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§ 117 TITLEN$.


terms of service, a full and complete account of all property vation from publications ordered by Congress, deposit to secure
belonging to the United States In their possession, respectively, copyright, and otherwise, shall be preserved in the Library
at the time of returning such account. (R. S.§ 72.) Building. The law library shall be preserve in the Capitol in
117. Sale of waste paper.-It shall be the duty of the Clerk the roonfs which were on Juli 4, 1872 appropriated to its use,
and Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives and the Sec- and in such others as may hereafter be assigned thereto. (R. S.
retary and Sergeant at Arms of the Senate to cause to be sold § 80; Feb. 19, 1897, c. 205, § 1, 29 Stat. 545, 540.)
all waste paper and useless documents and condenied furni- 132. Departments of Library.-Tb Librnr LCngress slall
ture that moy accumulate, in their respective departments or be arranged In two departments, a general library and a law
offices, under tile direction of the Committee on Accounts of library. (R. S. § 81.)
their respective houses and cover the proceeds thereof into the 133. Joint Committee during recess of Congress.-The por-
Treasury; and they shall, at tie beginning of each regular ses- tion of the Joint Committee of Congress upon the Library on
sloi of Congress, report to their respective houses time amaount the part of the Senate remininng in office s Senators shall
)f said sales. (Aug. 7, 1882, c. 433, § 1, 22 Stat. 337.) during the recess of Congress exercise the powers and dis-
118. Actions against officers for official acts.-In any action charge the duties conferred by law upon the Joint Committee
brought against any person for or on account of anything done of Congress upon the Library. (Mar. 3, 1883, c. 141, § 2, 22
by him while an officer of either House of Congress in the dis- Stat. 592.)
charge of his olilcial duty, in executing any order of such House, 134. Incidental expenses of law library.Tli: It ideutal ex.
the district attorney for the district wl.hin which the action is penses of the law library shall be paid out of the appropr'ations
brought, on being thereto requested by the officer sued, shall ent.:,r for the Library of Congress. (R. S. § 83.)
an appearance in behalf of such oillesr; and all provisions of the 135. Purchase of books for law library.-Thq Librarian 1!m!l
eighth section of the Act of July 28, 1866, entitled "All Act to pro- make the purchases of books for the law library, uinder thd
tect the revenue, and for other purposes," and also all provisions direction of and pursuant to the catalogue furnished him by
of the sections of former Acts therein referred to, so far as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (R. S. § 81.)
the same relate to the removal of suits, the withholding of 136. Librarian of Congress; appointment; bond; rules and
executions, an( the paying of Judgments against revenue or regulations.-The Librarian of Congress shall be appointed by
other officers of the United States, shall become ai) to the President, by and with the advice and consent of fie
such action and to all proceedings and matters whatsoever Senate. Ile shall, before entering upon the duties of his office,
cormected therewith, and the defense of such action shall give a bond payable to the United State., in the sum of $20,006,
thenceforth be conducted under the supervision and direction with sureties approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, for the
of the Attorney General. (Mar. 3, 1875, c. 130, § 8, 18 Stat. faithful discharge of his duties according to law, which bond
401.) slall le deposited In the offie of the Secretary of the Senate.
lie shall make rules and regulations for the governr ont of tha
Library. (R. S. § R9; Feb. 10, 1897, c. 205, § 1, 29 Stat. 544, 540.)
See, 137. Use and regulation of law library.-_he justices of the
131. Collections ,-omposlg Library.
132. Departments of Library. Supreme Court shall have free access to the law library; and
133. Joint Committee during recess of Congress. they are authorized to make regulations, not inconsistent with
134. Inc lental expenses of law library. law, for the uise of the same during the sittings of the court.
135. lu, chise of Iboks for law library. But such regulations shall not restrict any person authorized to
136. Liba ran of Congress; appointment; bond; rules and regulations.
137. Use nod regulation of law library, take books from the Library from having access to the law
138. Law library open, when. library, or using the books therein in the same manner as lie
139. Report of Librarian of Congress. may be entitled to use the books of the general Library. (R. S.
140. Employees; fltness. §95.)
141. Duties of the Architect of the Capitol and Librarian of Congress.
142. Office of administrutive assistant and disbursing officer in Library 138. Law library open, when.-The law library shall be kept
of Congress created; appointment; duties; bond. open every day so long as e!thcr House of Congress is in ses-
143. Appropriations for Library Building and Grounds. sion. (July 11, 1888, c. 015, § 1, 25 Stat. 202.)
144. Copies of Statutes at Large.
145. Copies of Journals and documents. 139. Report of Librarian of Congress.-The Librarian of
146. Deposit of Journals of Senate and louse. Congress shall make to Congress at the beginning of each regu-
147. Bound volumes from files of House of Representatives. lar session, a report for the preceding fiscal year, as to the
148. Transfer to Library of books from executive departments. affairs of the Library of Congress, including the copyright busi-
149. Transfer of books to other libraries.
150. Sale of copies of card indexes and other publications. ness, and sai, report shall also include a detailed statement of
151. Smithsonian library. all receipts and expenditures on account of the Library and
152. Same; how kept and used. said copyright business. (Feb. 19, 1897, c. 265, § 1, 29 Stat.
153. Control of library of House of Representatives.
154. Library of Congress Trust Fund Board; members; quorum; seal;
rules and regulations. 110. Employees; fitness.-All persons employed in and about
155. S me; expenses. said Library of Congress under the Librarian shall be ap-
156. Sam; gifts, itc., to. pointed solely with reference to their fitness for their particu-
157. Same; trust funds, management of. lar duties. (Feb. 10, 1897, e. 205, § 1, 29 Stat. 545; June 29,
158. Same; deposits with Treasurer of United States.
159. Same; perpetual succession; sutts by or against. 1922, c. 251, § 1, 42 Stat. 715.)
160. Same; gifts, etc., to Library not affected. 141. Duties of Architect of the Capitol and Librarian of
l1. Same; gifts, etc., exenipt from Federal taxes. Congress.-The Architect of the Capitol shall have charge of
162. Same; employees; compensation. all stictural work at tie Library Building and on the grounds,
103. Same; report to Congress.
including all necessary repairs, thq operation, maintenance, and
Section 131. Collections composing Library.-The Library of repair of the mechanical plant and elevators, the care and
Congress, composed of time books, maps, and other publications maintenance of the grounds, and the purchasing and supplying
which on Deelber 1, 1873 remained in existence, from tle col- of all furniture and equiprment for the building. The employees
lections theretofore united under authority of law and those required for the performance of the foregoing duties shall be
added from time to time by purchase, exchange, donation, reser- appointed by the Architect of the Capitol. All other duties
required to be performed on June 29, 1922 by the Superintend- 149. Transfer of books to other libraries.--The Librarian of
ent of the Library Building and Grounds shall be performed Congress may from tinie to tie transfer to other govern-
under the direction of the Librarian of Congress, who shall mental libraries within the District of Columbia, including the
appoint the employees necessary therefor. (June 29, 1922, c. Public Library, books aid material in the possession of the
251, § 1, 42 Stat. 715.) Library of Congress in his judgnmnt no longer necessary to
142. Office of administrative assistant and disbursing officer its uses, but in the judgment of tile custodians of such other
in Library of Congress created; appointment; duties; bond.- collections likely to be useful to them, and may dispose of or
Tie position of administrative assistant and disbursing officer destroy such alterial as has become useless. (Mar. 4, 1909,
Is created in the Library of Congress. Appointments thereto c. 297, § 1, 35. Stit. 858.)
shall be made by the librarian. The administrative assistant 150. Sale of copies of card indexes and other publications.-
and disbursing officer shall disburse the appropriations for the The Libruarian of Congress Is hereby authorized to furnish
Library of Congress and the Botanic Garden and shall perform to such instilations or individuals as may desire to buy them,
such services In connection with the duties imposed by sections ich co)i(s of tle card indexes and other publications of the
141 to 143 of this title upon the librarian as he may direct, Library itsmay not be requtired for its ordinary transactions,
and shall give bond payable to the United States in the sum and (-]large for the same a price which will cover their cost
of $30,000, with sureties approved by the Secretary of the and tea per cenmlu added, and all moneys received by lim
Treasury for the faithful dischargo of his duties. (June 29, shall be depo.sited in the Treasury. (June 28, 1902, c. 1301,
1922, c. 251, § 1, 42 Stat. 715.) § 1, 32 Stat. 480.)
143. Appropriations for Library Building and Grounds.-All
151. Smithsonian Library.-The library collected by lie
Snmithsonhii Institution under the provisions of the Act of
appropriations made to the Architect of the Capitol on account
August 10, 18,i6, chapter 25, and removed from the building
of tile Library Building and Grounds shall be disbursed for
of that Institution, with time consent of the Regents thereof,
lhat purpose in the same manner as other appropriations under
to Ile Library 'of Congres, shall, while ther. deposited, be
is control. (,uTie 29, 1922, c. 2 51, § '1, 42 Stitt. 715.)
subject to the saie regulationi as t eLibrary (ifCongress,
144. Copies of Statutes at Large.-Ten of the copies of the except as hereiiafter provided. (1. S. § 49.)
Statutes at Large, published by Little, Brown & Co., which 152. Same; how (ept and sed.-MTie Siltlmsihahn Institu-
were deposited in the Library prior to February 5, 1859, tlon shall have time wue thereof in like iianner as before Its
shall be retained by the librarian for tie use of the justices removal. All the boks, maps, and charts of tie Shillhisonlani
of the Supreme Court, during the terms of court. (It. S. Library shall lie properly cared for and preserved Inlike main-
§ 00.) ner as are those of tie Congressional Library; from which lhe
145. Copies of Journals and docunients.-Two copies of the Smithsonian Library shall not be removed except oii reinburse-
Journals and Documents, and of each book printed I)y either imnit by the Smithsonilan Institution to the Treasury of the
House of Congress, bound as iprovided in section 116 of Title 44, United States of expenses incurred in binding and in taking
PUBIiC PAINTINO AND DocuMENTS, shall be deposited in tile care of the same, or upon siluie terms erd couditions as slill
Library, and inust not be takei therefroi. (It. S. § 97.) be mutually agreed upon by Congress an, time Regents of the
146. Deposit of Journals of Senate and House.--Twenty-five Institution. (It. S. § 100.)
copies of the public Journals of tile Senate, and of the House 153. Control of library of House of Represoniatives.-Tho
of Representatives, shall be deposited in the Library of the library of tbe hIoue of Representatives shall he under the
United States, at the seat of government, to be delivered to control and direction of the Librarian of Congress, who suill
Members of Congress iluring any session, and to all other provide all needfuil boks of reference ierefor. The librarian,
persons authorized by law to use the books in the Library, two assistant librarians, and assistant In the library, shall
upon their application to the librarian, and giving thelir respoll- be appointed by the Clerk of the IIouse, with the appioval of
sible receipts for the same, In like manner as for other books. the Speaker of the House of Representatives. No removals
(R. S. § 08.) slll be .made from the said pos'tions except for cause re-
ported to and approved by the Committee on Rules. (MAir.
1,17. Bound volumes from files of House of Representa-
3, 1901, c.830, § 1, 81 Stit. 061.)
tives.-The Clerk of the House of Representatives is autholrlzed
154. Library of Congress Trust Fund Board; members;
and directed to deliver to the Librarian of Congress all bound
quorum; seal; rules aund regulations.-A board Is hereby cre-
volumes of original papers, general petitions, printed matter,
ated and established, to be known as the Library of Congress
books, and manuscripts on June 6, 1900, in, or that may
Trust. Fund Board (hereinafter referred to as the board),
thereafter have come into or may rome into, the files of the
which shall consist of the Secretary of the Treasury, thme chair-
House, which in his judgment are not required to be retained
man of time Jolint Committee on the Library, the Librarian of
In the imnneialte custody of the file clerk; and it shall be the
Congress, and two persons aplointed by the President for a
duty of the Librarian of Congress to cause all such matter so
term of five years each (the first appointments being for three
delivered to him to be properly classified by Congress and
and five years, respectively). Three members of the board
arranged for preservation and ready reference. All of such
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, aind
matter to be held as a part of the files of the House of Repre-
the board shall have an official seal, which shall be judicially
sentatives, subject to its orders and rules. (June 0, 1000,
noticed. The board may adopt rules and regulations in regard
C. 701, § 1, 81 Stat. 042.)
to its procedure and the conduct of its business. (Mar, 3,
148. Transfer to Library of books from executive depart- 1025, c. 423, § 1, 43 Stat. 1107.)
nents.--The head of any executive department or bureau or any 155. Same; expenses.-No compensatlun shall be paid to the
qommission of the Government is authorized from time to members of the board for their services as such melmbers, but
time to turn over to the Librarian of Congress, for the they shall be reimbursed for the expenses necessarily incurred
use of the Library of Congress, any books, maps, or other by theml, out of the income from the fund or funds In connec-
material in the library of the department, bureau, or com- tion w!th which such expenses are incurred. The voucher of
mission no longer needed for Its use, and In the judgment of the chairman of the board shall be sufficient evidence that the
the Librarian of Congress appropriate to the uses of the expenses are properly allowable. Any expenses of the board,
Library of Congress. (Feb. 25, 1903, c. 755, 1 1, 82 Stat. 805.) including the cost of its seal, not properly chargeable to the

income of pny trust fund held by it, shall be estinated for in exempt from all Federal taxes. (Mar. 3, 1025, c. 423, § 5,
the annual estimates of the librarian for the maint-uanco of 43 Stat. 1108.)
the Library of Congress. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, § 1, 43 Stat. 162. Same; employees; compensation.-Employces of the Li-
1107.) brary of Congress who perform special functions for the per-
156. Same; gifts, etc., to.-The board is hereby authorized to formanco of which funds have been entrusted to the board or
accept, receive, hold, and administer such gifts or bequests of the librarian, or In connection with cooperative undertakings,
personal property for the benefit of, or in connection with, in which '.he Library of Congress is engaged, shall not be sub-
the Library, its collections, or its service, as may be approved ject to sectiou 70 of Title 5; nor shall any additional compensa-
by tile board and by the Joint Committee on tile Library. tion no paid to such employees be *construed as a double salary
(Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, § 1, 43 Stat. 1107.) under the provisions of section 03 of Title 5. (Mar. 3, 1925,
157. Same; trust funds; management of.-The moneys or c. 423, § 0, 43 Stat. 1108.)
securities composing the trust funds given or bequeathed to 163. Same; report to Congress.-The board shall submit to
the board shall be receipted for by the Secretary of the the Congress an annual report of the moneys or securities
Treasury, who shall invest, reinvest, or retain investments as reeived and held by it and of its operations. (Mar. 8, 1925,
the board may from time to time determine. The income as c. 423, § 7, 43 Stat. 1108.)
and when collected shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Chapter f.-CONGIRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS.
time United States, who shall enter it in a special account to the
credit of the Library of Congress and subject to disbursmnent 191. Oaths to witnesses.
by the librarian for the purposes in each case specified; and 192. iefusi of witness to testify.
the Treasurer of the United States is hereby altthorized to 193. Privilege of witnesses.
honor the requisitions ef the librarian made in such manner 194. Witnesses failing to testify.
105. Fees of witnesses In District of Columbia.
and in accordance with such regulations as tile Treasurer
may from tine, to tilie prescribe: Provided, however, That the Section 191. Oaths to witnesses.-The President of the Sen-
board is not engage in any business nor to exer- ate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, or a chair-
cise any voting privilege which may be incidental to securities man of a Committee of the Whole, or of any committee of
il its hands, nor shall the board make any investments that either House of Congress, Is empowered to administer oaths
could not lawfully be made by a trust company in the District to witnesses In any case under their examination. Any Mem-
of Columbia, except that it may make any investments directly ber of either House of Congress may administer oaths to wit-
authorized by the instruientC of gift, and may retain any nesses in any matter depending In either House of Congress of
investments accepted by it. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, § 1, 43 which he is a Member, or any committee thereof. (11. S. § 101;
Stat. 1107.) June 20, 1884, c. 123, 23 Stat. 60.)
158. Same; deposits with Treasurer of United States.- 192. Refusal of witness to testify.-Every person who having
Should any gift or bequest so provide, the board may deposit been summoned as a witness by the authority of either House
tile principal sum, In cash, with the Trevsurer of the United of Congress, to give testimony or to produce papers upon any
States as a permanent loar, to tile United States Treasury, matter under inquiry before either House, or any committee
and the Treasurer shall thereafter credit such deposit with of either House of Congress, willfully makes default, or who,
interest at the rate of 4 per centulm per annulm, payable semi- having appeared, refuses to answer any question pertinent to
annually, such interest, as income, being subject to disburse- the question under inquiry, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
nieet by tile Librarian of Congress for the purposes specified: demeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 nor
'rovldcd, however, That the total of such principal sums at less than $100, and imprisonment in a common jail for not less
any time so held by the Treasurer under this authorization than one month nor more than twelve months. (I. S, § 102.)
shall not exceed the sum of $5,000,000. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, 193. Privilege of witnesses.-No witness is privileged to re-
§ 1, 43 Stat. 1107.) fuse to testify to any flect, or to produce any paper, respecting
159. Same; perpetual succession; suits by or against.-The which he shall be examined by either House of Congress, or
board shall have perpetual succession, with all the usual powers by Lny commaictee of either House, upon the ground that his
and obligations of a trustee, except as herein limited, in re- testimony to such fact or his production of such paper may
spect of all property, moneys, or securities which shall be tend to disgrace him or otherwise render him infamous. (R.
conveyed, transferred, assigned, bequoatmed, delivered, or paid S, § 103.)
over to It for the purloses above specified. The board may be 194. Witnesses failing to testify.-Whenever a witness sum.
sued in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, which moned as mentioned in section 192 of this title fails to testify,
is hereby given jurisdiction of such iuits, for the purpose of and the facts are reported to either House, the President of
enforcing tile provisions of any trust accepted by it. (Mar. the Senate or the Speaker of the House, as the case may be,
3, 1925, c. 423, § 3, 43 Stat. 1108.) shall certify the fact under the seal of the Senate or House
160. Same; gifts, etc., to Library not affected.-Nothing In to the district attorney for the District of Columbia, whose
sections 154 to 163 of this title shall be construed as prohibit- duty it shall be to bring the matter before the grand jury for
lug or restricting the Librarian of Congress from accepting their action. (R. S. § 104.)
in the nate of the United States gifts or bequests of money 195. Fees of witnesses in District of Columbia.-Witnesses
for imnmediate disbursement in the interest of the Library, its residing In tile District of Columbia and not in the service of
collections, or its service. Such gifts or bequests, after accept- the government of said District or of tile United States, who
ance by the librarian, shall be paid by the donor or his rep- shall be summoned to give testimony before any c.nimittee of
resentative to the Treasurer of the United btates, whose re- the House of Representatives, shall not be allowed exceeding
celpts shall be their acquittance. The Treasurer of the United $2 for each day's attendance before said committe.,. (May 1,
States shall enter them im a special account to the credit of 1870, c. 88, 19 Star. 41.)
the Library of Congress and subject to disbursement by the
librarian for the purposes in each case specified. (Mar. 3, Chapter 7.-CONTESTED ELECTIONS.
1925, c. 423, § 4. 43 Stat. 1108.) Sec.
201. Notice of Intention to contest.
161. Same; gifts, etc., exempt from Federal taxes.--Gifts or 202. Time for answer.
bequests to or for the bene~It of the Library of Congress, in. 203. Timi fer taking testimony.
eluding those to the board, amd the Income therefrom, shall be 204. Notice of depositions; sorvic,

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