of the saine validity its If signed by ih(, Post-
postal Intercourse with tlhem, tile Postmaster General, by and nmster General. (Mar. 3, 1903, c. 1009, § 0, 32 Stit. 1170; Mir.
with the advice and consent of the Presilent, nay negotiate 2, 1907, c. 2513, 31 Stat. 1206 )
and conclude postal treaties or conventions, and may reduce or 383. Remitting fines, penalties, and forfeitures.--In till cases
Increase tle rates of postage on mtall matter conveyed between of fine, penalty, forfelture, or disability, or alleged lhibility for
time United States and foreign countries. (It. S. § 398.) any siut of money by way of damtiges or otherwise, under
373. Same; pmblication.-The Postmaster General shall trans- any provloi of law in relation to the ollIlcers, emllloyces,
wit a copy of each postal cotvention concluded with foreign operations, or busiiess of the Postal Service, tle Plostnlaster
goveraents to the Secretary of State, who shall furnish a General may prescribe such general rule andmoolli til of pro.
copy of the same to the Public Printer for publication ; and the cceding its shall ippear to be expedient, for the government of
printed proof sheets of all such conventions shiall be revised the ]lreau of Accounts in the Post 0111ce ])eparitment, ill ascer-
at the Post Office Department. (R. S. § 390.) tail' 'ng he fact hi (lach c'ise it wilkl the Comptroller of the
374. Blank agency.-Tlie Postmnaster General may establish a Blurau of Accoulits hlall certify to ldnl that the iiterests of
the department probably require Ihi exerclse of his powers over
bilank agency for the Post Oflice Department, to be located at
flines, penalties, forfeitures 1i1nd liabilities ; and UlanI lie fiict
Washington, District of Columbia. (R. 3. § 400.)
being ascertaineil, Ihe Genral Accounting Offig.e miay, wilh
375. Foreign dead letters.-The actiou of the Post Office Do-
tie written consent of tlkc Postnnter Geniertil, 111igitte or
partnleut respecting foreign dead letters shall be subject to con- renlt suh fine, penalty, oi forfelturo, renlove such datiblllty,
ventional stipulations with tle respective forelgn adninistra-
or compromise, release, or discharge .ucl clain for such siil
tions. (R. S. § 401.) of money ad danages, and on such terms as the Conlpt roller
376. Date of orders, entries, contracts.-Every order, entry, of the Bureau of Accounis in the l'osf, Oflico Dppartiet saill
or memorandum whatever, on which tiny action is to be based, deelli just and expedient. (P. S, § 400; Juno 10, 1021, c. 18,
allowance made, or money paid, and every contract, paper, or * 200, 42 Stat. 2.) 1

384. Same; balances due United States for public moneys lee and such damage is found by the Postmaster General upon
under laws relating to Postal Service.-hle provisions of see- investigation to be a proper charge against the United States,
tion 383 of this title shall extend in all cases pending on March the Postmaster General is invested with power to adjust and
4, 3925, or which may thereafter arise to balances dhe to the settle any claim for such danmge when his award for such
United States through accountability for public moneys under damage in any case does not exceed $500. (June 10, 1921, c.
any provision of law in relation to the officers, employees, 23, § 4, 42 Stat. 03.)
operations, or business of the Postal Service, excepting the class
of cases cognizable under section 49 of Title 39. (Mar. 4, Chapter 7.-DEPARTMENT OF NAVY.
1025, c. 531, 43 Stat. 1266.) GENERAT, PROVISIONS
385. Discharge of judgment debtors.-The Postmaster Gen- See.
411. Establlshment of department.
eral may discharge froi imprisonment any person confined In 412. Duties of Secretary generally.
jail on any Judgment hi a civil case, obtained in behalf of the 413. Custody of records and property.
department, if it be made to appear that the defendant has no 414. Transfer, collection, and classification of naval records.
property of any description. (R. S. § 410.) 415. Employment of civilian expert aids.
410. Payment of cash rewards to civilian employees for useful sug-
386. Same; subsequent execution.-The release provided for
by section 385 of this title shall not bar a subsequent execution 417. Loin of scientific Inqtruments.
against the property of the defendant on the same judgment. 418. Collection, preservation, and display of captured flags.
(It. S. § 411.) 419. Acceptance, care, and preservation of gifts to vessels.
387. Reports of Postmaster General.-The Postmaster Gen- 420. Assistant Secretary of Nnvy, appointment.
421. Duties of Assistant Secretary.
eral shall nake the following annual reports to Congress:
First. A report of the finances of the department for the CIIIEP Or NAVAL OPERATIONS
preceding year, showing the amount of balance due the depart- 422. Appointment, powers, and dutlev generally.
ment at ti begih.%Iig
i of the year, the amount of postage which 423. Acting as Secretary of Navy.
accrued within ti. year, the amount of engagements and lia- 424. "ank, title, and pay.
425. hcatired rank and pay.
bilities and the amount actually paid during the year for early- 426. Assistants.
ing the mail, showing how much of the amount was for carrying 427. Force and effect of orders.
the mail In preceding years.
Second. A report of the amount expended in the department
for the preceding fiscal year, Including detailed statemenits of 428. Judgo Advocate General; appointment; term; duties.
429. Bureaus; establishment and distribution of business.
expenditures made from the contingent fund. 430. Dutles of bureaus: orders ; records.
The Postmaster Gehieral shall cause all of such reports to be 431. Estiiates for expensjs.
printed at the Government Printing Office, either together or sep- 432. Chiefs of bureaus; appointments generally.
arately, and in such numbers as may be required by the exigen- 433. Yards and Docks.
434. Navigation and Ordnance.
cies of the service or 'y law. (R. S. § 413; Mar. 3, 187, c. 435. Construction and Repair.
385, § 1, 29 Stat. 647.) 430. Engicering.
388. Same; estimates of revenues and expenditures.-The 437. Supplies and Accounts.
Postmaster General shall each year prepare and submit In hid 488. Medicine and Surgery.
439. Aeronautics.
annual report to Congress estimates of the revenue and expoi, - 440. Chiefs of bureauq; titles of.
ditures in the Postal Servhe for the fiscal year curLnt, and 441. Rank, pay, and allowances of chiefs of nineaus and Uudge Advo-
also for the liscal year next ensuing at the time said report is cate General.
submitted, together with a statement of the receipts and ex- 442. Officers retired from position of chief o bureau.
443. Chief of bureau subequently retired.
penditures for the preceding comnipleted fiscal year. (May 27, 444. Assistant to Judge .dvocate General.
1908, e. 206, 35 Stat. 41'.) 445. Assistants to chiefs of bureaub; Yards aud Docks and Construction
389. Same; mail transportation.-The Postmaster General and Repairs.
shall request all railroad companies transp rtlng the mails to 440. Navigation.
447 Ordnance.
furnish, under seal, such data relating to the operating, receipts
448. Enzineering.
and expenditures of such roads as may, in his judgment be 449. Supplies and Accounts.
(eemed necessary to enable him to ascertain the cost of mail 450. Civilian assistant to Chief of Bureau of Supplies and Accounts.
transportation and the proper compensation to be paid for the 451. Ass9tant to Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
452. Asistant Chief of Bureau of Aeronautics.
same; and lie shall, in his annual report to Congress, make
453. Pay of assistants to chiefs of bureaus aid Judge Advocate General.
such recommendations, founded on the Information obtained 451. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts; duty as to accounts and reports.
under this section, as shall, In his opinion, be just and equitable. 455. Bureau (if Aeronautics; duties.
(Mar. 3, 1879, c. 180, § 6, 20 Stat. 358.) 456. Detail of officers to Bureau of Aeronautics.
390. Same; cost of mail matter franked by departments and IIYDROGItAPIIC OPFICE
independent establisliments.-lie Postmaster General shall in
457. Establishmnent and duties.
his annual report submit a detailed statement of the cost to 458. Sale of maps, charts, and books.
the pobtal establishment of the matter mailed under frank 459. Disposition of receipts from sale of maps, charts, etc.
by each department and independent establishment of the4ov. 400. Branch hydrogra!hic offices.
erinent and the i1enuo which would lie derived therefrom if NAV,.L OBSERVATORY AND NAUTICAL 4ILMANAC
carried at the ordinary rates of postage. (June 5, 1920, c, til. Naval Observatory; appoltitment of Superintendent.
253, § 1, 41 Stat. 1037.) 102. Pay of Soperitendex.t.
391. Same; publication in Official Postal Guide,-The annual 463. Nauti'al Almanac; super-iston.
report of the Postniaster General shall not be published in the 464. Exciiaage o( data; emloyees.
405. Board of Visitors, Naval Observatory; Appointment of Director of
Official Postal Guide. (Aug. 5, 1882, c. 389, § 1, 22 Stat. 253.) Nautical Almanac.
392. Adjustment and settlement of certain claims for dam-
ages to person or property by Postmaster Genesai.-When any
damage is done to person or property by or through the oper- 466. Duty of Secret,)ry to make; In general.
167. As to expenditLres for civilian employees.
ation of the Post Oflit,, Department in any branch of its sere-
408. As to repairs or chauges on vessels.

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