Title 5.-Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees

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Chapter sec. Chapter See.
1. PaOVISIONH AI'I'r.CACI) TO )EI'AaTNIENTS AND O'FICERS 0FEN- 8. D111APITHENT OF INTiOa- . ..--------------------------------- 481
RALIY ............................................. . 1 0. DnPPtRTMENT or AoRICULTURI ----------------------------- 611
2. DEI-AaT3m NT OF STATP ----------------------------------- 151 10. DINI'AnTMirNT OF COSIMPR 501
3. 1)1I'AnTMKNT O' W AR ------------------------------------ 181 11. DEPARTMiENT OF LABOR ------------------------------------ oil
4. DnIRAIITMENT or THFAnuSi -------------------------------- 241 12. CIVIL ,HURVICE COMMISSION AND CLAN5IFIg.D CIVIL fIEuVIcr-.... 631
5. D)lI1'AnTAIVNT OF JUNTC| .---------------------------------
201 13. CLASSIFICATION OF CIVILIAN POSITIONS --------------------- 601
Ii. POST OFFICII lI|I2AUTME)NT -------------------------------- -01 11. iI2ITICMIENT OF CIVil HERVCU XIIPLOYI .-------------------
7. D-I'AHIT3IINT 01 NAVY ------------------------------------ 411 15. COM1I'(1-IATION YOU INJURIES TO rf5I'LOYI:Ea OF UNIT:D STAT- 751


59. Same; exceptions; retired offilets and enlisted nen of Army,
See. Navy, Murlno Corps, or Coast Guard, or officers and eullsted
1. Application of provisions of chapter. men of militia.
2. Word department." 00. Same; exceptions; employees of Library of Congress.
:1. Salaries of heads of executive departments. 01. Same; school teachers and employees in District of Columbia.
4. Vacancies i offlee of department heads; temporarily filling. 62. Hloldling other lucrative office.
5. Vacancies Iln subordlinate offices. 03. Same" retired officers of Army or Navy employed on river and
G. Discretionary authority of I'resldent oa to vacancies. harbor Ilmprovelents.
7. Temlporary appointments to vacancies limited. 64. Sae; retired officers of Army, etc., in Bure.mu of the Budget.
8. Itestrlet Ion on manncr of temporary appoltflell t to fill Vacancies. 05. Same; emlplo,evs of Library of Congres.
I). Extra compenisailon for duties performed wlle filling vacancies. 06. leceiving salary from source other than United Stales.
10. Conisslons. 07. Same; employees of Iiepartmet of Agriculture and Forest Service.
11. Same ; officers under Seci etorles of departments. (38. Same; immigration ofliclals.
12. Same; Judicial officers and other officers under Attorney General. tI). Extra services.
13. Notification of uplOltlltllts. 70. Extra allowances.
14. Noilflcation of nolhntions or rejections. 71. Extra compenstion or perqu,isites.
15. Disability Il)osed by the fourteenth a mendinent renmoved. 72 Additional compensation to persons employed under gencrai or
16. Oath of office. lump sum appropriation.
17. Same; renewal by Dclprtment of Agriculture employees. 73. Actual traveling expenses only allowed.
18. Sane; who moy adlnisster. 74. Expenses for subsistelnce ; traveling on duty.
10. Saie ; chief clerks of departments to aidnll'iter without com- 75. Snle; engaged Ia field work or traveling onf official buhiness.
pensation. 70. l ee tuition in schools for children of employees of United Slates.
20. Sane; to en10lo)ees adnmlnlstered without compensation. 77. lh'sirictlons 0a psyient of expezses of carriages or vehicles for
21. Same; cu-tody of. personal or olileial use.
22. Departulalti:2 regulations. 78. Itet rIetlolls on paynerlts for purchase or operation of pI25menger-
23. Supervislon of subordinate clerks. c,irr) lIg vehicles.
24. Dlstrlbution of duties. 719. Same; liver and harbor Iprovements.
25. Duty of chief on receipt of report. S0. Same; field work of Department of Agriculture.
2(1. Hours of business. 81. Same; vehicles transferred by Secietary of War to Seeretaty of
27. Recording clocks. Agriculture.
28. Closing departmient on decease of ex-offlelal. 82. Officers it arrears.
29. fours of labor in executive "departments. 8:. lestrictlonS OU paying fees or dues In societies.
30. Leaves of absence; annual leave; sick leave. 81. Annual or monthly colpensatlion.
31. Monthly reports as to condition of business; extension of hours 85. Compensation for clerks or secretaries of retired officlals.
of service of employees. 80. Holidays ; for per diem employees.
32. Quarterly reports as to condition of business. 87. Same; Labor Day.
33. Women clerks. 88. lemoval of Office.
31. 1Restoration to positions of employees called Into alctive military 89. Preservailon of collies of Statutes at Large.
service. 00. Statute's furnished Judges to remain public proper4y.
85. Preference In appointments to honorably discharged soldiers, 1. Evidece furnished by departments i suits In Court of Claims.
sailors and marines, find widows and wives thereof. 92. Taking oatir or acknowledgments.
B0. Employment of wives of soldiers and sailors. 03. Oaths to witnesses.
37. Diminution or Increase of number of clerks. )4. Subpoenas to witnesses.
88. Details of officers, employees, or clerks within department. 1)5. Witnesses' fees.
J9. Same; outside District for duty within DIstrict. 1)0. Compellilg testimony.
40. Same; details for duty In Treasury Department. 97. Oaths to exi)ense accounts.
41. Same; detail of officers of Coast Guard. 98. Civil pension roll prohibited.
42. Same; persons in classified service In District for service outside 09. Ex-oficers or employees not to prosectute clnims in departments.
District. 100. Prosecution of claims for supplies for Military Establishnent.
43. Authority to employ clerks find other employees. 101. Advertising practice before departments or officea of Government.
44. Disbursing clerks. 102. Expenditures for newSlapers.
45. Officers, clerks, nnd employees. 103. Expenditures for transportation of remains of deceased employees.
40. Payment for services from appropriations for contingent expenses 104. Annual reports of expenditure of contlngent funds.
or for specific or general purposes. 105. Iteports of traveling expenses of officers and employees at Wash-
47. Penalty for violations of sections 45 and 40 of this title. ington.
48. Legal assistance In examination of witnesses. 100. Time of making innnul. reports.
40. Employment of attorneys or counsel. 107. Department reports; futnishing to printer.
60. Disposition of moneys accruing from lapsed salaries or unused 108. Inventories of property.
appropriations for salaries. 109. Copy for nnnual reports anl accompanying documents.
51. Extra compensation to clerks. 110. Traisfer of miscellaneous books to District Pullic Library.
02. Unauthorized office, no salary for. 111. Custody of files and records of war agencies.
63. Detective agency employees not tQ be employed. 112. Disposition of useless papers.
54. 'ubliclty experts not to be employed without speclfic appro- 113. Pcohbiitlon of contributions or presents to superiors.
priation. i1l Foreign decoratlons.
55. Experts; compensated without sleclflc provision for. 115. Same; delivery through State Department.
50. Salaries to certain recess appointees 110. Medals for services; duplicates on loss or deitrucilon.
57. Apportionmenut of compensation. 117. United States Ueographlc Board; payiment of expenditures.

Section 1.Application of provisions of chapter.-The py.o- pensation than that attached to his proper office. (R. S. §
visions of this chapter shall apply to the following executive 182.)
departments: 10. Commlisions.-The President is authorized to make out
First. Tile Department of State. and deliver, after the adjournment of the Senate, commissionls
Second. The Department of War. for all officers whose appointments have been advised and c.n-
Third. The Department of the Treasury. seated to by the Senate. (R. S. § 1773.)
Fourth. The Department of Justice. 11. Same; officers under Secretaries of departments.-The
Fifth. The Post Olhce Department. comnisslons of all officers under the direction and control of
Sixth. The i)epartment of the Navy. the Secretary of the Treasury, tile Secretary of Wur, the Secre-
Seventh. The Department of the Interior. tary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Interior, the Postmaster
Eighth. The )epnrtnlent of Agriculture. General, the Secretary of Co,'mnerce, the Secretary of Labor,
Ninth. The Ilepmrtment of Conmmerce. and the Secretory of Agriculture shall be mnadie out and recorded
Tenth. Tile cMpartlent of Labor. (R. S. § 158; Feb. 9, ti the respective departments under which they fire to serve,
1889, c.122, § 1, 25 Stat. 659; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 1, 32 Stat. and the department seal affixed thereto, any laws to the con-
825; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 3, 3I7 Stat. 736.) trary notwithstanding. The sall seal shall not be affixed to
2. Word "departmcnf."-The word "department" when any such comission before the sae shall have been signed
used alone in this cltipter, find chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, by the President of the United States. (Mar. 3, 1875, e. 131,
and 11 of this title, niins one of the executive departments § 14, 18 Stat. 420; Mar. 28, 18I, e. 73, 29 Stat. 75; Mar. '1,
enumerated In tile preceding section. (R. S. § 159; Feb. 0, 37 Stat. 736.)
1905, c. 1422, 33 Stat. 990; Mar. 4, 1913, e. 1.11,
1SS9, c. 122, § 1, 25 Stit. 659; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 1, 32 Stat. 12. Same; judicial officers and other officers under Attorney
825; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 1,41, § 1, 37 Stat. 736.) General.--The. conunissloms of till judicial officers, inclming
3. Salaries of heads of executive departments.-The comnpen- marshals an, attornc - of the United 3tates, appointed by the
sation of the lends of executive departments who are member' President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, sind
of tile I'reslent's Cabinet -linit be at the rate of $15,000 per all other commissions prepared prior to August 8, 1888, at the
anniilmi each. (It. S. § 160; Feb. 20, 1007, c. 1635, § 4, 34 Department of State upon the requisition of the Attorney
Stat. 993; Mar. 4, 19)25, c. 549, § 4, 43 Stat. 1301.) General, shall be made out and recorded in the Department
4. Vacancies in office of department heads; temporarily fill- of Justice, and shall be under the seal of said department and
ing.-ni case of the .ilelth, resignation, absence, or sickness of countersigned by the Attorney General, any laws to tilecon-
the bead of any deptrtmcnt, the first or sole assistant thereof trary notwithstanding. The spid seal shall not be affixe to
shall, unless otherwise directed by tile Pres~dent, as provided any such commission before the same shall have been signed
by section 6 of this title, perform the dutles of such head by the President of the United States. (Aug. 8, 1888, v. 76,
until a successor Is appolinted, or such absence or sickness 25 Stat. 387.)
shall cease. (R.S § 177.) 13. Notification of appointments.-Whenever the President,
5. Vacancies in subordinate offices.-In case of the death, without the advice and consent of the Senate, designates,
resignation, ab.cen, e, or sickness of the chief of any bureau, authorizes, or employs any person to perform the duties of any
or of any officer thereof, whose appointment is not vested in office, lie shall forthwith notify ti3 Secretary of the Treasury
the head of the department, the assistant or deputy of such thlereof, and the Secretary of the Treasuary shall thereupon
chief or of suih officer, or if there be none, then the chief clerk communicate such notice to the General Accounting Ofice.
of suel bureau, shall, unless otherwise directed by the Presi- (R. S. § 1774; June 10, 1921, c. 18, §§ 301-318, 42 Stat. 23-27.)
dent, ts pros aded by section 6 of this title, perform tile duties 14. Notification of nominations or rejections.-The Secretary
of such chief or of sutch officer until a successor is allloIlnted of tile Senate shall, tit the close of tach session thereof, deliver
or such ahsbnce or sickness shall ecenqe. (It. S § 178.) to the Secretary of the Treasury, and to each of the Assistant
0. Discretionary authority of President as to vacancies.- Secretaries of the Treasury, and to the General Accounting
In any of the cases mentioned il the sections 4 and 5 of tills Office, and to the Treasurpr, and to the Register of the Treas-
title excep'. the death, resignation, absence, or sickness of the ury, a full and complete list, duly certified, of all the persons
Attorney General, the President may, in his discretion, au- who have been nominated to and rejected by the Senate dur-
thorize find direct tile ]tend of any other department or any ig such session, and a like list of all the offices to which
other ofl'cer il either department, whose appointment is vested nominations have been tnade and not confirmed and filled at
In the 'resldent, by and with the advice and consent of the such session. (R. S. § 1775.)
Senate, to perform the duties of the vacant office until a 15. Disability imposed by the fourteenth amendment re-
succe.s r Is appoilted, or the sickness or absence of time in- moved.-The disability imposed by section three of the four-
cumbent shal] cease. (It. S. § 179.) teenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States
7. T.mnporary appointments to vacancies limited.-A va- Incurred prior to June 0, 189b, is hereby removed. (June 0,
cancy occasioned by death or resignation must not be tem- 1898, e. 389, 30 Stat. 432.)
porai fly filled under the provisions of sections 4, 5, and 6 of 16, Oath of office.-The oath to be taken by any person
this title for a longer period than thirty dnys. (It. B. § 180; elected or appointed to any office of ionor or profit either in
Feb. 6, 1891, c. 113, 26 Stat. 733.) the civil, military, or naval service, except the President of
8. Restriction on manner of temporary appointments to fill the United States shall be as follown: " , A B, do solemnly
va incies.-No temporary appointment, designation, or assign- swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend tile Con-
nent of one officer to perform tile duties of another, In the stitution of time United States against all enemies: foreign find
cases covered by sections 4 and 5 of this title, shall be mode domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
o 'aerwlse than as provided by those sections, except to fill same; that I take this obligation froely, wlthout any mental
s vacancy happening during a recess of the Senate. (R. S. reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and
A 181.) faithfully discharge the duties of the ofll.:e on which I am about to
9. Extra compensation for duties performed while filling enter. So help me God." This section shall not affect the
vacancies.-An officer performing the duties of another office, oaths prescribed by existing statutes .n relation to the per-
during a vacancy, as authorized by sections 4, Ii and 6 of this forniance of duties in special or partieilar subordinate offiees
title, is not by reason thereof entitled to any other cum- and employments. The provisions of ithls section shall In no
manner affect any right, duty, claim, obligation, or penalty conferred upon him by law, at;mnay be necessary and proper
oxisting or incurred on or before May 13, 1884; and all and to amend any existing defects in tie arrangement or dispatch
every such right, duty, claim, obligation, and penalty shall be of business disclosed by such report. (It. S. f 175.)
heard, tried and determined, and effect shall be givc thereto, 26. Hours of business.-Frn the 1st day of October until
in the same manner as if this section had not been passed. the 1st day of April, in each year, all the bureaus and offices
(R. S. §§ 1750, 1757; May 13, 1884, e. 46, §§ 2, 3, 23 Stat. 22.) in the State, War, Treasury, l,;avy, and Post 0111co Depnrtments
17. Same; renewal by Department of Agriculture em- and in the Geueral Land Offi'e, be open for the transae-
ployees.-I-iiployees of the Department of Agriculture who, tion of the public business ft least eight hours in each day;
upon original appointment, have subscribed to the oath of of- and from the 1st day of Atrll until the 1st day of October,
fice required by section 10 of this title shall not be required to In each year, at least ten li.murs in each day; except Sundays
renew the said oath because of any change in status so long and days declared public hcfidays by law. (It. S. § 102.)
ns their services aro continuous, unless, it the opinion of the 27. Recording clocks.--Nf' recording clocks for recording tne
Secretary of Agriculture the public interests require such re- of clerks or otler eliployed-s ituany of the executive depart-
newal. (Jan. 31, 1925, c. 124, j 3, 43 Stut. 803.) mnents at Waslington, shall be used in any of such departments
18. Same; who may administer.-The oth of oflice required at Watslington. (Feb. 24, 1899, c. 187, § 1, 30 Stat. 864.)
by section 10 of this title may be takcn before any officer who 28. Closing department .i dtease of ex-official.--The execu-
is authorized either by the laws of the United States or by the tive departments of tile o'vernnent sliall not be closed as a
local municipal law, to administer oaths, In the State, Terri mark to the memory of i iy deceased ex-oflcilal of the United
tory, or District where such onth may be administered. (It. S. States. (Mar. 3, 1803, e U11, § 4, 27 Stat. 715.)
§ 1758,) 29. Hours of labor in , ecutive departments.-It shall be the
19. Same; chief clerks of departments to administer without duty of the heads of the 'everal executive departments, in the
compensation.---The chief clerics of the heveral executive de- Interest of the piublic so ice, to require of all clerkcs and11othier
iartnients and of the various bureaus and offices thereof It employees, of wltever ,.rade or class, in their respective de-
Washington, District of Columbia, are authorized and directed, partients, not less tha seven hours of labor each (lay, except
on application and without comapensation therefor, to adinils- Sunldays and days dech public lollays iiy law or Executive
ter oaths of office to employees required to be taken on their order. The heads of e departments 1my, )y special order,
appointment or promotion. (Aug. 29, 1800, c. 820, 26 Stat. stating tiho reason, fu,1 her extend the hours of any cleric or
371.) employee in their depti tments, respectively; but in case of an
20. Same; to employees administered without ceinpensa- extension it shall b, I itiomt additional coipensation. (Mar.
tion.-No offleer, clerk, or employee of any executive department 3, 1893, e.211, § 5, 21 Stat. 715; Mar. 15, 1898, c. 68, § 7, 30'
who is also a notary public or other officer authorized to ad- Stit. 316.)
minister oaths, shall charge or receive fnnll fee or coiiIensa- 30. Leaves of abse cc; annual leave; sick leave.--The ]lead
tion for administering oaths of oice to employees of such de- of any delartmenit i 1y grant thirty dayh,' annual leave with
plrtlaent requirid to be taken on aplhitnint or promotion pay In tiny one year f each clerk or employee, such leave to be
therein. (Aug. 29, 1890, c. 820, 26 Stat. 371.) exclusive of Siludays lid legal holidays. Wlere soile Inemlber
21. Same; custody of.-The oath of oflice taken by any person of the nullediate far ily of a clerk or employee is afilicted with
pursuant to the requirements of section 16 of tils title, slall a contagious diseas and requires the care and attendance of
be delivered in by him to be preserved among the flles of the such emiployee, or vare his or her preosence in the dclfartncnt
House of Congress, department, or court to which the office in would jeopardlize th,,health of fellow clerks, and in exceptional
re4pect to which the oath Is iaad may appertain. (R. S. I and meritorious ca,-s, where a clerk or emlployce is personally
1759.) ill, and where to Ilait the annual leave to tlirty days In any
22. Departluental regulations.-Tlhehead of ezach department one calendar year 'ould work peculiar hardship, it may be ex-
is authorized to prescribe regulations, liot IlnconslsCnt with tended, i tie disc:etlon of the head of the departient, with
law, for the govvrnmneit of 10 delrtment, the conduet of its pay, not exceedhijg thirty days in any one case or il tiy on
officers and clerks, the distribution unnd perforninlnle of Its calendar year. ais section shall not be construed to prevent
businless, 1111d the custody, use. nd prebervation of til records, tue head of any executive department from granting thirty
papers, and property appertailig to It. (It. S. § 161.) days' annual lett with Iy i any one year to a clerk or emil-
23. Supervision of subordinate clerks.-E'ach chief clerk in lloyee, iiotwitluil|anding such clerk or employee may have had
the several departments, and bureaus, aid other olices con- during such yea not exceeding thirty days' leave with pay oi
nected with the departments, slll superise, under the direc- account of slcla ass. Nor slll it lbe construed to mean tiat so
tion of iis isil ate(Iile.
superior, tie duties of tie other clerks long as a clerk or employee is borne upon th6 rolls of the do-
therein, an1 see that they are faithfully performed. (n. S. partient In e less of the tihe herein provided for or granted
§ 173.) that lIe or she haill be entitled to pay during the period of such
24. Distribution of duties.-Each chief clerk shall talke care, exceF dye abse ce,but that tle pay shall stop upon the expl-
from tilme to thiie, tlt the duties of tie other clerks are dis- ration of tile ;ranted leave. (Mar. 9, 1893, c. 211, § 5, 27 Stat.
tributed with equality and uniformity, accirding to tle nature 715; Mar. 15, 1898, c. 68, § 7, 30 Stat. 316; July 7, 3898, c. 571,
of the case. Ile shall revise such distribution from the to § 1, 30 Stitt. (53; Feb. 24, 1899, c. 187, § 4, 80 Stat. 800.)
tine, for the purpose of correcting tiny tendency to undue ac- 31. Month y reports as to condition of business; extension
cumulation or reduction of duties, whether arising from Wdi- of hours U1 service of eimployes.-It siall i,ethe duty of the
villual negligence or inclpacily, or from lnerehse or diminution head of oe I executive department to require mon~thly r.ports
of particular kinds of business. lie shall report monthly to his to be made to him as to tIe condition of the public bushness in
superior officer any existing defect that lie may be aware of in tie several bureaus or offices of hisl department lit Washington ;
the arrangement or dispatch of busness. (1L. S. § 174.) and in e( li case where such reports disclose that the public
25. Duty of chief on receipt of rnport.-Each head of a de- business Ii in arrears, the band of the departnilt in which
partalent, chief of a bureau, or other superior officer, shall, such arr s exist shall requ're, as provilded herein, an exten-
upon receiving each monthly report of his chief clerk, rendered sion of tie hours of service to such clerics or employees as may

pursuant to' the preceding section, examine the facts stated be neces ary to bring up such arrears of public business.
therein, and take such measures, in the exercise of the powers (Mar. .4,1898, e. 08, § 7, 30 Stat. 316.)

32. Quar-rly report!...to condition of husino, s.-It shall of Columbia, except those officers and employees whose detaijs
be the duty of the head ot caL-;, nxecutlve departucint, or other are specially provided by law, for duty in any bureau, office,
Government establishment at the sc 'fgovernm,:t, not under or other division of any executive department in the District
an executive department, to make at t -Tn.y' ition of each of Columbia, except temporary details for duty connected with
quarter of the fiscal year a written report to _ReKqsIdcnt as their respective offices. (Aug. 5, 1882, c. 389, I04, 22 Stat. 255;
to the condition of the public business in his ex/cutf .fmart- Juno 22, 1900, c. 3514, 1 0, 84 Stat. 449.)
mnet or Government establishment, and whetl'ur any bra 40 Sante; details for duty in Treasury Department.-Noth-
thereof is In arrears. (Mfar. 15, 1898, c. 68, § /, 30 Stat. 310.) in -. ection 30 of this title shall be construed to prevent the
33. Women clerks.-Women may, In the 6,icretion of the Secretary ILI Treasury from detailing one oftlicer from the
htead of any department, be appointed to any Q' the clerkships Special Agency- c-, and one from the Customs Service, re-
therein authorized by law, up.n the sanie'reqi Isites and condi- spectively, for duty a Teasury Department at Washing-
tions, and with the same compensations, as rre prescribed for ton, nor to prevent the Conin U __r of Internal Revenue from
nn. (It. S. § 165.) I detailing one revenue agent for du_ 'I_ls office. (Aug. 5,
3-1. Restoration to positions of employees *.ailed into active 1882, c. 389, § 1, 22 Stat. 229.)
military service.-All officers and enlisted ir n of the National 41. Same; detail of officers of Coast Guard,-Nom insec-
Guard and of the Medical Iteselre Corps of the Army who are tion 39 of this title shall be construed to prohibit the du
(Governinent employees and who respond to the call of the Ing of oqficers of the Coast Guard in the District of Columbia
President for service shall, at the expiraf/lon of the military for such periods as the Secretary of the Treasury may deeuin
service to which they are called, be restared to the positions necessary, but the number of officers so detailed shall not exceed
occupied by theim at the time of the call. .;kug. 29, f10, c. 418, ten. (Mar. 4, 1907, c. 2918, § 1, 34 Stat. 1309.)
S1, :19 Stit. 624.) 42. Same; persons In classified service in District for service
35. Preference in appointments to hon,'gably discharged sol- outside District.-Persons in the classified service In the Dis-
diers, sailors, and marines, and widows! and wives thereof.- trict of Columbia shall not be detailed for service outside of
Persons honorably discharged from the I litary or naval serv- the District of Columbia except for or in connection with work
ice by reason of disability resulting fr',;n wounds or sickness pertaining directly to the service at the seat of government of
incurred in the line of duty, shall be1' preferred for appoint- the department or other Government establishment from
meats to civil offices, provided they a . found to possess the which the detail is made. This section shall not be deemed
business capacity necessary for the f,roper discharge of the to apply to the investigation of any matter or the preparation,
duties of such offices. In making apjz0ntmnents to clerical and prosecution, or defense of any suit by the Department of Jus-
other positions in the executive hrail:h of the Government in tice. (Mar. 8, 1917, c. 103, 4 5, 39 Stat. 1121; Mar. 3, 1921,
the Distrit of Columbia or elsewhere preference shall be given c. 124, § 5, 41 Stat. 1308.)
to honorably discharged soldiers, :;siiors, and marines, and 43. Authority to-employ clerks and other employees,-Each
widows of such and to the wlhes of injured t;oldiers, sailors and head of a department is authorl.d to employ In his depart-
nmrines who themselves are not qurlfied, but whos6 wives are ment such number of employees of the various classes recog-
qualified to hold such positions. (I1. S. § 1754; Mar. 3, 1919, nized by chal)ter 13 of this title as may be appropriated for by
c. 97, § 0, 40 Stat. 1293; July 11, 1919, c. 6, 1 1, 41 Stat. 37.) Congress from year to year. (R. S. § 169; Mar. 4, 1923, c. 265,
36. Employment of wives o sodiers and sailors.-The wife 42 Stat. 1488.)
of a soldier or sailor who scr ed In the World War shill not 44. Disbursing clerks.-The disbursing clerks authorized by
be disqualified for ony posltloi or appointment under the Gov- law in the several departments shall be appointed by the
ernment because she Is a marriod woman. (Aug. 31, 1918, c. heads of the respective departments; and shall each give a
100, § 5, 40 Stat. 956.) bond to the United States for the faithful discharge of the
37. Diminution or increase vof number of clerks.-In mak- duties of his office according to law in such amount as
ing any reduction of force ir any of the executive depart. be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and with sure-
meits, the iihed of such derpirtment shall retain those per- ties to the hatisfaction of the Solicitor of the
Treasury; and
Font who may be equally qurlified who have been honorably shall from time to. time renew, strengthen, and Iacreae his
discharged from the militar, or naval service of the United official bond, as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct.
States and the widows and orphans of deceased soldiers and (H. S, 11176; Mar. 3, 1883, c. 128, § 1, 22 Stat. 553.)
sailors. (Aug. 15, 1870, c. fr37, § 3, 19 Stat. 169.) 45. Officers, clerks, and employees.-No civil officer, clerk,
38. Details of officers, eniployees, or clerks within depaif- agent, draughtsman, copyist, messenger, assistant messenger,
ment.-Each head of a dept\ttment may, from time to tim,, alter mechanic, engineer, watchman, laborer, or other employee shall
the distribution among th, various bureaus and offices of hlo be employed in any of the executive departments, or subordi-
department, of the clerks and other employees allowed by law, nate bureaus or offices thereof at the seat of government, except
except such clerics or emlj'oyees as may be required by law to as provided by section 43 of this title. (Aug. 15, 1870, e. 287,
be exclusively engaged upon some specific work, as he may § 5, 19 Stat. 169; Aug. 5, 1882, c. 889, § 4, 22 Stat. 255; Mar.
find it necessary and proper to do, but all detalls hereunder 1923, c. 205, 42 Stat. 1488.)
shall be made by written order of the head of the department, 46. Payment for services front appropriations for contin.
and in no case be for a period of time exceeding one hundred gent expenses or for specific or general purposes,-No civil
and twenty days. Details so made may, on expiration, be re- officer, clerk, draughtsman, copylt, messenger, assistant mes-
newed from time lo time by written order of the head of the senger, mechanic. watchman, laborer, or other employee shall
department, in each yrtIcular case, for periods of not exceed- be employed at the seat of government in any excutive de-
lug one hundred and !.wenty dayn. (It. S. § 160; May 28, 1890, partment or subordinate bureau or office thcreof or be paid
c. 252, 0 3, 29 Stat. 17'.) from any appropriation made for contingent expeuses, or for
39. Same; outside District for duty within District,-It shall any specific or general purpose, unless such employment Is
be unlawful to deta.:Y civil officers, clerks, or other subordinate authorized and payment therefor provided in the law granting
employees who are 'uthorized or employed ,under or paid from the appropriation, and then cnly for services actually rendered
appropriations mad for the Military or Naval Egstablisliments, in connection with and for the purposes of the appropriation
or any other branc of the public service outside of the District from which payment is made, and at the rate of compensation
provided for in chapter 13 of this title. (Aug. V, 1882, e. 389, authority to do so, and such rates of compensation or expenses
§ 4, 22 Stat. 255; Vlar. 4, 1923, c. 205, 42 Stat. 1488.) so fixed shall be paid only to the person so employed. (Apr'.
47. Penalty for violations of sections 45 aud 46 of this 0, 1014, c. 52, § 5, 38 Stat. 335.)
title.-Any person violating the provisions of sections 45 and 56. Salaries to certain recess appointees.-No money shall be
40 of this title shall be sumw-='" removed from office, and may paid from the Treasury, as salary, to any person appointed dur-
also upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not lig the recess of the Senate, to fill a vacancy in any existing
inore than $1,000 or by Imprisonment for not more than one oflice, if the vacancy existed while the Senate was in session
year. (Aug. 23, 1912, e. 350, § 5, 37 Stat. 414.) and was by law required to be filled by and with the advice and
48. Legal assistance in examination of witnesses.-When- consent of the Senatd, until such appoint6e has been confirmed
ever any head of a department or bureau having made ap- by the Senate. The provisions of this section shall not apply
plivation pursuant to section 94 of this title, for a subpoena to any person appointed as an original member of the Board of
to procure the attendance of a witness to be examined, is of Tax Appeals, if such appointment was nade prior to December
opinion that the Interests of the United States require the at- 1, 1024. (R. 3. § 1701; June 7, 1924, c. 377, 43 Stat. 069.)
tendance of coiuns,. at the examination, or require legal in- 57. Apportionment of compensation.-All officers. agents, and
vestigation of any claim pending In his department or bureau, employees of the United States, serving for a less period than
lieshall give notice thereof to the Attorney General and of a year, shall not be paid for the entire year, but slall be
all faclts necessary to enable the Attorney General to furnish allowed in no case n greater than a pro rata of the maximun
proper professional service in el~ending such examination, or compensation of such officers respectively for the time only
making such investigation, and it sRhall Ile the duty of the which they actually serve, whetlcer the same be under one 4,r
- Attorney General to provide for such service. (R. S. § 387.) more appointments, or befora or after confIrmation. Anrd no
"----._Employmenl of attorneys or counsel.-No head of a d- tich officer, agent, or employee shall, in any case, receive "lor
artr l employ attorneys or counsel at the expense of his services, either as fees, salary, fines, penalties, forfeitureq,
the United Stat_69s hen in ineed of counsel or odvice, slall or otherwise, for the time he may be in service, beyond the
call upon the Depaletnie- -botice, the offliprs of which slall maximum pro rata rate, provided by law. This section :vhali
attend to tile same.. (11. S. § 189. be applied and( enforced in regard to all officers, agents, and
50. Disposition of moneys accruing fro I -P salaries or employees of the United States whomsoever, as well as those
unused appropriatiols for salaries.-AIl imioneys aCcL " *VOI whose compensation is determined by a commission o'.u (is-
lapsed salaries, or from anused appropriations for salnrle ~mInts,
not to exceed an annal nmximum, as irtoso paid
shall be covered into the Treasury. Any person violating the by fi 1 herlwise. (It. S. § 2037.)
provisions of this s(,ction shall be summarily renoved from 58. Double sa .- "-Unless o'herwise specifically anuthorizel
office, and may also conviction thereof be punished :y
0upon by law, no money approa, ' v any act shall be available
a fine of not more tfail $1,000 or by imprisonment for not miore for payment to any person receivi - - than ono. salary
than one year. (Aug.,5, 1992, e.:181), § 4, 22 Stat. 255; Aug. 23, when tile comblned amiount of 9aIll salaries e i surl of
1912, c. 350, § 5, 37 Stit. 414.) $2,000 per annum. (R. S. § 1763; May 10, 191, c. !17,1 iQ' .
51. Extra compensailon to clerks.-No ioney shall bp prild Stat. 120; Aug. 29, 1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 582.)
to any clerk employed In.any department at an annual salary, 59. Same; exceptions; retired officers and enlisted men of
as compensation for extra services, unless expressly authorized Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, or oficers and
by law. (R. S. § 170.)> enlisted men of militia.-Sectioi 58 of this title shall not apply
52. Unauthorized office, no salary for.-No money shall be to retired oflicers or enlisted men of tie Army, Navy, Marine
pal from the Treasur3 to any person acting or assunming to Corps, or Coast Guard, or to officers and enlisted men of the
act is an officer, civil, m, tary, or naval, as salary, in ainy office Organized Militia and Naval Militia in the seeral States, Ter-
when the office is not a ttliorlzed by some previously existing ritories, and the District of Columbia. (May 10, 1910, c. 117,
law, unless such office Issuibscquently sanctioned by law. (R. § 6, 39 Stat. 120; Aug. 29, ' 1016, c. 417, 39 Stat. 582.)
S. § 1760.) 60. Same; exceptions; employees of Library of Congress.-
53. Detective agency erlployees not to be employed.--No ,ril- INo additional compensation paid to employees of the Library
ployce of the Pinkerton "l)etective Agency, or .inthiar agency, of Congress who perform special functions for tile perform-
shall be employed iu any ilovermnent service or by any oilcer a ace of which funds have been enirustel to the Library of
of the District of Colunmfia. (Mar. 3, 1893, c. 208, § 1, 27 Congress Trust Fund Board or the Librarian of Congress, or
Stat. 591.) in connection with cooperative undertakings, in whilch the
54. Publicity experts l : to be employed without specific I tbrary of Congress is engaged, shall be c.orstrued as n double
appropriation.-No money i)proprlated by any net ihall be used salary under the provisions of section 58 of this title. (Mar.
for tie compensation of nln, i ubliclty expert unless specifically 3, 1925, c. 423, § 6, 43 Stat. 1108.)
appropriated for that purl) c. (Oct. 22, 1913, e. 32, 38 Stat. 61. Same; school teachers and employees in District of Co-
212.) i lumbia.-Secton 58 of this title shall not apply to teachers of
55. Experts; compensateij without specific provision for.- the public schools of the District of Columbia when employed
Except as otherwise provid,d in section 53 of Title 31, rio by any of the executive departments or independent establish.
part of any money approprli: td in any Act shall be used for ments of the United States Government; nor to teachers In
compensation or payment of fxpenses of accountants or other the public schools of the District of' Columbia who are also
experts inaugurating new or changing old methods of trans- employed as teachers of night schocls rnd vocation schools;
acting the business of the I ilted States or the District of nor to employees of the school gardert dpartment of the pul-
Columbia, unless authority foj employment of such services or lie schools of the District of Columbia; i.mor to employees of
payment of such expenses is s, ted in specific terms tu the Act the community center department of ile public schools of the
making provision therefor an the rate of compensation for District of Columbia. (Oct. 6, 1017. e, 79, § 9, 40 Stat. 381;
such services or expenses is spe' Ifically fixed therein, or be used July 8, 1918, c. 139, § 1, 40 Stat. 823; hine 5, 1920, c. 253, § 1,
for compensation of or expeasoi, for persons, aiding or assisting 41 Stat. 1017.)
such accountants or other expel ts, unless the rate of compen- 62. Holding other lucrative office.- No person who holds an
sation of or expenses for such n isistants is fixed by officers or office tile salary or annual eomnpen ,ition attached to which
employees of the United States r District of Columbia having amounts to the sum of two thousaud five hundred dollars

shnll be appointed to or bold any other oies to which com- of immigration officials incident to the inspection of aliens In
pensation Is attached unless specially authorized thereto by foreign contiguous territory, and such reimbursements shall be
law; but this shall not apply to retired officers of the Army credited to the appropriation, "Expenses of regulating imumi-
or Navy whenever they may be elected to public office or when- gration." (Mar. 4, 1921, c. 101, § 1, 41 Stat. 1424.)
ever the President shall appoint them to office by and with 69. Extra servlces.-No allowance or compensatlon shall he
the adviceo and consent of the Senate. Retircl enlisted men 91' made to any officer or clerk, by reason o-! th., discharge of
the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard retr'd for): duties which belong to any other officer or clerk in the same
any cause, and retired officers -f the Army, Navy, Marine or any other department; and no aUowauq) or compensation
Corps, or Coast Guard who have been retired for Injuries o- shall be made for any extra services wbittever, which any
ceived In battle or for injuries or Incapacity incurred in liue officer or clerk may be required to perform, unless expressly
of duty shall not, within the meaning of this section, be con- authorized by law. (R. S. § 1764.)
strued to hold or to have held an office during su,-h retire- 70. Extra allowances.-No officer in any branch of the public
ment. (July 31, 1894, c. 174, J 2, 28 Stat. 205; Mar 81, 1924, service, or any other person whose salary, pay, or emoluments
c. 214, 43 Stat. 245.) are fixed by law or regulations, shall recc:ive any additional
63. Same; retired officers of Army or Navy employed on pay, extra allowance, or compensation, in any form whatever,
river and harbor improvements.-Section 62 of th!s title shall for the dhibursement of public money, or for any other service
not be so construed as to prevent the employment of any retired or duty mhatever, unless the same Is authorized by law, and
officer of the Army or Navy to do work under tha direction of the appropriation therefor explicitly states that it is for such
the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army in connec- additional pay, extra allowance, or compensation. (R. S. §
tion with the improvement of rivers and harbors of the United 1705.)
States, or the payment by the proper officer of the Treasury of 71. Extra compensation or perquisites.-..No civil officer of
any amounts agreed upon as compensation for ruph employ- the Government shall receive any compensriion or perquisites,
inent. (June 3, 1896, c. 314, 1 7, 29 Stat. 235.) directly or indirectly, from the Treasury .r property of the
4. Same; retired officers of Army, e t c., lit Bureau of the United States beyond his salary or compe nation allowed by
Budgct.-Seetion 62 of this title shall not be construed us law. This section shall not be construed .i prevent the em-
having application to retired officers of the Army, Navy, Marine ployment and payment by the Department c r Justice of district
Corps, or Coast Guard who may be appoiuted to the offices attorneys as allowed by law for the perfLimanen of services
created by section 10 of Title 31, within the meaning of pre- not covered by their salaries or fees. (Juie 20, 1874, c. 828,
cluding payment to such officers of the difference in pay pre- § 3, 18 Stat. 109.)
scribed for such offices and their et:ered rpay. (Feb. 17, 1922, 72. Additional compensation to persons ei rployed under gen-
c. 55, 42 Stat. 373.) eral or lump-sum appropriatiou.-lt shal rvt be lawful to pay
65. Same; employees of Library of Congress.-Employees of to any person, employed in the service of the United States
the Libiary of Congress who perform special functions for the under any general or lump-sum appropriatim, any sum addi-
performance of which funds have been entrusted to the Library tional to the regular compensation receivi.- for or attached
of Coinress Trust Fund Board or the Librarian of Congress, to any employment held prior to an appoi ctment or designa-
in connection with cooperative undertakings, in which the tion as acting for or instead of an occupant of any other office
Librar b& 'nyress Is engaged, shall not be subject to the pro- or employment. This section shall not be construed as pro-
visions of sectionttle. (lar. 3, 1025, c. 423, 1 0, hibiting regular and permanent appointmints by promotion
43 Stit. 1108.) from lower to higher grades of employme:1a. (Aug. 1, 1914,
66. Receiving salary front source other-tnaY.Iod States, c. 223, 1 12, 38 Stat. 080.)
No Government official or employee shall receive any saly-4-n - 73. Actual traveling expenses only aijowed.-IExcept as
connection with his services as suca an official or employee othc wi-. - provided by law, only actual trav -ling expenses shell
from tny source other thu. the Government of ibe United be allowed to any pevson holding employmnt or appointment
States, except as may be contributed out of the treasury of any under the United States, except marshals, district attorneys,
State, county, or municipality, anA no person, association, or and clerks of the courts of the United States,'and their deputies.
corporation shall make any coat:ibutinn to, or in any way All allowances for mileages and transportat] at in excess of the
supplement the salary of, any Government oificia or employee amount actually paid, except vs above excpited, are declared
for the services performed by him for the Government of the Illegal; and no credit shall be ellowed to atr of the disbursing
United States. Any person violating any of the terms of this officers of the United States -r payme, or allowances in
section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon violation of this section. (Mar. 8, 1875, c; 133, § 1, 18 Stat.
conviction thereof hall be punished by a fine of not less than 452; June 30, 1870, c. 159, 19 Stat. 05; Ju,. e 10, 1022, c. 212,
$1,000 or Imprisonment for rot less 'zhan six months, or by both § 12, 42 Stat. 031.)
such fine and imprisonment as the court may determine. 74. Expenses for subsistence; travelinl on duty.-Unles
(Mar. 3, 1917, c. 103, § 1, 39 Stat. 1100.) otherwise expressly provided by law, no otlVer or employee of
67. Same; employees of Department of Agriulture and For- the United States shall be allowed or paid any sum in excess
est Service.-Officlals and employees of the Department of of expenses actually incurred for subsiste',co while traveling
Agriculture engaged in activities of the Department of Agri- on duty outside of the District of Colum.a and away from
culture described in sectiou 563 of this title, and paid in whole his designated post of duty, nor any suaeVfor such expenses
or In part out of funds contributed as provided in said section actually incurred in excess of $5 per day; I'r shall any allow-
503, and the persons, coiporations, or associations making con- ance or reimbursement for subsistence be p fid to any officer or
tributlons as provided in said section 503 shall not be subject employee in.any branch of the public se'lIco of the United
to tle provisions of section 66 of this title; nor shall any official States in the District of Columbia unless al eat from his desig-
or employee engaged In the cooperative activities of the Forest nated post of duty outside of the D of Columbia, and

Service, or the persons, corporations, or associations contrib- then only for the period of time actually ngaged in the dis-
uting to such activities be subject to said section 00. (July 24, charge of official duties. (Apr. 0, 2914, c. 5 § 1, 38 Stat. 318.)
1019, c. 20, 41 Stat. 270.) 75. Same; engaged in field work or traveling on official bust.
68. Same; immigration officals.-Nothlng In section 60 of nesso-Excep an otherwise expressly pro tided by law, the
this title shall prevent receiving reimbursements for services heads of executive departments and other ,overnment estab-
listiments nre antliorized to prescribe per diem rates of allow- parlment of Agriculture, under the provisions of section 5 of
anve not exceeding $4 In lieu of subsistence to persons engaged Title 23 and section 561 of Title 10. (Mar. 15, 1920, e. 100,
In field work or traveling on official buness outside of the § 6,41 8Srat. 531.)
District of Columbia and away from their designated posts of 82. Officers in airears.-No money Ohull be paid to any pers nu
duty when not otherwise fixed by law. The annual estimates for his compensation who Is in arrears to the United Slates,
of approprialions from which per diem allowances are to be until he has accounted for and paid into the Treasury nll saints
pld aliil specifically state the rates of such allowances. (Aug. for which he may be liable. In all cases where the tioy or sill-
1, 1914, c. 223, § 13, 88 2tat. 680.) ary of any per son is withheld in pursuance of this section, the
76. Free tuition in schools for children of employees of General Aecolltng Office, If required to do so by the parity,
United States.-The children of employees of the United States 1is nlgelnlL or at[orney,- shall rcport forthwith to the Soilcitor
stationed outside of the District of Columbia shall be admitted of the Treasury the balance due ; and tile solicitor shall, within
to tile public schools without payment of tuition. (June 29, sixty da3s thereafter, order suit to be commenced agailnst such
1922, c. 219, § 1, 42 Stat. 689; Feb. 28, 1923, c. 148, § 1, 42 Stat. delinquent and his sureties. (It. S. § 1766; June 10, 1921, c. 18,
1347; June 7, 1921, c. 302, § 1, 43 Stat. 558; Mar. 3, 1025, c. 42 Stat. 23.)
477, § 1, 43 Stat. 1233.) 83. Restrictions on paying fees or dues In societies.-No
77. Restrictions on payment of expenses of carriages or money appropriated by any Act shall be expended for raehmber-
vehicles for perponal or official use.-No part of any money ship fees or dues of any officer or employee of tile United States
upproarlated by any Act shall be used for'purchasing, maln- or of the District of Columbia in any society or association or
tainirg, driving, or operating any carriage or vehicle (other for expenses of attendance of any person at liny ileeting or
than those for the use of the President of the United States, convention of members of any society or assoclation, unl(.l s
the heads of the executive departments, andi the Secretary io such fees, dues, or expenses are authorized to be paid by spe-
the "Iresident, and other than those used for transportation of chlc appropriations for such purpose; or are provided for ti
property belonging to or in the custody of the United States), express terms in some general npproprl.1ion. Tils section
for ule personal or official use of any officer or employee of iny shall not be so construed 11sto prohibit the paiment frointhe
of tie executive departments or other Government establitsh- appropriations for the Department of Agriculture oV exp, ns,,
imients at Washington, District of Column,la, unless tho sime incidental to the delivery of lectures, the giving of instructi-l.
shall be specifically authorized by law or provided for in terms or the acquiring of information at meetings by its elilloyees
by approprlation of money, and all such carriages and vehicles on subjects relating to the work of the department authorized
so procured and nscd for official purposes sl.ll have conspicu- by law. (June 26, 1912, c.182, § 8, 37 Stat. 181; Mar. 4, 1913,
ously pbited thereon at all times the full name of the ex- c. 145, 37 Stat. 854.)
ecutive Cepartment or other branch of the public service to 84. Annual or monthly compensation.-Where the compensa-
which the same belong and In the service of v hich the same are tion of any person in tile service of tile United Stlates Is
used. (MAqr. 18, 1004, c. 716, § 3, 33 Stat. 142; Feb. 3, 1905, annual or monthly the following rules for division of tiio
c. 297, § 4, 33 Stat. 687.) ard computation of pay for services rendered are estab-
78. Restrictions on payments for purchase or operation of lished: Annual compensation shall be divided into twelve equal
passenger-cLrrying vehiles.-No appropriation made in any Installments, one of which shall be the pay for each calendar
Act shall be ivallable for tile purchase of any motor-propelled month; and In making payments :.ora fractional part of a
or horse-draiin passenger-carrying vehicle for the cervice of month one-thrtieth of one of such installments, or of a monthly
any of the executive departments or other Government estab- comnpensatlon, shall be the daily rate of pay. For tie purpose
lishments, or any branch of the Governmnent service, unless of computing .,uch compensation and for computing time for
specific authority Is given therefor. There shall not be ex- services rendered during a fractional part of a month i con-
pended out of any appropriation made by Congress any sum for nection with annual or monthly roinpencation, each an( every
purchase, maintenance, repair, or operation of motor-propelled month s'tall be held to consist of thirty days, without regard
or horse-drawn pssenger-carrying vehicles for any branch of to the a:1ual number of days in any calendar month, thus ex-
the public service tf the United States unless the same is spe. cluding che 31st of any calendar month from the computa-
eifically authorized by law. In the est imates for each fiscal tion and treating February 'as if It actually had thirty days.
year there shall be submitted in detail estimates for such neces- Any person entering the service of the United States during
' rv appropriations as are intended to bd used for purchae, a thirty-one day month and serftng until tile end thereof
maine'a,.uv--ar, or operation of all motor-propelled or shall be entitled to pay for that month from tle dIto of enlry
horse-drawn passen'geir-0a.v-- vehicles, specifying the sums to the 30th day of said month, both days inclusive; unit lny
required, the public purposes for wieir- q.vehicles are In- person entering said service during the month of February
tended, and the ofliciah or employees by whoa Lk ,71)0 are and serving until the end thereof shall be entitled tu one
to be used. (July 16, 1 A, c. 141, § 5, 38 S'at. 508.) sajnth's pay, less as many thirtieths thereof as there were lays
79. Same; river and harbor improvements.-Section 78 of elapsed prior to (late of entry. For o1e day's unauthorz(d
this title shll not be corstrucd as applying to the purchase, absence on the 31st day of any calendir ilonth one day's
maintenance, and repair -f motor boats, trucks, aud otlier pay shall be forfeited. (June 3C, If06, c. 3914, § 6, 31 'Fat.
vehicles needed In carrying out the various projects adopted 703.)
by Congress for the improvement, preservation, and protection, 85. Compensation for clerks o. secretaries of retired otli-
of rivers and harbors. (Mar. 4, 1015, c. 142, § 10, 38 Stat. 1051.) cials.-Except as provided by chapter 14 of thils title, no allow-
80. Same; field work of Department of Agriculture.-Noth- ance or eopipensation for clerks or secretarles of oilhhlls of
lug in section 78 of this title shall be construed to apply to the United States retired from active service shaiti L,:,
the hire of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying Ized. (July 1, 1S08, c. 540, § 1, 30 Star. 614.)
vehicles and motor boats necessary in the field work of the 86. Holidays; for per diem elllployees.-Tliv emloyees of the
Department of Agriculture, or to the maintenance, repair, or Navy Yard, Goernment Printing 0111ce, Blurea of 'rin Ig and
operation of vehicles so hired. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 813, 30 Stat. Efigravhng, and all other per diem employees of the (overn.
491.) ment on duty at Washingto:, or elsewhere il tile (Jited States,
81. Same; vehicles transferred by Secretary of War to Sec- shall be allowed .be following holidays, to wit: The 1st day
retary of Agriculture.-Section 78 of this title shall not apply of January, the 2 2 d day of February, 11h0 day of each year
to vehicles transferred by the Secretary of War to the Do- which is celebrated as "Memorial" or "Decoratlon Day," the

4th day of July, the 25th day of December, und such days as defense to which rests upon the same iacts, circumstances, and
may be designated by the President as dayu for national proofs, the department, bureau, or offtcer shall only be required
thanksgiving, and shall receive tie same pay as on other days. to certify and transmit one statement of the same, and such
(Jan. 6, 1885, No. 5, 23 Stat. 516; Feb. 23, 1887, No. 0, 24 statement shall be held to apply to all such cases, as if made
Stat. 614.) out, certified, and transmitted in each case respectively. (Ii. S.
87. Same; Labor Day.-Tbe first Monday of September in 188.)
catch year, be ig tie day celebrated and known as Labor's 92. Taking oaths or It....:wl..gm~nts.- tin-ll cask 'in
1Iolilday, Is Invide a legal public holiday, to all litteis 1111a which, under the laws of the United States, oaths or acknowl-
Iurposvs, in the .same mianner as Christmas, the 1st day of edgmenti might be taken or made on June 22, 1874, before any
Jimiuary, the 22(1 day of February, tle 30th day of May, end Justice of the peace of any State or Territory, or In the District
tMe 4th day of July tire now made by law public holidays. of Columbia. they may be also taken or made by or before
(June 28, 1894, c. 118, 28 Stat. 90.) any notary public duly appointed in any State, District, or
88. Removal of ofice.-Wienever any public office Is removed Territory, or any of the United States commissioners, and,
by relasolu of sickness which may prevail in the town or city when certified under the hand aid official seal of such notary
where it Is located, a particular account of the cost of such or commissioner, shall have ihe same force and effect as if
removal shall be laid before Congress. (R. S. § 1770.) taken or made by or before fuch justice of the peace. (R. S.
89. Preservation of copies of Statutes at Large.-The varl- § 1778.)
ous ofilcers of the United States. to whom, In virtue of their 93. Oaths to withesses.--Any officer or clerk of any of the
offices and for the uses thereof, copies of the United States departments lawfully Jetailed to investigate frauds on, or at-
Statutes at Large tave been or may be distributed at the tempts to defraud, the Government, or any irregularity or mis-
pulic expense, by authority of law, illall preserve such copies, conduct of any officer or agent of the United States, and any
and deliver them to their successort respectively as a part of officer of the Army, Naiy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard, de-
the property alpertainling to the ( fllce. A printed copy of tailed to conduct an Investigation, and the recorder, and If there
ihis section siall be ir erted in ea,,l. volume of the statutes be none the presiding officer, of any military, naval, or Coast
distributed to any such officers. (R. S. § 1777.) Guard board appointed for such purpose, shall have authority
90. Statutes furnisoed judges to remain public property.- to administer an oath to any witness attending to testify or
All statntns furnished by the United States to district judges, depose in the course of such investigation. (R. S. § 183; Mar.
district attorneys, and clerks of the United States courts under 2, 1001, c. 809, § 3, 31 Stat. 951; Feb. 13, 1911, c. 43, 30 Stat.
this or any other law, shall not become the property of these 8S; Jan. 28, 1915, c. 20, § 1, 38 Stat. 800.)
officers, trot on the expliration of their official term shall be by 94. Subpoenas to witnesses.-Any head of a department or
them turned over and delivered to their respective successors bureau in which a claim against the United States is properly
in oflice. (Aug. 7, 1882, c. 433, § 1, 22 Stat. 336.) pending may apply to any judge or clerk of any court of the
91. Evidence furnished by departments in suits In Court of United States, In any State, DistrIet, or Territory, to issue a
Claimn.-ln ill suits brought against tie United States 1in the subpi(na fo a witnev:s being within the Jurisdiction of such
Court of Cilals founded upon any contract, agreement, or court, to al ear at r. time and place in the subpoena stated,
tni,'liocilon with any delartinent, or any bureau, officer, or before an (flicer authorized to take depositions to be used in
agent of a department, or where the nltter or thing oi wllph the courts i the United States, there to give full and true
the claim Is based Ias been passed upon and deciled by aly answers to such written interrogatories and cross-Interrogato-
department, bureau, or officer autiorl.ed to adjust it, the ries a' may be submitted with the application, or to be orally
Attorney General sliall transmit to such lepartment, bureau, or examined and cross-examined upon the .:ubjct ef such clim.
aflicer, a printed copy of the petition filed by the claimant, 'Ith (I. S. § 184.)
a request that the department, )urcau, or officer, slill furnish 95. Witnesses' fees.-Wittiesses subpoenaed pursuant to the
to tile Attorney General all facts, circumstances, and evidence preceiling section shall be allowed the same compensation as is
touching the claim in the possession or knowledge of the de. allowed witnesses in tie courts of the United States. (R. S.
partment, bureau, or ofilcer. Such. department, bureau, or nill- § 185.)
cer siall, without delay, and within a retsomible time, furnish 96. Compelling testimony.-If any witness, after being duly
tile Attorney General with a f ill statenlt lit, in writing, of all served with such subptena, neglects or refuses to appear, or,,
such facts, hIformation, and pr5 h7---Tmhe Statement sh!dl "on- appearing, refuses to testify, the judge of the district in which
tain a reference to or descripti l -of till s.el official documents the subriena Issued may proceed, upon proper process, to enforce
or papers, If any, as may furn'ish proof of facts referred to in obedleice to the sulpona, or to punish the disobedience, in like
it, or may be necessary and proper for the dlefense of the United mannlr as any court of the United States may do in case of
States against the claim, mentioning the department, office, or process of subpona ad testifleandum Iss,'ed by such court.
place where tie same Is kept or may be procured. If the claim (R. S. § 18d.)
has been passed upon and decided by the department, bureau, 97. Oaths to expense accounts.--Chief clerks of the various
or ollcer, the statement shall succinctly siate the reasons and executive departments and bureaus, or clerks designated by
principles upon which such decision was based. In all cases them "for the purpose, and chiefs of field parties, are required,
whore such decisiol was founded upon any Act of Congress, or empowered, and authorized, when requested, to administer
upon any section or clause of such Act, the same shall be cited toaths, required by law or otherwise, to accounts for travel or
specifically; and If any previons interpretation or construction other expenses against the United States, with like force and
hqQ ben 0 Ih1 n to suwh Act, seftion, or clause by tie department, effect as officers having a seal; for such services when so ren-
bureau, or officer, the same shall be set forth succinctly in tile dered, or when rcaxkro.l ' a d,,nard by ,'otnrles pixb.o, who at
statement, and a copy of tile opilon filed, If any, shall be an- tle time are also salaried officers or employees of tile United
nexed to it. Where any decision in the case has been based States, no charge shall be made; and no fee or money paid for
ipo tiny regulation of a department, or where such regulation the services herein described shall lie paid or reimbursed by tile
Ias, 1Imthe opinion of the department, bureau, or officer trans- United States. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, § 8, 37 Stat. 487.)
mlting such statement, any hearing upon the claim In suit, the 98. Civil pension roll prohibited.-Except as provided in
salie shall be distinctly quoted at length In the statement. But chapter 14 of this title, tle establishment of an honorable serv-
where more than one ease, or a class of cases, Is pending, the ice roll, or tle exemption of any of the officers, clerks, and per-
sons its the public serelce from the existing laws respecting statements and recelipts for all the mnoneys wh,eh may have
employment In such service, is prohibited. (Feb. 24, 1809, been from time to time during the n .xt preceling year ex-
c. 187, 1 4, 30 Stat. 890.) pended by them, and k'hall communicate the results of such
99. Ex-officera or employees not to prosecute claims in returns and the sums total, annually, to Congress. (R. S. §
Aeartments.-It shall not be lawful for any person appointed 193; Mar. 8, 1877, c. 10', § 1, 10 Stat. 306; May 29, 1920, e.
as an officer, clerk, or eznpoyeo in any of the departments, to 214, § 1, -1 Stat. 054.)
act as counsel, attorney, or agent for prosecuting any claim 105. Reports of traveling expenses of officers and employees
againrst the United States which was pending in either of said at Washinton.---It shall be the duty of the head of each execu-
depari ments while he was such officer, clerk, or employee, nor tive departinent and other Government establishment at Wash-
n rny manner, nor by any means, to aid In the proecution of ington to submit to Congress at the beginning of each regular
any such claim, within two -ears next after he shall have scsion a statement showing in detail what oilicers or employees
ceased to be such officer, clerk, or employee. (R. S. 1 190.) (other than special agents, Inspectors, or employees, who in
100. Prosecution of claims for supplies for Military Estab- the discharge of their regular anuties are required to constantly
lishment.-It shall he unlawful for any person who, as u com- travel) of such executive department or other Government
missioned officer of the Army, or officer or employee of the establlshment have traveled on oflicial business from Washing-
United States, has t.t any time since April 6, 1917, been em- ton to points outside of the Dis,.rlct of Columbia during the
ployed in any bureau of the Government and in such employ- preceding fiscal year, giving In each case the full title of the
ment been engaged oa behalf of the United States in procuring official or employee, the destination or destinations of such
or assisting to procure supplies for tWe Military Establishment, travel, the business or work on account of which the sanme
or who has been engaged in the settlement or adjustment of wits made, and the total expense to the United States charged
contracts or agreements for the procurement of supplies for the In each case. (May 2!1, 1908, c. 180, 1 4, 85 Stat. 244.)
Military Establishment, within two years next after his dis- 106. Time of making annual reports.-Except where a differ-
charge or other separation from the service of the Government, ent time Is expressly prescribed by law, the various annual
to solicit employment in the presentation or to aid or assist for reports required to be submitted to Congress by the heads of
compensation in the prosecution of claims against the United departments shill be made at the commencement of each rga.
States arising out of any contracts or agreements for the pro- lar session, and shall embrace the transactions of the preceding
curement of supplies for said bureau, which were pending or year. (IL S. § 195.)
entered Into while the sail officer or employee was associated
107. Department reports; furnishing to printer.-The head
therewith. A violation of this provision of this chapter shall
of each department, except the Department of Justice, shall
be punished by a fine of not more than $10,OtY or imprisonment
furnish to the Public Printer copies of the documents usually
for not more than one year, or both. (July 11, 1910, c. 8, sub-
accompanying his annual report. (R. S. I 16.)
chapter IV, 41 Stat. 131.)
101. Advertising practice before departments or offices of 108. Copy for annual reports and accompanying docu-
Government.-It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or ments.-Appropriations made for printing and binding shall
not be used for any annual report or the accompanying docu-
corporation practicing before any department or office of the
Government to use the name of any Member of elther House of ments unless the copy therefor is furnished to the Public
Congress or of any officer of the Government In advertising the Printer In the following manner: Copies of the documents
said business. (Apr. 27, 1910, c. 89, § 1, S9 Stat. 54.) accompanying such annual reports on or before the 15th day of
102. Expenditures for newspapers.-Tho amount expended October of each year; copies of the annual reports on or before
in any one year for newspapers, for any department, except the 15th day of November of each year; complete revised
the Department of State, including allthe bureaus und offices proofs of the accompanying documents and the annual reports
on the 10th and 20th days of November of each year, respec-
connected therewith, shall not exceed $100, except where other-
wise specifically authorized by law. No executive offiter, other tively. All of said annual reports and accompanying docu-
than the heads of departments, shall apply more than $.0, annu- ments shall be printed, made public, and available for distri-
ally, out of the contingent fund under his control, to ray for bution not later than within the first five days after the assent-
newspapers, pamphlets, periodicals, or other books or prints not bling of each regular session of Congress. The provisions of
necessary for the business of his offici. (R. S. §§ 192, .1779; this section shall not apply to the annual reports of the Smith-
June 22, 1900, c. 8514, § 7, 84 Stat. 449.) sonlan Institution, the Conmilssloner of Patents or the Comp-
103. Expenditures for transportation of remain of deceased troller oj! the Currency. (July 1, 1910, c. 209, § 3, 19 Stat. 330.)
employees. 'Theheads of departments siluil i,,t , ntlio(''70 nnv 109. Inventories of property.-Tho Sccrctary' of Stat,., the
expenditure In connection with transportation of remalna of 8ccretary v1 tho Tre' mry, tit- Secretary of the Interlo, timo
deceased employees, except when otherwise spcc!2ca1iy pro- Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, ti, ;'otA:n.ste"r
vided by law. (June 7, 1897, c. 8, 1 1, 80 Stat. 80.) General, the Attorney General, the Secretary of A,'hI '!tur.,
104. Annual reports of expenditure of contingent funds.-- the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of labor shall
The head of each department, and any bureau of the Govern- lreep, In proper books, a complete inventory of all the property
ment, shall make a report to Congress, at the beginning of each belonging to the United States in the buildings, rooins, ollivms,
regular session, giving a detailed statement of the manner In and grounds occupied by themum, respcetively, ind umier Mlir
which the contingent fund for his department, and for the charge, adding thereto, from time -o time, an account of smli
bureaus and offices therein, has been expended, giving the names property as may be procured subsequently to the htking (i' snih
of every person to whom any portion thereof has been paid; lnvenfcTry a well as an account of the sale or other dlislp4lon-
mmd if for anything furnished, the quantity and price; and if of any of such property, except supplies of stationery and ful
for any service rendered, the nature of such service, and the in the public offices and books, pamphlets, and papers in tie
time employed, and the particular occasion or cause, in brief, Librmry of Congress. (R. S. I 19T; Feb. 27, 1877, c. 09, .4 1,
that rendered such service necessary; and the amount of all 19 Stat. 241; Feb. 0, 1889, e. 122, § 1, 25, Stat. (159; Feb. 1i, !"J03,
former appropriations in each ease on hand, either in the c. 552, 1 1, 82 Stat. 825; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, 87 Stat. 736.)
Treasury or in the hands of any disbursing officer or agent. 110. Transfer of miscellaneous books to District Public
He shall require of the disbursing officers, acting under his Library.-Any books of a miscellaneous character no longer
direction and authority, the return of precise and analytical required for the use of any executive department, or bureau,

c.r commission of the Government, and not deemed an advis- through the Department of State, and not to the individual in
able addition to the Library of Congress, shall, if appropriate person, but such present, decoration, or other thing shall not
be delivered by the Department of State unless so authorized
to the uses of the Free Public Library of the District of Co-
lumbia, be turned over to that library for general use as a part by act of Congress. (Jan. 31, 1881, c. 32, § 3, 21 Stat. 604.)
thereof. (Feb. 25, 1003, c. 755, § 1, 32 Stat. 865.) Cross reference: See also section 1423 of Title 10.
111. Custody of files and records of war agencies.-Except 116. Medals for services; duplicates on loss or destruction.-
as otherwise provided by law the President is authorized to In any case where the President of the United States has,
transfer to the custody and care of such of tile departments or under any Act or resolution of Congrss, caused any medal to
independent establishments as he may determine the files and be made and presented to any officer cr person in the United
iecords of the agencies created for the period of the World War States on account of distinguished ov meritorious services, on
upon the discontinuance of such activities. (July 19. 1919, a proper showing made by such person to the satisfaction of
c. 24, 5 4, 41 Stat. 233.) the President that such medal la; been lost or destroyed
112. Disposition of useless papers.-Except as otherwise through no fault of the beneficiary, and that diligent search
provided by law, whenever there shall be in any one of the has been made therefor, the Preside:it Is authorized to cause to
executive departments of the Government, or in tie varlou3 be prepared and delivered to such person a duplicate of such
public buildings under the control of such departments, an medal, the cost of which shall be paid out or any money in
accumulation of files (if papers, which are not needed or useful the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. (Apr. 15, 1904, No.
in the transaction of the current business of such department 23, 33 Stat. 588.)
and have no permanent value or historical interest, it shall 117. United States Geographic Board; payment of expendi-
be the duty of the head of such department to submit to tures.-AI1 expenditures of United States Geographic Board
Congress a report of that fact, accompanied by a concise state- shall be paid upon vouchers approved by it and signed by Its
ment of the condition and character of such papers. secretary, who shall act as its disbursing agent without bond.
Upon the submission of such report, it shall be the duty of (Feb. 13, 1923, c. 72, 42 Stat. 12,41.)
the presihing officer of the Senate to appoint two Senators, Chapter 2.-DEPARTMENT OF STATE.
and of the Speaker of the House of Representatives to appoint See.
two Representatives, and the Senators and Representatives so 151. Establishment of department.
appohited shall constitute a joint committee, to which shall be 152. Undersecretary of State and Assistant Secretaries of State.
referred such recpdrit, with the accompanying statement of the 153. Chief of Bureau of Accounts as disbursing clerk.
154. Distibution of duties of oileers, cletks, and employees.
condition and character of such papers, and such Joint com- 155. Personal services other than those provided for.
mnittee shall meet and examine such report and statement and 150. Management of foreign afftairs.
the papers therein described, and submit to the Senate and 157. Foreign trade relations.
House, respectively, a report of such examination and their 158. Custody of seals and property.
150. Promulgation of law,.
recommendation. 100. Amendments to Constitution.
If ulchi joint connittee report that such files of papers, or 161. State statutes to be procured.
any part thereof are not needed or useful In the transaction of 102. Information as to work of Department of Commerce.
the current bvsiness of such department, and have nc per- 163. Reports of information relating to commerce.
104. Statempnt of expenditures from contingent fund.
nmnent value oi historical interest, then it shall be the duty of 105. Copies of Acts and treaties furnished to printer.
such head of the department to sell as waste paper, or other- 160. rees for copies of records.
wise dispose of such iles of papers upon the best obtainable 107. Territorial papers; collection, etc., for States by chief of division
terms after duo publication of notice inviting proposals there- of publications; clerical assistant*.
108. Same; copies for Stateg.
for, and receive and pay the proceeds thereof into tihe Treasury
of the United States, and make report thereof to Congress. Section 151. Establishment of department.-There shall be
(Mar. 3, 1891, c. 130, § 1, 21 Stat. 412; Aug. 5, 1882, e. 389, at the seat of government an cx.lcutivo department to be
§ 1, 22 Stat. 228; Feb. 10, 1889, e. 171, 25 Stat. 672; Mar. 2, known as the Department of State, and a Secretary of State,
1895, e. 189, § 1, 28 Stat. 933.) who shall be the head thereof. (I. S. 5 199.)
113. Prohibition of contributions or presents to superiors.- Cross reference: Solar,: of lecretary; see section 3 of this title.
No officer, clerk, or employee in the United States Government 152. Undersecretary of State and Assistant Secretaries
employ shall at any time solicit contributions from other offi- of State.-There shall be in tile Department of State an Under-
cers, clerks, or emplo3 ces in the Government service for a gift secretary of State and four Assistant Secretaries of State,
or present to those in a superior official position; nor shall any each of whom shall be appointed by the President, by and with
such olliclals or clerical superiors receive any gift or present the advice and consent of the Senate. The Assistant Secre-
offered or presented to them as a contribution from persons In taries of State shall be without numerical distinction of rank.
Governmnent enuploy receiving a less salary than themselves; (R. S. § 200; Jlni 20, 1874, c. 828, § 1, 18 Stat. 90; Mar. 3,
nor shall any ollicer or clerk malee any donation as a gift ot 1017, e. 103, § 1, LID Stat. 1082; Mar. 1, 1919, c. 80, § 1, 40
present to any ollicial superior. Every- person who violates this Stat. 1224; Jan. 3, 1923, c. 21, 42 Stat. 1008; May 24, 1924,
ser.tion shall be summuarily discharged from the Governmean-t c. 182, §2),, 43 Stat. 146.)
employ. (R. S. § 17&.) 153. Chief of Bureau of Accounts as disbursing clerk.--The
114. Foreign decorations.-Except as otherwise provided in Chief of the Bureau of Accounts may be appointed by the head
chapter 33 -of Title 10, no decoration, or other thing, the of the department disbursing clerk of the Department of State,
acceptance of which may be authorized by consent of Congress, (Mar. 3, 1875, e. 129, § 1, 18 Stat. 349.)
by any officer of the United States, from any foreign govern- 154. Distribution of duties of officers, clerks, and em-
meant, shall be publicly shown or exposed upon the person of ployees.i-Tho Secretary of State may prescribe duties for the
the offlicer so receiving the same. (Jan. 31, 1881, e. 32, 5 2, 21 Undersecretary of State, time Asaistant Secretaries, and the so.
Stat. 604.) lleltor, not Interfering with his duties as an officer of the Depart-
115. Same; delivery through State Department.-Any pres- ment of Justice, and the clerks of bureaus, as well as for all the
ent, decoration, or other thing, which shall be conferred or other employees in the department, and may make changes
presented by any foreign government to any officer of the and transfers therein when, in his judgment, it becomes neces-
United States, civil, naval, or *military, ahal1" be tendered sary. (Juno 20, 1874, e. 828, § 1, 18 Stat, 00.)

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